' ’ » Pqretgn Intelligence, [ExtraHs from London papers received by the Britifh Packets' Sandwich and Charlotte^ arrived at New^Tork the 2iy? ////.] WHITEHALL, July i. / I ^HIS morning one of his niajefty’s meflengcrs arrived at thi; office of thefecretary ot Uatefor foreign affairs,! with the King of Pruffia’s ratification of the provifionabie treaty of ^e^cnlive alliance, figned at Loo on the 13th of June laff, which WAS exchanged at the Hague on the 27th of June laft, with his excellency fir James Harris, Knight of the Bath, his majtfty’s anihaffador exiraoniinary and plenipotentiary to the Ifates-gene- ral of the united provinces, agalnd his majeffy’s ratification by monfieur D’AIvenilcb m, his Piuffian niajelly’s envoy cxtiaoi dinary to their niighcinefies. LONDON, July 1. A conerefs is very foon to meet under the mediation of Great- Britain, franco, and Kuffia, ior fettling the prefent difputes be tween the Impelial courts and the i urks. Our private letters trem France by yefterd^y’s mail, njention, that it is genecaliy thought the count ds St. Prieft is already or dered heme, unlefs their high inightineffes give immediate fa- tistaAion to him, by punching tholie guilty of the late riots. Republics rife rapidly, and as rapidly decay. No country has more fully experiericed this truth tlian Holland, which has been finking in political and commeicial conftquence for 20 years pall, and is lliil lofingannuahy feme degree of wealth. London may indeed be called an inflated city—the luxury of Jiving, among the middling dalles, has produced much mifehief already, and mull lead to more. Chaifes, horfes, country-houfes, are brought to the hammer every day in the week, while Ihops arc fhuitii'.gup in almoff all the capital ftreets in London. The Pope lent bignior Pacca, his nuncio at Cclogn, to con gratulate the King of Pruffia,and to acknowledge his regality, which the court of Rome has uniformly refufed to do until this time. Whetlier his majefly is on the ev; ot converfion, !'r whellier he is difpofed to let hii fans try the Catholic path to iaivatiun tha. the tideft of them may be eleAed Kir^; ot the Romans, we know not ^ but this pious aml'alT.ide, occafions a variety ot conjeflures among politicians of all ranks and deferip- tions, and inclines the more intelligent part of mankind to lup- pnfi there IS lonethihg brewing in the empire not very favour able to the ambition or irtcrelt of the h.mfc of Auitria, which is terribly lalicn in the tflimation of the eight German eledlors. J u L y 2. A ftrong alliance between Great-Britain, Holland, Pruffia, and Ruflla, would fo certainly afeertain the peace of Eur pe, that it is the objetf to which all cur endeavqurs ought to tend Vv c have played the g-imc tlie niofi likely to ac-complifh this Quadruple alliance. Ruffia, debauched by France, loif light of Aic true policy which ought to gu>de her Cjuncilsffeut fhe new £eels the confequence of England, and ilitre is little doubt but Britain and PrufTia muff now interfere 10 fave her from the con- fequences of her own folly. i hofe who talk of its being our intereft to take vengeance of Ruflia lor the hoffile oifpolition Ihe ihewed to us in a momiei'it of our diffrefs, feem to be ignorant of the rt iative interefts of the two countries. The fa.ne people t;ilkcd in the fame way Concerning Holland. It i, our intereft to recover our cornexi- cn with Ruffia, and no feeling of pride or of refentment muff ifand in the way of national policy. A correfpundent fays, tliat things may probably go to that length in France, that the military aiaybe forced to fire upon the rabble, as they were herein St. George’s fields, and t :en the civil war in France will be at an end. Nothing but a defeclion cf the rniiivary. and tliat is out o, the queflion, either there or bere, can preve.";! the King of France ironi carrying his point. There is nothing 10 fure as a m Jltajy force. The dilheuities and embasraliimnts in which the Republic of Venice hso been involved, in tonf, qiiencc of her wilh to pre- ferve an entire neutrality in the war bet.- cen Auiiria ard the Porte, have been at different times reported. Some weeks ago we mentioned, that the Venetian Refidcnt at ths court of Vien «a had taken his departure, arid, as it was thought, in difguft. Since that timr feverai rtquifltions have been made by the em- perer to the lepublic, which the laiter has not Ihewii a difpofi- tion to accede to, though Jofepli pofitively denounced his ven geance on their non-compliance. They are faid at length to t»avc proceeded.to aAsof open hoftility ; fo that Jofeph has, in the outfet of his warfare, been no lefs unlortunate than Cathe. Tine has with regard to Sweden, in theanxioufly feeking for an ally, he has found another enemy. 