•wertly ;mpovcn.li’es tfie ftatf, the contraiy cffca takes pi :cc whither he is goin§ ; and as for that country (though no- ininaily a part oFthls date) confributing to the general burden^ there will be little or nothing in it, as eTei7 criterion of eftitnating a quota, will quickly alter to the advantage of the Weft, by the great incTOfemenTof inhabiunts, it will have over this.pvt of the ftate 5,4>endes nature has marketf it out for a fep^a^^wde- pertdency ; fo that the refources comirtij from then*, to e«^en- fate for the naore va'luableand vigorous part ojf (pur fubj^s it^ lias drawn away, is only a proper cud for when they Ihould happen to b« a little foured li^»p::^ght of tarcei, or tendered uneafy by the glare that Am. rk)r {«M. ' • But in illuftrating the propriety of our oondu£t, wn have a little wandered from the main febjeft, -which we will now Itrike. The commander cf the troops, by the power he is wdod with, ♦f judging of emergencies, may calUorth bis men ili%me often* ■ fdilc emergency, and in the me^ time examine.-the oountry* and general fituation of our fevet^diftri£ls, and look^dutlf any more can be procured, &c. Of this-^e can be feafonibly. ap-' prift J, and provide accordingly ; this wili^be their ioierefts; on account of thefeveral fpecific compenfationt both officers apd foldiers are to receive. ' ' . This fyftem ol policy has heeh deCgnedly covered, as I hefere bave (hewn,-not only, froffi t'tc vulgar nfafs, but from a nqmber «f popuh’-and turbuleht chara'aci s (I We bad occafion already ’’ to mention) which make a confiderable numbci in the general- 'affenibly. It is truimddfcd, thd^- might hate been taken in ; ^uttheywanting thatfpecies of bpowledge, only %^ed by Ibp!: and ciofe obfervatiodi and an'e3?teBfi»e reatftng, abfolutely net^ll ary to Ratify them-td condoift fuch a mdmeatons talk, both them and their conftituents drawing little or no knowledge from books, a few old rufty volumes (and thefh genetdily buff ed with direAions for finding the road to a country we dare lit tle about) which have defeended from onej^ener^ion to another, ever finte Luther’s time at leaft, and mot^ noticeable bjf ahe better fort, for the ingenuity of the fpider and drfeipUne. ofThc fly, they exhibit, than any thing they contiiBi{: fo that it is'no wonder in a political view, that they caArot' diftihgffifh their right hand from their left, and indeed it would be extremely un fit they fttould, as ' but we are again diverging, as I, had determined to have kept the-traft at this "heat, till I hatLgot outi but as I mu ft abferve in^opr polrtical teaching, fometT^ f ous to the clerical method of fermonifing, ufes of Info^tion, confolation, and like them perhaps, do not know when to' quit wlien we have done*—Well, we will again lay hold on the thread of our fubieft. When the profierty of lands are vfcfted In a few, and population joes for ward; the fuperiority of the few and fervility of the many,, are equally ine/table. It it true we cannot -throw things into this happy train at once; but by proper conduA in the art of making adb, we may greatly faicilitatc its approach to the defirable point* The aft under view but barely paves t e way to fomething more declfive. By the uncontrolable powers we poflefs, as law-makers, the militia of the weftern ecunties moft contiguous to the places, of danger, and all the inhabitants of Davidfon county, and the other counties in that country, may be drawn forth to favour migration, and be paid out of the treafury with the money raifed from thofe who have T50 intereft there, nor never mean to have, any ; and* we, who have the greateft intereft there, may not contribute a , copper more than thofe who have none, by a reciprocity of cayeating, -which I before obferved, was a very fortunate interferenc*, and tan be employed to great advantage. Thus, by e-ify gradations, we may eft.ablifh fomething analo gous to the federal fyftem, or create dependencies, and have cer tain and fettled rev nucs cftabii.'hed, create orders, and then lay claim to hereditary diftinftion, which will dignify, and announce our suviRloR iTY to the furrounding world, fomething fin i- !ar to the Dukes, Bails and MarquilTes of England or the Land graves of Gsrmany, cr