P O E T’s C O R N E XX. ^ 2 R. fi To M N I F e'er I quit the finale lire, Be this the msdel of my wife. A Beauty—without art—complete-^ ^Vliofrom he; toilet finiply itcat j The golden tiffue c.in dLfpife, And wears no brilliants—but her eyei. Soft-blended, in her eyes (huuld meet Defiling love and fparkling wii { And, in her dimpled fmiles be fecn, A modeft, with a cheerful mein. As piufe. find in mufic place, Her fpeech let proper filence grace. Her cunverfation ever free From cenfure, as from levity, And undilTcmbled innocence. Not apt to give, or take offence ; Nor fond of compliments, nor rude} Not a Coquette, nor yet a Piude, Ave:fe to wanton ferenadcs. Nor pleat'd with midnight malqueradet | The virtues which her f.x adorn. By honor guarded-not by fcorn. Not fuperfiitiout, nor profane ] But, in religion, greatly plain. Tofuch a Virgin—fuch a Wife, I'd give my love—Td give my life. ih W’r iting Paper ^ FOR SALE By the Printers hereof. !■ OF VARIOUS KINDS, For fale by the printers hereof. A N E C D O T E. O NE evening vihilc the Count d’Artois and the Due de Char tres were playing very deep with Gen. Smith at Paris, a petition was brought up from the widow of a F'rench offi cer, Rating her various misfortunes, and praying their relief. A plate was handed round, and each put in one, two, or three Louis d’Ors a piece : but when it was held to Gen. Smith, who was juft going to throw for'*a ftake of five hundred Louis d’Ors, he faid, ftop a moment, if you plcafe, fir; here goes for the widow 1 He threw, was iuccefdful, and inftantly fwept the ^whole into the plate, and fent it down to her. The above anecdote is a fa6f, and therefore deferves to be recorded, in honour to the benevolent gamefter. UN AW A Y ' from Mount IMcafant eftate, on the Noi th-Weft, a Ne- gto fellow named TONY, late tlie property of Mifs Cobham, well known in and about Wilmington, as he was one of the fiddlers to the afl'ern- blics. He is tall, well made, and thin viflaged, between black and yellow. He took away a fiddle, fomc carpen ters tools, &c. ’ He has a wife at Mr. Frederic Jones’s, on the Sound, named Belly, (his cook) who harboured him w hen he left his mafter before. He, and feme others, it is fufpedied, intend trying to get to the Ealtern ftates, ima* gining they will be free. I heir in tended rout is by the back part of this Rate and Virginia, to Pcnnlylvania j they propolcd taking their wives. Tony’s wife would not go with him. A reward of TEN POUNDS will be given to any perfon who will feenre him in any of the gaols of this or any neighbouring ftate ; and any mode rate expcnce to deliver him to Mr. Sheriff Wright, or by giving informa tion by letter to GOODIN ELLETSON, At Mount PIcafant, on North-Weft of Cape Feat. Bladen, May 17, 1788. 12— State of North-Carohna. Hilljborough diJlriSt, In the court of equity, in April term, 1788. In the fuit tbei e depending, v)herein John Wilcox is complainant, and Archibald Maclaine and Morris, defendants. I T is ordered, that James Morris, the heir, and the executors of Jo- Icph and George Anthony Motris, put in their anfwer to the complainant’s bill, on or before the firft day of the " enfuing term, (which will be on the firft day of Odfober next) and that on the defendant’s, or either of them, failing in obedience to this order, the complainant’s bill to be taken procon- feffo againgft the perfons fo failing, unlefs caufc (hewn, &c. A commif- fion to ifluc to Philadelphia to take the anfwer. Publifhcd by order of the court, W. WATTERS, Clerk and Mafter in the aforclkid blanks. Court and Diftri6f. 13—18 'T^HE Concern formerly car/ud on 11 If'ilmitifUntyih'fi'di'rr.niigtHf./i u-i in U.-frjl of]Mua.f htjf NO I H’E, iLo t/ure, ii Lert!'y /» aUptr. J'jtn whd ftanil iiMlcil tn ihn on 'fen aectuni, t in neditieiy and jetllelLeJ.ime ly Note or odeinvije ; And alljinh as h ve grtn-td Bonetsot Nolci NOW dve, unlefs felll d and fa'.,! un or before the •Loth of]ur.e injtant, may dfitui on tbej’ame beiigful into tie bandi of an Attorney. The remaining flock of DRY GOODS en hnn'i by the jubfr btr,% niUfU at or r.ter tie frime eoJI,for i jfh jrproduce* PETER MAXWELL. PVho alfo •will fell on reafonable terms, one tmdlx'idej hdif of all the Lands* Jfoufetf Stills s Uienjils* and Itn- provemtnfs ieUngittg fa the late Dijli lery mar IVi mivgton* the eon* venieney of nvhicb for wood^ water, Gff. with the piarket fr «»- fumpthnefRum, iswell kntrivn to he ibc frf in she United ctatet, H^simingtiny ]unt fj%%, *5- *r WANTED, By the Commiflioners of the Naviga tion, one hundred thoufand BRICKS. Apply'*to WILLIAM NUTT, Clerk. Wilmington, June 11, 1788. The ADMINISTRATORS of Robert Schaev, Efq. DECEASED, R equest all perfons i^julebted to the foid Robert Schaw, Alexan der Duncan, deccaled, Duhean, An- crum, and Schaw, and AnVium and Schaw, to fettle and make payment, or renew their obligations with Mr. JOHN BRADLEY, who is fully em powered for that pui pofe : And ihofe who have any demands, arc,defired to make them known, that they may be fettled and paid. fViimirgtcn, 71/ay 21,1788. i2— iiPJ ; ^ New Publications. Jufl received from' NE W-YORK, and for fate by the Printers hereof'-, T he genuine information, delivered to the legiflature of the ftate of Maryland, relative to the proceedings of the general convention, lately held at Philadelphia; by LUTHER MAR TIN, Efquire, Attorney-General of Maryland, and one of the delegates in the faid convention ; together with a letter to tlie hon THOMAS C. DYE, Speaker of the houfe of Delegates, an Addrefs to the Citizens of the United States, and fome Remarks relative to a Standing Army, and a B*U of Rights. [Price Six Shillings."I • • ALSO, OBSERVATIONS on the New Conftitution, And on the FEDERAL and STATE CONVENTIONS. By a COLUMBIAN PATRIOT. [Price Two Shillings.] A L S O^ AN’ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK i Shewing the Necelfity of AMIjwD- MENTS to the CONSTITUTION, propofed for the UNITED STAGES, previous to its ADOP FION. I oBya PLEBEIAN. [Price Two Shillings.] WILMINGTON: (North-Carolina) Printed and Publilhed by BOWEN and HOWARD, at their Printing-Office, oppofite the Naval-Office ; where Subferiptions for this Paper (at FORTY SHILLINGS pe ^nnurn) Eflays and Articles of Intelligence will be gratefully received.—Advertifements inferted on reafonable Termsr