He vvas then detained, and informa tion ot this Tingiilar occurence dif- p atched to Lord Sydney. Soon after, a fergcant and party of the guards from the Qiteen's guard-houfe took > him into curtody. On taping quefti- oned, he faid he was by profellion a hair-dreiTer, and worked with Mr. Warren in Paved-alley Pall-mall, and lodged at a hair-drelfer’s in Caftle- »court, in the Strand. Lord Sydney diretled him to be taken to the public office, to be examined by Mr. Adding ton : the coach flopping in its way to Bow-llrect, at Paved-alley, on the appearance of his mafter he fpit in his face, and a6led in a manner to jurtify the fufpicion before entertained of his being in a (fate of infanity. On his examination before the ma- giftrate, he faid his name was Spang; that his father was by birth a Dane, but he was born in London, near Ma y-fair. , V, hen qneflioned how he got into the place without being difeovered, he exclaimed, “ aye, that is the quellion !” but refufed to anlwer more on this point. He ridiculed, with much force, the porter, for not being able to ac count, in a particular manner, how he o’ Alined entrance. Mr. Warren faid SpAiig had w'orked for him near two years, and left his fervice about a week ago without previous notice. He was always an honed induftrious man, and never betrayed any marks of adif- cii-eied mind, that came within his oparig appears to be about 27 years of age, rather fhort, light hair, and fair complexion, fiiabbily drelfed; Vv hen fearched nothing vvas found in his pockets of an offenfive kind, or even a Tingle half-perny : tears were frequently obferved to deal down his chwchs, and he fighed in fuch a man- , neras to affect every perfon prelent. I qSpakg’s Re-Examination, At fird he had the appearance of being coilecled, and dated very fimply^ that he vvas the Ion of one Spang„a Dane by birth, but that he was himfelf bom in London j his father was a ftatuapy ; that he vvas apprenticed to a haif-dreffer of the name of Stokes, of Covent-Garden parifh ; that after the term of his apprenticediip was expired, he went into a fei vice. He then men tioned the names of Lord Kenfington, Mr. Stanhope, the Duke of Leeds, and Capt. Thidlewaite, out of whofe fervice he faid he was fent up from Plymouth to London, five or fix years ago, to the pariih of St. Martin’s uin the fields, by whom he was tranf- mitted to Covent-Garden parifli ; that Mr. Coombs, the church warden, fent him to Bethnal-Green, where he re mained a month or five weeks in a drait jacket hand-cuffed, but that Mr. Coombs had him difeharged. He was alkcd if he had any friends or relati ons ? to which he replied he had, the Dukes of York, Cumberland, and Glouccfter, and the King of Spain be- fides. But have you any particular friend ? Yes,,Mr. Coombs and one or two more. When afkcd what brought him to the Queen’s palace, he faid, ^ods, his particular motives were to fee the Duke of Cumberland. To the queftion of “ how did he get admittance to the palace ?” He faid that he met no op- pofition, but that “ he went in boldly as he ought, like a man,” that he was taken from there and fent to the guard houfc 5 no inuendo was capable of re calling to his ideas any traces of* the Princefs Elizabeth> though much was attempted that way. The calendar of Maniacks runs thus :—In 1786, Mrs. Margaret Ni- cholfon, verlus the King. In 1787,“ Mr. Stone, verfus the Princefs Royal. Arid in 1788, Mr •Spang,’ verfus the Princefs Elizabeth. CHARLESTON, Auguft 29. On the 4th inft. a duel was fought in Savannah, between Mr. Thomas Gibbons and Mr. M'Qiicen, in which both were wounded, but not mortally. Seven fhots were