MISCELLANY. [♦ « ftr the . Mdfta. BOWEN 9f HOWARD, • * ■ ^ P*E^* 9** cetTeOMl ^ ^ an infidiuut attempt tn ia^Mle npan thn public, with rdpea to mcmben of the toneentioa for the ftate oi New-York ; but as Mr. Creeoleafs paper is by no ' .means orthodox, it becomes aeceflary ,to make fomeobfenraiaons upon his mode of dlftinguiOuat between the fedcralifts and and-federaTifts. The whole account publiihed ki die Patriotic Regifter, with fo much triumph, is fo Uttle to be depended on, that inft^ of making for the anri-federal party, it may fairly be conllrued to sitakc againftit. Concealments and luifreprefentations, .when dlfcovered, make Arongly againft thofe who expeft to derive bcneht from them. Wh^ the anti-federidifts are faid to be fue« cefsful, the fmail number of votes for the federal candidates are carefully mentioned j but when the members for the city and county of New-York are mentioned, with the number of votes, ^aounting to 24,999, we are told that the voaes wtre only 2836; and neithtf with refpeA to that elcAion, nor thofe of Wefe- Cbeller and King's County, is there any thing mentioned of the tinfucccfsful anti-fedcralifts j fo that we may reafonably con clude, either that they hadno^Dtes, or ib few that it would difgrace the party to menrion w numbers. The city and eounty of Albany fends ten members to the convention. Suppohng it to be true that feven anti-federaliifs arc eleded (and no more are mentioned) we may fairly prefume that the other three are fedcralifts. It will not be unfair to conclude, that the two from Richmond are of the fame politi cal principles, as Mr. Greenleaf has publifhed their names, and carrfuUy mentions mil who are fuppofed to be ag^ft the new * conftitution. Whoever, therefiMc, are not mentioned as anti- fedcralifts, we may conelude to bo of a different party. The fame may beprcfumcd of the four members from Wafhingcon, not- xvithftanding the puff to the contrary, and of the two members from Glouccfter, a county not even named by Mr. Groenleaf. If this reafbning is founM, thefederal party will have twenty- •ighi members out of feventy, which is tte whole number.— The majority, upon this calculation, will be thirteen in favour of the anti-feidc^ifts; but when it is confidered how very loofe, inaccurate, and defeAiveMr. GreenfeaTs lift it, and how much, in the moJt of publication it leans to one party, every pru dent man will at leaft fufpend his judgment. An attempt it made to blind us by mentioning party tickets. It is therefore ncceflary to onvdl the myfteiy. Each party prepares a lift of candidates, compofed of men of diffaent pt^tical principles, but having a majority of the party who prquires the lift. A Angle proof of tto will be fu^ient. In the anti-federal ticket propofed for the dty and county of New-York, and publifhed by Mr. Greenkaf, nuy be feen the refpeftable names of Jay and Hamilton, two of the moft decided federalifts in the United Statess It is highly probable, that the fame policy was adopted in other parts of that ftate, and that many of the members whofe names arc mentioned to be in the anti4e(kral tickeu, are eppofed to that party ; a party that can hardly hope to fuccecd wikn fo many ftates have adopted the new conftitution, and who were unfuccefsful, when they tried their whole ftrength in •ppoftng the call of a convention. The deftiens in the ftate of New-York fhonld not have en- f^sd my attention, bad they not been introduced into your pa per orith an apparent defign of ioflnendng the opinions of thofe whofe condad ought to be r^ulated by other and iugher motives. A CORRESPONDENT. ^ P. S. Since the above was prepared for the preft, the Vir- pnia Caxctte has appeared with the following paragraph under the New-York he:id, which ftrengthens the *r««clufiftnit diawn from Mr. Greenlears publication. June 13. • It muft give real fedtfeftien, fays a correfnon- dent, to all true fedcralifts, to be informed that the dties of New. York and Hudfon (as appears by the returns pf the votes taken at the late dsftion) are very unenmuut in favour of the new fe- government; and the dty of Albaej has a reAeffahle sm- jarity, Thefe cities, adds our correTpondent, hav^ the bell means of information, have not, like many of the counties in this ftate, formed premature judgments on the merits of the pro- pofed government.