(VOL. I.) T HI (NUMB. 23.) A N D G E N E R 'A L A D V E R TI S E R.-' Wanted to Hire, By the Months or lotfge^ Term^ . A ot age. N ACTIVE Negro B07, b«» tween twelve and fourteen years' Application to be made to the PRINTERS. Wanted, AN Apprentice to the Cabinett Making and Riding Chair bufi- nefs. Apply to ^ JOHN NUTOT. Wilmington, July 23. ai—23 TO BE SOLD CHEAP, For Cafti or Produce, q-^WO valuable PLANTATIONS A at the "“White ’Marfli, Bladen County, containipg 900 acres, the pro- the deceafed. For further particulars ap ply to H, y. Richards, or ARCHIBALD MACLAINE. Wilmington, July 16,178 8. 20— Notice^ W HEREAS, by^^^of the honourable thj^^^^H^qui- ty, in the fuit the^||||m^ng, wherein Severin Erichfo^^TOmpIain- ant and Samuel Vance, defendant— It is ordered by and with the confent of the parties, that the Matter in faid Court do forthwith colleft and recover the debts diie to Samuel Vance or Samuel Vance.and Co. Nptice IS hereby given to all perfo^ indebted to faid concerns, that they call on the Matter, and pay therefpeftive balance by them due, on or before the firft of September next, when all perfons fail ing therein, will be fued without fur-* ther notice. Thomas DAvisfC.&M. E. Wilmington, July 2, 1788. 18— I S L L A A A Comment AAV on thc^rft Chapter, of the Law made, in the year one thbufand |evei^ hu^i^ and eighty- fix, with Observations political and ufefuL B V A Wr iting Paper, FOR SALE By the Printers bereof^*^ * MODERN COMMENTATOR. (excluded,) , Generai, Observations. SUPPOSE in the aft which taker away an abatement iB ap- pMls, by the death of either p...ty|' when the advantage of pica hackaccrued prior to the e:;ifttnce of the above aft, and th^udge give the claufean exaft lir^al conftruftion, by virtue l£f^P ihort fentence contained thtreio, “ in ali courts what> %|pr r* k U clear as the fun, -nat this conflrudion, like a two edged fwddl, would do more ex.xution behind than before, and dived the party of a right whitr. had accrued by virtue of a precedentlaw. This Is a fpcciesof txpcHf&at laws#||iiicb the conlUtution declares againd—a ft r - a.Tficntal which thtt ' is fo fond to make all taws correfp.. td with. Here it is like- wife clear, that in whatever l>a.ge i j proceedings are ftruck by that claufe, it mud move foiwuid . d not back j and if it fhoald have no fubjeft-mattcr to operate i >ji»n in that dirtclion, in the name ot Gjd, do not tom it back lAicfa would be as itieat an .(vVy, as iiatuiat "woriu, lor the fmaUer (Iream, when it becomes uiiited with the greater, to take a contrary courfe. Again, if two are iudifted fever^lly for a joint trefpafs, and thefird tried,found guilty, and the judge not fijffer judgment to go againft him, becaufe the other might then avail bimldf of his evidence ; becaufe there is a prefumptioii againft his veracity (which by the by falls entirely within the province of the jury) and becaufe the authorities fay, if the per- • fon had been cleared, he might have been evidence. One would imagine upon the principles oC reafon (upon which all laws jure faid to be built) t^t if one has underwent the jddg- ment of clergyable felony, and is good evidence a f»mri in a fimple trefpafs j in this cafe the party lies under all the difad- .yantag« of the law^and crudly wittoeM from its benefits.-— ' There is little odds betwixt this and mtxptfi Jaw f if the fubjeft had known that he could not hav. bad all the privileges of tlie law, he would not have been liable, and that is the pre- fumprion in the other cafe. In every crime, when judgement Is gone forth, the privities of the fu^.u^ (unlefs exprefsly taken away) are ezaftly in the eye of the ihme, as before he become liable. Againtsn a trial frv the recovery cf a debt, as is mentioned in a certain aft, for ttting away intereft under panicular circum. ftances, if the judge ftiould prder tlie term of intereft to be ftnick c off, without any kind of attention to the circumftances ; might i he not u wc^.take away twelve years as well as fix. The fix - years are of no kind of effeft by the aft, unleOi the circum- ftances apply, and if a judge can difpofe with riie ciicumftances, ^he alfo may with the term ; but, perhaps a judge friay find it in bis account, to make a number of fimilar de^ifions in this ^.cafe, that may be adduced as precedents when be comes to pay off his bond-debts. This laft cafe appears rather a wildfup- pofition, and conrequent|)r of Ijttle force j well, let it be fo.