Ifill continue under reftrahit; but the letcrminatidn of goyf^hment refpedk- fig them is daily exptf^ed, and we hppe )ur next will inforpi you hoW fan, imllar apprehcnfions may be likely to roduce fimilar rcfl^raints in future^" ‘ « Whatever may be determined on‘^ concerning tbcfeor other cargoes that may arrive here whilftour prefcntlaws arc in force, it is generally believed^ fbat government will eitherputchafe therti,' Jr indemnify the proprietors, if they' uftain any lols/’ ' TW WILM I N eqe ON October . 20., V ~, - - t r' ■>'■* Saturday evenlnj laft, a maiir Wllw naiM we *- .earned, dead in this river whf'^as fuppofed h?vc • )ccn drowned aheax x-«r««k 'ttti^' were ihccr- red on Sunday laft. . Tw '.le lulalUjiKtt ef tbttvtunoj Ccr.t'.iiuHit YOU will hepleafsd to accep^t my iir.ee e and {r^teful' thinks for your v;ry polite and pacriocic addrtfs of‘the zbih .uguit bit, hspded to me this day. , ; Your I'pprobation rf the conduft of the mmonty in tbeiatfe corvention « t HilHborough, piuft be highly pfcaimg to theib .. xiiider ihc painiul difappointpltnt of their endear jurs to avoid a fEpsracion from tlie councils of the Unitc4 State . It gives me plealure to hear from you, that the moft dif B “ cerniP? of the maj^riiy now begin to cempre end the dan- “ gen i.ito which their cundaft was c.ilcu!ated t • involve their “ co-.i-ry."—-Imprcfild withilftii^ycntiments there is every re i or; iiope, that they will purfuc thg tn bctual means, . .w-n as poilible, to replace this State In the Di on, in which jiiuaticn alone fus can appear reijte£lablc. I a;r, well allured^ that the citizens of this St le were at no tir-e averfe to a federal government, butxho prof t ed fyAem ap pearing to many not fopeifcCt as they (.quid wl.'ii and believing that amendiricnts mrght more certainly be obtaini^oy poApc>n ing the ratifi-atlon, tiil after the prupofed amildmeijts were’' ci. nfidered by aGcr.eral Convention, they adcptel the meafiirss wi ich you fo highly diiapprove : Thefe ■'nrararesiwerc optn-fed by the minority, i^ho of:'-.icd reafens in fu|;p jrt efthei/opinion, which 1 ii-jttSr myfclf, on a ^fesol and deliberateInveftigatlur, v.iii'.avt "he weight and ir.lluer.ee, which it is tefbe lam.e.’iteJ tlity 'lac not at tariltr ptiicd. 1 i -.’s the honor to be, witn the utnioft ccnflpration and re.-c.-, ^ . . . . , ‘ • Ccntlemen, Veur moft luitfiiul and obedient ferv-ant, (Signed) SAIViU£L JO|NSTON, EdcntcP; September 3, jgSS. Lijk DRT GOOD S. CHRISTOPHER ELLE LY, ion,Q£l.2t, 32 ■' marine ARRIVALS fince our li S chooner 'V iiliam. Miller, CharKHcn. Brig Ttiihlc, Mar- riiiet, Cojrracoa. Brig Speedwell, Knight, S| Barthclo- riiews, Biig Recovery, Taggart, Rhode-]fland. Iiig Fame, Lcitth, CiC uoclc,. Eilg -amuel, ’ Robertfon, Kharleflon, Schooner Hope, Sevier, ^ Poit-au-Prlnte. Stholisr Folly, Clu.'npaignc, Cape-Frarxcis. | C L E A R E D. . I 4, gChocncr DirpatcJi, Stevens, St. Croix. SchoonI WHliam, Cailow ay, Chailtilon. Schooner UlylTes, Ntw- ' Providenuc. Eilg John, Howell, New-Providcnl. Sloop Iiiduftry, Dunn, New-York. Brig Otto Willis, Burke, St. Cro.x. Sloop Ndly, Knowles, Bolton. Sch^^ Wii- niington Packet, Lawrence, Charlellon. Scitooherlharlotee, Stewart, Kingfton. 1 juft Importei In the Brig R E COY E l Y, And to be S O L D by the lubh iber, at his Store, in ^ince's AIL ^he following articles: N EW-ENGLAND RUl Brown and Loaf Sugal Coarfe Salt, Chocolatl FlaXi - * Bar Iron, Maple Defks, Chcefc, Oats and Hay, White Pine clear Boards, Onions, and a few articles of Ciir^nt.0- | fcantlfng &^i|ijuoder boards 5f inch acid zripches fupo^ial mearairr tof. ton^" ; Oak Hbd. ftaves per M xo'^f. White Oak do, ’ nfj^xpiOof. ^O. btl; do.' : 40/11050/1 W. Os--':..: 418.,.,, \ to lOOf. i* rnci, SS: V?4? 