(VJL. I.) THE (NUMB. 2j.) N a E N ERAL ADVERTISER. W E D E S D^A Y, August 2o,i^ 1788. Tn convention of the State of North-Carouna^ Hillfhoroug hy Auguji i, i *f6ZT ‘lie erJatf thedsy for rak'v u^;he report of tkt comnittee of th* ^l:ie c^n-'int.n, 0^ thr f). t)»J:d cafttution for the gova rtment cfthi Liilr.ti vi.'fti of celled for ^avd read : ff^here- i, •■j tif Je.il ti ’was tak^H up t,nd read it: tbc follo'wing t> '..S Fx.;^ ■ f drciirat'on of rio-hts, affcrtlng and feeuring f om [-:rs. •l’ c great prirebu! f iiuil and religious liberty, and tj: ur.i.ra’.'! I fts of the pc-tie, together •Ofitb amendments to lb:! '? ui;:, :g. :us j'd except 10.u:ble parts of the faid conjlitutien c’ c:i~ht tc he laid Lefore e’-ugrys^ end the convention of ' J :l i J' tli or f>tjy he e.i ' - J for the purpofe of amending teep-. i.: .r. j ,r tidr c:71;i.,r-ration, previous to theratifica- I J.' .is .n/iiutiCH af/ejaid, the part cf the fate of North- L,.r: . .a. ! I' CLA?. ATION e/RIGHTS. tbzrr. if: t:::t2in natural rights of which men, ■.'f.i M 4 loi'lal coinpaft, cannot deprive or ; .u c V. ■ Ich are tlie enjoyment of life • > I a.. :-iii ing, px^ir.ffing, and pro- -n ft; lyj.n;! pu. ^ ar>i obtaining happinefs and J1 f'iVtlt •. anv. t. . rc-'itui^ J. Ciic y. Id. I'hat ail p •? n .tu'i.iy ve't J in, and conrequrntly ('.riv.d from i;.e . 0; i.r,„.,i(lrates therefore, arc their t .m.. ag.irs, ai’-J at -.il utnc» ain^nableto them. 7. ] ivt m me? c(. jgl.t to be intlituted for the common f n-ii r.r t o .in ' iccurity of the people; and that the dcc-!i!'? jf i . i-reo'tinta aT^inftarbit ary pov^erand oppreilion i iV.-H, Hav'd; undOtJlrudtivc to the good aad happincl|. of 4. '1 ii It 1V.11'.i.in, O'- fet Of men, are entitled to exclulive or f';y3rate piihiic eri..iuninits or privileges from the community, h it in ct i.i .r'x/n of pu'^Iic fei vices, which net being defeendi- »-jot U'.e oir.ccs of inagiifrate, Icgldator, or judge ^ -c I- fr c::tciitivc, and judiciary powers of go- lL.OLi*L j 1,^ feparatc and didlndt, and that the members Wh irf reftraired from opprtlfion, by feeling ".c.rg the ptd I'c burdens, tliey Ihould, at ftated and ?. be reduced to a private Aationt return into the r.i,if5 of the people, and vr.ca.icies be fupplied by certain and re gular eleffioiiS, in which ali or any part of the former members to be eligible or ineligible, aa the rules of theconftitution of go- verr..r.e.-:t r.iall dirtuf. 6. i hat cicCtions cf reprefentatives in the legidature ought to be free and fi eqccnr, and -all men having fufficient evidence of permanent t .Tunon intsreft with and attachment to the com- ir.umry, cugi't :o have the right of fuffrage—and no aid, charge, Gx, 01 fee can be fet, rated, or levied on the people vt'itliout ti,:;r own c -nfent, cr that cf their reprefentatives fo eleded, ror can they be bom * by any law to whicl)^^ have not in the like manner alictucd for the public good. ’ ^ 7. Th. t .ail power of fufpending laws, or the execution of la -/s, by any auth.orlty, without the confent of the rep: efentatives of the people, is injurious to their rights, and ought not to be txercifed. S. Ti:at In all capital and criminal profccutions, a man hath * right to dcinand the caufe and nature of his accufation—to be conirenttd with the accufers and witncffcs—to call for evidences Jnd be allowed counfel in his favour—and to a fair and fpeedy trial by sn impartial jury of his vicinage, without whofe unani- tiioui confent he cannot be found guilty (except in the govern ment cf land and rraval forces) nci can he be compelled to give f.idcnce againft himfclf. 9. That no freeman ought to betaken,!imprifoned,or dlflelxed of his freeholds liberties, privileges or franchifes, or out lawed or tXiled, or in any manner deftroyed or deprived of his life, liber ty or property but by the law cf the land. 10. l hat every freeman reftrained of his liberty is entitled to aitmedy to enquire into the lawfulnefs thereof, and to remove the fame, if unlawful, and that fuch remedy ought not to be de nied nor drlayed. It. That in controverfies refnedtlng property, and in Aiitsbe tween man and man, the ancient trial by jury is ‘^ne of the great- til fccurltits to the rights of the people, and ought to remain bered and inviolable. t^- 1 hat every freeman ought to find a certain remedy by re- touife to the laws, for all injuries and wrongs he may receive in I’ii perfon, property, or charader. He ought to obtain riglit and lultice freely without faie, completely and without denial, pr'niptly and without delay, and that all eftabllfhments or re gular ions contravening tlivfe, are opprtlfive and unjufi. 