AND GENE L' AD VERJIISER. W t' E D N E S D ^ Y, November 26, 17^8. M I s C E L L A N Y. fotheYoTj^G Gentlemen /z/z^Ladies in the Jingle jiate^ Greeting: W HEREAS there are daily complaints among the fober and thinking part of mankind, of the great decline of matrimony through out the continent, this is humbly and with all due refpc6f to entreat you and every one of you, to take the caufes of this complain, fo made, into your inoft Icrious and early confideration, and as far as in your power lays, to remove and obviate all fuch impedi ments and hindrances without delay; but as the knowledge of a complaint is half its cure, permit me to inform you, the above decay arifes chiefly from the thoaghtlefliicfs,gaiety and love ofpiearurc, which is fo predominant in young perfons in the prefent day : Nothing but divcrfions and amufe- ments are attended to by the generali ty of the rifing generation ; the appre- henfion of being any ways deprived of thofc, by the cares and concerns of an en.creafing family, or the fear of meet ing with too prudent and ferious com ps nions, averfe to the falhionable fol lies of the age arc the prevention of fotne j while the thoughts of being united to the worthlcfs profligate, or aba ndoned (being deceived by mere out ward appearances) are the realon uth ers aflign for remaining Angle, ef- pecially among the more thoughtful and dilcerning. To condemn all voting perfons for the indilcretions of many, is not a6fing the juft part ( and that there arc a few fcniible and pru dent ; I can aflert from my own know- ledgi; would to God there were more) but the latter arc fo inconfidcrable in num ber to the former, that the geateft haza rd attends thcii altering their con- ^tion, as the firft arc only endeavour ing who moft lhall deceive, enfnare, and ruin each other by flattery, falfe appearances, and intrigue: The laft, ignorant of the other, are more liable to be made the innocent and unwary dupes of their artifice and'eunning. Then hear with attention, ye fair in habitants of this lower world, (who arc moft expofed to the maWefigns of the artful and pcilidious) the words of friendlhip and the admonitions of a friend : feek not hy finery the gaze of fools, nor liften to,flattery left you are undone; look on amulcments with a fuitable indifference, and (bun affstTi- on with a juft diidain 5 let the beauties 6f the mind be your chief delight, both in yourfelves ' and your admirers, and the way to attain intellectual charms, your great concern : be pru dence and oeconomy your ftudy, virtue your guide, and tme piety your chief and only wildom; tet mental charms be yout> giffa bloom. Internal beauty will furvive tlie tomb. ‘ ’ ^ m ‘ To the boafted I^rds of creation fuf- fer me to recommend a conduCt luita- blc to men and chi^ftians, aCtions that will bear rctleCtior^in our moft foli,^-. ry momenta, anu-Jt ^havioar .evciy; way becoming the candidates for eter nity ; love not the deftruCtion of inno cence ; nor defpife the reproofs of a condemning confcicnce; do nothing but as in the prefence of the all-feeing and omnifeient Creator, and with a view to his glory, your own good, and the benefit of your fellow creatures : thus fliall ye recommend yourfelves to the approbation of heaven, and the love and veneration of all around you. Dare to be good, your fame regard, ' Eor victue is its own reward ; Her laws alone, if well purfu’d, ' Will make men wife as well as good. Foreign^ Intelligence, LONDON, Auguft 9. I N recompcnce for the fervices of the Prince of Naffau,thc Emprefs, befide writing him a complimentary letter in her own hand, and decorating him with the order of St. George, gave him a large trad of land, with 3,500 pea- -lants who inhabit it. ' : Ockzacow was invefted by fca and land on the 13th July. The bombard- meat was fo fuccesfully conduded by the Prince of Naffau, that the place was immediately in flames. The con flagration was encreafed on the even ing of the 14th, at which titne a Cou rier was difpatched with the intelli^ gence to General Soultikow', before Choezim. The Captain Pacha of hii fleet have not been heard of fincc the engage ment ; nor is there any account of the Ruflian fleet which failed from Schafta- pole immediately after. If the Pacha fell in with the latter, the Ruffian fleet muft inevitably .have been captured. On the morning of the 22d, two dc- tatchments of Turks fallied from Bel grade, and attacked at the fame time two Auftrian forts one at Semiin, the other at what is called Pifle de Ja Save. After a combat of more than five hours, they were repulfcd—the lofs be- being nearly equal on both Tides—in all about 400 men killed, and a great er number wounded. ■ - ‘ Such is the immenfe wealth of the Bank of England, that in addition'to the many millions which they have lent Government on Exchequer Bills, they have acccommodated the India Company with 600, oool. on the cre dit of their aonulties, within the laft fortnight. ■ . The Swedes and Ruffians are not content with cutting one another’s throats, they arc doing their heft to in duce all the other powers to follow their example; for this purpofe Ma- nifefto upon Manifefto teems from the Royal prelics, and care carefully diftri- buted by their refpedivc agents at the difterent courts of Europe. On Monday fe’enight arrived at Dover, the count de Rochambeau, Governor of Calais, accompanied by his lady and children. They are at prefent in this City. The errors cf fimplicity can never excite anger; they fometimes produce much innocent merriment. A family at the Weft end of the town, adver- tifed for a wet nurfe. 'Among various young w^omcn that offered them- felves for the place was an innocent girl, who appeared to be about fixteen years of age. Struck with her youth and fimpic appearance, thejady ex- preffed much aftoniftiment^ that (he Ihould be qualified for a wet‘nurfes place. “ Madam, (faid the girl) I ne ver was a wet-nurfe yet, but! think! could foon learn to be one. A few days ago a Quaker having