tH *rm> of tU hMz'-n fl> .n ■ th® PriticsC'.boTg fhalM'i^y fumifh th? girrlfon, during itsirarduo RuV-ca Vfol.ilv. > po rlons of brcid, 6ooc Ih.res ot >of bciK^fuf^r. c^e ani io'>.m:co. “ 3. T^icranifon and in»anitarT» m^il >^u i5.4H at the end ten da\^. .ecc -w S ;V..ui jh.;.Ui«e of lipinj, ^i.ich fliall be on the ic''/o{ '>c )rr-ibe'‘' ‘v-rh th«ir wives, children, • fe^i^ntse and fhall beefc^ ted tvith lailitary honor* to t’lc fin\ port of the Turkstli 3’ ;iiy. under mentioned order, i iicy/hah .'urnilh the garrifoii cons- With xooo baggage wag* 11 c. At the departure of the garrifon, the two armies (It ill Iceet) jt 3 rtafon«olc dlAancc, that they may not impede their march- , i. 1 he cannons and ammunition (hall belong to the be- fiegsrs. •• 7. The Auflrian prifeners, amounting jto eight, (hall be rcHcred, rnj tlie ciefuteri fliall remain or go*aa they like. “ S. I'lie garrlion fliail dvdlver feven hoitage>, one for the fortrefs, one for the city, oi;s for the Ulema, two for the Topc- his and Arahatlgis, one lor Ofni-sn SaflTe, and ens lor the Klaya, fo.’r 01 which lliaU go to the Emperor's army, and throe to the i't (Tian army Ihe i.>itt will, it is thought, be very temprftoous. The Ruffian party want it to be held under the lipks of a cenfedera-* t;or j to augmeiit the a'lny conlideritbly, and prevail upon the nation to a^ree to an exelulive alliance vi^ith Kuffta againfl the ccmmrn enemy of the chriltians. But the Pruffiaii minifler, viewing this affair in another light, proterts highly againft an alliance which would expofe Poland, and all the neighbouring ftatcr, to the incurtions cl a nation too formidable and fucceff. ful, and againfl whom the ullies of could not defend thcmfclvcb’ Thtfe circumdances are fufilcient to occafion waitn dtrbates." Extrii^ cf a litter from Portfmoutby October il. The reafon of thePhs'en leaving her ftation in the Medi- terranein, was a diftgrecmtnt .tmong the nlficers, which has been carried to an alarming hci'iht. I'hc furgeon, in a violent difpute with the cnmiTiandvr, Capt. Dawfon, had the temerity to ftrike l im, lor which ConimoJcre C fby tried him by a court irarrial, who Icund hiiw guilty, and he is r.ow on board under fi ptrnce of death. Repeated complaints were daily pre ferred agsinli tUc other gentlemen, with rscriminat.on on their parts. As well to prevent his Majelly's quarter-deck being fur* thcr difgractd by pcrfonaldifpHtes, and a total warn of fubor* dination where it is Hsoft neceffary, as to give Mr. Wardropc, the furgctn, in all refpedfs a valuable and wortliy member of focie- ty, an opj>ortunity of appealing to the fountain of mercy fer a repeal of his fad fentence, the Commodore ordered the fiigate home. ** The difagreeable dlfcord which prevailed on board the ibovefhip, occafioned the gentlemen of the gun room to di vide into three feparate raeffes, and the flrif and fccond lieuten ants vMeffrs Wall and Lucas, arc under arreft for trial. “ i hr Myrmidon frigate is arrived this morning from Gibral- tar, the officers being material evidence on the occafion.” A'ci . 6. Sir Charles Douglas goes out to Halifax in the Le ar.der man of war, of 50 guns, now under equipment at Ply mouth, AS commander in chief of the Britifti naval f rcc in America, inf'ead . f admiral Pryior, who, alter the court-marti al is over at Po tfnv'Uth. will become Po!l Admiral at that placw. V ce Sir E. Affleck, who a Ihort time fince fuccteded Lord ’ .r*od, ar,-.' i« t j have another command of more a^ive im pel tan AMERICA. ALBANY, December 29. TN our paper cf Monday laft, we JL mentioned that the hon. fenate had fiominated the hon. Philip Schuyler and hon. Robert Yates Efqs. tore- prefent thisftatein the fenate of the United States. Since which the hon. houfc of aflenibly have difagreed to that nomination, and rejefted the bill. PHILADELPHIA, January 3. HINTS. The prefent trade laws of France permit coal to be carried From Ame rica to their free ports in the Weft- Indies. The Virginia pits fupply it at fcven-pcnce fterling per buftiel. The large fogar-ftiips from France, going to Virginia with fait, &c. might take our coal, lumber, &c. to their iflands, in a little more time than they employ in the paflagefrom France to the