H -a i(NUMB. 31.) AND GEJSIEILA VERTIS V W E D N Ei,. S D A OcTaBER 15, 1788. NEW-YORK, September 16. By tbeUnitedStates in Congrefs Affembledf Sefteniber 13, 1788. W HEREAS the Convention af- fembled in PhiUdeldhia piurfu- tnt to .the Refolution of Congrds of the 21ft of February, 1r^7, /did on the (7th of 5^tember, in the fame year7 report to llie United States in Congrefs afieaibkd, a ConRitutioii for the pi^ pie cf the United States ^ whereupon Congrcls onj^e 28th of the fameSep- temper, didt refolvc unanimoufly, That the (aid report, with the Refo- lutions and Letter accompanying the fame be tranfmitted to the feveral Le- {iflacures, in order to be fubmitted to a convention of Delegates chofen in each ftate by the people thereof, in conformi ty to'thf Refoives of the Convention, madtSc provided in that ca!c’’and where as the conRitutiori fo reported by the coRveiTUo»,^^iid by ^epngrefs^ ^nf- iTiitted to the feveral Lcgiflaturcs,^ has been ratified in the manner therein de clared to be fufficient for the eflablilh- ment of the fame, and fuch ratifica tions duly authenticated have been received by Congrefs, and arc filed in the Ofiice of the Secretary^therofore, Resolved, That the firft Wednelday in January next, be the day for appoint ing Eleftors in the Icveral States, which betore the faid day fliall have ratified the faid Confiitotion j that the firft Wednefday in February next be the day for the Eleftors to afiemble in their re- fpeftivc States, artd vote for a Prefidenf; and that the firft Wednefday in March next, be the time^ and the prefent feat of Congrefs the place, for commencing proceed ings under the the faid Conliitution. CHARLES THOMSON, . - Secretary^ ' New-Torky Sept, 27. Capt, Thomas Rdd in the fliip Al-^ liance bound to China, failed from Philadelphia * in the month of June, 1787, and'arrived at Canton the 22d. day of December in the fame year, hav ing navigated on a rout as* yet anprac« tifed by any other (hip.——Taking founding off the Cape of Good Hope, he fteered to the fouth-eaft-ward, en circling all the eaftern and fouthern iflands of the Indian ocean—pafling the Soutfi Cape of New-Holland : and on their paftiife to the l^lbithward again towards Can^; betw^n the latitude of 7 and 4 degrees fouth--and between the longitude of 156 ^ 162 degrees' :eaft--they difeovered'^ a number of dflands—Acinbabitant| of which were black—with curled and ^ wocjy hair— .ainong thefe iflanids they had no found- jngs. About the latit^e rf eight de grees north—and m t% longitude of rte-'degrees Eaft tljic^ difeovered two other iflands—inhabited by a brown people—with ftraight bljck hair. Thefe dflands appeared to be y^ry fertile--and much cultivated: and b^ the behaviour of the inhabitants—the (hip’s company were induced to believe they were the firft difqoverers.—^ them was named Morris ifland—the other Alli ance iftahd. They did not land on any of them. Thefe difeoveries were made in the month of Noventber. ^ .The officers of the European (hips in China were aftoniftidf to find a veC fel arriving at that leafon of the year, and with eagernefs and pleafure exa mined the trafl of their voyage. In coafling near New-Holland they had the winds generally from S. W. and blowing ftrong with a great deal of rain. ^ They finifhed their voyage by arri ving again at Philadelphia pn the 17th of September- 1788, having returned by the ufual rout of the European fhips until they were rn the Atlantic ocean. erne. L I S B O N, June 8. T H E laft aceoants from the Streights,. reprefent Gibraltar as in a very d^Iorable fituation. A famine prevails, be- which illnefs riegns there, which ftilladds to the defolation of the inhabitants. PARI S,^ June 22. The fquadron of obfervatiotf which has f^led' from Breft, is hound to Cadi7, . where it will join a diyiiiQn from Toijlon, and fail from thence, peahaps, .to the Mediterranetin. We are aflur- ed that thefe nayaj forces are ordered to rc|wr tsr Maples. When this fquadron returns, they will fend fome^her ftiibs to relieve the Leopard, and Illullre, Rationed in the ^(l.ln(}ies. , LONDON, July 5. The total amount of the ordinary of the navy, qt the fevers! out'ports, as made up tathe ift inft. is onehundr^and twen- ty-feven fliips of the lindE-eleven of 50 ganS'^ne hundred and ten frigatos—forty floops and four cutters; * 5 d^traSt of» Uttff from Pttfrfiurgb^yuvt ro, *fThoii*h every thifi^fjl^'heen hurry andj*9nfufion here'for f^eral weeks pad, the^dbeit has not yet failed.nor is it Indeed as jwreadyi feme oftKplarge frd’m 70 toX^guns, at Con- Arandt, havjs not 500 men on board, and of thoie' half at leaA are iandftiien, unacquainted with n^al affairs. The veffels on the gulf at Archangel, and other places, have been Aript for bailors, who are arrived here f but' even thefe have by no;means equal^ the demand for the mb? of war fitting out, which amounts io twenty three'fail, of ^hidi feventeea are of thclincifitin fifittrioo^ns, of which laft there are two on board, ohe of which, U Catherine, Admiral (now comte) Cieie bm his flag,. Paul Jones, by which name the American officer iu his command {the majority of the Bntifli officers refufe,.however, to ferve under him: nor has any Aep yet been taken to accommodate the difference. 