the Nabobs of India ; there is not a cop per of odds wliat the appellation may be, when the cffcncc is the fame; and without fomething like this, tlicre will alvvays, remain a hateful nakednefs, andadlfgufting equality in our kin^- nf government. The primary caufes of the diftblution of every government, has always been owing to the mifeonduft of the few, when a little welt timed condefeenfion might have prevented the moft ♦atal cataftrophies. Thefe kind of temporary defeents of the dRr AT to the common level, has tranfcendentrffefts, even to produce a canine fervility amongft the many, wpeh otberwife might have broke out with fuch fervour as to melted down all diftinftions into one common mafs ; for as the poet fays, —— “ ‘Th.y'Il Hot only lick the Juft, ■ But Jell tbeir vtr'fJ»uU." Now kind reader, we are juft done, and leaft your ideas ffiould be confufed, we will convey the whole fubjeft comenfuratt to thy memory. We have proceeded to expound a certain portion of law, as it is written in the firft chapter of the ftatutes, made in the year one thoufand feven. hundred eighty and fix, and in the profecu- tion et this talk, it became neCeflary to make a very capital di- grelTion, which again brought on another; the propriety of which, I prefume, appears fufficiently plain ; we again ftrengh- tened, confirmed, illuftrared, proved,and juftified thewholc‘up. enthe pi inclples of human nature, and hiftorical adduftions in the courfeof our general ohfervations,‘which clofcs the whole • this you can remember, take it with you and reft contended with tiieprefpeft, which is morally certein, although fomewhat remote, and do not cxp*ft to hear from this quarter uiilcfs fome- ching alarming Ihculd intervene. Meffi-s. BOWEN * HOWARD, %: I OBSERVED a piece in )'our paper of the i«th July, under thsfignatureof A Maclaine, addrefted to the clefters of the town of Wilmington. I am not an inhabitant of th« town, hv^ glory in bein® a citizen of that ftate of which it is a part, und in pa^dpatingofthofe privileges which are perhaps, if not pcrfeftly fccured, « ^aft under as good afoeial fyftem as any of the United State# can buili^. Among thefe 1 count the liberty . of the prefs of the higkeft efttoation on every occafion of this nature ; and wherever I find a publication direftly or indircftly tending to injure the government under which I live, fliall, I hope, ever fed that fpirk which can alone proteft our rights in- dependently foaring abofe the abftraft'idea of the mere munlci- pH privileges of Wilmington or any other town; relying on this alone as my apology, everconfidcring tlie true intereft of the flate as the grand objeft of legiflation. A writer of recent date informs, “ when any perfon is hardy enough to venture his name in print, he is juftly fubjeft to the aftault of every perfon who choofes to attack him.” I fuppofe be means under any fignature calgulated te conceal the author; as to my part, T hold a very different principle, and view with horror every dciign purpefeiy planned for the dark airaftinatlon of a charafter whofe candour and confcioos.>reftitude were per haps his only inducements to expofe himfclf naked to the pubhe eye. ft-.is not under this fecurity alone that i am to enter the •lifts, and I am rather induced to premlftf this, leaft Mr. Ma- iclaine, as the author of the publication, and confequcntly the common butt of it, ftiouldVuppofe me influenced by either par- t ticular prejudice or foms unworthy motive. My (^jeft is aft enqpiry into the policy, nay I will not altoge ther omit the juftice, Lome eflential p^rtsof the late addrefs, as .they refpeft Mr. ^nes or tlie gentleman himfelf, ^^ f»vani$ thep^bJig. . • fnthe fiM place, as to Mr. Jones, who »s.fo bi^y recom mended'by Mr. MaclSine, I admit every thing mat gentlj^an'baa faid- in his favour as to His abilities and reputation ; J,* ' -argument fake i fqr M1 have no conneftion with dtber party, 1 would not^Ungly offend the delicacy of the one or the other by viewing them m conarart ; but ih frienc^p to Me. Jones,' were he my brother, in found policy and juftice to tliq ftate,9iDn the fcoreof precedent, in fuppoit of decent modefty,'aod ,fpr the full feoffrity of '^gh^s too dearly purchafed to be fcttlfered for , either tite mere’hear of youth, the freak of ambition^ or t!ic gra- ■, tifleation of party revenge, heihould^rot at this terae have my vote, were I am inliabitant of the town ; nor do I thii& it wifl ‘ be time loft, fpr even his friends to view th^ ground well before ^riiey ddfeend a precipice from wlicnce there is no rctitdt. I hold it effnnrijlly neceffary for the welfare of any ftate, (hat the peculiar fituation in point of citizer.fliip, of that caKBdatc •wild prefents liimfelf to ptiWic v»«w,^Qr^ dcpeptlcnt. 