V3L I ) (NUMB. 35.t AND GENE R A L AD V E R T I S E R i WEDNE SDAY, November 19, 1788. foreign Intelligence, LONDON, Auguft 9. D Co/y of a note inferted in the Peterjburg Gazette^ iy order of the Emprejs of Rujjid^ on the i %th of July. T H E king of Sweden, by com-- mcncing hoftilitics on his fide, having broke the peace which fubfifted between the empire of Ruflia and the crown of Sweden, has fent to the legation who refides here on his part, a note of tranfmit to the Imperi al Miniftcr of Rudia. In this note the king alledges many improper and falfe motives which urged him to the neceffity of arming for a war 5 and he fiiiiihes by propofing conditions which he requires to cftaiilifh peace. Thcfe cQfrfJittons arc as follow t ift. That the Count dc Ralumolky, rainifter of the Emprefs, (hall be ex- amplarily punilhed, for having made life of all forts of illicit means to trou ble the friendlhip, truft, and good underitanding among the people, and that by this example others may be pre vented from ever meddling in the do- meftic affairs of an independent king dom. 2d. That to indemnify him for his war expences, her Imerial Majefty (hall cede in perpetuity to the King, all that part of Finland and Carelia, with the government and town of Kex- holm in the fame ftate, as thofe coun tries were abandoned to Ruflia by the treaties of peace made at Nyftadt and d’Abo, and that Sufterbe (hall in fu ture be deemed a frontier. 3d. That her Imperial Majefty (hall accept the mediation of the King of Sweden to effeft a peace with the Ot« tomon Poite, and that flie fliall autho- rife the King to propofc to the Porte, “the abfolutc ceffion of the Crimea, and the demarcation of limits conform able to the treaty of peace made in 1774.” That in cafe the King cannot engage the Porte to make peace on thefe conditions, it fliall be propofed to the latter to regulate the limits as they were before the war of 1768, and that for furety of thefe facrifices, her Imperial Majefty fliall difarm her fleet j that (he flidl recall from the Baltic the fliips feht there, as well as the troops of the new and conquered provinces j and that Ihe fliall confent that the King of Sweden fhall remain armed until peace IS concluded between Ruffia and the Porte. At the end of the note he adds, “ That the King of Sweden is waiting for an anfwer, Tes or /Vo, and that he will abate nothing in the above condi tions.” It is left to the impartial and en lightened world to jurige of the value of luch propofitions. Inconfequencc, by order of her imperial Majefty, it wasfignified by the General »n Chief, Count de Bruce, commandant of this city, to Mr. Schlat, who acts as fecre- taryoi the SwecMh legation here, and who delivered .:he abo- e note, That he quits this Ire as food as pofliblc, with a!i tiic legations and the couriers that his court had fent to him, and that he retire immediately with out the Ruffian frontier. Mr. Fenwick, at Lloyd’s Coffec- houfe, has this day communicated to us the following important intelli gence :— A few days ago an exprefs from Stockholm to Paris, affirmed, that about the middle of laft month ano ther engagement took place between the Ruffian and Swedifli fleets, in which the latter claimed vi£Iory. Te Deum has been fung at Stockholm on the occafion. No fliips arc faid to betaken or funk. Hence Mr. Fen wick thinks it muft have been a drawn battle. 3^0 Letters of a lingular nature corro- berate the above news, with fome vari ations :—T hat on the 18th of J uly the Ruffian and Swedifli fleet met, about eight leagues from Sweaburgh, when an engagement immediately took place. The battle was obftinatcly contefted on both (ides 5 but viftory at Taft de clared for the Swedes. The Duke of Sudermadia returned to Swwburgh with the fleet under his comma^. It , appeared that his Royal Highncfli^ad taken one fliip and funk another,^ b\it that one of the Swedifli fliips was mil^ fing. It is now certainly known that the money with which Sweden has gone to war, came from Spain. The condu^ of Spain has at all times been explicit as to Ruffians gaining accefs to the Me diterranean, and on this occafion (he has furnilhed the means of fuch a di- verfiou as muft convince the Ruffians feelingly of the folly of their attempt. The Captain Pacha previous to the failing of the Turkifli fleet from Con- ftantinoplc, lent for the Captains of his fleet, and addrefled them in thefe words “You know from whence I came and what I have done in my lifetime. A new field of glory now opens and af- ‘Tords us an oppoitunity of rilking our lives for the honour of our country, our our religion, and our Sultan. To ac- complilh this facred duty, I tear my- fclf from what I hold moft dear. I have freed all my Haves, rewarded them accordingtotheir merit, and paid them w'hat I owed them. I have taken the laft farewell of my wife, and dovote myfeif to this important bnfinefs, refolved to conquer or die. Should I return it will be a fignal mark of God’s favor in prolonging my life, that I may- die content, and with glory. This is my fixed refolution. And ! have af- fembled you, who have always been my faithful companions, to exhort and cc^mand you to follow my example in this critical jun6I:urc. If any of you arc afrdd, and have not the cou rage fo neceflary in the expedition I am going upon, let him avow it open ly, without fear of offending me, and I promife to difmifs him 5 but thofe on the contrary, who fail at the time of a6lion in the execution of my or ders, muft not think of cxcufing them- fclvcs by vague pretexts, or the dif- obedicncc of their men ; for I fwcar by Mahomet, and the life of the Sul tan, that I will put them and their men to death; but they who acquit thcnifclves of their duty courageoufly, fliall be nobly rccompcnfed. Thofe who will follow me on thefe conditi ons, rile and fwcar fidelity and obedi ence to me.” Upon which all the Cap tains rifing up, fwore to conquer or die with their Admiral, who faid to them, “ I acknowledge you all as my dear and faithful companions ; re turn iramedia cly to your refpedlivc fliips, alTcmble^yourmen, and commu- ^nicatetothem what I have find, make

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