(VOL.l.) AND G E N E R A L A D V E R W E D N E S D Ai Y, December io, 1788 For the C E N T I N E L. [Continued from our To the Members who compofed the Majoiity in the late Convention. Gentlemen y . H aving fully come up to my undertaking under the firft point, I (hall now enter upon the Ic- cond, which you know, was to exa mine into the reafons, and evidences, upon which you have complimented yourfelvcs in fo extraordinary a man? ncr. Tlie only moral certainty we can have tor tlse faithful, and judicious dilcharge of delegated trufts, .is by fix ing our choice upon men of under- and experience, and .whofe moral charaflers. generally comport with the firft and acknowledged prin- cTprfrs iiincnrr This dcicrip* tion will nece/TariJy take in the moft dignifiedchara6lei'£,and thofe who hold the moft confpicuous and wj^cighty charges in the levtral departments of government. It alfo ftill further fup- pofes them to be generally paft that period of life in which the unruly paf- fions but too frequently interfere, and to have arrived more immediately un der the guidance of reafon. If I am right Thus far, I think I may clearly af- fert, that the Philadelphia Convention comes fully under the defeription in every particular ; at leaft, there is eve ry moral evidence which things of fuch a nature can poflibly admit to induce the belief. A majority held the firft places of truft in the late war, which cffe6ted a revolution that attra6ted the notice and admiration of the earth j and not a few have acquired charac ters both in the cabinet and field, equal to any of the moft exalted nations of Europe cr.n produce. Their impor tance was not the work of a day—was not the fortuitous produ61ion of tu multuous war; a goodly number were confpicuous charafters for a feries of years prior to the revolution—they were the virtual choice of the freemen of America, through the mediation of their fevcral ftatc rcprefcntatives, in whom there always exifts a pre- fumption of judgment fuperior to the people at large. If the above^prerj^. arc true, T may fairly conclude ikxmft have been a truly auguft and mportant afiem- bly—^auguft,-from me relpe^ability of its mcmbcrs^impirtant,^ from the weighty obje^l of iti liberations, and confequently the refi|It of their united councils, claimed wkho^t exception, the higheft efteem4-the profoundeft veneration. ] Now, gentlemen, ifter having taken a fummary view of tpcgrai]|^^hven- tion, J fliail turn to jou,^ani§i^^whe ther you will rife in ihe l^afe oi com parifori (as you ought) after havin_ made a virtual anapneii^tion of your fiiperiority. ^ ^ Have you, gentlemen,* or a majority of you, (hewn in tiw elevated trulls of Ibciety ?. Have youigiven equal prbdfs of your abiliticsi And have your .op portunities been c;^l to thofe. whom you arc coriffefted?^ Have yo*^ approached to them with rafpedt to rnr litary fame during the war ? And where isyour name ? Has your patriot- ifm, as members bf the republic ab- ftradledly confidered, been a matter of acknowledged notoriety .? Or ever has any of your profcflional abilities been extcnfively confclfed ? No I no ! is the reply of general knowledge to each of thofe folcmn interrogatories. I acknowledge a number have filled, and continue to fill, rcfpeclablc ftati- ons enough, but entirely of a feconda- ry nature with refpcfl to thofe with whom you are compared. A number alfo have acquitted yourfelvcs worthy of your refpedive trufts, and a num ber of. you inditferently enough God knows. And a circumftancc well wor thy of obfervation, and which is ftrikingly againft* you, is, that by far the moll rc(pc6lable charafters of the convention were of till minority^^ Upon the whole, it fufficiemly"^*^- pears,tthat you (land entirely deftitute of any grounds or colour of reafon, for complimenting your^^ abilities in the manner before fpecified; but on the other hand, there appears to have been an infinite propriety of evidences for palfing a compliment in its nature the very reverfe, without you mean to fay, that knowledge and integrity are not always found in the confpicuous charaftcrj, but rather in the more humble and private walk of Hfe.-? Such a mode of reafoning will then lead from one defeent to another, til ultimately thofe endowments are only to be procured in the very feum of God’s creation. [To be continued,’] T O . L E T, [AT commodious DWELL- ING-HOUSE, ^ Kitchen, Gar- fituate in Market-ftrcct, late- by Mrs. Mirfaret Hill,^ Alfo—By the month or week. Three Good HOUSE Carpenters,— For terms, apply to JOHN HILL, . And , W. H. HILL. ■December 3,1788. To the P U B L I C. T he fubferiber propofes epfnin^ a School in this ^wn, for th. purpofe of tracliing Reading, Wnti^g^ Aridmtuc, E^tijh Crammer, and Geography t-^Aho •n,. Thofe geiulemcn whj wifli lohavethcT Children inftrutted as above, may depcS that Uicgrcateft care flxall be taken to give fatisfaflion. ^ Teyettt-VilU, N.v, 15,1788. ■ L Ifaac SeJJions, 3M9 Bowen & Howard, Have for Sale at their Office, near the Market, W RITING Paper, by the Ream or Angle Qmrc, Blank Account Books, The Chorifter s Companion, contain ing the necefiary Rules of Pfalmody, a choice colleaion of Pfalm Tunes’ Hymns, and Anthems. Alfo, The American Singing-Book, contain- iug the Rules bf Pfalmody, and a large number of excellent Plalm- Tunes. Wrapping Paper, Paftc Board, for Bonnets, Sealing Wax, Ink-Powder, InK-Stands, and Blanks of all Kinds. ' An E X C E L L E N T GUITT AR, Vot S AL E, "■ ... . - Enqim-e of the Printer*,