iflands. Federal Hints. The friends to the new conftitution in every ftale in the union (hould en deavour, with all their might, tobalBe the attempts of its enemies ; for fuch undoubtedly are the men who, after having endeavoured to excite popular prejudices againft it, arc now calling aloud for amendments to remove thofe prejudices, which fortunately for our country, chiefly exift in their own wild imaginations. There IS a great difference, bet ween amending and ieftroying the conftituti on. Who arc the fitted pcrlons to be entrufted with the arduous , talk of ametiding it ? and who arc the moft likely to deftroy it ? It is neceflary that every friend to his' country Ibould vote for fenatots and r^prelentatives who are firmly federal, and for fuch only. It is’nb'fclS^iicccffary that men of fi- milar principles fhould be chofen as eleftors of a Prefidcnt and Vice-Pre- fident of the United States. But above all, it is fndifpenfably re- quifitc to the perfeft eftablifhmcnt of the conftitution, that men, diftinguilh- ed for their patriotifm, abilities and at tachment to the federal meafures, be appointed to thole two exalted ftations: therefore thcclcftors ftiould endeavour to unite their interefts, not only in fupport of Washington, but alfo of Adams : for though there are many of elated merit in the union*, there is none more deferving than "John Adams. Should different Federalifts be put up in nomination for Vicc-Prclident, the federal intereft will be divided, and Clinton of New-York may c^eep in. If the federalifts aft with unanimi ty, Clinton’s chance of being ap pointed Vice-Prclident will be as bad as Paddy Henry’s profpeft of being chofen Prelident. It would feem, fays a correfpondent, from the whole of the proceedings of the governor-^ and affembiy of New- York, that they willi to prevent the new Congrels fitting in their ftate. By refufihg to appoint fenators, they will loofea vote in one branch of the Icgif- lature of the United State, upon the queftion of the future refidence of Con- grefs. Surely the grand council of our nation will not honor a government vvith their prcfcncc, where federal prin ciples and charafters have been lo of ten infuited. Who will enfure the vir tue of our reprefentatives, and fenators in fuch an anti-fcdcral ftate. Strange! that a city, which was, during the war, the fink of Britifh politics, and which is now the head quarters of anti-fcderalilm, Ihould be the feat of the pure republican go vernment of the United States I BALTIMORE, January 9. The anfwerof theGencralf Affembiy of the'ftate of New* Yerk to his Excdiency Governor Clinton's late fpetch, eootains the following paragtaph : ..“ Excellency, and the late conventien of this ftate, in the fentiment, « rhat mo goUmment cmn opera,, well, "ttlp ttpoffefi the eonjdemee and good will oftbepnplct' and impreffcd with the higheft rcfi«a of the opinion of a Ivee pro portion efour coiiftituents, as well as for the ananimeus ^fe cfthe cMvention, expreffed in their circular letter, weftiall por- fue with an ardour and perfeverance adequate to the importance of the objea, every meafure which will tend to induce a fpcedy revilion of the general fyftem of government, by a new conven* tion ; and wc are convinced fuch a revifion only can allay the apprehenfions excited by thofe parts ©f that fyftem, which was confldered as exceptionable." ..,®" ‘heizd ult. the General Affembiy of New-York paffed a bill for putting ffle new government into operation, on the part of thatfta«. The fame day Meffrs. Jones, Harrifon, B. Li- v.ngfton. Havens, and Bay were appointed a committee ts pre pare the draft ol an application to the new Congrefs, to call a general convention, for the purpofe of taking.into confideration . the amwxtiments propoftd to the dew cenftitution. WILMINGTON, February 5, 1789. from the B ihsTia Gazette, printed at^ Naffau, New - Providence t!ie .d ul * th’; continent mention* th-t there ismuch anxiety throughout the States, rela Iv- thenewgovemment,which begins its operations in March next Cm. Wafliington (fays a correfpondent) will have the univerfai ^ Prefidency: refpeftlnz hs psrfon whofliallbe Vide Prelident. there is not equal coincidence of opinion i not many left