death, your Majefty may tafte the fullell fruition of eternal blifa, and that a de- Icendent of your illuftrious houfe may reign over the Britifli empire until time lhall be no more. His Exctlltncy's Jpeech f dijfolvt tke Af- Jtmkly. Gentlemen of his Majefty’s honorable council, mr. fpeaker, and j'cnikiiicn of the houle ot aflembly. I met this ^JJcmbly ffilh t mejlfimert dif- pe/itidH t$Jorvtard the f nl'lic bujintls of the country ; and I tnakt this public acknow- lediment of my thanks, to the gentl'men of hismejejiy's council, for the chtarjulntis they have fkcticn to co-operate with tat and my gratitude to tke houfe of cjjembiy for the ho norable cpinien they have declared in favor of my admimfiralien. Ten mat It afured, gentlemen, that the iiiterruptuH vbich has teen piven to the bvfinejs of this fejpon, has ret occcf.cned mere dijafpeniti/icm to you, than the caufe of it has tttajiomd real lic it on to me. ^he plan I laid be fen ^cu for the manap^t- rtent of ■\eMr public funds, tf adopted b\ the lejijlatttrt, end invariably purlueii, i ether- leife it rvill be irfujf.cient) nvilt preduct the happiejl e^ells to (hi: ccuntty \ and 1 n iil ht bold to c’Jirm, ij ever can ted, in any fu ture h.fftin, into an atl ef the lerjlatnre, it will be acknowledged the moH henefiaafiejfsti this colony tvir enperienetd, though it Jaou 'd be the only at! pafjcd in that frjfton. But this llcjfng is not to be obtained for the country, while the trta/urers, late fisetify and their furcties, can command a majority in the tower bcute, and v hu'e a ireaitirer is fufered to abfenl himfelf, and witk-bold his public acceints from the.gen'tal af-mbty, let the pretence of his abUnce be ever ij urj>ehl. ^hh mornini 1 Jaw j'.mt ]:ublic accounts of the treajurer for the fenthert: diUrtn. *lb*Je afcenats *r: v very irregular and r.eyjipent- kept, that ihd ypubne mud be at/Ujed, it an amendment is net made to the me le there pur- jued but as I am uld it is n method his pre- decff/crs folic ted, no lenjtue can lay upon that gentleman. As my duly precede^ every other eonfidera- tieUy I do mvj difjolve this affcmbl)', and this a^ewbly it accordingly dijfoived. After W hick fjht late reprelentativts ef the people judging it necejfary, that /ome meafures fbculd ht taken in their diftrefjed Jiiuatien. for pre- fefvittg the true and ejfential interep ef the province, refolvcd npon a meeting fer that very jalutary purpofe, and thertfere "mme- iiattly repaired te tke cturt-houfe in this tewn, where, being opmbled, it was firjt prtpojed, for the more decent and regular dif- cujfion of fuch matters as might be taken in to ctn/sderatten, that a moderator fhould ht appeintea, and "John Harvey, Efq-, late Siseaker ef the Htufe ef Apmbly, was nna- nimoup eletled. •J'he true Jiate of the province hetn% then opened and fully explained, anJ_ it being pre- pefed that a regular Affociathn ffjsu d be formed, a committee was appointed to pre pare the necejfary and moll fioper regu'a- liens for that purpoft, and they were order ed te make their repert to the gtatral melting the next day at 9 ollitk. At 1 meetinj of Ms MajeRy% commiflior.ers for trade tiid plaotationsi on Tuelday April -6;. 11. Prefent of Hiilsbordugh on# cf his Majefly’i principal I'ccretaries of date. Soam Jehyns Edw. Klliot Georgf Kice Lfijrs. J. Roberts Efijri, WiJm, l itzhcrbtrt Tho. Robiiifon T heir Icrdihips took into thcT further cai'fi- dvration :t iriemorial of feveia. arcixhants trading to North C-arolina, contairnr* I'topol.ils for better legulatiat; anu encour:i«nj' tiie ijupottatioi, fr(>» theme into ihii ki'.it;dor:i, oi pitch, tar, tur- pentiae, oal: Uaves a«d !icadini> ; ; i.i! itveial incr- chams, fiilili I iiicrs to the laid mtinu.':;.! andinScr- •/led in tlir U.1 j. tl lieicof, aitciidins!, ascieiii‘d ; their lordlhip; /'.'•a _ tiny had to oifei the eupon ; and the noitcr, coi trtiitil o', ilic (od memorial, e/as reiluteJ to t/ic IclLivi-.V' j roiXTioiom. I. 