1 his not yet left their flups*. their remonftances to the Admiralty only are. “dthat they will lay down tbcir commiffions rather than to ferve.” The filk fpeculation bids fair to be as minous'in its confeooeo- ces as that of cotton j to fuch an enormous height has the isrici Jj^,^"*/*** ^^“/‘“'‘hefd few days ayoL have been 1^1 in the fale of a fmgle bale. .Weareaffured that on the 6th inft. the garrifon'at Belgrade forprifed a fmall AuArian poA, and'took twelve men and affsld piece, without Ariking a blow. AmAerdam is at the expence of 10,000 florins every Week, to fupport a Mihtia to keep the public peace} and 40,000 people vefop^fed tohaveemigratedfince the commencement of LA ^cptciiiDcro ^ By * lettw from Franee we learn, that the War-Office is fJiut up exaflly in the fame manner it ufoally Is when they are at war." aiKl where noperfon is fuffered to enter, but mu A fpcak to any one they want therein through the doOT. ^ * , F*** humiliation to Great-Briuin She loA a whole continent, and was defpifed by every now-- in Euroj)e..-Every «/, had a kick at the tick Horn. The day of mmbution IS come, and France and Ruflia are at this moment juA as low as their enemies could wiA. They affed to care for nobody and nobody cares for them. Polarid the little remains of a kingdom, dwindled'toa replih- ho-will remain where it* is during the life of the prefehly^ . . ,, ' 7—yui wn nia aeain, ms Kfusnetn will 10 aH probability be divided by tbq Imperial crowned It pofieffes no Arength fufficient to leftft and preferve its ind’^- pendency. Its revenues annually are not fo much as cu. kins IS allowed for his privy purfg, being no more than Soo.oocl'. Extr0a,*f ^ittter from the Elfinhr, datti' funi 44, T7S8 ®ff Gothland, foppoled inLde.1 to efcort above fifty galhes. and double the numCr of tranfpon;. with above forty thoufand ti-m>ps towards the borders of Finland, where the Ruffian, feem pretty much unguarded, and not ad- Til* CronAadt, only three fhips of thelmu being hauled out of the Mole, and fo ficMy, that' they bury above forty men evei7 day.” ^ - Extraft of a letter from? gemlcman in Martinito to is friwd A this town. an Ordinance dated the i5thQf AuguA Mft, enafledby M.- M. Dain» and Foulquicr, General and Intendantof th.s ifland }—All foreign veffels are allowed to impurt mitU the fi'A of January next, exclufively, into the ports of Fort Rofrt. La. trini^, aojb Rade de St. PieiTe,-Lumbi4 Ma.U, I^cki, Cod FiAi, Rice, Con>> faked Beef, Cattle, Poultry, Onions, and Potatoes.' , • ** All Duties on the above imported aiticJ«^ are taken eff, ^ceptinig a doty of two per cent. Clearances for foreign vsf- fels fhall bq delivered up only m the Ports of St, Pierreand Forti Royal, In payingthc cuAomary dRties of admiralty and harbour. All other laws oh fbrrign trade remains in force.” -6. 5:^ The Printers hereof haW been unable-to pubKllt a Paper the two Jaft weeks, and only Half a Sheet this week,, owing to the fevere ficknels which AiU cqhtiuncs in their Ofl^e : 1 h-y hope to bqable to pubUffi the WILMINGTON CENTJMEL aa^nfual in a fhort time. long and painful UU nefs, Mr. JEjHU DAVIS. - ARRIVALS fince the id InAants S CHpOKER William, J. . Miller, Charlefton. Sloop In* duAry, R, Dunn, New Yorlr. Schooner Olive Branch. D. Durfey, Martinico. Brig Nelly, F. M«Mafter, Newry. Sloop Little Peggy, T. BaUenton, Jamaica. Sloop Nelly, 1. Knowlei, Norfolk* Shjp Norval, D. Harvic, Barbados Schooner Fricndfhip, J. Davjs, New-River. Schooner WiU mingten Packet, E. Lawrence, CharleAon. C t 'E A RED./, B rig Nancy, B. Leak, BoAon. Schooner William, 1' Miller, CharleAon. Sloop" Harriot, J. Moore.* Schconcr ^.iue, D. James, Rea. Sloop Awiuel, W. Meads, N. Ycrk. moop Union, H. Rofe, New .River. "Vendue. O .N Monday nptt the 20th InffaihtMat 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will be' fold'to thi* tflgAeft bidder, for ready cafhonjy' The Cargo of the Sloop FLY of King- Aon GbnfiAing of 46 barrels Mufeovado Sugar. puhcheSis aind T^HogOieada RUM. and 4bagi PitomiQ. ^ WUmiiistoai Q€M)a 141 jySS.