Pf 'ICC Current, Wilmington, • from 70 to Sof. I’orlC p;r bll. of 32olb. !U. j -q Fallow per lb. I4d. to i6d. Beef pci bll. , 80 to gof. Corn per bufliel - 7 to 8f. Otter Skins - - 14 to jof. Raccoon do. . ifGd to af. Brown Sugar - 120 to i4of. Ordinary j.'er loolb 100 to izof L umber, connft- inj 01 fcantling, "J & remainder boards of/ inch & z incites lliper- { ficiai meafiire. J Red Oak Hhd. (Uves i oof. White Oak do. 150 to i6of. R. O. bll, do. 4* to 5'of. | Loaf fugar per lb, W. O. do. 80 to gof. 18 inch ihingles, 15 to iSf. az do. do. zof. to zzF Tar per bll. -- izfbd. Tarpentine per bll. of ? 13 t ^.lolb. grofs, - 2*5*^- Pitch per bll. - 18 to zof. Tobacco per 100 lb. 56 to 6of. Rice, per do. - 38 to 4of. Black-cy*d peas per "J 8 to bulh?! - J 9f. Bees’-Wax per lb. 3f. to 3f6d. Decr-Skins in liair 1 trim’d, per lb. J Untrim’d, Butter per lb. zf. if8d. if.4d. ^ togf. Rum Wed-In. 7fgd. to 8f. 3 N. Eng. — 6 to 6f6d MolaBes per gal.3f6d. to 3f8d. to Cliocolate pjr lb. - z t* ai'4d. I'■on perron - - ^'65 Phihid. Flourpbr bll. of igGib. (90 to loof. Steel per lb. . iSct. Iron Hollow ware per ton ^03 Fine fait per bufhcl - 4f. Do. by Retail _ Gf. Coarfe fait p;r bulhel - ^f. Coti'cc per lo. zf4d. to zfSd. Bj'.ea tea - 6 to yf. C.'rjjii do. - - 20 to 24f. N. England Cheefe lod to 16J Advertifements, of 710 greater length than breadth, are iufef'ted in this paper the firjl ^ijccek Jor Eight Shillings, and for each continuance Four fliillings. ^Thofe of a greater length in proportion. T he inhahitanrs of Wilmington, and di[lri6ls Middle and Head of the Sound, arc defired to"call on Mr. Isaac Bernard, who is empowered by me to receive their refpeffive taxes, on or before the FIRST D.-W of JULY next, as no further indulgence can be given. JOHN ERWIN. Wilmington, June 25. 17 \ „ TO iE RENTED, ’The '^i? OUSE where the late Mrs. LYON relklcd. Inquire ufn . I fefA. MACLAINE. .“.June 25. For S The burthi tted 'fc or terimpppiy to JAMK STEPHENS, wright. 17— Wilmington, Jai^ 2^ For NEW-LONDON and The SCHOONER SUCCESS, ABNER LOVELL.Mafter, Will fail in FIFTEEN DAYS.— For Freight or Pafiage, apply to the Captain on board, or PHILIP SPAULDING, I At Capt. Callender’s. June 18, 1788, w To the PUBLIC. HEREAS Mr. John Ashe in the year 7, configned to the late Arthur Harper, of Wil mington, a parcel of Negroes for fale. Hearing of their arrival, I wrote to Mr, Donald Bain, requefting him to choole from among them a boy for me ; and in the fame letter mention ed, that thaMetter (bould bind msito*" any terms he Ikould agree on. Pur- fuant to my requelf, Mr. Bain made choice of a boy for me, at the price of ninety pounds, to be paid in turpentine or currency at diifcrent times ; that is to fay, forty-five pounds to be paid in three months, and the remainder in two or three months af ter. And befides my letter, Mr. Bain, as he has lately informed me, left his own note as fecurity for the payments. The’firlf payment was pun6lually made to Mr. Arthur Harper, by Mr. James Walker, at my requefl, in turpentine, the receipt for which I now have. And before the fecond payment became due, having advanced for Mr. Alhe, to vdiom the negro had belonged, in calli, to more than that amount, I informed Mr. Ar thur Harper, that I fhould adjuft the balance with Mr. Afhe, to which he acquiefeed. Upon the death of Mr. Arthur Harper, which happened foon after, Mr. James Harper, as his rdmi- nidrator, became poffeikd of M: .Bain’s note, aifd requeued payment of Mr. iiain, and though he has been repeat edly infoirned by Mr. Bain and myfclf of all the abov's circumdnnccs, and that A'lr. Bam had tia,ila."