(VOL. I.) T H » AND G E N E R A L A D V E R T IS E R. } I k V W E D N E S D Y, December 3, 1788. -■teBMtM For the C E N T I N E Iv □ To the Member^ who compofed tht majority in tKe late Convention. Gentlemen^ « fT^HERF. are cerrain primary or irflt principlet*** J fays an eleg int anj cr.li?htent;(i writer, * “u^pn\ifH?oh all fubfequent reafonintis muftctp?nd. which contain inter nal evidence- and antecedent to ail r flection, on coThbinatiott^ emm^nd the alT-nt of the mind ; where it produces not tl^t er«r-, it mud p-ocerrt, c’ther from feme defeat in the organs of p..ccptioo, ;rc.:ri rh-' h lonce oi f'»me drong intered or paf- fion.”—fr vfit'' * lUtVr, n iiluftrating thefuregoing« eouir-ra fi nuni-'-r -t mathcu'.atic d ax ems, and then proceeds to m rdi '' 5- -le n tthics, and ticks, as neceflary Co diioEl iiis foMeqnert f afor'ings Ip imitation of the above manly procedure, I will lay dosTlI the iV.lhwiry pel rical axiom, aBitfrtqueucly preTirnts itfelf Ibr pra^^ife intlip lettc nf the abov * fciences, and peihaps in the formtr—t’-at l.uman rffairs maybe fo combined or circuindancdl thrt?. d viai'on f'omour judgment,! oth individually and codec* lively in a Jepiilat.vt capacity, becomes neccflliry, juft, and ra ti "a! r d*-cev^r of :his po4ricn, and the Secondary one in the ouoii f* V »ic leave, Cvntlemcn, to unhurtlteu a mind, op- prclT-d b/y.or corvcniioiud’^nfhAions, and dill agrav.itcd hy \pur fu>'fequert dopoitiuent. You fee, Gentl.uien, the above princin e places y>-ur errand uA in the mod advanugcous and ad* mifTiblf point of view p fii'ile for invidigation, in addreding you, Ccr.tie4nt.n, I (hall fpeak to the following points. Find. Shew that the adoption of th* Codirntion would have harw •dmiitinji your'wIIdanMO.'iiave Ism iitp«rlpr to all the Stares that had gunp before yob in that niM^er, Seconoly. Examine the grounds and evidences, upon which you have been pi a ed 10 pay your abilities a compliment of fuch aitoniihiiig magnitude , then, if execute tht drd, you fail tobefupportedby thecxEiiiination in the fecond, 1 will 'Ihirtly, examine how the fecoi.dary petition will fir ycur cafe j which is, a defeA in the organs of perception, or the predominancy of intdtft or paflicn, which prevenu the afftnt of the mind to primary truths r fouithiy and laAly, throw out a few rc-flcAions which may arife from a conideration of the fore going particulirs. You fee, gentlemen, the plan—you will pleafe attend (for your own fak(t;t*^ei r. grefsef its completion. As to the fird pelni, T'e great fupeiiority of the ten dates who had entered the union pi ior to the ilTue of your convent! • cn, is a confideration alone fufficient, to enable me to come up to my declaration under the fi ft p int; every other confideration is derived from this, and is immediately, or finally, under its go vernment. A goodly number of thofe dates, are greatly fupe- riorto North-Carolina, leparately confideved. What fuperior energy and decinon mud then attend their federal exertions ? Again, the f ederal operations diffufing themfcives fo exienfively and minutely, through all the internal trarfaAions cf tic dates, in a united capacity, and alfe through that reciprocal inter- courfe which mud naturally cxill among them, as feparate and Independent dates ; fo that jarring in.eieds, and cladilng pur- fuits, with refpeA to us will necidarily enfue j in all which cafa, thcprohahilityofourafcendancy, is, as'but one to ten i (this you (ce is admitting matters as much to my dididvantage, or to your advantage, as they can poflibly bear) from whence it may very clearly be infered, that the examples of our imbe- •ility and infignificancc, would be in proportion as the im * portance of the Union exceeded us. When power is at command, and intered in view, what will not be attempted ?—Here Ifec experience whifper.—Let the re cords of time come forth—>1 he power of the Union cannot be difpuied, and that we are an inte; efting objcA, is not a wild filp- pofition (as yourfelvet. Gentlemen, in the Convention appeared to be poffefled ot very exalted ideas of our importance) and that the primary objeA of the Union, comprehenfivdy fpeaking, is great'nefs, or-national importance, are pofitions, Gentle.'iien, you dare not deny } does it net then follow, that u hatever obftruAs its advances towards the d(.fired ohjeA, will be removed ? But it may be objeAed, that we will not interfere with the towering views of the confederacy. Will we have no need of alii nces ^ill we not wifh to dip into commercial fehemes f Shall we have no territorial difputes Or if they fkould happen, (hall they always idue to our honour and fatisfaAion i Yes Gentle men, thefe things will inevitably infue, and over which the Uni on will in every inftance prevail. Is it morally poflible the Uni on would foder andcherifh a foverrign and independent State in their voy bofom ? Would ir not be a didraAed and unprecident- «d policy, confido^d in every point of view ? Is it not infinite ly more likely the Union would find it both for its honour and Intered, to fwallow up our political exidence ? Dreadtul then, mud be the Federal Condiiution indeed ! Which, rather than adopt, you chofe to throw matters in:ofuch a predicament, ’hat the diflblution of our exidence, as an independent State, became morally certain. Rb'rrfec of Amerie^ ^cre the defthned itnmolation for of ambition, ralM ^ Pliilafielphia Convnttion, Ole St^ of North«Ctf4^i with X ^>acity peculiar to difoovered fehqm'; exetl then Gen- tlcM^ I fey tW adopci^ di^if Conftkurien would tavebeen yourftl^, with every idea oT true policy *. this svHl appear in a aa!ome!