Bare innocence is no |bi^>oit V/hen yon an Thewortd a^Uii^ ftanfe’-by*^-: Inclines to aid a ip^ious lie: Alas ! they wc^ld not do yon wrp^ conr^ 4^: i€ are Xft whence preceedi tldi vnight we lay ai dn what dAra^ing people For let mankind dlft^iii^ tl^:^njapi In venom,, till they burft th^r ^^|a> ■ ■ Their utmoll malice cannot make Vour head, your tooth, or finger ai% . , The moft efcAnal way to baalk Their malice is to let them ta^ . , ■ ' W. it-' To he Sold cheapo on v^ry eafy terms, the fol lowing, valuable i ^ - N .'ft J« tr^g fbctvricn ten ani t^cni " from Wilmington. CsMlilflFtlLD, fitqatcin b?A fidts acres cf land, ^bout 400 Whereof are very rj^ch jeh is cleared, th^remai^ ^ ww Tibers ^queft all peefons having any ded&nds again ft the eftate of the late John Grange, fen. Efq. deccafed, to render m their ac'- counts to them as fpeedily as poflible, , properly attefted, as they with to have^ the accounts againft the faid eftate ad-^ jufted, that they may as foon as poffi- ble difeharge the fame ; and alfp rlf^ queft all perfons indebted to 3|d eftate^ to make immediate piiymentSi^ 'to vent proiecution. July 15, 1788. % —■ " ' ' ■■■■■ lid... By the Comniiffioners of the Nfivlga^ tion, one hundred thouland • B R T C A o ii . Ap^y to WILLIAM NX^TT, Cl^k. ’^ilmington, June I I, 17^. .... OF V4^£>‘0S priotira ji^eof. St.. • cunt|in>nj fwamp The biir* W from tFe river, wfifeh rs uncommon . -afe bv k ntf t of che Itxwcr fvvemp may be oversowed with jrwt eaw, y, oever-falUDg fireatn,' «P9p which is juft finilh^ apa ^5 good SAVV. MILL, very hear to the river..^iher9 foinc fuuations for fettlecncnts between the mill ahd «» nver, oo good corn land. ^ ' fix u E^ftA N K «, litua^l;on both iiilwi Atb«river, &w SmithfieW, containing * of land, 4 io whfe( 3llch fwaiTO^^oMt 130 de^wd,. of aeries ercut tafe. •^.leataunder fitjpr com cr ' ■ aredf,vimp^feinsavaft^y *>1 cyp^® the h liinh has two ftrean^ fit for |r»t»4l» Wnmng.^oogh^ b^em 1 and 36c cltand^art,,^»l j^oev^ | - >ir>« is a ■ hall, pjtfkur^ fonr champs and la^elKwkbarn.huhhihefs^^ this place istoo weU , arSirL E E O N J, fitujae on both ."^ftS North-Weft, joinit^g and belc v Blue Banks, being jMM # the heft bighTwamp piantatioos on the river^— taina about joog actdl oMartd, 800 acre, v-hc^^the belt ^ Iwaihp; about lioo acrua Wn? cleaiV, ntoft cf which can ■# vwtmd a. lV«iaBi wtTl the higWand, which is 1*?- w.fe ^p»ef fuppripi«^#ft-mitt. There arc onjhe E retniiVsa Brick. con^dngfeur rooms, a kitcken, arn, and other necdfiSly put-buffl^^a. a One tholifal^ acres of'^Tartd oii the wadwl iivinfctlon^eeit, containing fome good rice land, and a pf veryjm turpentine tices. 1 ha range for ftock piece of land lying*on Ratr ilf^nake Branch^ near the Lurth-Weft rpad, b# ;ain advarttdgt* OU ftaind for a tavern, aoo acres. -r^ ./% jA pifite of land on the North-Eaft of B^ in the neighbourhood of Maultfly’s point, part of which is tide fwamp, or meadow i the whole con- talning'ltw acres. 