(\'0L. I.) “AND GENERA "V - % ADVERTISER W E D N E S D AY. July 2, 1788. MISCELLANY. Fyt» n,ws i H|ASSACHUSETTS SPY. f Mr. , —jj ^ j c’ ' .S’ uui.iy i itdaud Napr. countyy Kentucky^ Januaiy ii, i7Se. H E foil of Kentucky, like all 5^ - . 7- ju ^ ^ cmi '♦r—>5 It i \ other countries, is various j but what we here dlllinguilh by the terms firrt and fcccnd rate lands, arc from one to feven feet deep, of a chocolate, and in foiwt places of a deep Mulatto etdour, exempted from (limes, g'avcl, or land on the furtace; - ’ ' ' ' -fij where th^fj are the qualities it pretty .K t;er,crai!y 11« - on a fiat liintllonc quarry, from three to f'x fee* bdi w t!i JoiJ^ Lands cf an inJerior quili’’)', cf which (nct\vit!irtapding4^ accour.is giv.n of this country; there are J ige quantities, pretty generally refembie thufe ol Penr.fy Ivar ia and Nevv-Jerfey, but are not fo ftony. “ It is clil.tiy .1 well, but heavy tinib.red country ; the chief of Nvhicl'.ar?, hla'.k wa'nut, Iciufl, wild oherry, various kinds of afli, r'.i.lherry, • utter nut, hickory, beach, white wood, oaks, and fugjr trees in .'•.funriar ce. Lands ot li e firil ^nc! fecond qu-ality, and at prefent we do net l;vprove any ether, are very little tr. ubkd with underbrufh ; wl;:t trero:., is chitfiy fpice w&od, and what the Indians caii j-jirrv;. '.1,0 produce is Indian corn, wheat, rye, fpelt, rice, bar ley. tct.iocc, i.cmp, dax, cotton, inoigo, and vines of every kind. 'j I r r) r- c firrt artlgleiof grain .trr raifed in fuch.al>ur.dancc " '• ^'c iriyjBMrcOotiTin. ^ - Ct. tui-u'rcd ..nc! ffven hulhelsgof Ihcllcd corn have a^Ioally been Y.itlicToc! in cneftafoolrom an acre, plat red in the ufu.il way, and ploughed and hoed only twice HcvvcVer, the mere gci CTO crop !s irom tilry to eighty btilhels the acre. 1 do net lecolleCI to havi. he^rd of any perfon being fo curi- cus a:c: r..,nir.g the prcduce of an acre of wheat, but a gen- tlcn.an ailurcd n.e, that from two brflidsof rye which he fewed la^'pear, heio.ipccl eighty eight bulhtls and an half : and the foil after a ytai 01 two’s cultivation, Is equally favourable to W1' t3t• Q 'vVe are yet a part «f th? government of Virgir.ia, but have after m.ir7 cord.uirations cn, and ir.veltiga^rs cf the fubjeft, withthefr- cconfcntof the parent (date,|i||ded in favor of a lepr.rat.on, whicli is to take place (pruvilim|^refs accced to tiie nieafurc) on the firrt of jai.aar It is uncertain w lut conlticuri •empofed cf politicians from evi rally prejudiced in favour of t it is mort prvSalde we ruail that of Virginia, .and fci the Codec;' laws vvill be adept and th: cl.cipne&of their ad any extant, . ^ At prtfeiK the prefiDftd ftd tended to among BS,^d v.'iir he; e accord^ to its pie in the, men of iq^igeoce^^ 1 have in favour ;bf.k. Virgiriia^lPeprotiiw the ei Landed imopeity C#mfot be He And every man ieat full l>.i.^ w„- ^ « cetdieg to the 4i^tes of hi* ownijpdiifcience. _ Perhaps ro co^try fo yeunjg and dirtaata. was ever fo well every deno- ipalians, one iptifi minif- cr. ; we have wed ; eight it.——The jonfiftlng of s, in this S^one edi- fituation is iitibjcA, feem eurrercy.—. ment of debts, lighty God ac- furnilhed witli picus and minaticn, as Kertucky,- Roman Catholic priert,fe ^_. lers i the latter are much the in^ . V* e are not lefs happy on tlie fuhj,.... a charter for a college, which will fc70(| Thnufand acres ol the firfl quality arc al country abounds In Latin fchools, one ntar tlurty fcnflars, w;ll we cxpeil open in a place j for the acc«>mniodation of which we ficc trec'od, forty ket hy twenty-feu ..luancii is ■calthiu , and in a rich thickly fettled country, the inhabitants • lien are much devoted to the inrtitution, we have very cx- ^I'tc cxpcf’arlons 01 its future ufc ulnefs. I lie Kentucky country, which In the lndi;m language imports fwi y, w.as eftabiirtied into .t feparate dillriirt in the year 178/ ; 11 no.v contains iWen counties, the names of which .me Jcffei- 1^.11,^r. yct.f, Lincoln, N.hon, Maddifon, Mebcer, Pourlxin : cj. tne grc.st ixtcnr c'our fettlca.cnts, being upwards of-two *un„rtd miles in length, and as much in breadth, and the al- daily arriv.ds by land ard water, make it next to impofTi- • c to give you w >ih any degree of cerainty tlu- number of our Jinaoitants; the lov'jfl c.alculations make them fifty thoiffand ^ti s, and others douhl-; that number. Moft cf the favai'c iflribcs ccntiguous are ftiil hoililc to this country, the exterior parts of ' ich arc fometin.es vilited by them, but the chief injury dons , ealing hotics i infl.snces it is true, fninctlmes oc- 9i Ofttiucrs committed by thefc vagi ants, but as the cean- try Is fo populous, and its fettlemcnts fo extenfiva, the interior parts, which for a long time haYe enjoyed little or o* fafety, take but little or no notice of t'leni- “ Though I referred yon to Mr. FidLn for a dcfcriptlon of the climatv of Kentucky, 1 find it fo v.ry lK'alth.