delegated to theCongrefs cf tl»3 Un'tscl St te», or to tl>e depart ments of the general government ; nor (hall the faid Congrefi, or any department of the faid government, exercife any aft of authority over any individual in any of the faid Itates, but fuch atcan bejuftified under fame power particularly given in this conflitudon ; but the faid conftltuuon ihall be confidered at all times a folemn inftrument, denning the exteiit of their autho- rity> and tfie limits of which they cannot rightfully in any in- ftance exceed. 2. There (hall be one reprcfentatlve for every thirty thoufand, acxbrding to the enumeration or cenfus mentioned in the confti-. tution, until the whole number of reprefentatives amounts to two hundred, after which that mmiber ihall be continued or increaf* ed as Congrefs fhall direft. Open the principles fixed in the con- Ititution, by apportioning the reprefentatives of each ftate to fome greater number of people, fcora time to time, as popula tion inercafes. 4. Each ftate rcfpeftively fhall have the power to provide for organizing, arming, and difeiplining its own militia, whenfo- evci Congrefs Ihall omit or mgleft^o provide for the fame.— The militia Ihall not be fulycft to martial taw, except when % aftual fcrvicein time of war, invafun, or rebellion ; and whoa they are hot in the aftual fcrvice of the Uriked Statc^ they be fubjeft only to fuch fines, penalties, and puniflimeots, ill ihall be direfted or inflifted by the laws of its own Date. 4. The Congrefs Ihall not alter, modify, or interfere in the times, places, or manner of holding eleftions for fenators and reprefentatives, or cither of them, except when the legiflature of ariy ftate fliall ncglcft, refttfe, or be difabled by iavafionbr rebel lion to preferibe the fame. , 5. 1 he laws afeertaining the eompenfatlon of fenators and reprefentatives, for their fervices, fhall be poftponed in their operation, until after threleftion of reprefentatives, immediately fucceed’ng the paffing thereof, that excepted which ihall firft be pafled on the fubjed^. 6. Inrtead of the following words in the 9th feftion of tfhe rft article, viz. “ Nor Ihall veffeis bound to, or from one ftate, fct obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another j” (the meaning of which is, "by many, deemed not fufficiently explicit) It Is propcfcd, that the following fhall be fubftituted ; “ No veffei bound to one ftate Ihall be obliged to enter or pay duties to which icch velf-l may be>^iablc at any pert of entry, in any other ftdte than that to which fuch vefiel isiwund : nor Ihall any veiTcl bfrom ©nc ftate, be obliged to clear or pay du ties to which fuch veiTcl may be liable at any port of clearance, in any other ftate than that from which fuch vefiel is bound This motion made by Mr. ircdel, being ob3eftedto,the quef- tlon was put, VVilltne Convention adopt the amendment er not ?” and it was negatived ; Whereupon the yeas uitf'nays be ing required by Mr. Iredell, leconded by Mr, Stede, and were Ye«s S5—.Nays 1S5.—‘The yeas on this queftion, urenays upon the concurrence, and the nays, yeas, except Mr, A. Neale, who voted iT this queftion in favour ot the amendment, but did not vote on the concurrence, oving to indifpofition,* (.irdrred, 1 hat the further confideration of the report of the Comnaitee oi the whole Convention, be poftpontd until to* incrrow. SATURDAY, Auguft 2/ The report of the Committee of the whole Convention, ac cording to order was taken up and read in the fame words as on y;fterday, wlien it was moved by Mr. T. Pearfon, and fecond- ed by Mr. Macon, that the Convention do concur therewith, winch was objeftr'd to by Mr. A. Maclaine. The queftion be ing put, will the Convention concur with the report of the Committee of the whole .Convention or not ? it was carried in the affirmative. Whereupon Mr. Davie, called for the yeas and nays, and was feconded by Mr. Cabarrus, which are as follow. YEAS. MefiTrs. Willie