(VOL. I.) T HE (NUMB. 24.) AND E R A L D VER-TISER. «*■ W ^ D N E S D A - y, Aijjust 13, 1788. Foreign Intelligence^ ■ LONDON, May 20. Revolution in the Frcncli Government^ and Rebellion in France. T he confe^uencc of the K.ing’s orders oi the 8th indaitf. Bed of ^ujlice^ held at VerTailleS) is a Rektl^^' Ikn in I'onie dt the provinces. In former papers, dffp liuve related the lirong refolutions and prctelts of the par’iamcntof Vhouloufe. "i he Comte de Perigor^, of one of the'flrft families in France, and V. .0 commaii^ diere, has been expelled the city on epdea- vouiiu" to sntorc^ the King's commands, and the gates of the town were kept (hot againft him. Two r^ments quartered thereunder hi* command, .ire likewife withdrawn from thegar> rTon, as the commandant did not cheofe to expofe them, know ing that fo fmall a forceVould be totally infuAcienU He has written to Court de firing a reintbreement of 10,000 men, with- out w'.iicii, it was his opinion, that nothing could be efife^ed. in Eritany, a great part of the province is in a^ual rebelli on. 'i'he Commandant ..t Rennes, had oidered the regiment of ticr.ij'.fe to march, but they refufed, and laid down theufiWms. He ha* liktwife dirpatohc^l^o couriers to Verfailles, faring, ffomthe ftateof the provfbce, that one might raifearry, defiring sr. 'niniediate fupply of troops. Un the izih and i3^h inflant, a large body of troops, both hcri'e and toot, vi'ith a prodigious number of general'and otlier cflicers, were met marching in gre.it hafte from Paris towaids Bourdeaux. i he road was covered with carriages of every def- C!>}.t.un, and appeared a feene of much confuhun. i l:e King’s orders of the Sth, were to be put in feree the 15th ir.ft^pt: and it is imagined they will be refiffed in the fame man* *’ . .1.- In V-ris, ti.c people ire more quiet { but it is only hecaole of theiuge kody ot troops in its vicinity. They have been dif- pcnccl with much circumfpeftion in every quarter of the town, turicarct any tumult- At V crfaillcs, where the King is, the palace Is furrounded bjr adouole fentryof guaidi, and forae additional reglmentr^i^ fulled ill the neighbourhood. Jieiidcs the refoluiion of the Parliament of Paris, not to ac cept ui any feat in the CDur PleKierif thz grande ebafubre of Par- li.uisntand feveral Pens have refufed giving their afliftance at it i and they have declared turther, that no power (hall oblige t! uiii toiL, as tlie exiltencc of the Court is a violation of their pr;41-ges. riis iviajefty was to declare his farther intentiona laft Tliurf- day. By the nuils which arrived on Mdj^^^ftplng, we find, that the AuilrLnsluive received a mdre t.han c.. unterhalance tlieit fuccefs at The Turks hi"e raife l the fiegc of Dubi^ defca1||Hp|^^ps under the ct.m.mano of Prince Charles of Litchu»m»n, and deftroyed all his batteries. The atl on lafteu for mere than three hours in thei'pen field. 'Ihe Turks dto this occafion, dilplayed the mofl ferocious vahiur. This adlion happened on the Z5th oL April, tiic day after-■ chabat* fu* rendered. ^ ic i3 a fin 'uiar faa, that at |{iis moment, every power in lurcpe has 3 fleet either at fea, or preparing, or ready to take to fea upen tlie thorieil notice. 