60. do. , V _ \ J5/ltaj6/; Tarpw^arrcl, . ' ' Tur^nne ptr * Pitch per bli. ‘Tobacco per loolb.' • .. \ Rice per do. ' >' * ■ ' , Black-eyed Peas per Imlhe], Bees'- Wax per-U)^ - • ‘ Deer-Skms in hair^im'd^ perlbJi iV.v'; Ditto Untrim’d I- - '' Butter per lb* ■ ■ - ’ -* '• ‘ jg- Pock per bll, of ^2olb. id^ Tallow pir lb. ' f.:i. nv Beef per bll. Cbm.per bulhftl - Otter SkinS. > Raccoon do. ' Bro4m Sugar' -,, Ordinary, per toolb . I^oaf fugar per lb. . TJamaica.p.^l itain >weft-ln. ■ ' . ... ' • •' MoIalTes per gal*. w Cbocolare per lb.-. Iron per ton . Philad. Flour per, bll.of 1961b* Steel pCT Ma. . ' ' a- -r lion Hollow ware per ton Fine fait per Kulhel ' Do. by Retail . „ ' Coarfe fait I er bulhel Coffee per Ib* - Bohea tea ' . -■ - ; - . - Green do. - I • 'i. ' , 16/1 to aq/1 ' .56 to liof. •,4ojC,to4a/; " .. 7/'. jf,to 3|/6d. • V ■■■.': if, - jysd. if6d. V 13010 140/1 i i4d. to i6d« -t ,Sp to.94/'. ' if. tbff. yi - 24 to 30/i . ly^d. to. ,2/. - -ii icq to 120/1 'yttoif.' '. K . 8f6d. to 9f. ‘ 7f9d. tu8f.y * • 6f. to 6f6d. - .jfSd. fb 4f. - 2f8d. A : C 65. 70 to 8of. . i8f. . £ H ■ 3f6* . .-i sf* 4f. - 3f. ' ' '* _ ^ to yf. * Mf. to 24f. Wax-Work. For the Entertainment of the Curnous I The foIIowing'Figuresof WAX-WORK may be feen at the Houfe of Major f^3g^ury, nearly oppoEte the Market; A n excellent LlkienefS of his Excellency General WASH INGTON, in his Military Drels, The Reverend Dr. Rogers, of. New-York,— The Reverend Mr. Liviriglfon, of New-York,———. T>e Reverend Mr. Provolts BilhopofNew-York,—. The King of Grvatt-Britain,... . . 7 he Q.ueen of ditto,—— ' The Pri.ice of Walts, 'l lie D»tch«-lsot Orleao*, a bean;sfi2i.Fre^ ' Anoldl-riar, A Nunn at Coufc'inon,— A beautiful young Lad^’, Reeping,—. '• heRart of Cb^bain.—‘ ■ . Doctor Fothc' giil,— ^..duiirai Keppei.— Klng Herod i* vVife, i.ercd.as, holdir.t John theBaptllPs Head in a Charger,—. A Country young Sqcire, courting a.Lady^— An Indian King, above l':x feet high,... C;id Darby and Joani enjoying themfdves over a bafkec of Fruit an J Pot of Cyder,. Old Molly, a plain Country Woman,. An Old Hermit, at Prayer, who livediin his Cave upwards of ;bo ydsrs,—— i. A Negro Girl, holding a Candle,—— A Variety of fipall Childf-en,—. Fruit of various Kinds, — 4rlfo, the much admired Piece, called Robinfqn Crufoe,— The above Wax-Work has been exhibited in New* York fevqral years, and has giveb fatisfa^liori'to all thofe Who have fetn it, and is.univerfally allowed to be (be molt pleafing, (a^ vvoil as rational) anaufenicnt on the Continent. The Time-ctf Exhibiting the WAX VVORK, will be ffoai*6 till 9 o’clock, every EVENlNGj' (Sunday excepted) at which ‘J'ime conflant Attendance will be given.^ ’ Should any Perfon wilh to view the Wax-Work, who can- rct conveniently attend in the Evening, thCy will be admitted in the Day. ... *s* TICKETS, at 10 s. each for Ladies and’Gentlemen and 5 s. for Children, may^be had at Mr. JOHN CAMpI BELL’S Store, .and at the I^rintlng-OBice. ' . , Thofe Ladies^ar.d Gentleitwn who wilh to feetheWax- Work, are defired to come Ibpo, as it will be removed from Wilmingtob iq tire courfe of two or three Wteksl ‘ Wilmington, O^ober 24,1788. For Saiev .1" -7 u . : By the 5 D B B C R I B E R, M aple Dclks and Dlni TaKlev- , Calf Skin and Neat’s Leather Boot ' ■ • About 14 dozen pair. Men’s coarfe : 'Shoes. ' ■ ' . / THOMAS CALLENDER. Wilmin^ton^ 06}, 26.' ^2— ning John Burgwin, H A% Y O r R S A L E, At his Store^ in Wilmington^ A few BA^ES of JStt^bie for the approaching Seafon,’ * —Ambng which are-^ B lub ftrouds,-'frize, and fearnongbts.