e vvift ,.r.(i fi»c v.-iVT'? olii fism&a to iSirc{:> ^ ^ rv * .-l. . tipremi y ^ ■ — ——■ - ' L 6 N D O N, April 3. Wednefdaylaft Col, Smith fet off for “ 1f'l cretary of tegatioir, and"^^Mihift6Hift>m the United States of Ainerica. During the iate unfortunate conteft w th Aittcri- eften ccp)«rtd Mujor t'hatUun to givegoed advise to liis uniottUDate^iilcIrs^ direcuon* ... . , - acquired during lid«|ice in this country, wiil lenient his departure. TheBritilh SW-sers wijo were committed tq hjs v®W and shjrge,. altsf th8_ ci;)turc of the T-rit;:"! ar.ny at Votk-Towa (whofe advcrf.iry he Seen, bur jltude .’snd (whofe advcrf.iry 1 gra, , , ^ ,«ad '?rV\ Scf’srpfi^ to ^very private man then pfiT^hef. is -nearly ..allied to A|r. Aiams ^th? /-raefishn ';r;l^ci^ T(’,lehlppteqtiary, _ v/ho is likewiie upon xiic . point .of his dijiatfttire for Auierica. ^^Our oivn^miniflpis. kriow ^PlV why their refidsace in this coun try is rig Ipng'cr centipucd.. % Irp.m StjAridrsv^s, in Scotland, that on Frid;ty rind 9atut*nay lail,‘ciUrhag the"*1iightidc and great fea, the addi tion cut a pilot. .. .... It h.is been a(rerte^??at'the impettaltCatharirie i» frilic'h'of- /eoded at.the di/in^iru^lpn v.hUh the inmiRefs of ihl^ e^riitiy viiiced t • fecond ftr licAile atffdhipts asaihlV ill ‘1‘orte. IS in ou: ;>o\ver greatly to rcUrd. Ct:C-y^Da>d§*''4^**4^‘C:?o'33!T3>:^ fgerice, PROVIDENCE, May 3. ONDAY laR being thcanniverfary ele^on pf oncers to command the united company of artillery in tliU town, was ulhered in by a difdiarge of fijclcannony* jn ho- the fix iiates which have adpBted.theltdural conRituti- M 5* 6. 7- 8. 9* 10. Ji. 12, tne day nour of the fix Rates which have adppte^ t^ertdural conRituti- on. In the forenoon he company paraded'in. complete uni- formi-and at 12 o'clock fired thirteen .cannon in honour of the Vnited Slates of America. -At half piR one, .tl^cy partook ef an enrert .inment at Mr. James Greeri'«« '.|; After, dinner the following toaRs were drank, viz. I. Liberty without liccotioufnefs. i. Ms> tb.- Rate, be convinced that their faicty lies In a well regulated niihtia. 3. May the Riipes in the flag teach us to hpld the Raff in our «wn hands. 4. May we nevtr have a war without a WASHINGTON. May we never have a Shays without a Lincoln. May we never have money without a benevolent heart. May we never have poverty without hope. May we never have a paid'on without a parifti. May we never have cannon without powder. May we never-Ji^a party w ithout one fide being'right. May every proAj^be the fon of a mifer. May the girls never'have caufc to mourn with jeptha’s daughter. 13. May tlie dlfcipline of themilMafapercede the neceflity •f a Randing army. PETERSBURG. June .y. By the Brig Caefar, Capt. Atkirtbn, from Baicelona, now Point, information is received, that in confe- d^uOTCtf of the G.o\err.orof Gibralter refufing the Algerines li- have two vcffels Rieathed there, without orders from Bis^^icR^ f r th.3t purpefe, they' took offence, infomuch as Io make rcprifiW df feveral B^tifh veffels ; that the Britilh fri gates were crulfmg off Algiers in fuch numbers as to prevent the Algerines coining out} thatalth.cugh the veflels had Medi- .* irrroanan-pjdf^ it iiad become a cuRom ameng.tlie Captains to cnfui^ thelT.fclves—-and that the L'arfar was ’cenvoyed feveial days by a Br tiih frigate.