|VOL. L) T HE V (NUMB. E N. E R A E A D t E R T I S E’R. S p A ^ Y, - ,D*:gembei^-i8, 1788. For C E N T I N E L. [Contifiued from our /j/?.] Xo the Members whp compofed the Majority in the late Convention. Gentkmeny H aving found you upon exam ination, to fall infinitely Ihort of the lead grounds, or colour ot reafon vpon which you can be jufiified for your coiiCucl as it is couched under the fccond point, which you know was the condition upon which you were to try on the fccondary pofition, and fee w hether or not it might fit, and wear it, if you faw fit, until you grew, or ihrunk from its dimenfions; w'hich ypu remember is the fourth point, which is :— When the aflent of the mind cannot be commanded by the intern?! evi dence of primaiy Troths orfirtlprinci- p’es, it muff proceed from a defeat in the organs perception, or from the predominancy of lome ftrong intereil or paffion. There are certain points of depreffi- on, as well as exaltation (or oppofice extremes) betwixt which human affairs andpalfions are in a perpetual and con trary progrefs. This will not only hold good with refpc6t to individuals, and Imaller focicties, but will apply to Stales and Empires, and even the 'vorld of mankind in one collective view. And not a contemptible example of its verification f though upon a fmall fcale) lies in cafe now before us. Thofe perfons who were moft remark able for their oppofition to the caufe \ of freedom during the war, arc now equally remarkable for their oppofition j to the Federal Conflitution: where the i obfervation will not hold, itTs, clearly i refol/able upon the latter; or disjunc tive part of the pofition. Again, the extreme and groundlefsjealoufies, and which can fo eafily be blown into a pitch of violence, among the weak and uninformed part of mankind, together with the felfifh and interefted views of individuals, and Ignorance the mo ther, and Piide herfirfi born, and bro ther of all the reft of this hopeful pro geny, will enable me, 1 hope, to come up to my engagement under the third point* As ignorance entbraces objefts^of the firft magnTtudeV .and as felfilh and contra6Ied view's arc endangered by^a . due application of an efficient and juft fy ftem of laws ; np wonder then the Federal Conftitution has furnifhtd. matter for luch ctnipent difplays in both thefe points of view. Of The above ftrange inconfiilcncy, which we find atone time quietly acquielcing to unlimited tranfailantic coercion—at another, not delegate a truft of ac knowledged utility^ to their own citj- zens. Citizens to anfwcr .pUrpofes of acknowledged utility,,we find imme diate advantage taken by a dlafs in . whofe compofitions, ignorance, intcr- eft and pride altcfnatelY and occafion- ally prevailed. Atidin proportion, as the concei ved opep^ions of the Fede-, ral Government vypuld militate againft ’ their particular, views of iptereft, was ‘ihe degree of bppafilion generally af- certained ; oppofition thus flowing from fuch fourccs, what might not be produced ? No wonder the united councils of Amepta fhould be treats ed as tlie ofl>pring of tyranny and am-, bition ; and its authors, as well as the feveral majorities in ten States, vir tually be declared to be deftitute.of any reputable fhare of underftanding. From the vociferating and remote po-, litician, w ho from ftrengih of lungs, and corporeal adivity, moved in an orb of perhaps fome miles diamiter, down to the numerous Satellites,, whole fplendaur was circumferibed by the walls of a Dram.-fhop, has the united wifdom of America 'been trampled upon, and deemed unfit for the reception of luch a catalogue of.. worthies. Men are fond of being im portant, and according to the mumber of defers difcovefablc in the confti- tution^ were their feveral degrees of importance eftimated. 1/ the ctnfti- tution had been adopted, North-Caro- lina would *^havc appeared no wiler than the other ftates-7-would have been (the m^ajofity I mean) no greater than thofe gentlemen who compofed the trifling.minority.; but now the majori ty rifes fuperior to all the ftates—yta to the very univerfe itfelf. Again, as the operation of the Federal laws would be anticipated to the difadvan- tage of.particul^tf view^^.and local in^ - I terefts, would a proportionable de gree ©f oppofition be created, and thefe two deferiptions mutually acl upon each other ; the objeef of the one being important—the other of importance alio, but coupled with an intereft. From thefe fources w ould neceffarily flow, unanimity and difpatch in your conventional bufinefs, and the pro priety of inveftigation be conlequent- jy dilcarded. , Idont fay, Gentlemen, that each- of you come ablolutely un der this defeription, but 1 alfcrt that ill ere can no other rational folution be given both of the condud: and iflue of , ycur convention.floth your condud during the . co;aWntion, and final re- jedion, cannot be the refult of fuperi- of know ledge, and experience, becanfe ( ha^e already made it fufficiently ob vious, that you are not pofldfed of the univcrla]Jy..rcknowIedirtd criterion, or Miaiceuui of thefe divine acq uirements,, but rather of their reverie, cuiifcquent- ly the. folution mu it come exadly home to your cafe, *and exhibit your, condud as diieded by interefted view's,., and ultimately merging in ignorance, the great refervoir ^of the fcotfges of human nature-7which concliufj^^hat I had to fay on the fourth particular. Gentlemen, you fie where you are pla ced, you may make any further appli cations which you fee neceflary, J anv fprry it has turned out no better wdth you, rather forry yon had not endea voured to deferve a better place. be continued^ t To be L E T, (And entered immediately) That Commodious , 0 U S E, i!LLjl.lfj belonging to the Subferiber fituate in Market* ftreet. L. A. Dorfey. To the PUBLIC. T H E fuhfcriber propofri cp ning a Schooi in thit town, for the purpofe of tcacl.ing Writings Arithmetic. En Ufj Grammar^ and Geografhf -.—AHot 'txW-i Lathi mA Greek Languaget. Thofe geiitJeniCn who" wifh to hqve their ( hildren inltruilcd as above, may* depen4 ttiat tbeRreaceft care fliall be tak^ to give fatisfaaion. FAjHti-Jniitf NiV. 15, J7II, ilfaac SeJJionv. 35—39