1 ti require furthtrdjfcription. ' Sdlf P fituate on both i-weft, joining and below Blue Banks, beir,^ To Sold cheapo And on very eafy terms, the fol lowing valuable L A N D S, Lying between ten and twenty miles from Wilmington. S MITHFIELD, fituate on both fidcs cf the North-between Blue Banks and Drury Allen’s, containing 2ZOO acres cf land, about 400 whereof arc veiy rich fwamp, part of which is cleared, the remainder vedUtinAered. The highfwamp fit for corn or indigo, extends 25 chains back from the rirer, which is uncommon in that neighbourhood ; and part of the Iowa- fwamp may be overflowed with great cafe,by a never-failing ftream, upon which is juft flnifhed an exceeding good SAW MILL, very near to the river.1 here arc hand- fomefituations for fettleincnts between the mill and the river, CO good com land. BLUE BANKS, fituate on both fines of the river, below Smithfidd, containing 2331 acres of lard, 4iovvhere >f is rich fwamp, about 130 acres being cle.ircd, of which So acres may be watered at 4ny time with great eafc. The lemainder fit for com c r indigo.——The un- clearcd fwamp contains a vaft body of cyprefs timber, and the high land has two ftreams f.t for griftmilis running through it}’ between 2 and 300 acr*:* are cleared, part of it being very good comland. Ihcre is a D>\ELLlNG-HOUSE containing a baif, parlour, four chambers and three clofsts, a kitchen, ftable, and large brick barn. The beauty and healthinefs of this place is too well known ti require further dofcrlption. BELL fidcs of the North- . ene cf the beft high fw-amp plantations on the river.—Ic con tains about 3000 acres of land, 800 acres whereof the beft fiwanr.p, about 100 acres being cleared, nioft of which can be watered by a ftream iffulng out of the highland, which is like- wife capable of fupplying a fmall g -ift-nilM. There are on the prcniiftsa BRICK HOUSE, curtaining fuui- rocma, a kiteken, barr, and other nccelfary out-bui!dings. One thoufand acres of land on the waters of Livingfton creek, containing fotr.e good rice land, and a quantity of very fine turpentine trees. The range lor ftock excellent. A fmall piece of land lying on Rat- tlc-Srakc Branch, near the North-Weft road, in an advantage ous Hand icr a tavern, containing 2co acres. A piece of land on the North-Eafi: fide ot Black I^er, in tlie neighbourhood of Maultfly's point, great part of which it tide fwamp, or meadow { the whol-; con taining 200 acres. A tra61: joining and below the laft- mentioned, formerly patented to James Colfon } moft of this It prime tide fwamp and cane meadow. The high land fnuate It contains of high and low land about 1000 acres. ^^ ^ adjoining the a^ve, containing in the whole 866 acrer, 546 acres bting good tidecanerpeadow'and rich fwamp, 30 acres completely ditched round, and 45 acres nearly finilhed i on the high land, which 's fituate in a hne range, is a very pretty and healthy fuuation lor a fetiicment. An Ifland of tide fwamp, lying op- pofite to the laft mentioned trads, xontaining 276 aerw. * A piece of land on tlM^orth-Eaft fide of the North-Weft, juft below the Black River gieat part of which is tide cane meado^^HK^iHg by deed’ 2CO acics. / A piece adjoin! lafl-mcntioned, moft of whi**^ containing, by patent 320 ^ Another piece that valuable boduof rich f taining about Th ' thefc lam Fayette capital o profit, ai, valuable a elpccially debts of tl any perfoti bargain. For further partlcul; B_. Bclvidcre, July 2, 1788 have them a very great TH. 20 jam. ERN, The BRICK HOUSE, 3nd FERRIES, oppufite Wilmington. Three good Carpenters, . a Shoe- and Bricklayer, that have fierved their apprenticefhips in narlcfton* to be hired out to any perfons who will ufe them properly, and pay punftually Apply as above. TO BE RENTED, The HOUSE where the late Mrs. LYON refided. . Inquire of A. MACLAINE.' June 25. 