(VOL, I.) Wilmin AND GEN E R AL ADVERTISER. ’ ’ W E D N E S D A Y, June 25, 1788. MISCELLANY. ‘•fr •lb:fo‘!o*o'ing fpucb ispid tt haw been taken dtwn at $tu ef the ireattft/peaking or difputing dubs in London. As theft are places v/btre all perfons have admittance at a very moderate expenct^ it is not to be wondered if there i, great divtrjity in the ebaraders and manners of the fptaktrs. Queftion. I F happinefs be in our power, in what ftatc of life IS it niort eafily acquired > Mr. Prtfident—/r/vrr is that there thing called bappinefs, to be fund that's the queftion, or at Icaft the meaning of It. Where 1—You don’t know -—No -How fhould you, till you’re told it ? Lci me alone and I’ll refolve you Why, fii, c-u,ry-wltre.^—dyhere is that there thing called happine/s to be fund /'—that s the qucflion. You don’t know.—.^No to be' fur*—liowlhould you ? L« me alone and I’ll refolve you. Why, fir, no where. Every where and no where ! Very ftrange you’ll be apt to fay. But fo it is, fir.—No where and every where j every where and no where; that’s my opinion. Now, fir, this in my mind is plain enough of itfclf; but for the fatisfadion of the gentlemen prefent, 111 go about to prove it to you ; and in order for to do fo, Mr. Picfident, 1II afk you two or three quef- tions. ^ Do you know who I am that’s fpeaking here ? No you don’t. How fnould you ? Let me alone and I’ll refolve you. I ar.t a man that is my own mafter, and wor:h a good round fum ; I won’t fay how much; that’s not the queAion, I an’t before a court. Weil ! and what was I before, in old times, when you wercafnivelUng boy going tofcliool, Mr. Prefidcnt, what was I then pray f You don’t know. No to be fure- how fhould you ? Let me alone I fay, and I’ll refolve you. Why I was a fjrvant, not worth a Ihilling—not worth a groat. No- I lie there ; I was worth ten pounds and a few Ihillings in the wont of times. But let that pafs. I an'c before a court. So enough faid. Well, Mr. Prefident, now come to the queftion. fyhere it that there thing called bappinejs? is It in a Angle life, or a mar- /led me } Is it in^a high ftaiion, or a low ftation ? Is it in r*^Knrfs_or in h^^h ? In riches or in poverty .> Is it in bhek- a ftrev. sr in loIHnr at cafe in a fine gilt coach ? No fir, it is n’t; where is it then, where is it then . You don t know. No, how fhould you ? Let me alone and I’ll refolve you. Why, lir, it’s in all thefe, and in none ol ihcfc. It may be with ’em—it may be wiih wlihoet ’e n. It has nothing at all to do with ’em. H^ppinefs i« her.', here, fir, (laying his hand on his breaft) in a contented mind and a rood confcience-..that’s my notion. * Why fir, what did I fay .'—What did^ay ? Why. J faid Mr. PrefiJent, that 1 was a fcrvantontqf^j||||^^j|j|^^Qygfi_l 1 was ; I am not alham’d to own i my tn ifter’s cloaths, comb’d his. what then ? Why, I was h then I came to have fervants comb’d my wigs, and bruftl Well! I’m happy npw,.Tera I was a finale nij^ r I was happy—yei^ happy. L wa.s happy thett^j^liappy that i Weill aftei(.fi»m3^rs Ihe died’ a Angle man'lijpdim 4 Well '■ exceeding h^y, hai Well! ai^pft tfiih was happy haj It one’s le gripes' • formerh lat when I Jiad not iSyorld., Well! I S .much— .’ No of- is always ex- ly notion. - >y* «- things withil^ , dead but oifiis and he died t’other*^- enough faid, lef happy now, very h above ten pounds was happy then, hut I believe I couldhay:. fence 1 hape—the prefeilt ompany, cepted. But I think I couM^ think Well ! what then ? Why, I’m happy „ cceding happy, never happier in my life. There’s the thing. I had it here^ Mr." hand on his breaft)—I was contented w; never wifh’d for what I hadn’t. When an_ came to me—your humble fenrant, faid ? m w« thankful, d’ye fee, when I got out of fervice, .when j flicp^-andfo recovered my liberty; thankful d’ye fee, wMRmy ^ite vvent the way of all flelh, and I recovered my liberty a fe- cond lime—was my own man again But never pined, never grieved; always contented, that’s my notion. Never owed noinanafhilling; paid every man his own; lived upon what i had, little ©r much, all’s one for that. There’s happinefs tor you, every where and no where, as I faid atfirft; in no par ticular ftation, and yet in every ftation ; becaufe it is in a man’s own mind, and follows him every where. What is he that gave you this here queftion i fyherc it that there thing called happinefs^ to be found ? Yo don’t know where he is—How fhould you ? Let me alone and I’ll —- —iiiw «laU A ft raoive you. Why, the man that gave you that there queftion ^noMtterwhat he is—I was going to call him fool—and fi • * P^aufe he is ore—and a d—d fool too. But may be he 8 prefent, therefote i won’t do no fuch thing—fo let that pafs. 1 hive no mind to affront no body ; but Ict^eyery body do . . ' ife as 1 do, and they’ll do right ; let 'em be peaceful quiet, and contented and happy in their own minds, and they 11 t.ever go to afk fuch ioolifh queftion* ; they 11 find it within ; that's my notion.