'office, Ih^l^be impartially examined by his eleAors, or it wll^;be ^ing^a-Ieap -in the dark. 1 lay his fituation inpoint of citiatR- ^i^^ecaufe ids abilities are to be held in a fej^ondary point of \^very^'s at^chment tothecaufein vni^h be engages, niuft more or rels ej^fure our cxpedl^tions from bis .eod^B^urs^ The man vvho fees his mirtrefs on tire point of drowoiog«^(hes the ftreem and rcganllefs of every dju^er, bravc^ flems . into , ^ , 0the currmt, while one far fuperior in the art of fwiifittiing, ■;fearfully returns to the finiiing^dy, liaving no inducement adequate to the rifle of forfeiting bis individual fafecy. What then is the maiqfpringof action ? What but an Inter- refted attachment to the,thing in view, can flimulate our widea- vours to ads of heroifm or patriotic perfcverance, regardlefs of ^ any ^Jhit the wilh’d for objeft, to -which we are beund by ties ^^hat are indilTolublc in their nature. In politics 1 take it as a -faft beyond the centradiftion of Tiif- torlcal relation that the ninives of every country are its beft-citi- xens, and foreigners on the fame fcale are the worft-; for it is natural to fuppofe, that a people who, generally fpeaking, know no countiy but their own, can have no external objeft to feduce them from its intcrefts; and fliould thefe by chance be -internal ones, the attraftion of their attachment points ftill 'the fame * partial injury to the zflfefted ftate. It >J:Vor -would be otherwirc,fiippofe tf;e whole reprefentation to be foreigners.The liberality of America has however found-a me dium unde^ a maxim proved by long experience—‘%Tery general rule has its exception,” an# in found policy, have extended , the arm of equality ta every nation, ander the laws of naturafEtati- on, admitting lorcignersto partake of the favourable boBM^ii^ of nature, under an equal proteftion with themfelves, in con^ *^®ration of an equal allegiance. But in the name of wonder, bccaufe-pecple liberally attached to the focial intei^ of man kind, and unreftraineJ by the bounds of the atlantic extend thole benefits to others, to which they have as juft pietenfions as thefe nations in total eifcdufion, dees it follow.that we are to refolve them madmen, and fuppufic tlity will inconfiderately delegate the power of taking that inefti'iiubie bh fling out of theii bands (al ready fo benevolently beftov^) to the emigrants of that very government from which dv^tiare fo receutly t-ap«ric(.c^ moft horrid afts of tyranny and flaughtcr. America cannot be fo degraded. Her fons ar-r free—they will not futfer the adop tion of fuch a general rule—nay, theiime is not long paft when the brighteft exceptions wcie prudently held to a ftate of pro bation little fhort of a political ordeal. Then pray, Mdfrs. Printers, in fricndfliip.to Mr. Jones, could I wi(h a yonnz man, who might bid fair for a very ihining member of fociety a few years hence, ftioQld plaice neck and (boulders into the l^iflature of a country (of .piany hundtpd miles extent—in a ftate of nature almoft, and without precedent among the nati ons of the earth) before he had acquired a thorough acquaint, ance w|th its fcveral intcrefts—from a perfonal ^bfervation at a time when l^a^e^^/carcely two yc||rs in the ftate—up ta his eyes in thrtvfihefs dT his proieffion-^ately emigrated from Europe, confequcntly with the rudimenu of their politics in his head, and not inqpoffible their prejudices in bis heart. Great Indeed be Mr. Jones's abilities, but i hardly think the friends of a Na(h, a Jefferfon, a Lee, or a WalbiMen would have ventured them on fuch an enteiprixe. ^ f •?” precedent, -what ^could bt faid in juftification of fuch an eleftion-^> Have not ike feveral powers of Europe their refidents amongft ik either Xi.urnr incog.