17— To the Public. ^jp n E advantages which all com- niercial places derive from a regu lar communication by poft, frotn one town to another, are joo many and too obvious to require any detnonftra- tion. Gentlcmcd ih the mercantile line, are, undquhtfcdly, materially in; terefted in fuch art 4i^ertakingu ^ It has long been "anxioufly wiflied, that a pbft froin tliiLfown to Fayette ville, might be eftabliftied—the fub- feribers, therefore, will engage, pro vided fufficient cncoijragementis dven,- that a POST fhall go once in every week from this town to Fayette-Ville, one week by the way of* the North- Weft, and IXturn through the Coun ties of Samplbn and Ouplin—the next week go to Fayettc-Villc, by the way of Duplin and Sampfon, and re turn by the North-VVeft. In order more effedtually to profe- cute this defign, the fubfenbers have taken the liberty to folicit the pecu niary patronage of thole gentlemen who may be principally benefited in this undertaking. We are, with refneft. The pulic’s devoted Humbbie fervants, BOWEN & HOWARD. Wilmington, July 2,1788. (15* Subfenptions for the above pur- pofe, are received by'A. Maclaine, Efq. John Huflee, Efq. Mr. George Hoop er, Mr.' A. MacnJogliton, Mr. E. Jones, Mr. John Campbell, and at the Printing-Office, Wilmington—by Dr. Ingraham,Jamc3 Bloodworth; Efq. and Col. Porterfield, Fayette-Villc, MB id e ir prtTent cjftreiTicly old bonds,, in’s, and any payment FOR SALE, At Public Vendue,, C?« FRIDAY the Fourthinfiaht, T H E Sloop SA4LiL>7^, Burthen about.38 tefis, and may be fitted for fea at a fmall expcncc. PIenry TooUERyAuSlioneer. ® ((5* Sale to commence at Eleven o’clock, * ; June 2, 1788. ’ 18— l^HEREAS Margaret M‘Xay, thefpoufe- of Neil M‘Geachy, late of Cumberland ' County, has in the abfenq^of her hufband, made hei^ clopeni.ent, smd vv’cnt off with a c^in l^rtin D'ye, to the in-j terioi^^^^ of ocorgia, with whom Ihf h^BpKfevcrarj^j^rs paft,and has childr^(^4HPl*^^^—-This is to forwarn all perfons not to credit the faid Mar-^ garet M'Kay on account of the faid Neil M‘Geachy, as he has taken the proper fteps fc^ divor&i and will never pay any debts ffie may contrad. NEIL piV^EACHY. Wilmington, July : 18 mrfery ■ \ To Charleston, or a Northern /--n Pert, A ftout bufthen 200 barrels. Apply to EDWARD JONES. July 2, 1788. i8. W hereas, by a decree of the hanqurable thfe Court ot Equi^ ^y» *fic foil therein depending, wherein Severin Erichfon is complain ant and Samuel Vance, defendant IMs ordered by and with the confent of the parties, that the Mailer in faid Court do forthwith colleft and recover the debts due to Samuel Vance or Samuel Vance and Co. Notice is hereby given to all perfons indebted to faid concerns, that they ca!! on the Mailer, and pay the refpeflive balance by them due, on or before the firft ®f September next, when all perfons t.iil- ing therein, willbefued without fur- thei notice. Thomas Davis, C & M. E. Wilmington, July 2, 1788. i8— Wiimington, dijiriSi, IT. Gabnel Dubrutz, complainant. vs. Aaron Pimental, defendant, laEquity, June Term, 1788. O RDERED, That the defendant do appear to complainant’s bill, on or before the firft day ofen- fuing term (which will be the fixth of December r.ext) in default whereof the complainant’s bill fhall be taken tro coiifeffo. Publifhed by order of the Court, Thomas Davis, C. & M. E. JFtlmtngtondtfiriiiyK. „ John AblenCampbell, complainant, • '■’S- John Grant, defendant. In Equity, June term; 1788. O rdered, That the defendant do appear to complainant’s bill, on or befoie th|||rft 4^ of enfu- irtg term twhi|^ W bWe 6th of December ne^Pfin default whereof the complain|pis bill fhall be taken pro ■ conJe£o.d^ Published by order of the Court, , Thomas Davis, C. & M. E. ■ « • ^verttjements,, of no greater length than breadth, arc inserted in this paper the JirJl -week for Eight Shillings, and for each continuance Four Shillings.—-Thofe of a great er length in proportion. «

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