left Stockholm, in order to take the command of the arpriy in Finland ; and nine ihips of the line have failed to join the Swcdifti fleet gone on the expedition to Finland. Admiral Wrange’^ailcd in the above fleet to take the command of the whole. BiXtradl of a letter ftom the Hague^ 14-. “ Their High Mightineffes the Stares General have anlwered the memorial preleiited by the French Ambafl'ador relative to the affairs of his Chafleuf, in which they fet forth,that from every evidence they can collect, the Ambaf- fador’s fei vant was moft in fault and w as the principal caufe of the iniults which took place on that day ; and their High MiglitinefTcs on their parts demand, that He who caufed thofe cliforders, and who abufed the refpefta- blc charaofer of his mafter, violated the territory of the Republic, and W'ounded fome of the defencclels inha bitants, in order to do himfclf a pre- ded juftice, fliould be punilhed as he d: lerves.’* Dmnejiicintellig ence. N E W-Y O R K, Augufti3. Extras cf a Utterfrem Bdfujl^ June 2:. « Wc are at p elei t h.re m tne grea cli cutittfi n. and that occaficne-d by an event ihat gives univerfal concern—ycu mud have beard of Mr. Nathan VVijfon the great cotton n arutac- tuf'^r who canled onthat huHnefi here, to an ex ent nequal- cc in ihis ki> gdoni, and little inferior to fome of the boafled wori s lr> Britain. Mr. w ilfon's health has been for f^»^1e time in .1 meft (iecllning ftate, and the unremitting attention which a hofinefs on a f-ale fo extenfive required, and that from one vh f'- onllituiion n^ver was the ftrongelf, hallcned a decline j kc died on 1 huifday l.i:l to the innexprcflible lofs cf the public ; all til" wciks a e fufp^ended; tiie working people to ihe amount •f foiit t'lucfa id fci.i i dritt ; no pericn lelt able to undertake a i . fit efi cf fo nicch txte t.; where it will end, time will fl.tw; at prtlen nothing is heard but univerfal lamentati^. a* d d Jpair has taker op hi r abode in th" manlions which betore w s Ill-aid oi ly me frn-' of joy, and the Ihuttl: of indullry. *• Ror Lh 1 ntguills atprefent here r.nd his agent Mr. i albot j if fcuro ti'. fiud n.ears arc net deviied, and that fiie*et'ily too, to employ thr- numerous poor now lent a dntt ^ all the boaited improvements ot this town mull iiiiiuediatcly ceafe. ’ PHILADELPHIA, Augult 27. J'te 0 icHoir: is a copy of a !et:crfcn Ca}t. DuMtel llamjor., com' tH.^ndir of lit nrvn Cutter, tc L^/r. istfpbiit Muorc^ belonging toibisput^ ate Giira.tar-£jy,Af,i)/ zb, 1788. i am ' id'.rad by joze sancht-S Bretto, Admiral and Comrnii'dcr m chitt 01 her Mert Faiihiul ivlajelly’s fquadron, t 11 uke known to ycu, that he has pohtivc orders for proteft ing and convoying any American Ih p or Ihips againll the ixegen- C) of ilgkrs, or ar y o; the Af ic?n p.iw.rs at war with Arne- lica fr which, at your dtpatorc fiom this, if you find it necef- fciry ( r c nvcy,>ou will pleafe to make acquainted when and where you vp'fh to proceed, that tiiefaine may be comniu- aicated to the Admu d, for his appointing the Lme.” R A L T 1 M O K E, Auguit 22. London newfpapcrs as late as the 19th of June,brought by the ih.p London pitket. Capt 'i oolfey,arrived at New-Vorkafew days a?o, fliter a pafTage of 8 weeks from London, advife, that letters from Conilantincpk- (dated 4th April) give an account of a complete vi6f ry being obtained by the Bolnians near beman- dria, over 3000 Auftrians, one third of whom were flain— . hat ir ionfirn.aiion of this account, the courtier who carried it to Coid'tantinople produced to the Grand Seignior the head of the Anllrian Colonel and »great rumber of ears cut ofFfom ti.e vai qu'.lhed .auHrians—i hat the Emperor Jcfepli had