- -1 his we have from a gentleman of neiacity, who had it Iroui the Captain’s own mouth. C II A R L E S T O N, June 19. OnMtmday lafl v/ere executed purAiaat to fentence of the Court bf Admiralty Seflions, f01 piracy bn the American Seas, Capt. William logCTs,of New-London, in Conneflicut—.John MaRers, of Cheihire, in England-—and William Pendergraw, of Dctbxihire,.;ii,^land, charged and found guilty of the murder of Mr. .AhrahaSj^’athafllihf the Jcwilh nation, joint owner v.'Uh Rogers, and paffeogcr on board the floop Betfy, in 0«lo- - ber laR —Alfo, Richard Williams and William Cain, both of England, for the murder of Capt. Nathaniel C. Webb, and ' Blr. ClTOtT'oJ^IBrCRod, on the t^th 6r'aojj|i of May laR, on board the fehooner Two-Friaods. .'V I he unhappy and miferable Rogers appieardd uncommonly penitent and refigned, from the day of his being apprehended to the moment of his execution, where he folicit^d the attendance ofthe clergy, and joined in pathetic prayer to the Supreme Bc- ^ ing—folicitingthepaidon of his God for every trefpafs he had coirimitted—and the lorgivenefs of every mortal that felt him- feh hurt by him He to the laR denied having wilfully or .malicioufly muriered Mr, Nathanj and uniformly perfiRed in .the declaration,xhat he was not found in mind when the bloody granfadHpn took place; and that he wasfubje^l to fits of lunacy .* This.alTercion Rogers has repeatedly made to Major Phaelon, both before and after his trial (and to divers otlity gentlemen) as he likewif^Jhas, in fundry. parts of a nanativeof his life, which behid been writing f^er:il days prior to his death. I hecon- templadon of leaving an aged father and another—an affedlioa- * IVbicb Mr, Fenn'itjr^ of Canaefftcutt couf.n of governor Fan- urgTj Mndftveral or ben from that fate have likewije declared-^-at 0^0 to bis i^nddiSed tof rang liquor, wikb akuajt bereaved b 'm ^^kUfea/jttp N. E W„B E 'R N, June 19. LaR Friday right, ’'•tween the hiursof it and 12, the flqep Farny, Capt. Joflv.’ffl’!ij.T3mer,of Bedford, bound to Wilming ton, in this ilate, being about 40 niUes fouth of C.spc Hatteiac, ladcn with iron ware, bar iron and WeR-lndia produce, was ftrqjdt \|ith liglitriing and funk iirlefs titan ten minutes, f . iMic crew a|id;pne pafienga (JMr. S^ud Foldick, of ^^ewk , york'JTbound t(V Faycitc-y*ile)r liaj^ilf faved thenrjfeiVM by jumping iii'tlie boat,, and on thli next day got to- Cccacock., Not a fingle article on boaili was faved. I'^r.iliy lb' iti'.ii tov\ n ).r i‘p J U.T. C I for rry fer ■ i aRj p and cor tains aSr er an 'crr or clear So.;-c CO-'r'ij of V VC e upoo i.'ii'.'t‘‘ils V I'e om vi W l^L M I N G T O N, July nI|ht.of .^hr xbth ult. a very daring robbery was com- .Iji^q^i'^.thjsLiwff.r Dart of this town, ii^on tjii' warchedfe' or cellar under tnedwtr.Tinf-hcufc of Tfibitiifii llTriclaine, E'fq. ' The villajos bavjpg lorci-d open ttie db^V^oT the fame with an ifon inl^.iumer^. t.p^k thereout^ .