ParnaJJtan Loom. • -ilrnmm A FRAGMENT. Th.t crooked rib-bone, which was took from man's fide, And afhion'd, and moulded to make him a bride; Was-nevcr quite ftraltcn’d, as well I can prove, And ne'er wore fuch foftnefs as melted in loVe. Old Socrates grave, (frl'Titi) rcineniber the pot, And what a fine jhn'Jtr did fall to his lot. No other inftance from antiquity quote ; Modem times difplay without preface or note. .Pmy look in the hotifes of fame of your friends ; And fee how the cudgel is held by the ends ; Is enough to convince, without quibbles or quihif. That we ne'er (hall take out the curve of the rib. I That Udies are tender, has been an old tfieme, But is a f.Qion—it lives in a dream. We'r* caught Sy appearance, that makes the deceit. And give th^m all credit, bccaufe wc are beat. If ir.:ro (hottld be faid, 1 (hould not tell a fib. As each can declare, who has one of the rib. TVe now drink a health to the Bachelors grey, A»id fcoiJt they will glide in the honefl old way ^ . To take up a pitcher ar.d dri nk^tp a friend, ( : hey ne'er wii' decay till the world’s at an end.) At three-fcore and trn they ar; rugged and bold, They rule their owii wills—f:ot being concroll'd. Can laugh with a grace, and can dance with an air, -And chuckle and fnrcr at a young jolly pair. . ^From noify brats—from contjniion are free. From rtoJefi re athns continue'to be At a blefTed good didance, as we divine, Enjoying our friends with glee, mirth, and wine. Fi^e’ve health in our bodies, content in each breafi } As for eating and drinking—that’s of the bed : . We fhall live in peace till the world's at an end, And ne’er want a wife—vrith a b )tt!e and friend. A tribute of fenlibility from Frances, to Georgiana Chrijliaiia, On feeing her fuckie her Child. OW ardent foever the lover mav be previous to marriage—a child tniift increafe u'id more clofcly cement his affedions. A beautiful girl muft ever kindle emotions ofdcfircift a man of fenfibi- lity‘; bat a chafte and tender wife, ■with an infant fniiling at her bread:,, muft be to her hufband the moft ex- quifitc enchanting obje^l: upon earths She muft alfo be the moft flatter ing ; for every endearment beftowed' upon the child, will find credit in his heart, as a proof of affeffion beftow ed on himfelf. . The wife then, who fuckles her own infant, evinces her wifdom as w^ll as her tendernefs ; fhe lays both her huf- hand and her child under an obliga tion of kindnefs that can never be ab- folved. Women fliould recolleft, there is a time '^en the charms of beauty muft ceafe, and the paflions of youth give way to theintcllcftual plealures of old age. It is then good nature and good fenfe, with the elTcntial ingredient, a cheerful difpofiticn, complete the con- queft of female influence. Mar. R. Wilkings, HAS FOR SALE, At his Store the corner of Market and Front ftreets, the following MEDICINES: POWDER RED BARK Tartar Emetic, .Cream Tartar, R'ubarb, Ipicacuanab, Ciauber Salts, Sulpher, Aloes Hepstic, Magnctia Alba, Salts ^Vv wmwe^. Blue Stones Laudanium aod^-Opinm. * Spirits Hartihi m, *■ - — Lavender, ■ —■ Nitie, ■ . V, ine, Camomilt Flowers, Tindurc Bark^ Sa^ Antimony, SpermaMsti, ' Gum Guaicum, ^ AfTafioetida, Manna, Senna Leavds, Pink Root Qjiick Silver, Ballam Solder Anis. '* ■ — — Capavi, Calomel, Tvner's Ceret, Travoutlce. Red Coral. £lix. ParegoricC) — Vitrol, Salutes, — Praprictates, Hlcra Picra, Oil AnU Gentian Root, Stoughton’s Bitters, Sal. Nitre. Whire Vitrol, Mercurial Ointment in fmall boxes, Anderfon’s Pills, Baliam Honey, Harlacm Oil, Britifh Oil, Golden Tindure, Godfrey’s Cordials, Turlington’s Baifam, Tin6)ure AfTafaetida, - CaA(r, Volatile Salts, Batcman’a Drops Liquoris Root and Juice, EfTence of Burgaraoc, — Lemon, Oil Lavender. Lavender Water, Tooth Powder and Brufites.' f ■ —A L S Court Flalfter. o— A CHEST of excellent Hyfon T E A. Wilmington, September 3. 27— ALL KINDS OF Co^fltry Produce, ^'Sold Commiflion, by E. —Who has on 8000 excellent Laths. September 3*. 27— ^ rj^UE JOXJRNALS of the X Affembly arc now rea dy to be deftvered at the Superior Court. Office. t JOHN HUSKE, Clerk. Wilmington, July j6. 20- Writing Paper, OR S A L E^ * By the Printers hereof, William Stewart, TAYLOR, B egs leave to inform the public, that he has taken the Shop lately occupied by Mr. Sullivan where he in* tends carrying on his bufinefs. Thofe gentlemen who* may think proper to employ him, may depend on their commands being faithfully and punc tual executed on the Ihortcft notice. Twenty Pounds R E_ VV A R D. o O N Thurfday laft a Negro fellow named TOM, late the property of Colonel J. Leonard, murdered Mr» John Leonard, of BrUnlwkk Countv, at the plantation of Mr. Arthur Howe. Tom is a fmall black fellow, about twenty-one years of age, ftiittcrs mudi in his fpccch, is a defigning artful fel low, tells . a moft plaufible ftory, and will try to get out of the dale. It is iuppoied he was wounded in tbe head by a guard placed at Mr. S. Lja.el's laft Friday night. The above rewin d will be given to any pci Ion whoap^ e- hends him, by applviftg to Mr. Le\\iJ M‘Pherfon, merchant, Wilmington, or the fubfaiber in Bi unfwick County. Jacob luonard. Auguft 35,1788. T HE Subferibers rcqueftall perf »ns having, any dema-ids agaiiik c: e eftateoF the late JofiN Grangk, lea. Efq. dcceaied, to render in tnci, re counts to them as Ipeedilyas poili^je, properly attefted, as they w?lh to have the accounts againft the fa.d eltate ad- jufted, that they may as foon as pofli- ble difeharge the fame j and alio re- queft all pcrlons indebted to faid eftate, to make immediate payments, to pre vent profecution* junJl . , • •n, ^ JohnHalK jAdminiftrators. July 15, 17S8. 21 — WANTED, By the Commiffioners of the Naviga tion, one hundred thoulaiid BRICKS. Apply to WILLIAM NUTT, Clerk. ^ Wilmington, June II, 17S8. B L A N K S, OF VARIOUS KINDS, , For fale by the printers hereof. ^ P and Publiftied by BOWEN and HOWARD at theii Printing-Office, nearly oppofite the Market j where Subferiptions for this Paper fat FORTY SHII.T INPS nei Annum) Effays and. Articles of Intelligence will begratefuIly^ecciv.d.-Adven&SS

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