it fay, the filk was very ftrong, and of an exceeding good colour, (he has up- yards of 30 yards of the fame filk kft. If every lady would follow her ex ample in rrifing raw filk, and fpinnlng it only, they w ould not only lave ma ny tlioufand pounds per annum,to this ftatc, but would fet an example wor thy of being followed by the ladies in the northern flates, and thofe that live in every other part of the w'orld, where raw filk can be raifed. He adds, that if a fiatuc was to be erected in honour of the lady, it might be attended with a good cfFcft, as it might induce many perfons to follow fuch a laudable and patriotic example. WILMINGTON, September 17. From a CGrrejpondenf, Accounts' from the Weftern coun ties in this ftatc, mention the people being very much difiatisfied with the dolngsoftbc convention; that they generally have chofen federalifts to rc- prefentthetB in the next afi^mbly.— In the county of Rowan, Generals PvUihcrford and Lock arc left out, in confcquencc of their voting againft the confiirution in the convention— Iviciiis. Caldwell and Gator arc chofen in their room, and Mr. Steele for Sa- lifbury. In the county of . Lincoln, were federal and anti-fedcral candidates : the anti fedeialifis had not a fingic vote Col. Dickfon, Dr. M‘Lane, and Mr. Perkins werc^chofen- Mecklenburgli have chofen** Major Grimes, Caleb Phifer, and : Dou- glafs, Elquires. The county of Surry have elected federalifts alfo—have not heard the gentlemen’s names who are chofen. His Excellency Auther Sf. Clair, Efq. Governor of the Weftern Ter ritory, arrived at Muilringura on the nth of June laft. “ £x:fm£J of m Utter from FayttferViIU^ dated Sept, ly _ We have been highly entertrin'^d a faw weeks part, by Mr Ker.nVs'iheatricalCempany. Their fiipcricrity to ary that luve beicrc vlCted ns, it tco Rreat to admit the finalleA compa rif.jn. The lafl r.i»!it they played, to the very great fatisfadli- cn of a crew tied audience, the tragedy of Ifabella, in the cha- lii'cr of whom Mjs. Keuna made her appeararce, with digni- ty, ence, ard tb Jarcc. 'i he powers (he exhibited as an ac- •^cn.'pV'hcd adlnfs, can only be compared with heiTtlf, in the Cotintcis ct Salifbury. Every glance of the eje, feature of her ?.!ce, ai;d moticn of licr perfon, (jprke the ctiaraffer Ihc repre- fe Utd. Silence and admiration filed t!ie houfe ; th* audit nee, fer a while, forgettir g thtmftlvcs, were in raptures carried av/iy. The play throughout was well fupported, particulaily ' 'Urt Ealdwir, by ycurg Mr. Kerna ; clthcugh he certainly in comedy, picofs of fupericr abilities ir; wdiich lie has tih b;tedin the charaflerof the Mifer and Sir John Irctley.-— ^d;lj Kenra has pefoimcd in charadfer cf jane Shore, and fe- ethers, in a manner highly acceptable. She is univerfally allowed to be a good adlrefs, ii file has lefs afllcn than her mo- '•■‘ft; it cannot be faid fite wants animation. Her part file al- has perfeft and clear, and the agreeable modulation of her 'Cite never fails to pleafe. ‘‘*>^rs. Smallwood often has the acctifiomed exprcfllon cf applaufe from the audience, to which, it muft be allossed. fhe f rretimcsjullly entitled, confidering file has been but few 'ijor.ths on the flage. Her advantageous figure, great vivacity, ‘^•T^Ction to pleafe, and afliduity muft enfure her future fuc- cefs. Jlr. Magrath has don? a great degtec of jufiice to fevrral tr;ara£fers he has rfprefented ; the fuccefs of his indefatigable tndufrry in perfedfing hinifilfin hIs parts, his modeft and dlf- J-fcet attention to the buCncfs in general, covers many faults, and bids iair for a rapid impiovemcnt. “ 'Ihcfuitable alotments of the different parts, and tht ?ocd order with which the whole was conduced, reflefis fa 'ottrably on the j udgment of Mr. Kenna, who always does juf- tice to the chara(5er he. perfonates.—»i..They will foon leave this place for Wiliping on, where, it is wifiled, their encouragcnient may be in proportion to their merit. 7 hat idea of wanton levity and extravagance, which too often juftly ac companies the reputation of thofe of their profeflion, appears to be in no refpeft applicable to Mrs. Kenna. and her daughter j' their general conduft is marked with oeconomy and dlfcrctioc. 