1 hey writs from Bour*'eaux, that when the meffengcr arrived a: -, ar piace, with the edid from the King of France, an- r, i rcing his will relpeAing the Parliament, the citizens, who we c apprifsd of his errand, threw him over the walls of the tew: , and, in the vehemence of their patriotic rage, were pro ceeding to flonehim te death. Tbemilita^ were ordared to ii. etpofe, but they rem;fincd quite neutraipP'and it was only tn.oufji tlic influence of returning pity that the man was per- m.tieci .0 efcape to recount the tfi^vourable reception that at* tv-ndco him. * he Pu; liament of Paris is now Uo more. Thurfday laft was thu day appointed for the king to hold his bed ofjufticc. Early W tnc .normug every avenue to the houfe of Parliament was fun -u ided by the military—!,« Cbambre Ajjimbieeu A captain or thez^ing s guards entered, and arreftedtwo of the members '' ho had fpoker. too freely on former occafions } and his Majef- ty oirtcr.d ttie Parliament to be cajfee^ or annibllatedK for ever, and the doors of the hbtafe to be ilmt. T Inftrutfions have been tranfmitted to the Governors and Inten- >ants ot the different Provinces in France* with authority to^bro- gatt all the Provincial Parliaments. Military forces arc already n-tioned in different diftrids, to «nfor^ obedience to the King’s diouid reira&oriAefs appi^r* ' from the MASSACHUSETTS CENTINEL, of July a, |f88. SHIP-NEWS— fk RRI^^D fafe In port, the (hip Fedzr al Constitwti- Mrvh Commander, from Elylium. In her pafl«n|ers, Flour'^ing Commerce, formerly a refident in thefe dates—MefTrs. Paj^c Faith, Cej/^^nti, and yuJliee—Gem- rai IhJitaaeuo^ and National *Tbb1atter, we are told, is i iiTtrtnrr'Tis tn-j.i- . /^ to deliver up to 'vRff a idtmrn'Tis TO Ooi ^ United Sates, tl« PoA on the VOKn frontiers, with Jlieir "IWta to akc Ari mea. o"-'' •" 'iSrfurrendet. -bn’the rival of|brfe lUuftnous charaam We felicitate our readers—the mws pMjcu!arly,«Je^ntcnilrcfiding in our dear -coun*!? try.” The canto of this \ oOf thefe is oonflgned cordially accepted. the Oid Werld. There were no paflengers on board, js &e is ^own to be a s.«a.veflVI. and fufpedfed to be rottcMfo much jo, that the o^ers could not procure infuiance. She had oh ^ard rundii7 bales of Englijb colourt, worn out by flying in our harbour,- while onrfiriptt arc not fuffeicd to unfurl, oi‘ our Jlart rwi^e in the Bntim ports^packagei of paper moncy-^inc barrw and tender afts—local prejudices, jeaioufics, jflid f^s of sifccrd. 'The(loop Anarchyare told. Is aftiore on the ef' Ur.un^ and cannot be^pt off j the crew has periflied, and the owners havCdbroke. r » C?C3J«3£»tCa>«3 • In CONGRESS, JULY 3, lygg. W HEREAS tpplleation has h.vn lately made to Congrefs, by theiegiflature of Virginia and thediftiWf of Kew* tucky, tor the admiflion of the faid diflri^l into the Federal Unu on, as a feparate niember thereof, the terms contained in the refolutiens of the faid diftrlft, relative to the premifcs. . ind whereas Congr^s hav ing fully confidered the fubjeft, did. on the third day' of Tune lafl, rcfolve, that it is expedient t^ ihe faid dj(tri£l l>e cr©6ted IkI’c and fep .rate member of the Federal Union j and agj^inted a committee to report an aft accor^ngly, which comrnmee, en the fecond inftant was *dif. charg«^, ,t appearing that iiineftaics had adopted the Conftitu- to'the Conven^on. ot the people. And whereas a new confederacy is formed among the ratifying ftates, and there is reafon to believe that the ftate of Virpnia, including the faid dirtrift, did, on the twenty.fifth of Junelaft, become a mwnber of the faid confr- d^cy ; And whereas an aft of Congrefs in the prefent ftate of government of the country, fevering a part »of the faid ftate from the othw parts thereof, and admiring it into the eonfedc- racy, formed by the articles of confederation and purpetual uni on, a$ anindcpcndcnt|metnbcrthcre^ may beJittLlcd with ^**1!