^bci tarried eflr in bcais v/hich r^ey had ft v',provided fo^ *1'. f p ^Vpo'fe', brie h: gffiead of tobacco,'a In^g^ey^^pf ■Nb.lair-s?Sr%t^d’baIf^s of beef.' lri,^if,c^uc^;e of_ alfrJiV fear& bl-fog fifiade, ih fhc'mdrnirg of the zStli^jf. ;ljje whole o^tJv;;|'mrfth'pnipeny vs^as ' found in a place of corocatniorit upun Rarneii'‘Sreck. abotit a iriile^otn the iTtrance iptOjlt. \ ‘ ‘ ' This pTace f-ilpdar^ to have'bem lci9g‘2“banTp of afvlum foi runaway Degrees,.ar^^prcKitStV WiS e- r the goods which h^vt: ibltb 'f^Jcrijr. *’ • by tl'.em arid their clp.rfsJiV^rs'. " It is fltuatgd in a.fvvan p^ anel Cl ..Cd ground, vyhlcT; is ;' jant*I^ w^itb corn, the place } arid fevefal ages^ and .... . ^J'cund, .as wcl) as irftJ^'vvenis f t brcakir.'V ^‘f'ks ‘&tand 11 j:he fires that vvere biiriHrig^ and Olhe:i w';;s t “dent, thepr0efforshad''fied:.Very pi'eciJ.'it^ui7'ijporfihcfirfi alarm of a dlfci very. • J ^'• ' * ,, Acorrefl'cnd^t repftarks updri'^tfi^^f r''if ^rg, thar k Is ‘•r?a-tly to belainentcd, that provifi-'in’is ftbt niad,’ by law, 'it:- cn .-.pen- fating in fome moVeiVt'e prbpru’icirSj^orWt* vaiur-ri f the fl.ivcs tiiat become facnflce. to pu.hlid juRict'l/’ For hy ‘‘the expiration of tht^w for that pmpofe, formerly lri“furcc, manifeid inju ries have arifen to the coremnnity. ' . People may be fircertl^-deritoiis to avert'’every• ihjtfr}’ from their neighbours, anr eriprr mote juRlcc, Iwi ft "can hardly be expeAed, that individuals fhcuId be forward to rncourage the deflrudlionof theirewn propmy, even l. r th f Ludable pur- pofes. Thence it proceeds, that rrinaway Raves, whom their crimes have rendered defperate, iire not row outlawed, and e'e- ftroyed in the courfe of law fofpecdily a> hefetiJlbfe, but on the contrary are fufTcred generally to take' a lorigtit-eer of mifthirf before they are apprehended, or fall viifM.ns m private levenve. On the other hand, ptoplri who ftjnd expolTtd to their depre dations, having no fecurity but in the natural right of fdt de fence and retaliation, are cbmptlled to atioi t a fummu-y mode of revenge, which being generally the cfftdl of paffion or pre cipitation, is often times H-. corf man- wiili humar-ity, the neceflity which forces ttiei of the country. 6S 35 29 *735 271k 2713 *713 2713 2701 26S0 2677 26sV» etn to it, isdirgracetul to the police The Ratement of votes far members of the convention of the Rate of New-York, which we publi.lied in our la.l, appears to be materially erroneous -—It was fem to u» by an anonymous correfpondent. At that time wf doubted not of its autlientici- ty-^but, u| on more minute examination, we find, that it ousht to have Rood thus^ C O L*U MBIA COUNTY, federal ticket. Peter Van Nefs, Matthew Adgate, John Bay. Federal ttekau ' Peter Van Schaick, Henry LivIngAon, Jacob Ford, ' • MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Anti federal ticket, William HatpCTy "ohn Frey, bhn Winne, blkert Veeder, r- - Henry Straing, ChriRopher P. Yatei. Federal tieka, " " Abraham.Van Horne, James LivingRon, VV f II 1850 1863 1483 149S 148a 1206 1301 1202 1199 1105 1209 Ebcn.'zjr Ci^’k, ^3$^ James Ciitit'.'"