lioufe, who could not be brought out to aftion, without the lot's of a man, horfc or gun.” A corret'pondent, who has lately traveled through this ftatc, informs us, that he has no where obferved fo much public fpirit, as in Fayette-Ville. At that place they have lately opened fe- Tcral ne w roads, and raifed a number of new bridges, in order to render the communication with the country more caty and convenient—They have alfo creded two large and elegant buildings for the accommodation of their courts and the General AlTetiibly. There is aco'iipany formed tomakeCrofs-Creck navigable for boats from the river to thw upper town. All thefe improve ments are carried on by private fub- fci iptions. This propofed navigation cf the Creek, will, it is expected,greatly ieii'en the expcnce which is occafioned by conveying merchandize, &c. from l!ie landing to the town in waggons, as well as add much to the beauty of t..e place. In fhort, it is the opinion of our correfpondent, that, confidcring the iituation of Fayette-Vilie, fo con venient for commanding the trade of an extenfive back country, and its other advantages, that it muft fooii become a plajc ot great coniequence, as well as worthy oi being the Capital of an extenfive -late. A coiii'.iiy corrcfiiondent informs us, that it i > expected the crops this yesr wdi be greater than have been known to; icvera! years paft. Latt Monda V ja as the day appointed fW t*ic «>r tnc honorable the convention of tins ftatc, at Hillfbo- rough. His excellency governor John^ fton, it is expefted, v/ill be cliofen picriCent of that honorable body. His excellency governor Clinton, is chofen Preiidentof the convention of the llate of New-York. Fayette-Ville, Jj Ycfterday being ry of the Indepen ed States, the Amer cd upon the new fta break, the ra with thCTn*: ring of ered in ing of bells. At tiS||feclock an ele gant table wasfet upon the exchange, about levcnty feet in length, at which werefeated nearly one hundred gen tlemen, ftrved up with every thing the heart could defirc, cithcrtb^all a hun- gry appetite, or infpiie the •foul with liberal mirth, when the following toafts were drank, accompanied with the difeharge of thirteen cannon. □ I ft. The independence of the Unit ed States. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5 th. 6th. 7th. Sth. 9th. May the groans of bppreffi- on never be heard in our land. . loth. May the anniverfary of our Independence, ever be remembered, without regret. I ith. Agriculture, commerce, arts and fciences, throughout the United States. 12th. May the fabi^ of liberty, now ercaing in the United States, be preferved until the diifolution of afl things. 13111. WiiJiom and unanimity in our ftatc convention. rh mi The day was clofed with the eft harmony; and convivial mirth was pi;*ftured in every countenance, d Married—Laft Thurfday evening. Ml. Charles Cropton, to Mrs.Jane Smith. V THE Public are refpeftfully 'mfoni^eil, a POST will ridr once in every week from this ’ (^ T 5!® * - 3'* he mad- up at the Port - Congrefs; General Wafhington. The ftatc of North-Carolina. Governor Johnfton. His moft Chriftian Majefty. The Marquis de la Fayette. The memory of thofe brave officers and foldicrs, who fell in de fence of American liberty. / j morning, town the Monday following. Ail commands from Fayatc- Vil.e, muft bcleft with Mr. JOH>J ECCLES, at that place. A^R R I V A L S fince our laft. Brig Jenny, i hompfon, Greenoch, 75 days. Scliooner William, Swain, Chailefton. Sloop Spicer, Philadelphia. CLEARED. \ Brig John, Howell, New-Providence. Sclio.ner William, Swain, Charlefton, bi jop Aurora, Butler, Ditto. Peggy,, Martha Brae. Price Current, WilminrtoH. L umber, conha j i Pork pci i' 5 ol J fcantllng / | & remainder boar Js of f 1° J Tallow per Ib^ inch & sinchesfuper-j . | Beef per bll.. ftcui meafnre. , Com per bull ^from I Red v)ak Khd. ftaves per M, So to' 9of. White Oak do. t5o*ci6of, 49 to 5of. 80 to 9of. to i8f. i6r. to tof. izfbd. R. O. bll. do. W. O. do. 18 inch fliinglet, tz do. do. Tar per bll. Tnrpentineperbll. of? 14 to 3201b. grofa, - i isf. Pitch per bll. . 