To be Sold cheapo And on very eafy terms, the lowingS^aluable A N D S, Lying between ten and^ twenty miles from Wilmington., CMITHFIELD, firuateon both (ides cf tii3 Norui- .Vcd, bctvween Blue Banks and Drur; Alien’s, c^iicalring Z2C.O acres of land, abouc 400 whereoi are vsry rich Avarnp. part of whxl\ is cleared, tbs remainder w;/* timh:rtd. 'I h: isgii fvvan.p tic lor corn or ;r.di|o, extends 25 chains back irom the river, which isuncommon intliat ncigh!)ourhocd j and p*rt 01 the Ijvv^t fwamp may be overflowed with great eafc,by a Kevcr-iailmg *lrca:n, I'jron which is jull finifacd an exceeding go«>d Saw. Mill, very near t^thenver.— f here are band- Iv^mchtuaiions lor fettltments bsiween the mill and tbo river, .n good corn land. BLUE BANKS, fituatc oh both fides of the river, below Smlthfield, containing 2351 acre* ci land, 410 whereof is rich fwamp, about 130 acres being clc.ired, of which 80 acres may be watered at any time with gre,t cafe. 'I he femainder tit lor corn or indigo.—The un cleared fw.amp ronuin a vaft body of cyorefs timber, and the high land has two tircams fit for griAmills running through it; between z and 300 acres arc cleared, part ot it being very good corn land..... , here is a DVVELLiNG-HOUSt containir? a had, parlour, four chainbtrs and three clofcts, a kitchen, ftahlc, and large brick barn. Ihc beauty and healthinefs ci tliis place is too well known to further defeription. B E L L E F O.N T, fituate on both ftiet of tl»c North-V/ell, joining and below Blue Banks, being «rc ^1 the hti\ high .v amp plir.taticns on the rivtr—-It cr n- tasr.s about 3x30 acies ci land, 8oo acres whereof the bed Isvamp, aheut toe acraa bsing cleared, moll cf which can bv wateicd by a ftream ifl'uing out of the highland, which is i;ke- Wile capable of fuppiying a Imril grid mill. 1 here are on the prennksa BRlCrc «OUl>£, containing four roesns, a kiickcn, barn, and otlkr ntctiTary out-buiidirgs. One thouland acres of land on the waters of i ivingAon creek, ccntalnin; feme geod rice land, and aquant;iy ct scry line turpentine tiece. 'Ihv range .or ftoclc A (mail pieccj of land lying on Rat- tie Branch, near the North-V. cA road, in an advantage* ous iiand fora tavern, contaii-.nj zco ac.'ts. ^ A piece oi land on the North-EaR fide of black River, in the neigl Seurhood cf Maultfl,’. pcir.t, j. ca part cf w hich is tics fwamp, or meado .v j the whole con taining zco acres. A tiact joining andsbclow the la(l- mcr.tiored, for:r,.-l.- patented to James Colfon ; moA of thi? is pri.r.c ride .'■van,_> a.n; cane ir.e.'.dcv . ’i h- i.igh land lituarc in a rc.narkahic hne range. • st contains of high and bw land about iccc acres. APPLEBY, adjoining the abevs, containing in the whrlc 266 acres, 546 acres being go. l tide cvic meadww and rich fwamp, 30 acres completely d.fched round, ard 45 acres necriy lin.ihed i on the hr»h land, which is iiruatc in a fine ra.ngs, is a very p’ecty and iieakhy fuuatiou for a fvttlemenc. An Ifland of tide fwamp, lying op- ]»cfite to the laA mentioned tradfs, eentaining 176 acres. A piece of land on the North-Eaft £ce of the Nertb-WeA, juA below the mouth of Black River, g'eatpartef which is tide cane meadow, containing, by deed, aco acres. A piece adjoining and below the laA-mertIcned,nioA of which is tide fwamp and can# meadow, containing, by patent 320 acres. Another piece between the lafi: and that valuable body cf rich fwamp, caiicd tl. C.t Fiihi lands, con- tainlrg about zco acre*. The fert'iity, timber, fituation of thefc lands «n navigaHIe waters, between >Mim;ns-t.Tn and^ Jayeite-Villr, w h eh will probably in a Aiort time become the" capital of the A rte, mrke them defirable pcRL.Ticss !or prefent profit, and afford etrain affurar.ces of their becoming extremely valuable at a period net very dittant.—— ■■■ ^.pprov.