——Some porter—bring foaie porter here—And fo here s your health,.Mr. Prefidcnt, and let the nrxt fiieaktr better what I’ve faid, if he can. □ were equally honeft» and fhould you favour this blunt addrefs, by making choice of me, 1 can add, for your coiufort, that you wili be {he firft woman up n record, from the ci cation to the prefent hour, who ever loved a man for teliing her the truth. 1 am , madam, Your’s, &e. Choice of a HUSBAND, by a Gen tlewoman of Prudence. T O m«t with a manperfe£Hy agreeable (ihough the per- fon IS lead to bcre5.jrdid; may be a a-ik of f’uniedifiicul- ly, to a nice and difoe nmg woman, riis qualifications muft be great to recommend him : But 1 fhall c^cr fome particulars, which, if obferyed, may contribute to a eood choice, and are worthy cfelcOion, though fcldu n to be met with in one per- fon. Firft; it is neccfT.ry that he be a man of virtue and mo rality, having a large fhare of natural feof. and acquired know ledge, proceeding from a liberal etiucati.-n ; tliat he be well read, and a man of convcrfatiun.fo as to have a general know ledge of men and things ; to be pretty much, if not entirely, mafter of Ins pafTions, but not without courat^c, though with f Jcreticn to ufc ; naturally good humeureo and loving, but not jealous, nor meanly fubniilfive ; one not a perfea ftranecr to vice, but has feen enough ot it as to h; ve a right notion of the folly and fatal tendency of it; he may be moderately addided to all decent pleafures. and manly diverfions ; love his friend and bottle a little, but fo as nor to draw off his affedion from his wile ; to be a man of M anners (though by r.o means foppifh) enough to oblige and civilly treat perfons ol all tempers i not to be t.'O i^otufe, but have condud enough net to live beyond his circumftances, and application enni gh to his own bufinefs. to keep the world from impoliog upon him. A Love Letter from an officer In the army, to a Widow whom he had to a never feen. T hough I never, mad.sTTi, had the hapninefs to fee you, no, not fb much asi pidlurc, and confequently ©an no more tell what complexion you are of than one who fiy^-sm the re: Motert part of China lam, neverthelcfs, paffionatcly IB love with you ; and this afftdion has taken deep root in my heart, th.it, on riy confcicnct;! I could die a nur- 7*^"•“ch eh crlulnefs as thoufands have done lor their religion, who were as ignorant of the truth for which they died, as 1 am of youi lad; fhip. 1 his declaration, madam, may perhaps furp-ife you ; but you will ccafe to wonder w hat it was tfiat not only gave birth to mypaflion, but has cfFetlually confirmed it. L.sft week li..ving occafMn to ride into Surry, ab ut fame particular bufinefs, ^ noticed not far from the road, a mob magn.ficent fear. My cunofity was inltant-meoufly raifed to know the owner of fo ^utiful a pile ; and being informed It belonged to your lady- ^ moment to have a ftrangp inclination for you. u ^ further informed, that 20co acres of the belt ground in England appertained to this noble fabric, to gether with a fine park delightful gardens, variety of fiih ponds, and other delirable conveniencies, 1 then fell up to the ears in if''®*. toenlift myftlf among the number of your humble fervants and fincere admirers. “ fhe owner of fo many fine things,” faid I to myfclf, muft needs be the fineft woman in the world. What though me inay be old, her trees arc gresn ! vi hat though fhe may nave loft the lillies and rofes in her cheeks, fhe has enough left in her garden ! W hat though file fhould be barren, her fields arc fufTicientlyfruitful.” With thefe thoughts in my head, I alighted from my horfe, and at once became fb enamoured with your ladyfhip, that I told my paffion t© every tree in your park ; and, by the bye, they are the tailed^ draiced| loveliefti and fineft ihaped trees 1 ever beheld in my life. 1 now appeal to your ladyfhip, whether any lover was influ • enced by mere folid motives, than your devoted humble fervant. 