'Ihcfirft fymptom of mifunderffanding between the Imperial court and the Republic, appeared in the Angular exception of the Venetian Rcfident in an invitation that was given to the fo reign rainilters on the celebration of the Archduke’s nuptials.— This happened early in the laff winter, and gave rife to prog- Bofticacions that were more difregarded than they ffiould have been. A report continued to prevail in Poland when the laff malls came away, that an engagement had happened near Bender, be tween a Ruffian army under the command of Gen. Saltilkow and the Turks, in which the latter are faid to have been worficd, with the lofs of la.coo men, - By a letter from Paris we have learnt, that the w ay which the parliament of tliat city became acquainted with what was going on at the King’s printing-office at VerfailJes, during the time it was folor.g furrounded by troops previous to the Ifluing the new ediAs, was, that one of the printers found means to cn- clofe the heads of them in a ball of glazed earth, which he got conveyed to M. D’Efpremenil, the member who is exiled. On this intelligence he founded that famous proteff to the French King, of the 9th of May, w hich was the caufe of his difgracs. So effcAually ftopped arc ail the communications of theprefs at Paris, that by a geatleman on Saturday returned from Paris, Vve learn, that in thofe towns where no aflu.-]! commotion has taken place, the lower fort of people have heard nothing of the late political difputes between the King and parliament. JULY 3. By a gentleman juft returned from France, we give the fol- levvin^ authentic intelligence—Hewas at Reins the iff of func, the day on which the parliament was exiltd, and finding that matters were comjiie to an extremity by the military being call ed to the affiflai ..1 ,>f theK'ni’’ orders, he left the town by th“ advice of his Irit-rds ; the forces at Reins were not fufficient to perform the talk ; expreffts werefent for more troops, end a body of between ten ard eleven thoufand n;en marched for Reins, and enclimped betoic the. town, the gates being ffiut againfftliem ; they cut all the cjrn down, which was grown near the city where they encamped. At eleven o’clock at night on ihcfecond of June, an attack was made on the city, and at. ter throwing In a few bombs, they .orced the fouth gate, and the people defended ihemfeives until upwards of eleven hundred were killed. He fays, throughout Britary. and the provinces through which be paired,{the freedom of convcirfition fortheir li berties W.1S fuch, that he began to think hinifclf in England. In Reins and many oilier towns, the following v.'as polled up in etifferent parts of the provinces : Lbuis lefevere^ Rii ,iie trance, qui a donnear. la lilrrtce . ux ximcricens et fert cfcluves deJor. peuple : ** Lcuis the fevtie, the prelent King of France, who has given liberty to .‘inn rita and made his own fubjeAs flaves.”—in otiicr jdaccs thicugh which he paffed was wrote in French, No parliament ! noKii g!" JULY 4. The a’-mlnp’ of the northern ftates bids fail to prove an infur- mountabl check tc the a.ubiticus views of the afpirin^ Cathe rine, and may he the Inmans of preferving many thoufand Ruf fians, a hofe lives her Iiifaiiabie pride would have facrificed in the field oi blood and carnage. Should the bweocs, as it is now almoft. generally fuppofed they v\.l], co.Tiii encf hoflilitles againff the Ruffians, her 1;: pe nal inajefly , in ail Jikakhood, will conclude her war with the Turks by a oecr afe inflead of an add tion of ttirirory, and fo juflly pa> for difli rbing the tranquility of the urioftending. i he emprefs of Ruffia cannot do bcttir than make peace with the Ottoman, 'i he wife Jofeph will aid her but little againd the King of Sweden—-fo , entre nous^ Jofeph' docs noi ftand very liij;h amongff his brethren. '1 hat tht emprtfs of Ruffia and the wife Jofeph cf Germany may have their delerts, is the wilh of all Europe ; and that the Swedes, I urks and Vencri..ns, may lay on with vengeance, is what every naiioe has confidence in. Domejlic Intelligence, KINGSTON, (Jamaica) July 26. TJjriS m-jeffy'sjhips at Port-Royal, we underiland, are to J[ move cp towards the head ( f this hai b ur on M ,nday I ext, whei s tl.ey are to he moored during the hurric nciivort' S. Tapt. Ctnkie, ot the Ihip Mary, from (.ibrairar. iolorn that the Pa’biTj p rts were open t.o Britilh mere' an; Ihius, i ut th .i n I foppiicswcrepenniiied to be fent to the G.