13- I hat exceffive bail ought not to be required, nor exceflUve f-iics impofed, nor cruel and unufual puniflamentsinflided. 1 hat every freeman has a right to fecure from all unrea- ‘onalilc fearches and feizures of his perfon, his papers, and pro- F'Uy ; all warrants, therefore, to f ;arch fufpeded places, or ieize y freeman, his papers or perperty, witliout information upon ®aia (or affirmatiottof a perfon religioufly fcrupulpus of taking oath) of legal and%fficient caule, are grievous and oppref- o''e, and all general warrants to fearch fufped-ed places, or to apprehend any fufpeded peribn without fpetlally naming or dc- mribing the place or peribo, are Aangjet-ou* and ought not to be Srauted. ■ . 15. That the people have a righr peaceably to alTemble togc- tiier i^onfuli ioc..rKe cemmuer > ^ 1, o^ to infirud their repre- ftpOtatives } and that every trectnan a right to petition or ap ply ro the Icgiilaturc for redreis of g'ievances. »6. JhatthcPtoFLE H.we A ricbt TO EREEDOM or SPEECH, and of WRITING ated PUBLISHING THEIR SENTIMENTS—THAT THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST BULWARKS OF LIBER TY, AND OUGHT NOT TO BE VIOLATED. 17. I hat the people have a right to, keep and bear arms—that a vvell regulated militia compofed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natuiat, and fafe defence of a free that Handing arirtics in time cf preace, are dangerous to liberty, ;.rd therefore ought to he ivoid-id, as far as the circum ftances and protedion of thccomh.'uiity will admit ; and that in ail cafes, the military fliould be under ttrld fubordination to, and governed by the civil power. jS. That no fcldier in time of peace, ought to bp quartered in any hoiife, wiiliout the confent of the owner, and* in time of war in fuch manner only as the riw dirtds. 19. That any perfon reiigiouHy fcr-ipalous of bearing arms, ought to be exempted upon payment of an equivalent to em ploy another to bear arms in his fie.ul. 20. That religion, or tlie duty which we owe to our c.'eator and the manner of difeharging it can be direded only by reafon and convldion, not by iorceor violes-ce, and therefore" all men have an equal, n.atural, and unalienabJe right to the iree exeicifc of religion, according to the didatrs of cor.fcjence, and that no paiiicular or religious fed or focicty ought to be tavoured or ciTablldi'ed by Uw in preference icoihcis. AMENDMENTS 10 the Conftituion. I-^^THAT each flats in the -union Khali refpedivdy retain every power, juritdidion, and right which is not by this conftl- tution delegated to tiie Cengreri o! rb-; United States of .Ame rica, or the departnients of the federal govemiuent. 2. That there lhall be one rc;>rcreniativc for every 50,000 ac cording to the enumeration or ctlil’is mentioned in the conHiru- tien, until the whole number of lepr ienratives amounts to t .vo hundicd ; after which that nji;aihcr ,^all be connnned or in- creuittu Hi G-yOgtcis l.iall iJ.fe^?j^upon the principles li ted ju tlie coniTitution, by apportioning the reprefcntaiives of each Hate to fome greater number of people from time to time, as populati on encrcafes. 3. When Congrefs fhall lay dired ta-'es or excifes, they Ihall immediately inform the execuKve power of each ftate, of the quota of fuch Rare, according to the cenfus herein direded, which is propofed to be thereby raifed : and if the legiflature of any Rate Hull pals a law, which fliall be cfFcdual for raifing fuch quota at the time required by Congrefs, the taxes and ex- clfcs laid by Congrefsfhall not be colieded in fuch Hate. 4. T hat the members of the fenate and houfe of reprefenta tives fhall be ineligible to, and incapable of holding any civil of fice under the authority of the United States, during the time lor which they fhall refpedivdy be eleded. 