been at the camp before Belgrade where after wim^ffing three different attacks o. the 'i urks upon his army twice by general cannonades in w’hich upwards o '2000 difcliarges were made, and one- a ref lute fally from the Garrifon, thought proper, on the a3d cf H? »v to quit his fituation, and pafs the Save, with a d.viiiono thgrand army, to the amount of 70,000—That the Ruffian fquadron deftined to cruife on the Baltic,cenfifls ot 8 fail of the line, and 18 gallies—That the warlike preparations of the , Swedes at this p“rIod. haye puzzled politicians in general and excited various conjeflures ; but the idea now prevalent on that fu^'jeft is that they conceive the prefent a good time for recover ing from the Ruffians what they therofelves wire deprived of by the immortal Czar Peter—That it was whifpered that there was a fecret alliance between Sweden and the Danes, and that the pu pi.r,. of this political connexion was hbftile to the Im perial Catherine. ALEXANDRIA^ September 4. ?y Capt. Boyfon, who left Madeira the 6th of July lad, we are inio'med that the difpute between England and the Emperor 4^10 r~cco. was amicably fettled. This intelligence was bright to Made ra by a Britifh frigate, which arrived from Mo- gadc re, a ftw days before Capt. Bcyfca failed. PE rpRSBURG, Auguft 14 ExtraR of m Utter, elated Fort Cb'ift f July t4 1788. ‘*A mi^ft v^dert wa has jui) broke out between the people ^ HuU^cin, and the Chsrokcc and Chicomageo Indians, it is fald the whites at dlffereht times this fpring and futnuer have loft abou 60 perfons, and the Indians loft 90 ; among which are the Fool Warrior, Old Taffel, and Old Abraham, the Hang ing Maw's brother, who is principal Chief of thofe nations j and the following towns, on the TenefTe, are evacuated, and fe- vcral of them were in ftames before the Indians left them } HighwafTee, Chilthowa, Cititp, Chota, Teca, Big Talico. Big Ifland, Coetch..Hoftilities appear to be carried on by both par ties with all the malice, horror and implacable hatred imagina ble } foGod only knows where it will ftop.” CHARLESTON, September 4. ExtraR of a litter from London^ dated May i. ** An A(Si of parliament has palied for the adiniffion of A- merican vdfels to loadSAL i' at 1 urk’s Ifland,on paying a ton nage duty of'two Ihillings and fixpence. 'i his muft be of great advantage to the American Commerce as fait is fcldom more than fixpence per bufhel. —Zach. Hood, Efq. has great me rit in effefling this admiffiipn and wlio will vinbark in a tew days for thofe Iflands in order to carry thefe regulations into exe cution. A gentleman lately arrived fromOftend,gives an account of a feftival held there on account of an old lady having arrived at the age o. loo years. She had been of material firvice to the inpe- rial Cr wn, in evidence of an occurrence remembered only by herfelf. In confideratim of which the Emperor fettled upon her a penlion ot three pence a day, and being informed that a cen tury of years had rolled over her head, ordered a jubilee to be held on the dccafion.—The good folks ot Oftend always glad of an opportunity to keep a holiday, exhibited their bell ap parel, and all the paraphernalia of the Church—.After which came the old lady moil fuperbly ornamented, fupported by the magillrates, who attended her to the Alter of t le Cathedral, where mafs was performed and TV Deum fung by the choir, the old lady then afeended a throne raifed for the purpofe where fhe took a fojeranoath that the remaining part of her life fhould be dedicated to aifts of piety and devotion, and that fhe never would ennfent to receive the addrcfles of—man / I his extraor dinary piece of jelf-dtniai being ended, the company concluded the day with the g eaceft rejoicings.. A very different turn of thinking operated on another old wo man at .