1 , A traft joining and below the iaft- mentioned, formerly patented to James C^on j moll of this it priiite tide fwamp and cane meadow. The high imd fituate in a remarkable fin* range, 'n contains of high and low la|^ about 1000 acres. A P P L E B y, adjoining ^ above, cobuiningin the whole 866 acres, 546 kcres being ^Ood tide sane meadow and-rich fwamp, 30 acres completely ditch^ ^romd, and 45 acres nearly finiflied j on the high land, which is ' fitt^e.ina fine range, ik^kveiy pretty and healthy fituation for nfettleipoiic. An Ifland of tile fwamp, lying op- poftteko the laft mentioned tra^, contjuning tyo acres. A piece of l$iid on^the North-^Eaft fide of the NoitJ^agi i'll below the m^tb ojT^ Black River, great part of meadiiir,' cotttaiaiiigj by deed, .too acres. A piece adjoining ahd l%loiv th? Iaft-nia]ii|pned, vrkichH^dc fwamp ind^Jk^ naeadow, xontah^^i^y paft|^ jao acres. •" * ^ ■ Another pi^ce between thd lafl^nd that valut^le body rich, ctdled Cat-Fl|ih lanoif con-' tainiAgalMmcaoalaBres. '' K The timbery^fitiMiqti of thoTe Un^ ^ iMji^e waters, bmw^ wllftengteo and Fayeftt• Vitlt^|raP^U probably in a IhOft time the capital of thSpi^ make, them dedrable pollefiions for prefeht .jH^t, ai^eff^||yscrain alTutanc^pf their beMmingextrcinety at hot very diftadlfc--»» ■■ ■■iAp|koved old hpi^s elf^ally pf theWe Pr^'s ett Capt. Rowtm*s, and'air,. " debts' of the fubferjber '^dl be allowed in part paymapt jfrm any jf^fen pt^hafihg tke wh ole, Ihidl haTi$‘th^ a*4||f bar^un. F|il|lurtl^ .particulars, apply to ^ . ^ Melirs. Bowe/i and Howat 4, T he laft General Affcmbly having ordered the Coftiptroller of Ac^ counts to cnmnience fuits againft fe,, veralpcrfons who'were held up to pub. 4|c^dicvv as dclinqwnts in the payment of arrears;duc by them when as fervants^the public, and my naa^ 3y|||foria|^mong the number, in jui: myfelf, and for the fatisfaaion *^"pf my fecuritics ia office in particular, and my friends in general, I think proper to requeft you to publifti the rqnderwritten certificate of my final Jettien^t, which 1 flatter myfelf will ex^nuate every unfavourable impref* fion tliat may. have been made on the felninds of thofe >vho have attended to luch an illiberal procedure againft me. ; Your humble fervant, PETER MALLETT. Wilmington, July i6. 20— 23 f COPY'. Foriakky State oj Nortb-Caroimay f}* No. 532. THIS certifies, that Veter Mallett, Elq. former Commifiary Geneial, eif- hibited into the Comptruller s office his account upon oath, wherein he charges the public for calh credited in Ins ac count fettled in the Comptroller’s Of fice, in December 1782, and for cafti and a warrant paid into the hands of Thomas Amis, Alliftant Com miliary, thjc;.iupj- n£hundred two thoufand four hundred pounds currency, and for whij^ he produced vouchers, and lodged them in fi id of- wfe. And he credits the public for cafh received for fundry warrants on the treafury, and for ten barrels of flour received of John Bradley for Jo- feph Gr^ien fixty-efgf I cd funiy hundr^ ; oppofite Wilmin^h. r Tnf®« 5 maker, and Bricklayer, that ha »JDhaclefton»i6bfe hi^:out to an^ an^ pay^ptiii^ally fum of fix hundred and n3 pounds,which be- thc above mention- j-filur thoufand four cu/rency, due from the public, to the fafd Peter Mallett,. whimlaccordifi^ to the fcale of de- pr^iation in the month of Auguft, 1780 (being then one hundred for one) ^ i^¥qiiaj to fix hundred and forty-four poxinds fpecie, for which I have grant ed Wm a ^rtificateV No. 533, and which is of his account. Given at HiU{^f‘qugh,tVis 18th day of May, anno dd^ini, 1788. FRANCIS CHILD, Comptroller. N. 0;’ -The above'balance is, ex- due Mr. lettiement iii^ecenaber, F. GUlLftj*sComptroller. IV I L M I N G T OJf?: (Ffbrth-Carolina) Printed^and .P^ibli Printing-Office, oppofitc the Naval-Office j where SabTcriptiOns Annum) Effays and Articles of Intelligence will be gratefully recei BOWEN and HOWARD, at their P?|«r (at^FORTY SHILLINGS, per erwmeits inferted on reafonable Terras.