5. That tlie journals of the proceedings of the fenate and houfe of reprefentatives fhall be,pablilhcd at leaft once in every year, except fuch parts thereof relating to treaties, alliances, or ntilitary operations, as in their judgment require fecretary. 6. '1 hat a regular flatement and account of receipts and ex penditures of the public money fhall be pubiifhed at leaf! once in every year. 7. That no commercial treaty fhall be ratified without the concurrence of two thirds of the whole number of the members of the fenate : and no treaty ceding, contrading, reftraining or fufpending the territorial rights or claims of the United States or any of them, or their or any of their rights or claims to fifhing in the American feas, or navigating the American rivers (hall be made but in cafes of the moft uigent and extreme necelhty ; nor fhall any fu 'h treaty be ratified without the concurrence of three-fourths of the whole number of the niembers of both houfes refpedively. ^ ^ 8. That no navigation law, or law regulating comijjerce, ihall be pafTed without the cory^t of tw'o-tliirds of the members prefent in both houfes. 9. That no Banding.army or regular troops fhall be raifed or kept up in time cf peace, without the confent of two-tluidsof the members prefent in both houfes. 10. That no foldier Ihall be enllfted for any longer term than four years, except in time of war, and then for no longer term than the continuance of thd war. 11 . T hat each Bate refpedively fhall have the power for pro viding for organizing, arming, and-d fciplining its own militia, whenfoever Congrefs fhall omit or negled to provide forahe fame. That the militia fhall hot be fubjed to martial law, except when In adual fervice in time of war,invafion, or rebel lion. And when not io the adual fsrvice of the United States, fhall be fubjed to fuch fines, penalties, and punifhments as' fhall be infiided by the laws of its own Bate. 12. That Congrefs ihall not declare any date to be in rebelli on without the confent of at lea|^e two-thirds of all the mem bers prefent of both houfes 13. That the exclufivc power of le; over the federal town and its adjacent purchafed, or to tfe purchafed by Co^ fhall extend only to fuch. regulations good government thereof. ■ ’ 14. That no perfon fhall be capable of,being Prefident of the United States, ^inorc than eight yeart in any term of fijtiesn years, 'i- ation given to Congrefs Brid, and other places s of any of the Bates, refped the police and 15. That thejudlcial power of the United States fhall be vert ed in* one fupreme court, and "in fuch courts of admiralty as Congrefs May from time to time ordain and cftablifli in any of the differ ent Bates. Thejudlcial power fhall extend to all cafes in law and equity, arifing under treaties niade, or which iliaii be made under the authority of the United States—to ail cafes af- feding ambaffadors, other foreign minlBers and confuls—to all cafes of admiralty and maritime jurifdidion—to controverfies to which the United States fhall be a party—to controverfies be tween two or more Bates, and between parties claiming lands under ths grants of different Bates—In all cafes aff^ding amh.=!f- fadors, otticr foreign miniBers and confuls, and thefe in v.hith the Bate fhall be a party, the fuprc.nc court fhall have original junididion ; in ail other cafes beforementioned, the fupp.me court ftiall have appellate jurifdidion as to matter of law oniy, except in cafes cf.equity, and cf admiralty and maritime jurif didion, in which the fupreme court fhall have aopellatejurifdlc- tion both as to law and fad, with fucli e-xceptions and under fuch regulaiions as the Congrefs fhall make. But the judici«l power of theUnited States fhall extend to no cafe wher the caufe of adion fhall have originated before the ratificatii.r! ot this conBItution/except in dilputes between BuTcs a'nout '^^ elr ter ritory;—di putes between perfons ciai.i mg lands order the gfants of different Bates—and fuits for debts due to :lic Uniced States. 