the Tex as to fuppofe there arc any female ones) will take umbrage at it, I will venture to a(k, if this lentibility does not give a more exijuifitc Xeft to all thofe enjoyments, which nature, unforced and unthwarted, dilates ? But fiblvc this as you pleafc What ingre dients muft I be made of to be fb deeply af- feded as I was at Belinda’s diftrefs, when (he fobbed oi?t her talc of fbrrows ? and a tale of forrows it was ! ...prefaced too, with, “ 1 know you cannot remove the caufc of my grief, but the fympathy of a friend gives a momentary relief to affliftion, and alleviates milery.” Her dejetfbed looks had won my compaffion before flie fpokc, but the name of frieni awakened all that was tender and humane within me. Had fhe been deformed and haggard, her fituation would have pierc ed my heart; but to be addrefled by inno cence and beauty (except the traces of lor- row file was a living Venus of Medicis) in the plaintive melancholy ftyle or woe!...Hea vens 1 it was irreriftiblc Milanthropyfts would have pitied, and Apathaifts muft have renounced their Creed, had they but feen her; but, unfortunately for them, neither the mif- anthropyft nor apathaift was prefent As fhe proceeded with her ftory, 1 became the luffcr- cr 1 was in every thing, but in pcrlon, the diftreffed Belinda. My fighs kept time with hers, and when I attempted to wipe off her tears, I intermingled my own with them. Yet penetrated as I was with grief for h r misfortunes, and that I could not remove them, I enjoyed a fatisfadfion of that kind, which, 1 think, nothing unbleft with a divini particle can poffibly enjoy. The feeling heart, the pow’r l*afli(l being loft, Taftes in its grief joys felfifhnefs can’t boall. “ Increale of knowledge is increalcof pain and forrow,.” Hail then, bleft ignorance! Bicft ignorance, all hail! Seal up my eyes, left they fhould behold afflidlion ; and my cars, left they Ihould hear the voice of mifery : and cncompals my heart with adamant, left pity for the unhappy fiiould extort a figh.... I diflike fain and forrow as much as any man ; for I am callous nowhere, that I know of, uhlels in the pineal gland, but when my amen to that prayery may the doors of mercy be fliut againft me for ever. I would rather my pulfe ihould this inftani ocale to beat, than have my cares circumferibed by fel/t and hear or fee, with unconcern, the mis fortunes of any thing human. Neither do I even wilh, happy as the jocund circle makes me, ever to fet my foot within the houfe of feafting, unlels I can fympathize cordially with thofe in the houfe of mourning. “ It is owing to an inquifitive dilpofi- tion.” Ungenerous ! for jufticc fake and your own, aflign a better cau'e attribute it to nobler motives......Shall we participate in the pleafures of the profperous, and fliall we keep a loof from thofe in adverfity ? If wc cannot feel for the diftreffes of others, we juft- ly deferve to be “ laughed at when calamity cometh upon us and the more general our concern for mankind is, the ftronger prncfl do we certainly give of our bearing his imate. who fufters not a hair to fall from oui heads unnumbered to the ground An;l fo fara.Ti I from thinking this concern the ei/c^ of inquifitiveners, I think. The greateft blifs which hcav’.a on man beftows. Is as his own to feel another’s woes : And one humane or charitable deed, Does all the joys of revelling exceed. And I pity the heart that cannot add the tef* timony ot experience to this remark. NORTH-CAROLTNA, fi. By his EXCELLENCY WILLIAM TRYON, Erquire, His Majefty’s Captain-GcncrJ, Governor, and Commander in Chief, in and ovcj th; faid Province. A P R O'C L A A T I O N. W H E R E A S I have received infor mation that a great Number of outra gcous and difordcrly Perfons did turnwltuouily aflemblc themtelvcs together in the Town ot Hilllborough, on the 25th of laft Month, dur ing the fitting ot the Superior Court of Juftice of that diftrift, to oppofe the Juft Mealures of Government, and in open Violation of the I.avvs ot their Country, audacioufly attacking his Majefty’s Affociatc Juftice ill the Execution of his Office, and barbaroufiy betting and wounding leveral Perfons in and during the fitting of the faid Court, and offering other enormous Indignities and Infultsto his Majef ty’s Goveiament, committing the moft violent Outrages on the Pcrlons and properties ot the Inhabitants of the fiud Town,drir.king Dam nation to their lawful Sovereign King George, and Succefs to the Pretender : To the Er.d, therefore, that the Perfons concerned in the faid outrageous A6ts may be brought to Juftice, I do, by the Advice and Confent ot his Majel ly’s Council, ifsue this my Proclamation, here by requiring and ftri(ftly enjoining all hisM ijel ty’s Juftices of the Peace in this Government to make diligent Inquiry into the above recit ed Crimes, and to receive the Depoficion 0 luch Perfon or Perfons as fliali appear before them to make Information ot and concerning the fame ; which DepoGtions arc to be tranl- mitted to me, in Order to be laid before ihs General Affembly, at Newbern, on the 3')th Day of November next, to which Time i Hands Prorogued, for the immediate Difpatch of Publick Bufinefs. Given under my Hand^ and the Gnat Seal tf th Province^ at Newbern, the i%th Day of 06lobcr, in the lotb Tear of his Mayth- Reign, Anno Dom. 1770. WILLIAM TRYON By his Excellency*s command, John London. Sec, GOD favc the KING.

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