than fifty candidates have their views that way, among them, quandam fchool mafter, book-fellers bi^en attomies, and three lineal defendants of En»lilh an f Ir.fh convifts, the patents of nobility of whofe anceftors are aithfully recorded m the Newgate Calendars of London and Dublin." We know of no foundation for the illiberal remark of the Gazette correfpondent j but h is worthy of obfervatioo that the Engl Ih people have been fo lone habituated to the cof* tom of idohs^ing tUUs, that they have wholly loft the remembrance of the crimes qf many of their Kings, which in juftice, and by law, entitled them to notice in the Newgate Calendars of Lon, doHandOublmo" \tipitStven,ic to any convia ever tranfported from thence y and to place in their ideas, at an Infinite '’iftance a poor •« broken attorn^,” made fo, perhaps, by mis ortune! and a bankrupted Royal Heir Apparent, who, by debanchf-rv has fquandered away hundreds efthoufands of the public Dro*’ perty. ■ ^ A ewefpondentobferves, that he is highly pleafed with the , fpinted exertions of the prefent Town Comnijjlioners y ih^ir I,«e judicious refalves plainly evinces their intention of not I ttinr anycircumftancepafs their notice, which in any wife may tend to the advantage of this community, as well as the fafetyof its inhabitants. Among the number of laudable motives for encouraging reli gion, which have lately charafterifed the inhabitanti of this town, a correfpondent would alfo recommend that of Pfalmody, The beauty as well as fulemnity of this part ef our public worl ^ inip, certainly render it worthy of attention. of a letter from London, dated November ** The King has been at the point of ileath for this fortnight paft, inconfequenceofa violent fever, and a total breaking jp of his conftitution. The diforder lodged chiefly in his head and has deranged his intelUas fo much, that his phvficians are apprchenfive he will never recover the perfeft exeixife of hit judgment- Should it fo happen that hefurvives, in his prefent melancholy fituation, for a fflort time (this being one of the Lw things whith the Conftitutii'n noi provide a remedy for) aH public hufinefsinuft be at a ftand, and remain fo unril tiie parliament meets on thczzdo; tWs m.nnth. It is tJiought the Prince of Wale* will then be appointed Regent of the kih^d im. , In any event, it is the general opHniuii that Mr. Pitt ami the principal members of the prefent adminiflr.ition will hold tfieir places, although fonis of the eppofite party may be brought into othg- departments, wliich will b ing about a partial coal tson of the two great political intae^ls." We learn from Nev/*York, rhat the fum already fubfcribed wOr the building intended lor th^ accommoducionof the new Congrefs, amounts to q.oool. The room for the Senate is near ly completed, ihe whole building will coft ne^r ic.ot^oi. and will be 165 feet long. On thc3d ult. was'marri^^ Bloom- mingdale, near the city of NcW-Yc the Hon.Hugh Williamson. De legate in Congrefs from this ftate, to the lovely and accomplilhed Mifs Ma ria Apthorp, daughter of Charles ^ W. Apthorp, Efq. They were mar- ( ried by the Right Rev Dr. Provooft, l^Bilhop of the Epifcopal Church, and Ii ains of Congrefs. 85^TheMail for Fayette-Ville, will in future be made up at the Printing-Office, where all letters for that place, it is requefted, may be left. The poit will leave this town every Thurfday morning, at 9 o’Clock, ani arrive at Fayette-Ville the Saturday toUowing.—Leaves Fay ette-Ville every Sunday, and arrives in this town every Wed- nefday. The Artillery Company is de- fired to attend atAlie Parade on Mon day the 9th inft. for a private mufter. JOHN HUSKE, Capt. Artillery. Marine Lijk ARRIVALS fince our laft. -,£Wp Jamaica, Niven, Greenock. Brig George, Hewefon, St. Kitts. ——• Eliza, Goddard, Jamaica. —— Elizabeth, Bell, Antigua. Schooner Olive, Bucknam, St. Martins. —— Wilmington Packet, Swain, Cbarlefton. "., Beaver, Johnfon, New-Providcnce. - Neptune, Jones, Curracoa. Sloop Parmelia, Boyd, Jamaica. — Ferrot, Darrah, Antiguat i Sukey. Earle, St. Croix. CLEARED. jBng Hibernia, Lithgow, Barbadoes. 1 John, Hodge, St. Croix. Schooner William, Andrews, Charlefton. Sloop Commerce, Muffon, Port Morant, Jamaica. .J