-— what will be thought of our precedence ? for each of thofe will report their oMervations totheir feveral mafters, and I doubt not £^xhibif a feene hfdicroufly |4fturefque, a refpeft able nation, valiMtly freeiq^ themfelves from tyrannical of of ludd imerJal, into fmm of their own forging ; the fpon and make gamTof a foreign^WCT—In fupport of decent mwlefty, as be underftood to make an)' perfenai attack, 1 (hall onlv obfervii. that in puMicnfeas well as private, among parties as w^^ - ind.yidaals, it *nu^ to be lamented in the prefeiit are. that common Feeney has ftared ancient good maniSrs^nt If coun tenance.-to-# temf,ora ! O coun- As to Mr. Jones’s cafe, I an irc’t F«*®t>cntfccurit74ain(J an illicit praftice on the parHIf Britain, by introducilz their powCT imo oni^^cwil fyftem under tWflimfy maik of fmUItary force couldiof^ tain, Acugh they dearly paid for ft, when the citieres Srtis ri*? i^K *** barrors. I am not fond of detraftlon. I again re peat I have no perfonaltj in vie%vs and though I ti3? th^!Z are and have been many worthy EuroJ&ns in a ftatl^of W probation, admitted into the Iegiflativer«ecntlle a certain affert on in the ftreets of WiImin^^?Si^t and otherApwns* natives who wift rtf^fent well adopted few, whofe preten- difticn to there are in that and otherdto- themfelves betrer than evtn a«„ptca « lions to efficul life, I held far fuperior tq, the of^a moment.—the fire-fde warrior, or the tician. " — ;ed patriot pdi« WILLIAM TATiftk [ Thcrcjaalndcrtftl-* p:«e, !i , want of room.] iplf Dotneflic Intelligence. BOSTON, Julj 3. O RDERS have bee.^. lent from an American agent in China, for building a H^p of 800 tons, for that tri^. Wc learn with plcafurc, that ^e vcflel is to be built in this town. N E W . L O N D O N, June 27. Two brigs belonging to Sagg-Har- bour, on Lpng-Ifland, have lately re- turned-4here from a whaling voyage, having taken about 400 barrels each. Their cargoes fold in the Weft-In- dies, and they brought home 7000 dollars. F«r ^ N E W -Y O R K, July 14. ExtraH of a letter from Poukeepfie^ dated July j I. *** Our labours are now drawing to t conclufion; a few days will finiih era. Our opponents arc dill deter mined on their amendments] they will be of three kinds—the firft, to an explanatory nature; the fecond, re commendatory; tlieth^d, conditional “ feem to have been influenced by our arguments, but they are too proud to confefs it. “ They will pcrfeverc In their dc- ftrudUve fyftem, at leaft for fome time.” After Yoholt beu. W ILMIN-GTO N, August 6. Convention of the fate cf Jt^oKTK- Carolina. Monday^ July 21, t'-JS. jnEVERAL Metr-bers m:t^ and there Wp Jj’’^orum, they fr,cce.^,u*tc rbt choice of e '^rtfdenu YoLen huBxcellency Gofeemor JohrUzn, wji lyeteSea. ^ * j Tuefday, July 22. ccmmhtee of eUffiens, of three nvnhcrs dtjtrta. Dobbs county eieaion -jvas rtfred to the f! r:e •tvbo reported, that rather eleSiont m,e,e gcod, nvitb the e concurred, • » # Appointed a crndimmim draw up rules for regahtinr.be proceed- mgs of tbe a a . r ft agt ted to go into a certmittes of the '•onficuticH paragraph by paregreph, . 24. order cf yferJay, to go upon tbs cen/jjer- n ana dijc’-jfm of tbo New arid ^ tbrnA cr’y two or thru paragrapbs,^frben are got tb^cuA with, :be -Je ti ttn to be put in a.gencral nvay—adept, 0- rejea. The Ftde- ^fJP^fkers are, Meffrs. Da>uu, IreeUll, Bfaciaine, J.hrUjr ar.i Anti-Federal Jpeakert are Mtfr-/Ferlsa:, Galloway, W. Jones, andfoverml ctbe,t. We learn from Newbern, thrt on the 3 2d ult, they experienced a very fevcrc gale of wind from the N. E.— Twenty-t'^o fail of veflels out of thir- ty, which were lying within the bar at Occacock, wt^e driven on.fhorc.— We have not heard the damage fuftain- ed on this melancholly occafion, nor whether any lives have been loft. The northern papers prefcnt no- thm^ to..our'^iew but accounts of pro* ceiuons in almoft every town, in con- fequence of the adoption of the new co^itution By ten ftates. The prof- peft of a moft plentiful crop the eii- fuing feafon throughout the United Stat^,^ together with the hopes of our being fliortly united in the in* diffoluble tics of friendfhip, unde.j* an efidient federal government, cannot faU