!tt'd the mat* , ter only for me, he evades under one pietcncc or another, the giving up faid note, which raiics a luijneion, that he has transfer!ed it, or means fo to do, or othervvife to ufe it to Mr. Bain’s pre judice J to prevent which, I have 01 ^ht it necelfary to (lase the affair at large, and to declare that the note has been jultly and bona fide dil- chargtd. SAMUEL^ASHE,fl 31111025,1788. 17 ^^"0 M E evil mnided peifons ^ kJ having thought fit to^^take up letters directed to me, coming by the way of New-Yoik and Chariclton, three different times, 1 muff hereby forewarn them of the danger attend ing fuch proceedings, as 1 am deter mined tofpare no trouble in detecting them, and, when deteilcd, to take that Iatisfa£Iion which the nature of the cafe requires. SEVERIN ERICHSON. Wilmington, June 18. j6—17 RUN-AWAY, OR KIDNAPED, F rom thefubjcriler, on the i-yth injiar.t^ a mulatto fcllciu named CUxiRLES. loho is jonvcll knerjon. in, and about VV Ilmingrcn, that his ferhn requires nopartkular djetittkn. ‘Ihe jubjcribtr has great reason to bdkn.e tbat^CIT^RLES has rot cn 0/Capt. Stewart’s bound to Jamaica, in -adich\vent fajjenger, af/lr. Barnes, merchant, vjbo .(.as i.S cd in this tenvn furjome conftatrabk time f aft.—paftr that ivid gh-e fuch in. formation as vjill enable me to projecut: tic captain or kis fccurities to effectjJljOil receive a reward ^'1 WJiN’l t POUNDS. fames Geekie, June 16,178S, ^ ! and country, would undertake to clear the chiunei, if thofe gentiemeii vvlio may be iiitereded, and thofe who be difpofed to contribute to the fcciii • ty of the navigLuion of this river, vvemid give him fuitahle encouragement and loppo»'t. it IS impoffible to calculate the ne- ceiia:y exprnce of fuch Rework, with any .ipg've of prec.hoii at this time: but cli icciivii^g i 1' JMii.iiMn, that the defign '.'.111 tiC iu,'ported by liberal cciitimuttons, the laoicricer will i;n-j mediately procuie every in’ormatic:! refpeCting the conffrutlton of the ma chines, and the piobable cjcpce .ees. Machines lor clearing channels to the Northward are conffruffed differ ently, according to the natars andcir- cumffances of the diftetent channels to be cleared. The iubferiber, there fore will be at tne pains cf obtaining fuch infoimation as may be requikte to form a machine fuitably adapted to the circumilanees of the channel here to be cleared, with the greateft facili ty and leaft expence. A. Maclaine and John Hulke, Ef- quires. Col. Read, Meffrs. William Campbell, Henry Toonier, and George Hooper of Wilmington, Colonels Brown and Owen of Bladen, Doftor Ingrum and William B. Grove, Efq. of Fayette ville, will receive fubferip-j tions 5 and if they fiiall be of opinion, that the defign will meet with fuitablc encouragement, they will give thefub- feriber notice thereof, who will imme diately on fuch notice enter on the bufinefs. A. JOCELIM. Wilmington, Jane 15, 1788. ifi—1§

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