** Foreign Intelligence. W A R S A W, February 27. I T is reported here (hut it wants further conflraution)^that akbough the French Ambaffador at Conftantinopie hat re- cdvedriie Imperial declaration of war, he had fe managedmat- tors as ro fettle a truce between the Porte, and tbetwoJn^d Courts till the end of March. If this fhould prove true, the hopes of the reftoradao of peace during the winter will revive EDINBURGH, Jan. 25. This rnenUng died in the abbey, aged 85, Mr. Ha^ly Pren tice, who firft introduced the culture M potatoes in this country —In 1784,- he funk 140I. with the managers of the Canongate poor-heufe, fora weekly ftipend of feven Ihillings, and has Aocemade feveral donations to that charity. His ctMn, for Which he paid two guineas, with 1703, the year of his birth, has hung in his houfe thefsnine years, and has the undertaker’s written obligation to ferew him down with his own hands gratis. The managers are bound to bury him with a hearfe and four coaches m Reftalrig. LONDON, April 3. ^ The miniftry have eeme to no determination at yet, refpeA- the tobacco This affiiir has given the minifter ^ per^ity} the^^ay of the trade on theone hand, by fmugtrmc. ^g]^s the excife, but the impoffibility of that mode.f affords great difficulty j while w the other hand, the produce ro n!m®*S**w*^ thegreateft importmee. Since the emprefs of Raffia has been affured of the^-ouerati- “•t®tminaiion to make peace wUh the Turks xakew, wub tht circumjacent territory, be delivered up to the Ruffians. 3; That they likewifeiilis)ce the ceffion of Bendsr« and all BeiTerabis. 4. That all Ruffian ftiips of war, without reftrifrion at to fixe or number, be allowed the free palTapef the DcNlanelles. 5. That the head of the prefect grand vixirbo fent to Peterftiurgh, as the inftigstorof all the pr^ent troubles, ft. Thatthe Porte pay three millions of dollars, iisa compenfa- den for all the injuries done to the Ruffians, and thu violation comtni tted on the rights of onions, in the imprifonment of the ambalTador. , The emperor v^ inhft on terms no lefs rigorous, and as the Porte cannot think of complying with them, there it no doubthut the w«r will goon, c The Spaniards haven length agreed tn fufferthe Ruffian fleet to enter the Meditcnaneaai this was brought about by the inter ference of the French Court. Wednefday laft, afetof beautifuL. ivory chairs, partly gilt, taifigned from India for Mr. Haft&gs, were fold at the Com pany’s fale, to afeertain the duty, at 30I. 5s. each chair. Mr. Tyler, belunging to the India-Heufc, was the purchafer. It is faid, the prime coftof each chair in India, amounted to upwards of 135 guineas. A prdent has been lately fentfrom Tippoo Snb to the Court of France, on the mention of which, bulfes and ivory chairs muft ** hide their dindnUhod heads.” The value of the whole Is not lefs than half a million. Of this fum nineteen lacks are Hi payment for expences incurred daring the late war.