—Alfo, a package or two of print^ linens and cottons, white, coloured, and cheeked handkerchiefs, tapes, &c. which he will difpofe of by the baleor package, at a low.advapce for bills or hard money. He has alfo for fale^ by retailj A few of White’s patent mill faws, improvedr*fa]t, rum, molafles, coaife cloths and linens, men’s, women’s, and boy’s jiats, men’s and women's ihoesV Ihddles and faddlery, carpen ter’s tools, iron tea kettles, cotton cards, fens of breakfall chi na, and one fetof very neat plates, dilhes, tureens, &c. edged with blue, l)one bottles arid jaggs, With many other articles. ^ Mr. Burgwin,-once more, (and for the laft time) Requefts ALL BIRSONS indebted to him,‘ or to Charles Jewkes & Co. to make immediate payment^.him ; or to fettle their arrearages by. oeW obligations Qther- wife he will .be under the difagreable' neceffity of putting their Bonds, Notes, and Account^ infult. Without further notice., ' ^i|r* He will fell all hit Laitds in Bladen and Cumberland Counties, at private fale, and receive Produce in Payment on fuch credit as may be agreed on. Wilmington, dflobcr 21, 1788. ■' ... «' I. I. .. I— . At Public Vendue. The 8th of November, W I L L B E S O L D, At three Months Credit, with Bond and approved Security.—Sundry Houflibld Furniture Belonging to Fontaine Morin. Who hav^ for Sale, genuine Holland GIN, in Cafes, and Dutch Cordage, juft landed from the Brig Terrible, from Curricoa. Wilmington, Oflober 28. W hereas tho fubfcrlber did parchsfe ©f AARON PLUMMER, apiece of Land, and did give the .‘aid Plummer the following ol-iigations, in part of the'^fum agreed upon by the parties, as tiie price cf the fame. A note of hand, figned William Watfon and James Moore- head, for thlrtf^^one poundf odd fhillings, payable January, 1787. Arx>thcr note for one hundred and twenty five pounds, fign- ■ed as the belorementiohed, and payable in January, 17SS. Another note for one hundred and twenty fiv^ pounds payable July, 17SS, figned as the beforementioned. Now, having d fcovered that the faid Aaron Plummer’s title to the faid land is not good and iufiicient, and therefore the fa: ,i notes havhig been obtained from me for no valu.ible c .a tion, as now appears—i do forewarn all perfons (Itait a . a - tempt Ihould be made to negotiate them) that myfeif rcr ri . faid James Moorchcad will not pay the fame nor any port thereof. WILLIAM WATSON. . Bladen County, O^lobcr, 1788. N. B. The firil-mentioned note Is fuppofed to be in the bands of Mr. Lewis Barge, of Fayette-Vill^ and the otlier two in the pollcflion of Mr. James Council, of Bladen. Bowen & Howard, Have for Sale at their 'Office, near / the Marker, TT7RITING Paper, by the Ream V V or Tingle Quire, Blank Account Books' The Chorifter’s Companion, contain ing the neceffary Rales of Pfalmody, a choice colledion of Pfalm Tunes, Hymns, ,and Ahthenis. Alfo, The American Singing-Book, contain- ■ ing the Rules jof Pfalmody, and a ■ large number of excellent Pfalm- i Tunes. Wrapping Paper, Pafte Board, for Bonnets, SealingWax, ,: Tnk-Powder, InK-Stahds, and ' ^ ^ Blanks of all Kinds; . • .

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