't'ha- t’. t> ur ty cii the imix^aiitm of green tar, Bi.iiic r l ie matvii I pre cri! im*ii the a'l v.loch pivci litcii li'ranty, bea'to-c'liei diib'*ntinued ; there being Ilf.:- . ,■ tio I't li.. 14 (lu.tli; , ui'.pctted or alod in the mai.u/a uic. ut this kn *. ’I eat 'he duly p' idiio (h ll.i't'S and fevea- pen I j e , . i v, c i. i . a. pay alio npCia C( Hl- mon t.r ii,.i . i lii'iu '"th Aitierica, Le taken o!t, Jird the t ol '• cr n."lli‘)'>s j ir ton upon III 1\ t..i • .• a cJ t > : ty lour ihiilinij. | nut tnat t o ;i f ii i■ •.■t.ikd '..■!> uiiMcd i.oiiti'y. 01 e.\. n , .HI 111 .. I , .irifi . J i('b ilutVf nnleis it be (liipptd i„ .‘.ill i. a ai'il iiiiptrt-i tiiii kir.gduin IN tncil liootec. . ot ti. nso paliaiis eaili. made witii r i • : ■ . jics (.‘f rlirte tjoarteri of an nth thi.l,. «.nh ilive ; th. t .4!; to be Lvinoed at ttie kiln ■ : r ;hc tai It m.i.i fa'tuied, with a bung made ti| h. , ( 1 a^ 10 pre.-ent tiic ur run- ning out, 01 .,• ••1. .. luitd, (lilt. Ol iviitcr iiiierhiix • ing thcre.viili.' ai d 111 cafe ol lJakav,e, lacii bariel 01 Laiislt 10 ! .e ; 1 ii up L' at to ihirty-iwo calions c" i‘..'. • ii c jiidiuoiied, Ire# from weeds, faii'i, dt". 1 .vatcr. §. That :h*- ! o • ' ti 'riv (liillings per ten, new payauie 1' ■ .fj c .. ■. ir.i) oitcd licm tlit co lo/'ict, be mil . . >•;. I.I ih'" lis-tict ol taiity- • ight (liil .i p* I I. 1; dll'ed to cij'.Iit Ihdliiigt per ton i but ■ ' III'.'.' (il [ d iiltie Lc entitled to fueh rcUu A ion ... ■» h iiti’ei-. it be lliippctl in America and ii.iyijitea . I'o ilo kiw^*111, 1:1 i 4.1(5 made ot well lealoii'd !*a- c thitr s of en inch tiiicii, c..ihli,o'. ■' -I '■ill',’.I with bungs of toik or wo«>ii, 11 i.. i'/ iv p It ■ from drola aud water. 4. That'!’i‘vnine '"^i ind'"es'crt t'frce per laft of twill , • pnvKi ic iij'-'O pitch itnpn.ied lioiii ihc cdii .1 . . l.c. ihi.c.i oil, and the boi.nty at twenty liilitr- , 1 ton i.oei.ea to tan ibdiiiijis, blit th.'t no pii'.ii I e cf.’.it'c : t tii..h in.iiiii.l hounty 01 c-teiiiplrd ii rs the 1 I’v, iiidels l.lip.'C'' in AiJie- rii a and ;i,' ic.i tul oi' ■ ■ k . ii.iiiim, in i i.ilts of Aaves t.’iicc ijii.. ii*. o. an iiicli thick, each lia''c, ■nd well ii 'op o’. 5, T'Hit i irt.ii'^ > Miii let be allb vtJ upon the im- poriatioii iiom Aiiiriiia into t iis ttitigdcBJ, of white oak Aavei a'ld htviling ; the lai'i bniHiiei to be giantfd for i.itii.y one yean, divided iutu Uirce peiiods in Hjj'.iiJi toil-jwing, ii'/.. I'hat each I'v -ivc iiundred pipe Haves, eighteen kundred hugllicil. twenty hnir hundred baritl Haves, and tince thouUud fix hsindred pieces of heading, ffuH be -iluwed a bouiiiy of fix pounds for the lirll (even veati i four pounds for the Iccuini feven years ; and forty flidlings for the third, feveo years ; But t.'iai no Haves nor heading lhall be enti tled to the I’l UiUN, iMilfIs made of white oal: free Iroii lap and w' lni holes, each pipe Have to be feet kx inches long, from i»c to lever* inches broad, and one and a half inch thick oa tcs thin edge : Each barrel Have three feet 1j.x iachei long, the breadth and tliitkiich the fsme as the pipe and kogfticad Haves, and' the heading to be from two feet two inches, to two Icet lix iiichev long and fix inches broad, and the fame thickncli as tlie The merchaeti being withdrawn, their lord, (hips t'loh 'he f.ire?oiiig propofitioni into coiiC 'era tiun, ai 4 were of opinion that the regul.Tion and encoeiageinents, meittio' ed therein, would, under ■roper limita ions and rritueiidn. o iivfu e the due exeeutioB of the faid regu 41 ions and prevent frauds, be ot commercial a .vantage and Ivenelit to this king- dual, and to the co'osies; but as not only the re venue, but alio the navy of this kingdom, are mate rially coeceriieil in what ispropofed, their Inrdlhips yecoiUMaAisl lu ibememorMhllsi to makaappliea. Ion to the lords cpmm’lfif'iers of the (reefiirr. end f.) the lords conmiitli'jiicrs of e.xici iing the of- bcc of lord high Icmeany lonhe Heps were taken and it was o deitd, that they fli u/d have copies of their loidfhipt minute in Oiuer (• lay before thofe hoitorable boards. N E W B E R N. Tueloay November the 7th, i-6r. .At a faith'r meeiirg, according to adjouremene, the i tnmit-e appoiiiisd .yeHeiday, n:i..e tfer le poit, whigh Icing te.