-ail n of Gibraltir. MONTEGO-BAY, Auguft i6. The fhip Fame, In 43 days from Briffol, fpoke the ffiip Simon layior, liaker—and i ryton. Honeywell, b. und to that port, in the meu.h oi t'e thani.el. Intelligence is received by the la:d vefftl, corp. mirg rh-- tilffurliancec in France : and thar fc dock-y.iid at B»eft had been threatened to be fet on fire^ and deftruyed by the people. N E W - Y O R K, Augufl 20 Yeflerd.ay morning, the wind from the S. E. blew froffi, ac comparied by heavy Ihcwers—and abou noon increafed lo a violent gale, attended by a fuddtr fwd! cf the lea. 1 he tide, which had ebbed Icr feme time, was driven back with afiouifli- ing force—ovcrflo.ve J tlie w'harvcs and he lireets whl h wtie centigUDUS tc the Ihore, and filled many c; liars. '! he ravage: it committed on the battery were rrmarkable : in the more c.- pefed parts, the taring was torn aw.ay ard a conliicr ;ble exttn of folid ffone woi K, feven feet in thinknefs, was totally denio lilhed hy theimpetuofitv tf the fea. Several frames .or wha ves tlia were building on the North River, were orced afunder. and thetim’'.ei d'iven in c.i? fufion, i>pon the high ground. La'g= quantiriis of luuiher fli aied eft', fevcral chimnics were thrown down ; a li lufe was partly uu roofed, andth* ffecpie of i t. George’s Chapel, was obferved t totter In a meft th eatnir g mariner. Happily n' material dao age* vvas fuflained by the Ihipplne theuen had the gale continued a little longer, tht flips tha; were inort crouded, would probably have exhibited a fceiic of devaff a- tion. VVe have had no particular# from the country, but have heard generally, that the corn, fences, and trees, greatly fuffered. August 28. By the moft authentic advices from Turkey, it is evident, that his fublimc highnels treats the war, fo wantonly begun againll- him, with contempt.— His armies will have an opportunity of fcouring np their courage, which hath lo long lain rufty ; and convince his foes, that the children of Maho-' med, though not polTefled of the true faith, are Rill in pofieliion of the true courage. “ The politics of Europe are in moft fingular Rare of flua-uation. little while ago the emprefs of Ruffia concluded a treaty with France, The court of Sweden looked upon this cir- cumftance as great jealouly ; and have ia confequcnce, at Ieng?h feparated a A from France. The union whh'h has mbiifted bet.veea Sweden and France, f 's now entirely broken off. The Kino-! of Sweden offered his alliance to oup court, but it was not accepted, has therefore armed, he has tirted out nisllcet; and Denmark has, in coa- f^qiience, d-me the liime,^ It is a doubt, viiether Ridiia will think it' piudcnt to lend her fleet out of the BiU tic, while two fuch fleets are in that lea.*' . [Lo/7. papl\ Thnrday laft, at 12 o’clock, the foundation ftone of Trinity Church way laid by the Right Reverend SA* MUEL PROVJOST, D D Bilhop of the Epilcopal Church of the Rate of New-York. On the Rone is the following inferip- tion : To the honor 0/A [mighty GOD, And the Auvancement of the ChriRian Re LlGlON, The firft Stone o this Building was laid (On the fit e of the old Church, dejiro^ted bt jv'e in 1770) On hte 2lit Day of AuguR, A. D. 1788, In the 13th Year of the Independence of \\\s^UuLei States Ambrica. The Rigiit Reverend Samuel Pro-, voosT, D, O Bdhjo of -\cw-York, l liC Hv»;i jamiS Duane, Efq. Tna Hon. 'y-.tn j.i,\ Efq. [Ujurch Wardens. The ihip Light-Horf', Ca,;t. Icha- bod Nichols, has I'ai c lfrom Sdlem, New-En^Iand_ for CNnron, ijj Phma. It is computed, that in the patriotic of Lynn, Maii.Khul'eits. rht’^e ire annually made, 127,000 pan’ of women’s (hoes. We learn from Providence, IUlo Ip- Ifland, that Mr. Knight Dexter, of that town, has patriotically offeren ro contribute ten acres of good iand ui the town of Providence, towards tRa- blilhinga MANUFACTORY. The PRINCESS ELiZABETH. On S itm day May the 31R, the as Princcls Elizabeth was fitting in her apartment, her royal hjghnefs was furprifed by the abrupt ent ance of a ftranger of mean appearance. The Princefs, exceedingly alarmed, preci pitately quitted the room at an oppo- lite door, and related the extraordma-. ry circumftance to the attendants in waiting. Mr. Miller, one of the pages, immediately went to the jiiacc and feized the man, who refufed to alfign the caufe of his being in the Palace, or by what meanshe obtained admittance. When brought to the lodge, the porter afTerted he had not the moft remote recollccfion of his entrance or pcifon. The intruder was then luffcred to de part, but in a Ihoi ttime returned, and in peremptory terms infiRed on being introduced to the Princefs, “ that he ' might pour out the ardency of his pal fion, and at her feet prels for s equal return.’*