—I'here is befides, a crown richly omsmented with jewellery, valued at twelve lacks} a ftar and appendages for a ribbon, valued at the famefum; afword valued at half a lackpearls intended for the Ojicen, to the amount- of ^twelve lacks^ and to complete ^ the whole, a bedftead of felid gold, 'in which, whei\ ambition ' takes its reft, k may eiijby a fpiendid repofe. The return which Tippoo requefts for his friendfhip and prefents, is a force of five theufand Europeans, to be command ed by a French General. Thefe troops he not only promifes to psy, but aUb to defray the expences of the eftabliffiment at Pon dicherry, and to give to his great and good ally, the beft port on the coaft of Malabar* MV nad am atcounty^erday m erne the leeotr frnxs. that Mr. Hafiings was dangereujly ill^amd attended by Dr.Warren & Marker, he is the mo^ rn^rmOent fiek aun aiive^ sendombtediy. fer we met hmytfierday tnormng at ten e'cJock, in Mond-Jireet ^ and were we te judge Jrom bis koks, imjiead ef the newjfa^ers^ be ntnjtr was in better beatth.-^Qirta 'm it isg that be bas been attended ly no fbyfi. dam finee the eemmemenuHt tf the trial. What a pigr it it, that Mr. Hafiingt wilt net be ill! ^hat a man with fneb a lead of murder and guilt npen bit batkf will walk ten miles a d^....^bey begin te be afraid that be men carry the whole eff ' ' ^ ferfpiratien 1 yCbfe wbe d^ht in the betrid relatiem ef well fought battlet, and feldt covered with faugbtered bfts^ vnllfeottfne deubtf be gra^ tifedf in the events ^the war between the Turks and Rufians, We anticifaUt w9b gtiefe the riven of bleed which vdtllfrw-^tbe dying greant which wilt afcend.'^.ahe ravages and dyfolutiont which will take place in tbit weur f Ruffian and At^ian ambUien ! In what dreadful calamities do the paffent ef the great involve mankind / Extras tf a letter from Dublin^ February 28. Tufday morning the mad was ftopfedt about the boar f twelve^ a wile on this fde ef Drogheda, by two men with their faces black ened. The mail contained no left than fifiy-fx bags^ every one of which they carried off. And taf night the nortbet a mail was again fiopped between Drogheda and DutUeer, and plundered of fifteen bags. It it apprebendedf that there it feme ebJeS in view by the freehoeterty befides the acquifitiou of whatever hank papers the letters might con tain. There are not far/bert ef a m'\\lion f the human fjiecies at tbit infiant in arms on the bo -deft ef Tut key y for stet pmrpafe of dfkreying each others but much of this inhuman bufineft may prebaby befeevedt at the plague rages violemly at ConfiantinopUy and will inevitably be form communicated to tit Imperial and RuJfaHyat well at the Otto man armiest where it will make mere dreadful bavock than even tbe vengeful weapons to tbe adverfeparties I The Turkty if they befut but the art to frotraS tbe wary will fi'tll baffie tbe enemy. In a countryy like tbe prefnntfeat of wary at all timesfcamtily fAy beeafe anperfeSly cultrvated, famine can never be far ejf / And thus tbe power expeSed from numbers ef tbe allied armjy will, on tbe cemraijy beeeme tbe deflruSion. Domejiic Intelligence. BOSTON, May 28. A Nomber of the gendemcn eleded to ftrve in the General Court tbe enfuing year, arrived in town yefterday. From n general knowledge of their chara^er, we derive a pleafing fa- tisfafrioo, that old Maffachufetu will be bleffed with wife, prudent, and federal rulers for the ceming year. June 4* A correfpondent begs leave to enquire, whether (ss money has greatly appreciated of late, and ren|s, provifions, "c mujffi reduced in price) it would not difeover a pro- per fenfe of the diftreftbs of thdr fcUow-citixens, if the phyfici- Ms and furgeons M this town ffioald reduce their fees from the prtfent rat^ which are by many confidered fo high, thatex- ^J^*^*^8**’***®* »• fufficient to induce many to employ a N E W-Y ORK, June lo. the 4th inftant, being the birth-day of his Britan nic Majelty, a very elegant entertainment was given upon the occalion, by Sir John lemple, baronet, his majefty’s relidcnt hw, at which were prefent, his Excellency the Prefident, and othre m^bersof Congrefe, the Secr.;tary for Foreign Affairs, Ac Secretary at War, the lorcign