>L. I.) THE (NUM ,o" Id pmm AND GENE.RAL: m E R T I S E R WEDNESDAY; September 24, 1788. ar. R. Wilkings, HAS FDR SALi^ his Srcrc the corner of Market and Front ftreeis, the follov^ing lEDICINES: pOWDER RED BARK, ^ Tarur Emetic, Cream Tartar, K'ubarb, Ipicacuanahy CiaU er Salts, Sulphcr, Al a Hepatic, Magm-Ha Alba, Sjits vVorniwood, Blue Stone, LaiH. nom anr* Oplntll* Sjjtrits hattihi>rn, . ■ ■ - Lavender, Nit e, ■ ine, Canf'-iriile Flowers, Tinflure Bark, Sago^ Ant;--e;t y, Spermaraetl, Gu i Cuaicum, Air.':ceii.;a, .Va ra, Senna Leaves, Fi.'x Arv't Quick Silver,, B.l' -'n .^ulpher Ar '_a|.av-. _ Cai->inei, 'i umer’s Ccret, t-'-ir's' M -. Centian Root, Traumatlce^ P EIix. Paregorice, •— V iirol, ——~ ^-1 „tvS, — — Pr.-crii rates, Kivta Picra, Oil Anls St. ushton’s-Bitters, Sal. Nitre. \> li i. ■ ^ lit 11, L ^tcutial Lirtmentin fmaJI boxes, Ar.de!Ion’s Pills, ^ RjI a;** Honey, ■Jlarlarm Ol), B'ntil^t Oil, Golden TinfturC, Cf'd.rcy's Cordials, 1 uriington’s Buiram, T:''-‘ ure Afiu.sedda, :—'* Voiaiile Saits, Batenun's Drof^ Li' uoris Root and Julc tflence of Burgamot, *»'■ I " Lemon, Cil Lsvender. Lavender Water, Tooth Powder and biuthes —A L S O— be SOLD, On reafonable TERMS,, ^ Philip Spaulding™ At the houfe of Capt. T. CalleSer, The following Articles, viz. N ew ENGLAND RUM, GINN, A quantity of PICKLED FISH, SMOAKED and PICKLED SAL- MON, SWEET O LL, in jars, C„H E E S E, “ RAISINS, ^ _ Women’s SHOES, WHITE PINE BOARDS, FELLING AXES. S€pt .17, 2 Court PlalAer. C A S H GIVEN FOR Turpentine, Mar. R. Wilkings. \\T o ^ W THPgron, Sept. 17. 29— A CHi ST of EXCELLENT Hyfon T E A,' Wilmington, September 3. 27— o be RENTED, M(And entered immediately) That large and fcomrnodious STORE, Vith two convenient S FONE CEL- ARS, under the Printing-Office. For terms, apply to J. Kingfbury. Sept. 10, 1788. 2b— W A N T E D, By the Commiflioners of the Naviga tion, one hundied thouland BRICKS/ ^ Apply to HlV WILLIAM NUTT, Clerk. Jjj^tnington, June n, 1788. FOR ^ew-Providence, The SCHOONER 1 ULTSSES, Ho^ey^ Maftcr, Will lail by the firft of Ofiober.-^ For pafi'age only, apply to the Mailer on board, or to Samuel# ance. Sept. ^7- 29— To be L E T., And entered immediately, A COMMODIOUS Brick House,__ With a Score, Kitchen, Cellar, and Yard, all in complete repair, on the fouth fide of Market-ftreet, lately oc cupied by Mr. Patrick Brenan. For terms apply to Sept 17. ^9— ^ I ^HE JOURNALS of the X Aifenibly are now rea dy to be delivered at the Superior Court Office. , JOHN HUSKE, Clerk. Wilmingcon, July 16*" 20— ^HE Subferibers requeftall perfons haying any demands againft the eftate of the late John Grange, fen. Efq. deceafed, to render in their them as ipeedily as poffible, properly attelled, as they wifli to have the accounts againft the faid eftate ad- jufted, that they may as-(oon as poffi ble difciiarge the fame ; and alio re- queft all perfons indebted to faid eftate, to make immediate payments, to pre vent profecution. Thomas ISleaky juti.! ^ j . ^ohn Hall, jAdminiftrators. July 15, 1788. 21—* Foreign Intelligence, LON DON, June 22. O N F1 iday laft an exprefs arrived from Paris, with ad vice of a to tal change of meafures having taken place in the French cabinet, that the Minifters of France were entirely changed, that the parliament were called, and that the Duke de Chatelet, formerly ambaffador to our court, is appointed miniftcr, all which regula tions arc fo well relifticd by the people as to have already given every appear ance of returning tranquility and peace. The French, in compliment to their allies the States of America, have juft launched at Breft a new 74 gun ftiip, calleq the America. July 2. Yefterday noofning goo Is to the amount of upwards of 140,000!. were entered in the Cuftom-Houfe for Virginia and Maryland. ^ Accounts, it is faid, are juft arrived, that a large detachment of Imperial troops have had a rencountre with the ad van :cd forces of the Republic of Venice The objedf in conteft was the paffiige of the Imperial troop« thro’ the territoiy of the Republic. The Venetians refifted, and the rcfiftancc was followed by an immediate adion. The King of Sweden has abfolutcly