—^ As far aa.itis out of the line of probability, in the fame propor tion wilT its weighj^e in the iiluftration ^foreus. Thefe fuppofed cafes are defigned to illuftrate the abfurdily of Wbat-d'ytrcmU-httnt placing the^preme power inthe joActal branch, when we fee they mxj m fo far, when the road is pre- vioufly marked by the legiflatve. The Farmer, (for 1 now re- colieft the fignatum) appears to. have been execut^ the fore end of this tafle much bettertban any other part j—the.nariative is very pathetic—4he manner iA; which the bunches of briers woe broken in upon—the profimation of certain pofitionsk-che old apron feverally pendant, and the materials empiqyed for un hitching the pitchy garb, are (1 fuppofe) all that can beextraft- ed as pearls out of fuch a m^s of rubbilh. Hia mental prawefs has as far inadMuatti. as the mufcular ftrength of La Mancha's hero when^w ftormed the wind-mills. And upon the ground that the cafes hold,^y^. are not competent to the talk of direfting a boat craftAd with lumber, when in the haven, how Ihould th^ iieer a Ihip freighted with jewels through the pMhlefs ocean ? ^ To the legiflature it alone bdbngs to move forward uncon- lUy fuperior fpfam, without a re^ponfibility tever,-.no fnrthtf than found policy may frdta '~,^and of thisthey are the foie and exclufive the great fecret of acquiring andjireferving this io^fiqieri^ty—attending the«trero£ the Plebeian mafs—• foothlK t^f ^afifidnSf wbenfern^ted, and on the whole by de(^ ^d plaiMfl^ulding me aggr^ate exertions^into a blefied TiWO* trouled in in any yj tiine jud^. ‘^lorioi fubfelflncyj' aivtJys Ure to pay a neceflary dcfference to the pop^ daft in the legillatare, as f have already (hewn has been ddhe } which is fomething like (if we may be allowed to iUuf^ce great things by. fmaU) the country-burn cramine the lnlhmen with pumpkins, while they regaled themfsiveson melons j the lattw eftimating the compliment by the fuperior magnitute of their repaft. On fhe other hand the judicia powers jue to follow at a reverential diftanre, interpreting the law adding to the meaning and intent of their fuperiors. and ifj^ujties occur, a folemii paufe is to take pUce, and thus rodlaia.frU ftart^^ the mighty intervention of the legiflature. For to toat ti^cdidcnt power it alone pertains to unflicarh the fword oflegiflative omnipotence, and fever thofe gordian knots that otherwife refufe to be untied. The defign of this digreflioo, you may fee,«vas to evince the certain aUovvanccs, and to difpel thofs interveninjc tog^ ttat might otherwife have hung upon t!ie fubjed by the Farm^s doftrme, both of which purpofes bring fully anfwoed. we will ftrike into our road again. * The only intendment of the aft, as I before faid, was to pro- □ tore ubabitanu to eflhalice thofe territories,—the only founda tion capable of fupporting a rcfpeftable fuperftrufture j for it is to unmutablepofition in politics, tliat the riches of any country ism proportion to the multitude, and equal di.ftribation of its inhabitants. Now how tbe aft under view will have this effeft srithout literally hurting the conftitution, or having any kind of retrofpeftive operation, I will proceed to evince. In the firft place, tbe general rumour of tlie appointment of to army, for the proteftton both of the plase ani emigrants, aibl the eleanog. of a ipad fit for tbe palfage both of wae-ons and carts, which laft you kifow^ long been a capital cTbjee- ti^n in tho^y of die more Wealthy, who would otherwife eongrate ;^Me drcumftances will have a wonderful effeft, and aithotf|h with refpeft to the read being cleared in the man- nerfpe^ed 1^ the aft, there is a moral certainty it will not ba doi\e«^l^riine, but yet the bare prcmulgaticn of the act will ifilhiffiice^ matter with a confides aV'ie degree cf-e louforrs Ad attAripbito tbqjjatter fort j as for the p.