., 905 Dirck Vi y.iiic-c'p* _ ^'^SS Federal, unju:ceJ:f..t. Jobir.ncs Bruyn, Jacobus S. Brtr/.l, Cornelius T.jcrifen' O R A G E C O U N T y. Antifderal, Jefle V/oodbulI, hlcnry v\ ilncr, ftn. John Haring, John Wood. Q^U E E N's COUNTY. Anil federal, Bamuel Jones, John Schenck, ... N athaniei Lawrence, -Stephen Carman. —FFOLK COUNTY* Anti-federal, • Thomas Treadwell, i ooathan N. Havens, ohn Smith, >avid Henry ScudRr. For the Cn V and COUNTY of NEW-YORK. Federal ticket,- John Jay, Richard Morris, Jotiii Slofs Hobart, Al.xander Hamilton, bi Robert R. LivingRon, Ifaac Roofevclt, James Ouanc, Kichaid niarrifon, Nicholas Low. WES i-CHESTER COUNTY- federal* Lewis Morris, Philip R. LivIngRca, L. v'». Saris. • P.ich.Tcl Hatfield, 'I hjticiee; Crane, Philip V. Ci'rtlandt. RI-jrlMOND CO-J>l i Y.MA.Sentinients unknowi, Abraham Banc'iter, Cuz.;n Rycrfi. K 1 N G’s C O U N T Y. fede al, Peter Leff^rts. Peter Vaodevoort. Wcliave not received a particular return of the memhers of conventio'- thr Wafhli.gtcn county (which completes the re turns lor the flat.') hut it is coniidenriy fiid, the anti-fcderal ticket wi;l h- cirricd at 1 afltwoto one on rlic whole number of votes. Walh ngtoR county fends four memb ers. V» e would bt g leave to obferve, that the number of votes for rnember-, ui conv-.nri.n, net being mfe ted forfoine of the coun ties, a. lies fioif GUI ;:ot having received luch paiticuiar returns as fro.11 the other coi’eties. The .above is cxtri.rted from the Ke-v-York Daily Path- oTTc lv£GisT£a, u.'iiitjd ihc cth uic. by Mr. rhomasGreen- Itaf. Our lad accounts from Virginia, are dated i hurlday the i y-ii im*— that time the convention of that ftate h^d nearly finilhcd difcuHing the pro- pofed coiiftitution, and it was gene- i*aily thought that the final queftion would be taken on the Friday or Sa turday following. We hope to have it in our fl|wer to communicate, in our nojI^K decifion of that honor- Abraham Arenrit, Peter Schuyler, Jofiah Crane, A. Van Vechten. ALBANY COUNTY. Anti federal ticket, Robert Yates, John Lanfing, Henry Oothoudt, Peter VrOoftian, Abraham 1 en Eyck, Dirck Swart, Ifrael Thonifon, Federal ticket, Abraham TenBroeck, i acob Cuyicr, rands Nicoll, P. Ganfevoort, jun. Jerom. Hoagland, J^ines Gord«n, John. W. Schamerhem. D U T e Hi SB C o U N T Anti federal* Zephaniah Watt, MetandJon Smith, Jacobus Swariwout, JchnDcWiti, . • Gilbert LivingRon, Ezra Thomfon, Jonathan Akins. ULSTER CO UN Anti-fedtral. His Excellency Governor Clinton, John Cantine, Corndi'j& C. Schoonnuker, 1 756 Sji 796 803 505 506 4670 4681 4678 4671 4657 4673 4666 2627 26^ 2617 2621 2613 26^7 2610 Y. ilmingfon, per bll. of 22olb. nt. 1 to M Red Oa per White Oak R. O. bll. W. O. iS inch fhingles, ' C2 do. do. Tar per. bll. Turpertine per bll. of ^ 32olb. gryfs, - Pitch per bll. 150 to roof. 4* to jcf. 80 to 9of. 15 to i8f. 20f. to 22f. I2f6d. 3 to 5*"* 18 .to 2of. T V* J372 »339 1045 Tobacco per 100 Ih. i;6to6cf. Rice, per do. - 38 to 4of. Black-ey’d peas per S^to bufhcl - j Bees’: Wax per lb. tf. to 3f5d. Dcer-Sk'ms in hair T trim’d, per lb. J Untrim’d, Butter per Ih. J4d. to i 80 toe . 7 to . 24 to ' il6d to 120 to I. Tallow per lb. Beef per bit. - Com pe- biilhel Otter Skins - Raccoon do. Brown Sugar - Ordinary per loolb looto Loaf fugar per lb. T Jamaica p.gl.8f61 Rum > vVeR-ln. yfgd. t( J N. Eng. — 6 to Molaffes per ga!.3f6d. to ; Chocolate per lb. 2 to: Iron per ton Phllad. Flour per bll. of b (90 to Steel per lb. Iron* Hollow ware per ton Pine fait per bulhel Do. by Retail Coa-Te fait per bufhel Coffee i>er lb. 2f4d. to ^ Bohea tea - 6 ’ Green do. - . 20 to N, England Chcefe led t

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