*® ^ e™ to make the faid diftrift a feparate member of the Federal Union, formed by the adoption of the faid Conftitution j and therefore it muft K manifcftly improper for Congrefs affemblcd, under the faid arti cles of confederation, to adopt any other mcafui«s relative to the prwifes, th^ thofc which exprefs their fenfe, that the faid dif- tnft ouglu to be an independent member of the Union, as foon M circuimtances (hall permit proper meafures to be adopted for that parpofe. RpOLVED, That a copy of the proceedings of Congrefs, relative to the ^independency of the diftria of Kentucky, he tranfmittt^ tothe L^iflature of Virginia, and aifo to Samuti M‘DowcU, £fq. jate Prclidcnt ef the faid. Convention ; and that t^ fa^ Legiflature and theinhabitantsdif the diftria afore- faid, be informed, that as the ccAfticution of theWnited States IS now ratified, Congrefs think it utiadvifcable to adopt any further meafures for admittingThe diftria of Kentucky into the Federal Union, as an independent member thwaf, under the article of confederation and perpetual union j but that Con- ^fs thinijjng it expedient that the f-iid diftria be made a fepa- fia* and member of the Union, as foon after proedWings (hall corammence under rhe (aid Conftitution as circumftances (hail permit, racommend R to the fa^ Legiflature and the inhalfitants of the laiu diftria, wto alter meir aas and refolutions relative to the premif^, as to render jy^em conformable to the proviflons made in the (aid Cpnftitutioi^ to the end that no impediment may be in the way dl t^e fpcedy accomplilhment of this impor tant bufinefs. . . ■ 0:^;ArLES THOMPSON* Secretary. (A c^y) r Atteft. Samvxl Colsmam, A. C. C... K. I C H M O N D, (Virginia ) AMERICAN JV||NUFACTURe1 O T^T O N. afford tbc.utmoft plcalurc JO every goc^ citizen, to be inform- ed that |he coftoo manufactory lately f^n-^Kitdiy 11^ this city is in a very Mourifhing conation. Many of our patriotic, citizens are cloathing them- felves with the jeans made by it. ^ In the courle of a few years, the !»different1warcs made from cotton may t^ply the ule of woollens, which, from the infancy of our country, and the prefent ftate of its cultivation, can not be procured in a fulBcient quanti- ty ttfeclothc all our inhabitants. Cot ton enough may be raifed in -the (cufticrn ftates, to clothe not only every citizen in America, but half the inhabitants of Earbpe. It is much to be wilhed that machines for carding and (pinning cotton, limilar to thole now ^at woik in Philadelphia, were •eftablilhed in all our country towns and village*. Germantown, in par ticular, (hould take the lead in this hulinefs. That town has been famous for the manufaduring of faddles, ftockings, and carriages.—It will be ncr own fault, if (lie is not celebrated as much as formerly for her (kill and fuccels in the manufa^fory of jeans, fuftians, velvets, velvercts, corduroys! and even mullins. SUN-FLOWER OIL. * It appears from experiment, made forqierly in this ftate, that a bulhel of fun-flower feeds yields a gallon of oil. and that an acre of ground planted with the feed, at three feet apart, will yield between forty and fifty buihels of the^feed. This oil is as mild as fweet oil, and is equally agreeable with it in (allads, and as a medicine. It .may moreover be ufed to advantage in paints, varnifhes and ointments. From its being manufaflitred in our country it may always be procured and ufed m afrelh (fate.—The oil is prefled from the feed in the fame manner as cold drawn linfeed oil is obtained from flaxleed, and with as little trou ble.—Sweet olive oil fells for fix (hil lings a quart. Should the" oil of the fun-flower fell for only two thirds of that price, the produft of an ’acre of ground, fuppofing it to yield only forty bulhels of the feed, will be^. 32, a fum far bCTond the produa: of an acre of ground in any kind of grain. The feed is raifed with little trouble, and grows in lands of moderate ferti- fity. It may be gathered and (helled, fit for the extraflion of the oil, by women and children, ^