‘‘ul, and a: t'.e fame time fo very moderate, co.^iparcH with any thing experienced in the northern rtates, that I cannot do jurtice to niy feelings with- oaf^ouching on the fubjed. 1 he falii of Ohio, which ai«*ahout ihejnean climate of the diftrlft, are 'ituated -n 3 >, 30, of lari tute\; but the country is much mar:* fer ne and temptrate than we could fuppofc from its fituatlon, owing e'- Ufly perhaps to its great remove fro n the n .rth. rn laites. Our coldeft weather is generally at the ietting in of the winter, and feldom continues naorc than fsvsir or eight weeks. The la: ds on the nerth-weft of^-hc Ohio are excellent in fpets, but in general far inferior to Kentucky, though better watered We are happy to licar t lat the Ohio company have fuccceded m their application to Conciefs ; and devoutly with to fee the fettlcment af that country take pl-,c •, net only as il will be a barrier to this, but are perfu.i 'td that tho(e adventur ers who may not obtain an advantagccu. lot, will feek their for tune on this lide of the river. I take it for granted, that you have heard much fald of the lilinuls and Port St. V’^incent countries, which tliough far fupc- liortot'.ic nor them dates, arc hy no means to be compaad with Kentucky, eiihtr on acenun. 0.' (oil, ty or policy. i he inhabitants >rc but Ic-.v, and pe.-pctuaJly expofed to the infulrs and robberies 01 the 'avagt-s. 1 hs French, to who the -ndians arc much dew'ted, ard a few Americans, who irom liaving ellablilhed a kind of domi- ri'n over them j e.ihcr hy ci-niinerce or inttrma-riages, poilc-fs bar' ly a tolcra:rle (hare nt f ci'i itv \ but it is truly a very p'cea rious Cl cj the c;nftqucncc i», that fomeof thr b ft Americant are moving their families to ihi., c imtry. v\ hat lavourable alt.Taticns the r Vabiiftiment cf a federal »o- vcrninen: may introduce rn that fid. cf the Ohio, is yet uncer tain ; at pr-fent th- people have r . ertahhili.d fyrtem of laws or ' mode of trial, unlets i: h. a kind of nhlitary one, far from be nv agrttabletn a free bom Apitricy. 'A C have many tnirgs in Ker.tuc'.-.f enrItKd to the epithet of curiofitics, among which the many fa;: luring, may be iaft'y Salt at prefent is made at about five places, bur the ccun r/ abounds m fprings or licks, where i: can be procured with equal V AlVa It fells from fix to twelve fiiilllngs a bu.Ticl, but will In a fu ture day hi. much lower. The fortifications fo frequently met with in this country, a-e the admiration of every tr ivelicr 1 h.y a c moftly of a cir cular figure on well chof.n ground, and contiguous to water ; near each cf thefe is found a mount of earth, thrown up in form of a cone, and is generally proportionate to its adjacent fortification. When or by whom thefe were made is equally uncertain.— They appear to be very old. 'I he limber growing on the walls w thin the forts and ditches, has the appearance cf that tlfe- where. 1 hey muft have been the efforts cf a very rumeraos, indof. trious and warlike people, and could not have been corrftruifed without the ufe of iron.—On frarching, the mounts are f. und to certain a white fuhftancc refcmbling lime, which is fuppofed to have been human bones. Another kind of tt mbs are alfo found, though neither as la^-ge or frequent as the ethers, ai.d are tl.us conrtru^cd : A le vel fpet of ground is firft chefen, and covered over with fiat fmroth ftones, on which the corpfe of the deceafod are laid, which are feparaied from each other by flat ftoncs fet up rdge- w ife, and in rows at a diflance fuftciert to contain a human bo dy in each partition.