-id, Iciioufly coiiin e rd, and appioved. war f.gncd by I great number ot tiie lu e members of aflimbly then prefent, and 11 av fi'l.t.w--. W f. hit Majelly’t inoft dutiful lubjetts, li.e late repieleiitaiivci t.f all tie iiCehi Idtr of the nrov nee of Ncith Ca.'olina, avrw ngan nvinci. blc attacl meet and 111 fLiifcn htielity to cur mu t grat'itus I'.vereign, ar.d ^.rotiilitg agaii.ll at:/ a i that miy have the Icati tendency to uiliarb the fc.iee and good order of this gcwtri Bient, wh ch t « aie, at the rile Me of out liv.--ani turiu s-, to niaii.1,111 aud defend i but. ai the lumt t me, iili- Mlv aCefied with the li ii lhi| S, aithciilt es ana dif, ci'...rigtB'ienti the colonics at prel’vnt labor nrdcr, fi t ;o jevcral taxes and imporition' laid on oy ^a.iia- nicr.r. lor the H-ie (urpolis of atevenue, by' which GUI 15 taken (itm us, withi.aicarconlitnt, a.".J applied to ihe fupport of new c leatid ccmmif- ib iitrs cf celtcnis, at.d fiber plaie men ; And by ether .ifts of parliainei.t v.c arc deprived of that in- valu.ihlc- privilege of tryal i'y our peers slid ihs ccminun law, and made fubject to ihe arbiiraijw and cppicnivc pro eeuingi of ihe Civil law,, jufliw abhorred by our aiuefb rs, the freemen ot EngUTd : And finding, that .'.be nu ll dutiful and loyal ptii- liens aad remauHranves from the co^tmics for re- drefs, have been rejet'ed with contempt, aad drci.d- ii'g the evils which tfirra'eii ut anu' our poAcrity, by icduc'ing us licin tier j-1:: l') a Hate of flatCry ; and in order to ftimulaie our fellow iqbje^ts, tlfO merchants and manulaiiturcti in Gicai Britain, to ri'l us lathis our dillrrfs, and 10 ibew uur. readme fa Hi j ill, liraitily, wiih t^e other colonies, in eveiy legal nvethod which i.ay nicll probably tend to pro* cure ic'dtcl's, which, we beliise, witl h«aioll ctfec- iiially proiMotcd, by ctiaLl fliitig oe -nncHiy^iCiicoii- maniifa/.iuies in general, and of tliM p rov.Rco in particular i ptoiiioti/g indoftry, & dilic/c. ty ing all manner of luxury aud extravagance : \^'e do therefore, mod varnchly, recommend this cur ailiviiatinn, to the Iriiues atiention of all gentle- mru, merchants, traders, and other tnhabtunti of this province, not doubting that they will, very re..s;ily and cordially accede thereto; we tkercfoic, v.hol; n.mes aie Jiereunpr lubferibeef, do folcmnly piooiilcand ague, to and with each other, that un til (he colonies arc relloied to their former freedom, hy p. rr 'cal ol thole oppriihve aRt. we will moft tinlv adliero to, and abide by ikc following tcfultf- to VTlt. fil'd, ft is unanimoup agreed on and re- fotveil, this y'h d y of November; 17(*9, that ihe fititjcribers, as well by their eu-it £s:a;nplc as all other legal ways •ana meant in their tower, will premett ana eicournge tiKlufiry and frugality, and dijeeurage a'l incmner of luxury and extravagance •, a d will tttfo encourage and promote the uje ot North A me l it an manuf adlurts ral, and thofe of this province in particu,^ lar i and jucb of the jubjenbers who fiall or may have any fuch for fait, will Jell and dijpeje of the Jane at the rates as loiretofore. Secondly, fbat they will not at any time hereafter, direSly or indireflly, import, or cavte to he imported, any manner ef geods, mereb ndize or manufaOuresi, which are, or Jfjall hereafter be taxed by aft ef parlia ment fer the purpeje ef raijing a revenue in America, except paper, net exceeding eight Jljillingi fterlmg per ream, and except Jnih ariiclts only as orders have been eUready fentfor, nor pnrchafe any fuch after the firj$ day «/January next, ef any ^erfen wbatfe* ever, but that they will always cenfidiY fuch taxation, in every refpelt, at an ubfo- \ute probibitien, (d in sill future orders diredi tbiir cerrefpendents to jbip them no goods whatever, taxed as afertfaidt tslctpt at it abevt txcepttdt '

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