Jones, Samuel Spencer, Lewis Lanier, Thomas Wade, Daniel Gould, James Bonner, A. M. Forfter, Lewis Dupree, Thomas Brown, JamM Greenlee, Icfcph M‘Dowal, )l.obei t Miller, ■Benjamin Williams, Klchard Nixon, Thomas Armftrong, Alex under ivI‘Allifter, Robert Dickins, Ceorge Roberts, John Womack, Ambrofc Ramfey, James Anderfcn, Jofeph htewai't, W illia n Vcftal, Thomas Evans, Thomas Hardiman, Robert Weakley, William Donelfbn, William Dobins, R. Digs, BithelEell, Elilha BacUe, W'lHiam Fort, Etheld. Gray, William Lancafier, Thomas Sherrod, John Norwood, Sterling Dupree, Robert Williams, Richard Moye, Arthur Forbes, Da-vid Caidwell, William Goudy, Daniel Gilltfpie, • John Andnfon, John Hamilton, Thomas Perfon, Jofeph Taylor, Thornton Yancey, Howell Lewis, Jun* Elijah Mitchell, George Moore, George Ledbetter# W'illiam Porter, Zebedee Wood, Edmund W^addell, James Galloway, % John Regan, Jofeph Whifton, James Gains, Charles M^Annelly^ Abfalom Boftwick, John Scott, John Dunkin, ^David Dodd, Curtis Ivey, Lewis Holmes, Richard Clinton, Hardy Holmes, Robert Allifon, James Stewart, John Tipton, John Macon, Thomas Chriftmas, Henry Montfort, William Taylor, i ames Hanly, htain Saunders, William Lenoir, Richard Allen, John Brown, Jofeph Herndon, James Fletcher, A. Tatom, L. Burkit, W. Little, Thomas King, N. Bryan, J. H. Bryan, E. Whitty, R. Alexander, James Johnfton, j. Cox, John Carrel, Com. Doud, - Thomas Tyfon, William. Martin, Thomas Hunter, ' M. Jofeph Graham# W. Loftin, William Kindal, Thomas Ufifery, Thomas Butler# John Benford, James Vaughn, Robert Peebles, James Vinfon, William S. Marns# H. Allen, Red. Bunn, i ohn Bonds, lanid Pridgen, Daniel Yates, Thomas Johnfton, ' John Spicer, Alexander Meb.ane, fyiXi. Mebane, William M‘Cauley, William Shepperd, Orange,. Jonathan Linley, Wyatt Hawkins, ^ James Payne, John Graves, John Blair, Jofeph Tipton, William Bethell, AbrahaoiT-PhiHipS, ’ John May, €h(^les Gailowayf James Bofwcll, John M'AIlifter, David Looney, Jbhii Sharpe, Jofejih Gautier, John A. Campbell, Tohn Pugh Williams, William Marflial, Charles Robertfon, ^ames Gillefpie, Charles Ward, William Randal, Frederick Harget, Richard M'Kennie, ^ohn Cain, ^acob Leonard, Thomas Carfen, Richard Singleton# ' Whitefide, Caleb Phifer, If Zachlas Wilfon, jofeph Douglas, Thomas Dougan, ^ames Kenan, ^^ohn ^ones, Egbert Haywood, William Woottqj4 Tohi\ Branch, -'Henry |KU, .Andrew Bafi$' ' jofeph Boon, WilBam Farmer, John Bryan, Edward Williams, Francis OUvef, Mathevv Brooks, QriBith Rutherford, H. Barringeri^j; Tmothy Bloodwort% Evert Pierce, ^ Afahel Rawlmj^^ ’^ames Wilfot^ ’ James Roddy, 3 Samuel Cain, Benjamin Covington, jofeph M’Dawal, jun« Durham Hall, janMS BlcodVvorth, jo»t I iitw.,. James Hinton^ Thomas Devane, James Brandon, William Dixon, Burwell Mooring, Mathew Lock, and Stokely Donelfon* Y S. mi ^ Sit tb* VMS 6M tbs ssneurrsttfSf SsturJayf Augujlz, His Excdleney Samuel Joknfon, Efq. Prefident Mefirs. james Iredel. james Gregory. Archibald iMacUine. '1 bomas Hunter, Gate«. Nathan Keais. Thomas Wynes, John G. Blount. Abraham jones. Thomai Alderfon. John Eborne. joha johnfon. James jafper. Andrew Oliver. Caleb Foreman* Goodin Ellitfon. Seth Hovey. Charlea M'Dowal. John Sloan. Richard D. Spaight. John Moore. William j, Dawfon. William Maclaine. jamea Porterfield. Nathan Mayo. William Barry Grove, William Slac's. George Elliot. William Mackenzie. Wallis Styron- Robert Irwin. William Shepperd, Carterdt. John Lane. James Phillips, 'Thomas Reading. John Humphries. Edward Everegain* Michael Payne. Enoch Relfe. Charles johnfon. Devotion Davis. Stephen Cabarrus, William Skinner. Edmund Blount, Cowhan. jofnua Skinner. Henry Abbot. 1 honias Harvey* Ifaac Gregory. John Skinner. Peter Dauge. Samuel Harrel, Charles Grandy. Jofeph Leech. Enoch Sawyer. William Bridges. George Lucas. William Burden. John Willis. Etfmund Blount, Tyrrd, John Cade. — gfaiauu-^proil. Elias Barnet. David Tanner. Neil Brown. Whitm. Hill. James Winchefter. Benjamin Smith. Vv illiam Stokes. ^ohn Scigreaves. Thomas Stewart. Nathaniel Allen. jofiah Collins. 