18 to lof. 'I'ohacco per 100 lb. 6of. Rice, per do. - 4«f. to j^.zf Black-ey d peas per “I c bulhei - J 5^ Bees’ Was per lb. 3f. to 3f6d. Deer-Skins in hair "I Ib.J trim’d, per Untrim’d, Butter per lb-. 2f. ifSd. if.4d. bll. oi 22oib. at. 130 to I49f. i4d. to i6d. 80 to 9of. - 7 to 8f. - 24 to 3of. il‘6d to 2f. izo to i4of. For FALM9UTH or PLYMOUTH, in England, The BRIGANTINE F M E, JOHN HANDS, Mate. \Vili lail (wind and weather permit- ing) in FOURTEEN DAYS. For light freight or paffage, enquire of the Captain on board laid veflel. or of John burgwin. Wilmington, July 23. 21—22 per bufhel Otter Skins Raiccoon do. Brown Sugar - Ordinary per ioolb 100 to izof Loaf fugar per lb. 2/8 to 3f. { Jamaica to^f. Wcft-In. yfqd. to 8f. N. Eng. ~ 6 to 6r6d Molaffes per gal.3f6d. to jfSd. Chocolate per lb. - 2 to zf4d. Iren per ton - - ^^65 Philad. Flour per bll. of 1961b. , (y-j to loof. Steel per lb. . ,8d. Iron Hollow ware per ton ^^63 Fine fait per bufnel - 4f. Do. by Retail - 6f. Coarftf fait p>ir bufhel . - 4f. Coftce per lb. zf4d. to zfSd. Bo'iea tea - 6 to yf. Orceri do. - - 20 to 24f. H. England Cheefa i«d to i6d TO B E S O L D. m At ifufftioii’, On TUESDAY the FIFTH Day^ AUGUST next^®^ ^egro Wench ^ Belonging to the eftate of John Lyon, Efq. dcceafed. Said Negro being fold in order to difeharge the debts due from faid eftate. By order of the'^Exccutof, THOMAS WRIGHT, fherlff. Wilmington, July i6. Ir 20 — To he SOLDy The following traSls or parcels of “L N D, Being part of the eftate of the late Gene- ral Waddell, viz, ^WO HUNDRED acres of land in line Creek, adjoining the upper line of J. Meadows, on the North fide of faid Crwk. acres of land in Anfon Countv, On RiVvr, the North fork of Wild (it, 6n the taft fide of Waxhaw Pa'h. 6+0 acres of land in Anfon County 640 acres of land in Anfon County. on the South-Weft Ede of Pedee River, on V^iid Cat, in the ui pcrhne of Jam s M’Manus’s land on faid Cr*ek. 500 acres in Anfon County, on the S. fide of Pedee River, South fide of a Fork of Lynche’s g . - ^ I the upper fettlemeiit. 600 acres in Anfon Countv, on the “f Tl’ompfon-. 300 acres in Anfon County, on the 490 acres in Anfoii countv, on. Lea.n’s Creek, bclcw the Catabaw Path. 500 acres in Anfon County, on the s. w. fide of Pedee River, on the Waxhaw Path, where it cioflcs the North Fork of Wild Cat. 320 acres in Anfon County, on the Boinii- v.jeft fideef Pedee River, on the Korthfideof the North rorX ct Cat Creek. N.B. The above-mentioned tra6ts were all patented in Anfon, but that County havi.n? fmee been divided, it ,s probable fome of thefe lands may now be in the adjacent Counties. 140 acres patented in Cumberland County, but now in Chatham, upon the Laft fide of Bear Creek. 720 acres in Rowan Countv, fiiuatc on both fides of Crane Creek, adjoining SaiUbury town line. ALSO, A lot in the town of Sa!;ft>ury, known by No. 13, in the North-Eaft fquare, joining John Dunn, Efquire’s lot. For further particulars, enquire at Wilmington, of HUGH WADDELL, “ or JOHN B. WADDELL. tVilmingtonyJuly 23, 1788. 21—22 AN Apprentice tothe Cabinet Making and Riding**Chair bufi- nefs. Apply to ■ V JOHN NUTT. Wilmington, July 23. 21—23 '^HE Subferibers rec^ueft all perfons having any demands againft the eftate of the late John Grange, fen. Efq. dcceafed, to render in their ac counts to them as fpeedily as poftible, properly attefted, as they wifti to have the accounts againft theVaid eftate ad- jufted, that they may as foon as pofti- blc difeharge the fame ; and alio re- queft all pcrlbns indebted to faid eftate, to make immediate.payments, to pre vent profccution. Thomas Neale, jun; Jit . .« John Hally jAdminiftrators. July 15, 1788. 21—

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