fired at the diftance ,of twenty-three feet, and only one**(hot mified. WILMINGTON, September 10. As I have hitherto been a\ufeful member of fociety, my recovery may perhaps be beneficial—I therefore re- queli the advice of your moil (kilfiil political correfpondents to remedy my complaint. I am your’s, &:c. Old HONESTY. Marine Lift. ARRIV ALS fince our laft. Schooner WilHam, Svrain, Chatlefton, . i Sloop Samuel, Meads, New-Vorl^ — Polly, Troop, Montego Bay CLEARED. Bri? Sally Simpfon, KingOon. Schooner WUiiam, . Swain, Charlefton. prices current. L LMBER, confjftinj of fcantlingS- remainder bGarris ol inch & 2 inches funerficlal me.if.ire. 70/ tc Lc/l Ked Oak hh>l, itaves per M. - . “ White Oak do. _ _ R. O. bU. do. - W. O. do. . _ . 18 inch Ihingles, - - _ _ 22 do do. - . _ . Tarperbll. - . *3 urpeotins per bll. of 22olb. irrofs. Pitch per HI. . ♦ . Tobacco per 100 lb. Rice, per do. - _ _ Black-ey d peas per bulhel , Bees’-Wax per Ib. Deer-Skins in hair trim’d, per lb. Ditto Untriio’d Wc are informed, that the Negro fellow who fhot Mr. Leonard, as men tioned in our paper of the 27th iiit. was taken fomc time laft week near Lockwood’s Folly. He was immedi ately brought before the magiftrates of the county, who, finding him guil- ty of the horrid crime o^murder, fen- tenced him to be hung and afterwards burnt, which was accordingly put in execution the next day. Yefterday the chimney to the houfe occupied by Mr. M Culloh, in Market-ftrcct, caught fire, and would have done confiderable damage, had not the fpirited exertions of the inha bitants timely extinguifhed the flames. Meffrs. Bowen & Howard, PP VER fince the publication of your paper of the 3d inftant, which contained that frightful piece under the fignature of Honejius^ my head has been in a ftate of torpidity.—I have been vifited by the moft fkilful gentle men of the faculty, but to no purpofe: They declare that my fituation is dan gerous, andn that I cannot have any relief. 1 am unable to determine what meafures to purfue for my recov ery. One of my phyficians advifed me to renounce every idca*^of federalifm, and fubmit to the found reafoning of Ho- 7tejius. A lawyer who was prefent, ad vifed, that I ftiould commence a fuit againft Honejius^ as the cafe appeared a6lionablc, alfo it was evident that Homjtui was the caufe of my diftrcls. Butter per lb. Pork per blL of 22olb. nt. Tallow per lb. Beef per bll. - Corn per b'.fhcl. - Otter Skir.s - , Raccoon do. • Bro'va Sugar ■ m. Ordinary per loolb ^^f' Loaf fugar per lb. I Jamaica p.gl. RumV^eft-ln. \n. t rg.,— Mclaucs per gal. Chocola e p;rlb. Iron per ton Philad. Flour per bll. of i96ib. Steel per lb. Iron Hollow ware per ton Fine fait per huihel Do. by Retail Coa-^fe fait I er bulhel CofFee per lb. Bol'ea tea _ - 80'. to c„/. iSr/. tc 160/. - to 5r/. So/, to 9c/. 13/. to I!;/• I/;/, to ibj. 14/ to I ?/. 18/ to icf. 6r/. ' 40. to . L Nona 3f. to -/6d. ■ ipA, 1/6-1. 130 to 14c/'. I4d to i6d. So to 9 '/■. 6 to'sr. - 2+ to 30/'. i/6d. to 2/. 120 to 140/1 I. o to , 2/^ to 3f. 8f6 tor/. I yfed. to Sf. 6 to 6i6fd 3f8d. to 4f, * 2 ^ ^ » £■ 65. 90 tc i« of. i2d. - 4f. 6f. 4f. 2f6d. to 2fSd. 6 to yf.. 20 to 24f. lod to i6d. Gretr do. - _ _ _ N. England Cheefe ■ . - - —'.•N' For New-York, The SLOOP Nancy & Polly, ‘jOHN BRANSBY, Maiter, . a * For f reight or paffage (having ex cellent accommodations) apply to Severin Erichfon. 'Wilmington, Sept. 10. 28 To be RENTED, (And entered immediately) That large and commodious STORE, With a convenient CELLAR, under the Printing-Office. For terms, apply to J. Kingfbury. Sept. 10, 1788. 2b—

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