Miniftert, Britilh Officers ef the army ard navy, Ac. Ac. PHILADELPHIA^ June 12. BygenUeman who arrived in the laft packet from England, we Irarn, that the ne%v conftitution of the United Sutes has been *** as wtU as its friends, of Creat-Britain bas difcpvercd evident figns of apprehenfion with reTpeA to its adoption. ^ *®‘‘*”* government, at it was unanimoufly agreed. i*' the event conftitution by a ninth ftate— thaithis public notice ffiouid be given, wW be held at theftate-houfe, to!mor- committMfA"* at five o clock, for thepurpofe of appointing a mT*”*®*"** ‘he bufinefs, pSvided ‘he meafurefliould be approved by fuch meeting. I conftitution is the? general tooic—in ***• ^hus we fee verified what has often ^ro.d us, that ** tire world is a ftage, and all thereon are pi yersj for each has got a different part to aft,** SAVANNAH, May ,29. We are informed that fix negro men, the property of James Spaldin^j. Efq; of the ifiaod •f'St. Silnon, runaway lately to St. Auguftine. Mr. Spalding follwed them, and requefted the* Spaniffi governor to permit him to take his negroes, but he wai rtfufed, the governpr allei%ing that he had orders from his court to the contrary. While Mr. Spalding was at St. Auguftine three runaway negroes from Soath-Caroiina went in and received “ PROTECTION” as it is called among the Spaniards. The frequent repetition of this unjuft and ungenerous condu^ wiU not much longer be the fubjeft of remonttrance only. CHARLESTON, June 12. Extras of a letter from LondoXy datA March 3, 1788. Ac length it is folemnly decreed by the higher powersy to due per fasy et ne fas, the liberty of tbeprefs {—And who fo pro per as fobnny Wilkes to foOge the fetters, fo powerfully ordainil ibr what was onceordaineed the god of his idolatry. The Liberty of the Profs will be drawn upon the new prin. cipleot kgal ambignity fo that its banefttiobjcfr wiU be re- ferved for a declaratory bill to aocompliffi 1 Mr. Hume, in bis liiftory of England, has this paffags, vol, viii. p. 332, relative to the p^s,—•* The Liberty of the Pr^t did not even commence with the revolution—it was hot till 1694, that the rsfiraints were taken off, to the great dfpieafurt of the fivf and r.”—This grand oulwark of Englifti free dom, WiU, however-, expire within the period of one centurjy unlefs a becoming icfifUnce is made to tte meditated encroach, ments now on foot. The Abbe Raynaly in his hiftory pf the Indies^^ffum^lhes this oppofite quotation, relative to the peculiar liberty of the prefs-^ ** Will a fingle (c.ngi;Ih) citizen left to his own ftrength, ever venture to drive againft tne power-—always formidable—of thefe who govern ?—W Ul he not beneceffarllycrulhed by their oppref. fien ?—This would undoubtedly be tbe cafe, were it not for the Indefinite Liberty ef the P. efs. WILMINGTON, July 9. Wc have the pleafure to communiA catc to our readers, the following ] IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE, I which wc have extrafted from the Vir- gina Gazette, of the 26th ult.— “ Yefterday about 3 oclock, in CommiiHl whole Houfe of the |Onvention of this ftate, ^ftion, whether amend- to the ratification of of government, ? when the Com- was loft then the ion was the new it wai 89 79 -ommittcc was ap- up amendments, to be takW^nto cohfideration to-day— which arc to be recommended to the firft Congrefs appointed under the new government. On Saturday the 5th inftant, in con sequence of the important and intereft- ing intelligence being rccrived from our rclpcflable fiftcr ftate, the common wealth of Virginia, that the Conven tion of Delegates appointed to take into confidcration the propofed confe* derated Conftitution, had unequivocalh fame, the inhabitants of this town, with a virtuous and ptitd' 9tk warmth, teftified their fatisfaftion

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