16. That in crimlaal profccutions, no man lhail be 5 cKr.iir,cd in the excrcife of the u'ual and accuBomed ligiit ot cl.alierjicj cr excepting to the jury. 17. T hat Cengrefs ihall net alter, modify, or interfere in ifvj times, places, or manner uf holding ckviicns lor ftn«tors and reprefentatives, or either of them, txc-p when the Icgiilarure o-; any Bate fhall negled, le ufe, or be diiabied by invauon cr re- bellion, to preferibe the fame. i3. That iliole claufes wlilch tfe' lare tha'Congrefs rtialt not exercift certain powei s, be not intei pi tted in any n;a .-ler wh..t- foevtr, to extend the powers ol Cor trofs, but tlut they be coi\- Biued either as making cxcepiiont to the fpecified power.;, w here this fhall be the edfe, or oihe. ,vife, as inferted merely for greater caution. 19. T hat ttie laws afe-artlining the co.npenfr I'm of feo .ti'rs and reprefertat'ves, for their feiviues, be poBpo.'icd In their ou.,- ration, unni attcT tire eicc.ti,n of renreioi.caLives I'.iiii.Cvi... eiy fuccceding the p.rlTing thereof, that excepud v/hioh fiiall bbai B paffed on the fubjed. 20. T hat fome tribunal ether than the fenate, be ptovided for trying i.mptachments of fena ors. 21. That the faiary cf a judge fliall not be Increafed erdi nil- nlflied during his concinuance»in office, otherwife than by gene ral regulations of faiary which may take place, on a i cv:I,,a of the fubjed at Bated periods of no lefs th.!;! feven y-ars,: eom- jrnence fioni tlie time fuch falaries ihall firft be afcei t^iried by Congrefe, 22. K hat Congrefs ered no company of merchants with ex clufivc advantages of commerue. 23. That no treaties which ih .11 be diredly oppofed to the ex • iBing laws of the Unitedoutes in Cengrefs affernbled, Biall bs valid until fuch laws be r pealed or made conformable te fuch treaty, nor Biall any treaty be v.Bid which is contradidary to the conBitutlon of the United States. 24. K hat the latter part of the fifth paragraph of the ninth fedionof th: firB article be altered to read thus:—'-’or fliall velfels bound to a particula* Bate b: cbliged to enter or pay du ties in any other: nor when bcuiid from any one of the Bates be obliged ta clear in another. 23. That Congrefs Ihall not diredly or indiredly,. either by themfelvcs or through the judiciary, interfere with any of the Bates in the redemption of paper money already emitted, and now in circulation, or in liquidacmg and difeharging the pub lic fecuriiics ot any of the flate.>; but each and rvery Bate fhall have the exclufive right of making fu h laws and regulations lor the above parpefes .is th«y fliall think proper. 26. i hat Congrefs Bull not introduce foreign treeps into the United States wK.hout the confent of two-thirds of the members prefent of both houfes. Mr. Iredel, feconded by Mr. John Skinner, moved, that this report be amended, by Briking out all the woidi of the f id re port, except the two firB, viz. “ Refolved that,” and that the following words be inferted in their le-Gii!, viz. This Convention having fully deliberated on theConflltuiion propofed for the future government of the United States of America, by the Federal Convention lately held .at Philadelphia, on the feventeenth day of September laB, and having taken in to th'T ferious and folemn confiderarion, the prefent critical fitc- ation of America, which induces them to be of opinion, that though certain amendments to the faid conflitution may be wiflied for, yet that thofe amendments fliould be propofed fub- fequent to the ratification 6n the part of this Bate,^and not pre vious to itThey DO, therefore, on behalf of the Bate of North-Carolina, and the good people thereef, and by virtue of the authority to them delegated, RATIFY the faid Conftitutl- on on the part of this Bate. Andthry do at the fame time re commend, that as early as polfible the following amendments to the faid Conflitution, may be propofed for the confideration and adoption of the feveral Bates in the Union, in one of the modes prefer! bed by the fifth article thtreof. AMENDMENTS. I. EACH Bate in the Union fiial! refpeflively retain every power, jurifdidion and right, which Unot by this conrtitutica

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