>t firetn the fjpciiodty of the Union—firom tbec urter progrefe of ourfiN^ral fmrfoits«^from the cettainty of our fi iking in every didpt^i which parric«^rs 1 hgve al ready cieaily demondrated* /There can no poflible anfwer be given to this, unlefsyou.mcifit to ftalfibr^inartyrdoiTi for your caufe i and tber you would ifet have had the honour to have been ciie firft that had died for (te cawGs-W ignorance. Upon youtown piinciplb, geotleiiip^, yed aaud t U to 'bn the necefTary policy of CQf^|ixfs', u^en put in motion, to dop tba mouths of thefe who hod fo. ^girty difeo^od their ambiiious views, and proclaimed their vvkk^nefs to the world, thereby implying an invicatioA m all who mifbt'Uaun a ftidkivncyof penetmtion K» fee no to coiliblne againA thchi. If you will al.owthcm confidaWjPi you adyit-tliis* On the other hand, if yep juid iuloptwLthp ^onditurion, you wdguld have had the feir^ psofp-iA, in 0 conftitutibnal way, of opantng the eyes of yonr infatuated ferCthinn in the ntber dates, and of expoftag the wickednefe of the Pffitndelphki Convention. Strength of aeafening, as waB eloquaPoe, is generally united with that wofMleri'ul forecad and fagaedy of which you have given the worMannnparadefedfpecrmeo, and our exidence as a date, would have been in as gpod a tituation as the red ; he- fides, as there weroa nonkber oi dates who wiflsed for amend- mertts, fimitar it fuems to thofeyou defir^ (die amendmenu of tile mod powerful dsM I beKuve yon Ibbdiihited in theigroli) wli-it might you notliave date, uftieftunited witb tbedrd date in political fentiments, when ti> their gifiliries (of whicia yonr fubditifiuoii U a virtOalnchnpvg^eclgmcpt).poa had. tl^ced ypur fagaClty bad cdurace ? The other ftaltf, Wo, diaVing amefid- g nier.ts, would have followed at a iroper ditUnce j fo that you had a oiqral^ertaint^ of hanh^gVooT wifhea adfeuac^tand » fedvrltl gi iveraihtMVl Fn ejftUeow flTtbC TaiSle tdfeby' b«k-yo«H:' re jcAion has ai folutcly deprived you of thofe advantages, and- your friends of your aliidance. (*ra it toniiittud.) si^OHN Eurgwin, HAS FOR SALE, bis Stor^^ in Wilmington^ A few BALES of Coarfe Cloths, Suitable for the approaching Seafon, —Among which are-^ B lue drouds, frlxe, and fearnoughts.—Aifo, a package or two of printed linens and cottons, white, coloured, and cheeked handkerchiefs, tapes. Sec. which he will dtfpufe of by the bale or package, at a low advance for bills or hard money. He has alfo for fale^ by retail^ A few of White’s patent mill faws, improved—feit^ rum, molades, coarfe cloths and linens, men’s, Women’s, and boy’s hats, men’s and women’s ihoes, faddles and faddlery, carpen ter's tools, iron tea kettles, oottoti cards, fetts of brudefed chi- I' na, and one fet of very neat phtea, difhes, tureens, Sec. edged I' with blue, done bottln and juggs, with many other articles.' ' Mr. Burgwin, once more, , (and for the lad time) Requeds .ALU FIRSONS indebted to h m, or to Charles Jewkes St Co. to make immediate payment-to him } or to fettle their arrearages by newobligattons ■ Other- wlfe he wiH be under the difagreaUe neideffity of putting their Bonds, Nptes, and Accounts infoit^. without further notice. fj^ He will fell all . his Lands in Bladen and Cumberland Counties, at i^ivate fate, and reedve Produce in Payment on fuchcreijicas iMy be Wilmington, OAober ai, xySS* * Tie Tedtralijif Ifg, jo. An EXCELLENT G U I T T A R, For SALE, Enquire of the Printeri. ithe Subjeriber has /or S A L E, Two Saw-Mills, On Blunt’s Creek, within three quar ters of a mile of Fayette Ville. The Mills arc new and in excellent order, and on a ncver>/aiiing (tream. ; A ’L S O, About 2000 acres of well-timbered land, contiguous to the Mills, and fe ver al acres of rice and meadow ground. Cafh, negroes, produce, or .goqdfp will be .received in payment. For terms picafc apply to Mr. Jo- ftiua Potts, Wilmington, Mr. Alex ander Mclver, at Fayette-Ville, or the fublcriber in Chatham County. JAMES PATERSON. , Ndir. 12, 1788. 34-^37 WANTED immediately. About 7000 Dollars In Pierce’s Final Settlements, for which good Indigo will be given. Apply to LEWIS DUPRE, (Brunfwick County, Or CORNELIUS DUPRE Sept. 15. (Little River. Bowen & Howard, Have for Sale at their Office, near the Marker, r W RITING Paper, by the Ream or fingle Quire, Blarik Account Books, The Chorifter’s Companion, contain* ing the neceffary Rules of Pfalmody, a choice coliedion of Pfalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems. -Alfd, The American Singing.Book, contain ing the Rules of Pfalmody, and a large number of excellent Pfalm* ^ Tunes. "Wrapping Paper, Paftc Board, for Bonnets^ Scaling Wax, Ink-Powder, JnK-Stands, and Blanks of all Kindi r

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