^bbots Bromley (England) who went to Church with a lufty young man aged iS, her age 8;;, he being the fourth huf band and it is now 69 years fince file was married to her fi-ft hufband. A great concourfe of people attended the matrimo nial ceremony, but crowding too precipitately into the Chu'-ch they threw the old lady down ; fhe however recovered htrlelf, and with lier-ftick challifcd the intruders. A wheelbarr w be ing brought to the Church door, when the fond couple came out, the old lady was forced into it, and her flout hufband was obliged to wheel her to the bridal habitation. ExtraR of a Utter from Bfon. ** In one of our papt rs * there is an account from Danvers of a woman who died .it an inn of a puerperal fever, fuppofed to be fro.n Connecticut, Ac 1 ne.d not repeat the whole as you will doubtlcfs fee it—vVhat I mention thiS for is, that I think the ftory may icrve as a good moral kClurc to young ladies—for this lady whofe condufl appeared fo m flerious, proves to bedaugh ter to a dece.ifed clergyman inCormeClicut—She was handfome, '•entee;, rtnd fcnfiblc ; but vain and cowuetifh : Ak. great rea derif romancts. bhe refufed two as go, d offers of marriage as the defervcd,hecaafe flieafpired higftr than to he a clergyman’s wife i and liavi ng coqueted it till pail her blocni, itll into a criminal ir.dul ence,proved pregnant and t!>cn clop-. d ; pr send ing where (lire lodged and died) to be married and carried on the drcptiuii till death. * See the IVJmingion Centinel, No. 27. WILMINGTON, September 17. w E hear that the legifl iture of Vermont irtend fending Delegates to Con.;rer», agree9|>ly to a requefl of th-at ho- porahle body. They dfo ptepofe calling a Conven*ion imme diately, lor the pu'^pofe of Cbnfidcring the n.w conflitution. By intelligence received from the weflward, as late as Auguft 15th, we learn, that a party of 40 men under the c-mmand of Major Thomas Steward, having unguardedly croff'd the l e- nalfee at ChoC'-a Ford, was, on reaching the further bank, at tacked by a large body of Indians, fop iofed to be betw en one and two hundred. Our people fired feveral times, but being overpowe-td by numbers, they endeavoured to retreat back a- cri/fs thr river } the Indians by thi-. time had got in their rear, and fuch as efcaped had to 1 ide thro’ a heavy fire, in the river, and on the hither bank. Our lofs is great, upwrirds of twenty are yet miffing, and feveral wounded ; among the killed are young Kirk, he who was fo aftive againft the Indians fince the comme'cement ol the prefent dillurbances. His Br; annic Majelly, by the advice f t'ne Privy Council has prnhihited the imporation of American what into any of the Britifh Dominions,on account of its being infedlcd with an in- feil, which th.y arcappreiicnfive might fpread its baleful enftu- ence to the grain of that kingdom. Britain has in America a military frree of 13 batallions— which is a much greater number than fhe has either in the Eaft cr vyeft Indies—and what is a little extraordinary, a grs.it p.irt of this force is ftatiuned within tfic territories of fovenern the and independent States' of jimerica. If .h- cbfeivation were doubtful that a traitor is hated even by the party who isbenefi ed by his treafon, the following cir- cumftance would eflablilh it. At the moment when Arnold’s ftore at St. Johms was on fire, when his heart w.»s pierced with the moft affti^li^ idea that his fon was then fuffsring in the flames— at that moment when the breall of feniibility bleeds for even the Ioffes of a foe—v;hen the confidcration of almoft every wrong is