- ck lio ib !j's, who genmlly^fwallow thi.ngs -s ti.ey would wi:^. ih_re U not the leaft doubt, but they wlh be allured in grc»t multitudes, to foch a lengbt th^ jTvetreat w.ll Ltc..*T)'* .mpr^fticable. and tit*y ineviubiy comeui.aei every pcihbie njotivo todellrcy ihe Indi an tribC}, when, ii the greater numocr ihculd perifli in th* cn- terprize, and they can be very well fp .red after i!.ey have an- JwercdthealfcVeend, bring generaiij an u„rtfin.-J gang, a^d mimical to that fubferviency which wc wvu’d vlu, to br>» . about; the aborigines and prefent claiaia .ts of t'cf- Jv ds* touft be entirely extircated ; ard this is t!.e only way it e-i- donc,(towil) by the above charaftcr under the perfoauo^f that they are fighting for their own interefls; tor ever life thac is loft and every drop of blood that is fpiit, adds to^the v lua and worth of thofe lands. If the ermament Ihould bs cj fi>e-fei on the way and drop into-the fett!emcnt« in fmoil deduftsd and riuj^Jurk alx>ut in the more fecure part cf the toimtty; yc^P^ in a great meafure will have tbe dtfired toeft. It IS nie indeed it will raife our uxes. in feme meafure, for if the calh anfing from the lands fet apart, for defraying th - expencc,tpiove iofafficient (which you know in reality was never ^^ned^ to rrife a fanhing, every proprietor being prepared to flielter himfelf under a caveat, which is a bldfed and providen tial interierento to thofe v^e piofpeas are the greateft. in re lieving them from a difgufting and enormous burtiten) the trea- fury.muft be dinned as in other cafes, fo that every interefted perfon, or not interefted, is making our fortunes to the Weft, tod not a foul of them can fee it, if we cenduft wkh forefight *”*|5*j^*** ^®'*n*y lie open to the animadverfioiis of the difapiminted philofopher, the political theorift, and thu proteus cleric, by (fay tb^) making laws tending to deftroy that equality, which conftitutes republicanifm, and this is one as it tends in its confequences to throw tso great a propoition of property into the hands of a few, who in time may lord it at plcafurc over the many, See. Well, admit It; and it wUl only be laying, what has been etcmally, will be while human nature is under tte prefent ceconomy; as far as hiftoiy or tradition reaches into pofterior periods time, is no hing but one confir mation another of this truth. If the whole human race were * mathematical equality with refpeft to proper ty, fiutlTOie gre^ variety and complicated digreflion which each individual is poffefled of, a ray er part of the Divinity, this equally could not cxift a Angle moment; therefore, whoever would be for deprefling all to a level, would in faft be doing nothing elfe^ than fighting againft the difpenfations of heaven. Has not ability and addrefs, or the fuperior endowments which human nature is capable of taking, generally direfted the cur rent of events ? Witnefs, the cor.tcfts betwixt the Houfes cf York tod Lancafter, as a fuperiour fliareof^^s divine imprefs, fliiited from tbe one fide to tbe other; inuxaft tbe fame manner wa the mode of fuccefSon to the crown frrtlcd. And an af- fomblage ^ of endowments, meeting ii|. tbe mighty Cromwell, enabled him toefieft, what even at rids flifttoceW time aftonllh- es the philofopher and petrifies the politician. But fuch cha- occur, and the one we have mentioned, remains unequalled, and is- undoubtedly one of the greateft that has yet come forward on the ftage of humanity ; from all which it is clear, that we are doing what always has been done, and that fro^ the nature of things, will necefilarily enfue and coofequent- ly ifgiht. Tho bulk of the people look upon it as an advant^re that the lands totbe Weft, (whither the road is to be cut) Ihould be fet tled with the prefent inhabitants of this ftate, never confideriog that every perfon who emigrates leaves our debts fo much the heavier, as he canics fouls and property with him, and confo-

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