'I'homas Owen. Themas Hines. George /^yns. Nathaniel jones. David Pickens. John Steele. I''fcph Fei'cbcc. William R. Davie. - APilliam Ferebee, and jefeph Reddick. l^illiam Baker. Extraft from the Journal, J. HUNT, Secretary. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE.- —■■'■I. '* N E W-Y O R K, Jbly 24. yesterday the GRAND PRO- * CESSION, in honour of the Confli^ tution of thi United Statesy paraded to and fro, and walked up and down in this city, to the novel entertainment of all claflea of people. The proceffion made a very pompous^ppcarance, and was conduced in a regular and decent manner. It paraded at 8 o'clock, A. M. in the fields ; at lo a falute of 13 guns was fired from the proceffion fliip, when it began to move down Broadway, and proceeded through Great Ddck-ftreet, Hanover-fquarc, Queen, Gbatham, Arundel, and Bul- lock-ftrects, to the. parade des fetes champetre, whe^e tvfe bullocks and a mutton had bc^ roafted whole, for their regale, togAer with hams, &c. &c. Thefe werwrved upon ten ex- tenfivc tables, which were prepared for the purpofc, and ^which projcOTd, in diredl angles, from one common cen tre, where was fituated, a little elevat ed, the feat of Congrefs and civil and Icgillative m'agiftrates, ftrangersof dif- tinClion, &c. who had a complete vie?/ of the ten feats ; the feats were well canopied with c^npr^ft^^which, in fome meafure, fcrceiied the guefts from the rain, which unluckily fell at different periods of the &y. We da.|M|^nipt to give an am. pie accou®cff tn| proceedings of this day^^whichl it is hot doubted, will be prefented to the public by the gentle men who compofed the committee of 5^1 arrangements. What added greatly to the beauty of this parade, was the (hip Hamilton, • the emb^matical flags, and the ftages. The fhip made a fine appearance, fil ing with flowing (hects and full fails, down Broadway, the canvafs waves dafhing againll her (ides, the wheels of the carriage concealed. Some of the flags were well executed, and others (it is fuppofed through haftc) as badly- and the defigns were generally ingeni ous. The flages were of various fizcs, and moftly very flight, infomuch that the poor Potters were feparated from their clay^ and no longer badpower over it; the ftage fell! and alas ! the day became expoled to the power of every paflifr by. It was really laughable to fee the va- riety ofphizzes on this occafion. The poor antis generally minded their owm bufinefs at home ; others wtio were fpcdlators at an awful diftance, looked as four as the Devil. As for . they was the ha ! ha ! ha 1 and th When the proceffion paffed Dock-ftrect it was fainted by hi^B Catholic Majefty’s packet; this com pliment the fhip in proceffion attempt ed to return, but unfortunately, on firing five guns, the gunner wasfeized by a fit, which obliged the commander to apologize to the commander of the packet; it i^faid, that this apology was politely received. As it redounds much to the credit of tlie citizens, as\5Yell as honour of the conduftors of the day, it ought to be remarked, that there was not the leaft outrage, or even indecency offered to ariy individual, not with Handing 6 or 7000 people (as fupofed, fpeftatci s included) had colle6led—and that the whole company was difmifled at half after five o’clock. In the evening a very ingenious tranfparent piece of painting,re prefen t- ing General Wajhingtony to the life, was exhibited by Mr. Wright in Maid- en-Iane, which attracted the attention and admiration of many citizens, par ticularly the fair. There was alfo exhibited, at the cor ner of Wall-ftrect, enclofed in a circle of about two feet diameter, ^thirteen ftars, ^^/? *of which were brilliant J one defigned for New-York, half illumi nated ; and two almo(t obfcure, with tjie initials of Ni^rJii-Carolina and Rhodc-Illand,