forgotten, and wc fly to the affiftance of the perfon wc hate—at this moment of dillrefs—inftcad of condolence or relief we are told, the inhabitants of St. John’s, cooly afkcd this i- merican fyphax, Whetltr the then appearance noas not aJlriking reprefentation of the conjiagration at New-London." Thereby ex ulting in his misfortune, as a puniihmentjuftlydefervtd—expe riencing what ht had wantonly made others experience. Friday the zzd ult. arrived at Bofton.the fquadron of the naval armies of his moft Chriftian Majefty under the command of the Right Hon. the Marquifsde Seneville. 'I he fquad’on failed from Cape Francois the.Tdof Auguft and confiftsofy fail, viz. the Superbe, of 80 guns (the Admiral ffiip) 1’.Achilles of 74 guns, commanded by the Chevalier Macarty r.e Martague, four frigates*from 32 to 3-5 guns j and one 20 gun Ihip. A POEM lai Jy publ (hed in London, called LEWESDON HILL} vyriuvn by the Rer. W. Crowe of Ncw-CcUege, Ox ford, contains this elegant compliment to Cenerat WAggfK„ TO J»—who is ranked among the few heroes who have prove, the bleffing not the fcourge of mankind and who arc allowed L the fpecial favour of Heaven, to paufe and reft afetera^ mark of glory.” ' ‘ « NOT SUCH . As rife in caufclefs war, troublinr the world By their mad quarrel, and in fi»lds efhlocd Hail’d Vidlors, thence renown’d and call’d on earth Ki;'gs, Heroes, Demi-Gods, but in high Heaven 1 helves, Ruffians, Murderers ; thefe find no repofe. 'Thee, rather Patriot Conqueror ! to thee Belongs fuch reft; who in the weftern world Thine own delivered country, for thyfelf Haft planted an immortal greve, and there Upon the glorious mount of Liberty ' Repofing, firft beneath the palmy (hade.” DIED—On Sunday morning laft, aftera fliort UlneTs, gretj ly lamented by all her friends and acquaintance} Mifs aNi(| BR \DLEY, in the fifteenth y'-ar of her age. God took b s own—the lovely Fair's at rtf i Ncrfpotlcfs foul iS now amoni the bifl. Death has releas'd her from corporeal paiitf And added one to the Seraph c frain— Rais'd from a fpark cf pure etherial flame. She wind'd her flight to Heav'n—from whenceJhe Camct Same day Mafter John Green, fon of Mr. JViliiam this place. 'I —- On Monday morning, Mr. Bricklayer,I The POST for Fayettc-Villc| fets off this day at Ten o’clock, ■ Marine Lift. ARRIV ALS fince our laft. Brig John, Howell, New-Pr.vidence. Schooner WitUam, Andrews. Qharhfl.n, Sltip Frin jhpt Duplex, Baltimore. CLEARED. Schooner V^i.liam Andrews, Q.baleflon. Sloop Nancy end Polly, Brat fly, New-Torke The Public are refpeftfully informed,! • that Mr. KENNA’s COMPANY of COMEDIANS Intend opening the T H E A T R E, with a Tragedy, called, The COUNTESS #^SALISBURY.| Anti fheentcrtairtlrtjent of the MAYOR of GARRliTT, The night of performance will be exprefled in the bills of the day, le^'T. 24. 30. Si i I 5 • i Fayette-Ville Races\ O N Wednefday the 12th of No vemher next will be run for at Fayette-Ville t^the three mile heats) a purfe of O ’e hundred and thirty pounds, free for any horfe, marc, or gelding, carrying weight as follows: A three years old to carry 981b.—Four years old, ii2lb—^Five years old, 1261b.—Six years old, 1331b—And a feven years old and upwards, 140 lb.— AIlo, on the fucceeding day will be run for (the two mile heats) a purfe 'of feventy pounds, each horle, mare, or gelding carrying weight for rge as above.—And, On the day following, the fwcep flakes w ill be run for the entrance mo ney ot the two firft days, each horft to carry a catch. Twice round to make a heat. The money will be teady each day to deliver to the winner at thu^les. ^ ROBERT ROW^ G. DUDLEY, (Manag^. Sept. 24.

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