i rrri i d> tzence, •y %. ' ■•%. ■ 't “r»> GOPE^^^AG^N, Auguft JO. L ast Saturday a mefienger arrived from the caur^of London j^and" jt IS laiddie brings the important iivteL iigence that Great-Britain approves of the Court of Denmark in granting the emprcfs all the fuc:ouis againft'^T-' den, as ftipuiated by treaty, but is - llrongly againd our taking an aftivc part in the quarreH^arth^r; — ' ^ The Ruffian fqadron from the North Sea, is arrived off this porti and has brought in four more Swedifh mer chantmen, valuably laden with fait and other commodities. Since the arrival of the mellengcr from England, a courier arrived from Sweden ; and now we begin to talk conhderrbly about peace.—Certain it is, neverihclefs, that wc have in no de gree begun to abate in our warlike preparations. LONDON, Oftober lo. Orders have been aftually given by the Danifh government, for fupplying their ally, the empreff cf Rmffia, with the naval and military fff)rcs ffipulaied . between Denmark and the court of Peteriburgh, which has been formally announced to the Swedifh minifter at Copenhagen by order of the Prince Royal. Upon receiving this very un welcome piece of news, the Swedifh ambafiador at the court of Denmark, difpatched the fame evcning,two couri ers, one to the King at^Finland; the other to Berlin. The prince royal is faid to'have exprefted himfclf in very ffrong terms of indignation, at the very unwarrantable conduft of Sweden towards RufTia, and fays, that all the force of Denmark fliall be exerted in the caufe of Ruffia, and Tier allies, if ncccflary. Wc are alfo allured, that various private conferences have been had with the Prince of Orange, Sir James Harris, and the Swedifh and Prullian Minifters at the Hague, in confcqucnce of which, couriers were immediately difpatched to Berlin and Stockholm, and Sir James Harris was to leave the Hague in” a few days, for the purpofe of confulting the Britiflt court, on the prefent critical fituation of affairs in the North. It is faid to be the opinion of men of the foundeft knfe, and deepeft penetration in Hol land, that his pruftian Majftly confi- ders the prefent moment as a favour able one to eftablifti his own charac ter and confequence, by humbling his rival, the Emperor,-for many years to come. This idea is ftrengthened by knowing of his having furnifhed the court of Sweden with large fupplies of money, as well as having been princi pally inftrumehtal in kindling this new flame, which has broken out with fo much violence in the North. a 'Billegerent Powers. The ^ following js asixaft "and jiift" an account bf the -proceedings of the prefent billegereht powers as can be collefted from their gazettes, and inr formation. ^ ^ i . \^Ru(na—TOgages. in a war with the Turks, with a view to extirpate them from Europe,, and the Crimea entire ,lo.hcrdQtniaiDns,^nd diiplay, if pof- fible, the Black Eagle on the turrets of ' Gonftaritinople. o Geonany—engaged in the fame; caufe, but without the fame original pretences for making war. V ” Sweden—taking an advantage of the war in which Ruffia is involved, afpir- ing to recover the whole, of Finland, but wanting the means, and defeated by her citizens. ® The Ottoman power in Europe, ex cept the declared enemies, Ruffia and' Germany contending with thefe two upon the Turkifh territories, and pro vided with every advantage that a knowledge of the country, and re- fource of men ahd guns unknown to any other nation can give. * As to the progrefs of this war—the Turks have not loft an inch of ground —the Imperial armies have expended, an'immenfetfcafure, loft many thoiiT lands of their troops by difeafe,, and have gainedir-a little reputation ! The following is the Emprcfs of Ruflia's letter, written by herfclf, and conveyed by a fpecial courier to the Admiral Grcig, after the aftion with the Swedilh fquadron in July Lift ; To the w'orthy and brave, &c. “ VVe Ihould be wanting in that gratitude and politencfs, which ever Ihould diftinguilh fovcrcigns, did we not w'ith tile utmoft fpeed convey to you (and our.othcr brave and gallant officers andfeamcnof our fleet, who have proved themfclves worthy of their country) our approbation of your ex emplary conduft, and the obligation which we owe to you for your intre pid conduft in your engagement with our enemy the fleet of the Swcdlfli King. To the conftant exertion of