7* his ExcelUncj Samuel jehnfon, Efq, Cevernor of the fate of Nortb-Carolina, and Vrefdm oj the late Conventun he.d at Killjborougb, W E, the underfigned, citizens of the town of Tarborough, impreffed with the livelieft fenfe of the important mo tives which influenced the w'ile and virtuous members of the grand federal convention, held at Philadelphia, beg leave to ap proach your excellency, and exprefs our fincere approbation cf the zeal you have difplayed to conneft the Hate of North-Caro- lina to the general union and to thofe bleffings and happy con- - fequences we expeft to flow froDi a free and energetic govern ment. It is a duty we owe to ourfelves, our country and pofte- rity, to publifii every teftitnony of reprobation of the unhappy iffue cf that public meafure which claimt': the attention of cur late convention in Hillfborough, and to record, alfo, our une quivocal applaufa of the virtue, patriotifm, and exertiens, of EIGH r V-T WO STATESMEN, whofe wifdom and charac ters, we trufl, will preferve all that we conceive precious in this life, to ourfelves and future generations. United in the principles of your twcellency, we contemplated with emotions of pleafure and regret, this fmall, but wife and firm band, flruggiing againft a torrent of popular phrenzy, ex cited evidently to extinguifli whatever hope remained to rtftore public faith, revive commerce, and promote agriculture ; and though thcli efforts proved unfuccefsful, they are not lefs en- ' titled to cur gratitude ; at leaft, their exertions, and the federal principles of our numerous adherents, may preferve us trom io- difcriniinate odium, and probably itcommend us at fome fu ture hourof calmnefs and mcdeiation, to our place in the Uni ted Government, the only Rock of Salvation on which we can repofe with confidence and fafety.—Well affured that the moft difeerning of the majority, begin now to comprehend the danger into which their condufl was calculated to involve their country, themfelves, and their fellow citizens—we publllh this declarati on of our principles, defermined to rife and fall with the Union of Anerica ;fupv>licating your Excellency to employ all confti- tutioanl ire-ins & influence in your power toconv nee the adopt ing Statts, or their Ext cutivis, that North Carolina ought not to be included in general crimination, but thata confiderable part cf Iter moft refpeftable citizens are fiill attatched to a fede ral fyftem, from perluafion, that from it alone they can expert exemptiion Irom dcmeftic infurreftien, defence from foreign in- vafion, and conunuance of the bleffings of peace and profpsrity. Tarlorougb, (North-Carolina J Aagujl ac, 17SS. Marine Lift. ARRIV ALS fince our laft. Schooner Succefs, Lovvell, Newbury- Port. Sloop Friendftiip, Duplex, Baltimore. CLEARED. BrigSally.a Simpfon, Kingfton Sloop Charlotte, Bramhall, New- Providence. PRICES CURRENT. L UMBER,confifilng of J fcantlirg& remainder boards olTnch &2 inches fuperficial meafure. 70/. to %of. . P" - - 807. to 9c/. V/hite Oak do. R. O. bll, do. • . „ W. O. do. - - . 18 inch Ihingies, - - , z£ do. de. . . . .. larpeibll. - . , *1 uiptr.tine per bll. of 3Zolb. grofs. Pitch per bll. - ' . 'Tobacco per 100 lb. - ® - Rice, per do. . , Biack-ey’d peas per buihel . Bees’-V.'ax per lb. . . Dey-Skins in liair trkn’d, per lb. Ditto Untrim’d - . Butter per lb. - . Pork per bll. of zaolb. Bt. 1 . ’ - Tailow' per Ih, « . Beef per bll. - • - ' Corn per bufiiel - Otter Skins - , Raccoon do. - Brown Sugar - ; Ordinary per loolb Loaf fugar per lb. ? Jamaica - - Weft-In. » N. Eng. M Molaffes per gal. . ' - » Chocolate per lb. « Iron per ton - - ^ Philad. Flour per bll. of 1961b. Steel per lb. - Iren Hollow ware per ton Fine fait per hufbel Do. by Retail . ■ Cca’fe fait } er bufhel Cijffee per Ib. . * - Eohea tea CTeen do. » - . N. England Chcefe > 150/. to 16 /. > 4«/. to 507'. Sq/i to ^cf, 15/. to 15/. 14/ toi^ I4y6d. 14/. to 15/. li/ to -icf. Co/. 40/. to 42/. None. 3/- io 3/6d. .lysd. * „ */6d. *30 to i4©f. 14^* to i6d. 80 to 94/ 6 to 8/ - 24 to 30/’. i/6d. to 2/. 120 to 140/", 100 to I2C/l 2/8 to {f, *> 8f6d. to gf. yfgd. tu 8f. 6f. to 6f6d, 3f8d. to 4f. 2 to 2r4d. . 90 to loof. -i8f 65 4f- 6f. - 4f. •f6d.toaf8d. 6 to yf. 2of. to 24f. z6d« C A S H □ G I V E.N FOR TURPENTINE, " B Yb Mar. R. Wilkings. Wilmington, Sept. 17. 29— I d be SOLD, On reafonable TERMS, B Y Philip Spaulding, At the houfe of Capt. T. Callender, ■ The following Articles, viz. N ew ENGLAND RUM, GINN, A quantity of PICKLED FISH, SMOAKED and PICKLED SAL MON, SWEET OIL, in jars, CHEESE,- RAISINS, Women’s S HOES, WHITE PINE BOARDS, FELLING-AXES. Sept. 17, 29— To be RENTED, (And entered immediately) That large and commodious ST ORE, Vvith two convenient STONE CEL LARS, under the Printing-Office. For terms, apply to J. Kinglbury. Sept. 10. 1788. 28— - V o R Nevv-Providence, The SCHOONER. ULrSSES, Samuel Hovey, Maftcr, Will (ail by the firft of 06^ober.-r- For pafiage only, apply to the Mafter on board, or to Samuel Vance. Sept. 17. 29— To be L E T, And entered immediately, A COMMODIOUS Brick House, With a Store, Kitchen, Cellar, and Yard, all in complete repair, on the fouth fide of Market-ftreet, lately oc cupied by Mr. Patrick Brenan. For terms apply to Sept, 17 J. Kingfbury. /