-d old bonds, cfp"ciallyf the late Mr. Dry's or Cap'. Hewan’s, and any debts of t!ie fubferiber w 11 be aliowed in part payment } and ar> perfon p ;rchafing the whole, fhall h^ve them a very great ^rgoin. for further particulars, apply to BENJAMIN SMITH. Belvidere, July 2, ly^S, -20 lam. Me fir 5. Boiven and ^HE lafl: General Aficinbly hiving counts to commence fuits agaiiift ie- veral perfons who were held up to pub lic jvievv as delinquents in the payment of arrears due by*them when acting as fervants of the public, and my name appearing aihong the number, in juf- tice to myfclf, and for the fatisfaction of my fecurities in ofSce in particular, and my friends in general, I think proper to requeft you to publifli the underwritten certificate of my final fettlement, which 1 flatter myfelf will extenuate every unfavourable impref- fion that tnav have been made on the minds of thofe who have attended to fuch an illiberal procedure againft me. Your humble fervant, PETER MALLETT. Wilmington, July 16. 20—23 COPY. State oj Kcrth-Carollna^ jj. No. 532. THIS certifies, that Peter Mallett, Efq. former Cc.mmillary General, ex hibited into the Comptroller’s oiiicc his account upon oath, wherein he charges the public for calh cieclired in his ac count fettled in the Comproliei’s Of fice, in December 1782, and for calh and a warrant paid into the hands cf Thomas Amis, Aliidaiit Cornmulary, the lum of leven hunche'- and thiitv two thoufand four hundied pounds currency, and for v\hich. he produced vouchers, and lodged them in f; id of- Wilmington dijlricl, ff. John AblcnCampbell, complainant, vs. John Grant, defendant. In Equity, June term, 17S8. O RDERED, That the defendant do appear to complainant's bill, onorbefoie the firft day of enfuing term (which will be the 6th of Decem ber next; in default whereof the com plainants bill fhall be taken/ro conje^i, Publifhed by order of the Court, Thomas Davis, C. & M. E. Wilmington^ dijlricf, fT. Gabriel Dubrutz, complainant. vs. Aaron Pimental, defendant. In Equity, June Term, 17SS. ^^^RDER-ED, That the defendant do appear to CO mpiainants bhi, on or the fiat day of en- fuing term (wiiicii will be the fixthof December nextj in derauit whereof the compiainant’s bill iliail be taken pn ccnftdo, Publifhed by order cf the Court, Thomas Davis, C. &M. E. No ^•1 ce. TT THEREAS, by a decree of the V V honourable the Court of Equi- ry. in riiw iuct U'he.'cin Severin Erichloa is complain ant and Samuel Vance, defendant— I: is ordered by and with the confent and Co.- T O B E L E T, The BRICK HOUSE, TAVERN, •nfl F£RR.I£S, oppoilte Wilmington. Three good Carpenters, a Shoe- tnakcr, and Bricklayer, that have ferved their apprer.tlccff ius in Charledor»to he hired out to any perfons bwo will ufc them properly, and pay pundually.———^.Appiy as above. —Notice to aii perfons indebted that they call on the le refpe^ive balance r before the firft or ben all perfons fail- be fued wiibout fur- AVIS, C.‘& M. 'E. fics. And he credits the public tor j of the parties’, that the Matter in cafli received for lundry warrants on ; Court do forthwith collect and the treafury, and for ten barrels of | recover the debts due to Samuel Vance flour received of John Bradley for Jo- j or Samuel Vane feph Green, thefum of fix hundred and ; js hereby siven 1 fixty-eighr thoufand pjunds,which be- I to fai ing deducted from the above merition- cd lum, leaves fixry-four thoufand four hundred pounds currency, due from the public to the laid Peter Maiiett, v.’hich, accordin-z to the kale of de ^ * preciation in the month of Augult, 1780 (being then one hundred for one) is equal to fix hundred and forty-four pounds fpecie, for which 1 have grant ed him a certificate. No. 533, and which is in full of his account. Given at Hillfborough, this 18th day of May, annodomini, 1788. FRANCIS CHILD, Comptroller. N, B. The above balance is, ex- clufive of jT, 1954 i8a 3J. due Mr. Mallett, by lettlcment in December 1782^. F. CHILD, Comptroller. Wilmington, July 2, 17S8. ic— WANTED, By the Comrnlffioners of the Naviga tion, one hundred ihouiand £ R . I Q K S. Apply to WILLIAM NUTT, Clerk. Wilmington, June 11, —eo you, A/ I L M I N G T O N: '(North-Carolina) Printed and Publifhed by BOWEN and HOWai?n Piinting-Uffice, opponte the Naval-Offices where Subferiptions forothis Pao‘“r FTRTv ^