1 hofe who are wholly eaptivated by beauty, will infallibly find paflion decay with the tranlitory charms which firft attracted their regard ; and th©fe who preteod to admire a wo man merdy for the qualities of her mind, muft confider her foul as abftraned from her body , but he who loves not a wo- man in the flefh as well as in thefpirit, is only fit, in my opi- nion, to make love to a fpedre; whereas my paflion, the fin- centy of which you cannot poffibly'doubt, is built on the fame foundation with your heufe, grows with your trees, and will daily increafe with your eftate. For any thing I know to the contrary, you may be the hand- fbmeft woman in the kingdom, but whnher you are fo or not IS,net material, while you have fortune enough to fix my afTe^i- ^ * foldier by profeffien, ani as 1 have fought for pay, by heaven’s blefling, 1 mean to love for tueney ! All your other fuitors will /peak tbe fame language, if they R. T. ^ RESOLVES of CONGRESS. j BytheUNITE D S 7^A T E S inCO N C R E S S alTem^^ bUd,'-May%^i-%Z. O N a report of the board of tfeafury, to whom was re« ferred a motion of Mr. Cairington ; Kefolved, That Congrefs proceed to thselcflion of two com^* mifliuncrs for fettling the accounts of the five great depart:nents, to continue in office one year. Ordered, That the commiffioners of accounts for the qoar- ter-irafter’s, commiffi-ry’s, hofpital, marine, and cloathing de partments, wi'h the approbation of the board cf treafury, com mence fuits in behalf of the United States, againft all perfons in any of the faid departments, who ftand chargeable wi th public monies, computed from the prs'ent date ; and that this order be publiilicd intthe fcvcral ftatea for the period above-menti oned. Refolved, That thefaid commiilioncrs be dire^fed to continue tneir unicn:itted attention to the final ac’jjftrnent ol all acci.unts which have anfen in ti'.e faid drpartments, and to the recovery of all fums for which luitj may be coir.:Tiei''cnd ; and that at the termination of rher commiffion, they depofit with the r gihei of the t.'-eifur/, ail the bocks and papers of their rtfpetTive i fr.ces, together with a genera! abftraftof thefums due Irc xi indiv.du- als, in order tliac Immediate meafurcs may be aaepted lor the recovery of the fame. CH.\RLliS THOMFiON, Secretary. UNITED STATES in CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, MAY 22j 1788. T H E committee, confifting of Mr. Dane, Mr. Willla^ fon, Mr. Irvine, ivlr. Hamilton, tnd Mr. Brown, to whom was referred a motion of Mr. Dane, relative to public and unfettlcd accounts, having reported. That, on carefully examining the fubjef: re.erred to them, they find, that during the late war, and efpecially in the early periods of it, many millions of dollars were advanced by the United States to fundry perfons, of the expenditures whereof proper accounts have not been rendered ; and though the per fons who have been entruft-d with public monies have been frequently called upon to fettle their accounts, by the affs and officers of Congrefs, yet in many cafes they have not produced or exhibited to the proper officers, any documents or vf-uchers on which regular fettlements can be made. That feveral ac counts of very confiderable extent have been taken up, and fo far paired on, that balances appear to be ftated generally, and in fume cafes payments made, though it does not app.ar thac the proper ftatements were made of the articles which compofed thofe accounts, or that the regular vouchers were produced to fupport the charges in them. .Accounts thus irnpcrfeftly ftated and unfopponed, the committee conceive are juHly liable to fe- vilicn, and particularly fo, as it does not appear that tlie parties have at any time coniidered them as finally fettled. That irom • general view ot this fubjeft, the committee are induced to think and believe, that the United Sra es have already fuffered very great inconvcnicncies, by inexcufable negligence and uBau- thorifed delays, in perfons entrufted w.th public monies, in not rendering and fctliing their accounts , and that it is become highly expedient that dccifive meafurcs be fpeedily adopted for doling all the unfettled accounts ot t.he late war ; and thcre:ors the committee are of opinion, that the Board of Treafury be di- refted to caufe fuits to be com.uienced in belialf of the United States, aganft all perfors who ftand charged with public mo nies or other property ; and that they caufe the fame to be com menced within three months from this date, againft all thofe perfons who havf been already fpecially required to fettle their accounts by the proper offic’rs, and who (hall not within that time adopt and purfoe meafores eftedual, in the opinion of the faid board, ter fettling the fame ; and within five months from this date, againft all other perfons fo charged, and v. ho lhall not within that time adopt and purfue like meafuies: and, th.it when any material queftions lhall arife concerning any doubt ful or partial fettlements of accounts which may have been made, or concerning the operation cf any particular fuits, the faid board be direded roftate to congrefs,particularly, the. circQgbt ^ncesof the cafe, with their opinion thereon. ■ Refolved, That Congrefs agree to

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