To a D Y, With a poUJhed piece of Amber^ incl^ng a perfeSi Jiy^ intended for a hcket. A MorrOi My heart as this is fare. And Iwt xviil Jim eudstrtt CCEPT this prefent from a feeling minilf And for the giilBr's fake to it be kind. , Caufe it be fet, the motto underneath j >■ In fancy colours fancifully wreath j - . Let pureft chtyftal drcle it above-^ Amberj the emblem of the pureil love ; Then place it of pofite thy heart more purea [ InvariablCi and as the fly (ecurt. ' . 43SC* A N E C D 'O T E. T he Peruvians had a cuftom, on the death of any diftinguifhed perfon, to inter along with him, to keep him company, the fervant that had been mod attached to him in hit life. A young man who had loft his, in after, and who had alfo loft an eye, was feleded to have the honour of ac companying him in the other v/orld 5 but not being ambitious of the prefer ence, he exclaimed—“ Do yot^know what^ you are doing? Are you not wanting in refpeft to my maft^^|ius to chopfe a perfon who has bulfone t9L jerve the other \ orli ?—The Peruvians confultcd, and the young man favedhis life. ^^IIE Subferibers rcqucftall perfons ^ having any deinands againft the eftateof the late John fen. Efq. dcccafed, to render in ac counts to them as fpeedilyas poftiblc, properly attefted, as they wifh to have the accounts againft the faid eftate ad- jufted, that they may asfoon as polfi- ble difeharge the fame ; and alio rc^ queft all pcrlbns indebted to laid eftate, to make immediate payments, to pre vent profccution. Thomas Neale fmn.l . y . John Hall, jAdmiiuftratori. July 15, 1788. 21,^ A nefs. and Umatdt ^HETlaft General Aflcmbly having * ordef|d tho' Comptroller of Ac- counifj^'cqmtuciice fuits againft fe* veral perfons who Were held up to pub lic ^view as deliiM^ents in of arrears by them when actuig as fervants of the public, and J'?®? appearing among the numbe^ ticc to mylcff, and for the fatisfactjbn of my fecuritics in offi^ in partic^a^ and my friends in general, 1 proper to requeft you to pubiilb thi underwritten vcrtificaic of Ifey fcttlcmcnt, which 1 flatteryfelf will extenuate cvcry unfavouraoWimpref- fion that may have been made oil the minds of thofe who have attended to fuch an illiberal procedure againft-mc. Your humble feryUnt, ; % PETER MALLETT* - Wilmington, July i6. COPY. 20—23 Wanted, msss N Apprentice to the Cabinet Making ana Riding Chair bufi- Apply to D JOHN NUTT. Wilmingtbn, July 23. 21—23 State of Nortfh^arolina^ ff* m No. 532. THIS certifies, that Peter Mallctt, Ekj. former Commiflary General, ex hibited into the Comptroller’s oiiice his account upon oath, ^ herein he charge^ the public forcafti credited in his ac count fettled ill the Coraprolier’s Uf- fice, ilfi December 1782, and for caih and a warrant paid into the hands of -Thomas Amis, AlDftatit Commiffary, two thoufand four hundrcil pounds currency, and for which he produced vouchers, and lot^ged them in of fice. And he credits the public for calh received for fundry warrants on the treafury, and for ten barrels of flour received of John Bradley for Jo- feph Greep, the fum of fix hundred and fixty-cighi thoufand pounds.wl^ich be ing dedu6ted from the above mention ed fum, leaves fixty-four thoufand four hundred pounds Currency, due^frora the public to.' the faid Peter M^^tt, which, according to the fealc of de preciation in the month of Auguft, 1780 (being thcfi One hundred for one) is equal to fix hundred and foity-four pounds fpecie, for which I have grant ed him a certificate. No. 533, and which is^ in full of his account. " Given at Hlllftiorough, this 18th day of May, annodomlm, 1788^ % FRANCfS CHILD, Comptroller. N. The above balance is, ex* clufive 31^. 1954 ,8f. 3^, due Mr. Mallett, by fettlcment December, 1782. j F. CijllLD, Comptroller. JOUKiN^L-o 01 i>ilC ^ I laft Affcmbly are now rea dy to be delivered at th. Superior Court Office. JOHN HUSKE, Clerk. Wilmington, J^ly 20— T h E Adminiftrators of the Jate Mr. SWANN, requeft thofe who arc indebted to the Store in Wiitning* ton^kept ^ Mr."JAMES MILLS, to ^call i^^Mr. ISAAaBERNARD, who is authorifed to fettle and receive the debts, and to give difcharges. ^ Wilmington, July 16. 20— * Notice. W HEREAS, by a decree of the honourable the Court of Equi ty^ in the fuit therein depending, wherein Severin Erichfoa is complain ant and Samuel Vance, defendant-- |||r is ordered by and with the confent of the parties, that the Maftcr in faid Court do forthwith colled and iccover the debts due to Samuel Vance or Samuel Vance and Co. Notice is hereby given to all perfons indebted to faid concerns, that they call on the Mailer, and'pay the refpedive balance by them due, on or before the fii ft of September next, when all perfons fail ing therein, wiiitbe fued wijth/ ut fur ther notice. Thomas Davis, C. & Al. E. Wi^ington;July 2> 1788. Ji3— WANTED, By ihe Commiffioners of the Naviga tion, one hundred thouland IP K S. % NUTT, Clerk, luncii, 1788. ^By the Printers hereof. asm TO Bl^SOLD CHEAP, ' For Ca(h or t’roduce, VTVWO valuable PLANTATIONS at the White Marlh, Bladen County, containing 900 acres, the pro perty of the late Robert Rowan, Efq* deceafed. For. further particulars ap ply to ifc y. Richards, or ARCHIBALD MACLAINE. Wilmington, July 116,1788. 20— A».am) Effa,. «>d AdicI«rfMig™„ will b.

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