your abilities, and your zeal for the glory of the common caufe of" your- felvcs and of the wliole Ruffian enapire, may, under God, be attributed the very fignal viftory you have gained ; and wc have not the Imalleft doubt but that every part of our dominions where this event lhall be tranfmitted, will behold it in its proper point of view, it is with grief we read the record"of thofc poltroons, who, un able to catch fire from the fpirited ex ertions of their fellow warriors, have fp fignalized themfclves in the annals of trcafonablc cowards 5 and to whofe cowardice the Swedes have to boaft that ,any fliip p£ their fleet efcaped when fo encountered j and the more particularly that ihcL high ^admiral efcap^, when twice, fo neafly wlthih their power to havpjeaptured, “ As we take‘ upon oiirfclvcs the pK power to reward the meritorious wc fliall take fignal care of the very exemplary punilhmentof the guilty, ^ “ We beg, therefore, that you will yourfelf accept our heartieft acknow, Icdgcment; and wc trouble you to communicate the fame to our worthy and animated-officers and feamen. is our plcafure that the delinquents mentioned' in your official Ictte* s, he directly brought to Cronftadt, to wait our further difplcafurc. fincercly wifh you, and all of you, health, and the moft fignal al. . fiftance of God Almighty, whofe aid : we have invoked, and of whofe ance wc cannot doubt in a caufe fe juft. “ Your fcrviccs will perpetually live in our remembrance 5 and the annal* of our country muft convey yoaf names to pofterity with reverence and with love. “ So faying, wc recommend you to God’s keeping ever. Done at Peterf- burgh, in the year of Grace, 1788. CATHERINE. ipm. ♦. • W I L M I N G T O N, DeCExMBER 18. O N Saturday Ujs 7th IrUHnt, theHora)rable the-Leffiflatijw ot this f.3te.-rjc.urnrdyr-:e./r Dcricg ihUr' tlie toUoSwing »6s hevc * c=n pajicd, vi^ An Ad to eftahnii tbe-rox^ n already iaid out at the court- heuie in'CafAeli cturty. To revive part of an aS, -entitled, an aft to fnp- pref. exccilive teaming. Empower nz i hc.iui john'lon, late ftenffnf Cn- . flow ccjjnty, his heirs, ex-cutors, and ad .V;ni. iiratcrs, to c. ilcdl the linking iund tax, due irom that coanty, *e- . To trec> and cfijblilh an academy in the coun y of Richmond. . Tor levying a tax for the fupp.>rt of govcmmtnt arj for the tcdoitipiioii of old paper currere v, coi;d- nental money, and fpecie an.t ether certi^cates, and for (inking tJsc flatc currency. To'appoint cofTii.-iiflioncrs for buildirz a prlfoh and flocks for the oiltricl cf Fayette Viile. To amend an act palTrd in the year onet.houfand fe- ^ aen hui^red and cighiy-rhree, entitled, an aft to vcfl certain latids infeciimpie, in Richard Hen- dorfon and otlicra. To annex part of the county of Wafliingtoo to Sul livan. ^ To annex .part of the county of Brenfvrick to New- Haoover. To amend an a®, entitled, an aQ for the regulation of.the tewnof Hllllborcugh. O' To explain an aft direfting the duty of naval-of ficers, &c. To annex part of Dobbs county to the county of Jones. For divtc^ing the county of Davidfon. Foreflablilhing the dividing line between the coun ties of Burk and Rutherford. To encourage the building of iron works in this flate. To prevent the dimunitiun of the public revenue of • thi* flare, by t'tc negieft of the county courts. To ami-nd an aft, to cflabllfh a fuperior court of * ia%V and equity in the county of Davidfon, and lor erefting faid county of t/avidibn and the ccun- ^ . ' ties of Sumner and Teneff-into a feparate dil- trift. For dividing the county of Rowan. To quiet in the poiTeflion of William Scott, certain lands therein deferihed. To amend an aft, entitled, an aft for the better re gulation of the town of Fayette-Ville. To repeal part of an aft pafled at Newbem in De cember, 1785, entitled an aft for deflreying wolves, wild-cats, panthers, bears, crows, and ■ ’ fquirrtls, in the feveral counties therein menti oned. - For eiefting a town on the lands of Thomas Dooj* gan in Randolph county. To admit to record certain deeds, grants, and pa tents, for lands herctolcrs attained. • For appointing an additional Judge for the foperior ‘ _ court of the diflrift of Morgan, and for .the rel’ef of perfons vvho have, or may hereafter fesdei^ their recognizance in the fuperior or county ccurtc.

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