—After the firit layer or fiery islili.d, the fame material as the bottom, and a fecend tier is depefited in the fame manner as the firrt, and fu on to a third, perheps a fifth floi y, and the monumental pile is finally completed with com mon rtonc, heaped up to a confiderable height, terminating in a point. ° One of the moft remarkable of thefe latter kind is found a few miles from a town in this county called Lexington Its bafe is fuflkient to contain ? dozen of human bodies, and is about five (lories high. Thefe cannot be as ancient as the forincfi kind, the bor.es m them not being yet entirely diflblvcd. An arm bone was not long fince found in the one near Lexington, lull three inches longer than the arm of a man fix feel high, and cf a pro portionable thicknefs. ^ To conclude, the diftingul(hed bounties heaven conferred on this country in foil, climate, healthfulnefs and many other- pe culiarities, arc real cui iolities to the inhabitants of the noi^^ Hates. - ” In praife of MARRIAGE. M an Is a foclah!.- creature, not made for feiituHe, but cen- verfarion. Ji/^arrh^cls anuble inrt tution, ?.nd a Intle ufcful fociety (rem whence many advantares arlft-. 1 he forrow’sei life are Icfllncd hy communication. Marriage is or ftiould be, the mort peifeft (late of friendrtiip. Mutual Iriti- reft prcsiuces mutual afSftance. It is owing to this ir.ftitutio* that (atiiUici iiave been ruiicd and formed. All forintage proximity proceed from hence } and in a h^ppy marriage, where both p-ri Its behave well in their r fpiftixe .tations, the honey mocn inercafes to years ot blifs.—umg pouertion rivets af- (ea.c:., and nothing but parting can be a material afflifiion ; no ag: or infirmity can uniiiri^ a m arimcnlai erteem.—— i he many good qualities, fervites and obliging ufage ot eacfi other areful clged in the memory as to make life a continual courtl..ip, ai.d the holband to carry the iover always about him. ' On'hecrrtraryitisa inatterof the greateft furprife, that a man v.ho ai as at repuU »cn andcharaH^r in t!ic arxairs of life, V ill ke p hi, w ord 0 puf > ve hi, rreoit, and f. rlcit all hon ur aru Integrity at home, and have nc rega d to the folsmn eng ira. merits .iiriHe to a wife. ^ It was a vclljocg'd airtbncf a prince 1 have rtad cf who tx»k srv othccT - c- mrnifibn iro r. 1 i .i, quriii ning hi? coon«^'*, upon i.n(oMnati.,n that he beat his wi.e. Porters and ca-mVa arc c.Ubiat d fur fuch dcmertic hcroiftn. In fnoit, no mao can be a tincgrntltman that is not a maa of honour, and no maa ot tooour nioktcs a bas buiband. Frnt tht GLASGOW ADVERTISER, SINGULAR ANTIPATHY. ACKO ruoEiA. T he fc-!’cwing very ex‘raord:naT7 circurr.rtar.ce exhibit* It h p the firii miKncco! thckinc hitherto known, a id IS well at c-ft d h . rcfp«ft.,rif perfups in the neighbour.huod : John Pu«.l, a b'>y aliout fificcnycar, of age. Von ct a farmer refidirgnear Clare, in Suffolk, feme yJK *50 difcoveied a ftrong anr:parhy to the fight ol ir.crev. No%6e t .uld v i -^cc him roacc.pt ary. i he bey being of an 1 ri.oid his ffiyn fs. Hl^ father .'.tte.riptcd t.i mouce 1 ini to ta’'- f im- ‘r ’ /-'ishont .ry focctlo : though perfeftS> n* fihle he tt uld purchafv with it r ffcienr thirrs he v as lord of has reft’faj a d l.a u.mg abhorrerctef n.crey continu d the fame! Anexp:i.ment wa, then IT ade to try \.htthcr th s reJefai did iK-t pr. c.tfc’from b.a(hsuln.!‘4, and an id.a tna ’neointht not to t.ike money when efitred. f.is father pur ffme k.alt-prn einto h|S unknown to hi.r,. .Jn putti- e bis hand into his pcckct he felt h m, and d-awmg his hand back with rnuc!» leeining bpi-'or, he nil into lircng ccnvuJfion fits, in which he c. minued an hour Sen e time after this, bis rather, dill wilb,.. g to overerme tkeamlpathy, refolvrd to try the fame ex- ■ .i’l '’’“J*. “ creafaig degree of vlrLnce, indccl fuch Violence, that his father thou, ht he would have died.— Of t.ie tx fttoceof his ftreng antipathy his father is now fi* ccnvin.edj^athe w.ll nut fuff.r any Jurther expiriments ; and witneffc-ur the 1 ft tnal, all feem to agree Wat the r^e.ition would m all probability be danj»erous._ Nothing t.iat IS recoiicaed cf tht boy, can le..d to arcount for art r‘ ^ “ ** boys are,tx.tpt being cf a grave, ihooghuul turn. In many thi rs ^ concerned, on rc- KeChnphatiii thcprcp.&ol time his fon muft be ergaved in Bufinefs, and ct courrsin monty tranladiicns. The abhorrence continues ft) ftreng, tfiat hj now tunts away whenever any mo ney cemee within his fight. ^ ■ A FEW C^UARTER CASKS OF Madeira Wine, “ ’Wor. S.Lfr, b!* EDPF^^RD JONES. 12— May 21.* fVanted^ A QJJ A N T I T Y OP Continental Loan-Office CERTIFICATES, For which the higheft price will be to the Printers. June i8, 1788. 36—j8 given.