. 1 . : f 1 . ' V ! ;1 ! uwleenttotheGApE-EEii2S u W I L M I N G T O N, OCTOBER 1 3th, DMP TirocC a Packet was left tt the Printing-O-Ice, cont?n- Hcff foms ventures whith the Writer. act wyh'at an mn v nnMi in "a Ioumcv he made Northerly, and a I Letter which concluded thus fnouid you ever think proper to ffcrent Occur- WortJs-Va. Performance, but mmmm, ' . 1 : me lemuer tnat 1- tvritc 11 nave aid noaght in Malic) , will judjc favorably; of it. and as to the Tnbe of Snarlers, they will find me, witn Kegard to tnem ena. thisy and every other Inttance, more thin nemv-J 779- i . 4 - ' 1 I Lie- Sr. fi protcl I never dantea Attendance to f their Opinions in Mil The QUOT.HOMINES L. m mm mm - 10 dreii vthe 1 ACE CARELESS. CRITICISM. . J- L i TOTIDEM SENTENTIjE. if 0 . y r ' ' ' L t . "j - ft i a 1 iced ana oouinca ..one ravon iroxn 1 cnonsu 1, .. which I (hall ever hold in grateful RenepVanc.yvVX . denied by any but 'one, and his manner of der' more to him and made me th.10.1e more ft.tgniy c. of his DifbdGti6n and Goodnefs-of his Heart than w-,, Af Vinl Wlit 'ornt4 mv ! ri4neils.l! ;Hi Rank Mr at' to it, bat td thoie mental iide wments,; in which alone; accordiii to the old Sarvrift. true Greatnefs conhlts. What the : Kequcil was. when or where made. I cr bv whom denied-it matters not It is enough that there lived a. iMari who, could feel a generous lo-him for it -whofe Virtues' reverted the modern j Currents! dWvadith to every ones Palate exceeds the ingenuity of all -dignified vrty h Cnnedinariars. that Ihave cupedinated (iace a certain m them too many indUpatabic Maries or.uenuincis iDrir c ctuou T ,j-.r anient Mnrv. ftauv ht Man the c ffereace bc or illiberal to counterieit. 1 ney gave wc iucn ricamic uii a ic r .... 'j- 4 if ? : 1.1 ! . natmv DifaDDointmenti -and infpiredme with fuch Reverence fof r . . . W W Ah A fl M V t VMV I 1 f1 TT1 IV. n mW J W H ! 111 IT W ilEILI 11 111 J 1 1 1 LI A V tff k& W M,i A MmMj W Wf M W 9 W w w mm w tion f them, you mcrst ask ; a jfimilar Favor of a Man t a fcmil Difpesition, and, withal; you mult carry jometnwg iie leniipui along with you; ctnerwaysiyou wiiii-eurc ib au ureiouiictuiw Vre amsfted their 'ttSDtioai bat not a F.w. except one, betr.jeij. Nature deliSliti m and jaancieca wiaww wi jmgj.. 'Z xhL like a rofRidicule'or Contempt., f!- '" Ttoi.clmreoagh!.-'I mk eiy tn ; d. l l ( . . k m aii mm rvt rm mtrn iiirn rmnrr . wiiuimi niraiiiuv. laiu a aiuiu : m ... w a wvji , iiiai. I l inmic myicir vwy uavvy wvhj -! - , . , , T aval w ci;w iieiiui aawM n- a o is not worth being in a Pailjon abost it, faid I imiling..-Mr nc tnnlr rn Mnfirr H adiu(lied ifomethih? he found amifs about hi Neck look within, Sirf you will find many things amifs there- . pray adjuft tham too: admired the extrerte W wiped them withaaln1bric ilankerchief---pulledout a hiiaij Box, put a black Patch on a little fpeck that appfeared rpjliiih to Uia left of is Eye, refurveyed his Facie, and lien throwed h'mielf into, hit arm Chair with an Air of cbnfbmma'tefel0onfe a look of (overeign Contempt at Vis tompatiibns and me It . is very r rruc: oiri mcv arc uuiu tuu iy.nuiuiiM"i- r. t-i.vM, , wn . h. mm m . . : l a., .-w .iKa Krv trt fnri nn nis namr rrn uriiinxr acinic V??G i rinnp a Row and a : Look of Welcome convinced me I had Nothing to dcy but to endeavor t6 iike myfelf as agreeable to them as they appeared to me; foi Without further Ceremcay, I took a Chair my Ifudibraftie ri mni.v ' tnrl mv' Renuelt for Admifiion oroceeded not from thb Impertinent Curiofity of a Traveller ; but from a Sociability m&Wd Love for jny Species, wnich i Nature gave mc withr this irregular 7orm- rubbing my long choked Nole and pointirffto my King Richard Back as i fpoke. fThefe inherent affeaions, if 1 illay fp fli'im. tvi me xnanv a Pain which Mifanthropyfts feel not ; et I derive from them fath plcafurable Scnfations, I that I would Jiruch rather part with Li re than with thm -I think it as 'much my Duty to Love. ray Species as to worfhip their ski at. orici- .Val ; and tho" fome iieaipuiJy preacn up me one ana ncgicci com Thearv and the Practice , of the other, yet I cannot, help thinking, that we have pretty much the lame. Authority for. both Which wehiv far eitkeriof them, and fo far am I from fufpeflicg that anv Mm's Philanthropy wHl be fubperna'd cgainQ him in that Court which, one day or other, will pafs fentence ton us all, I la- II .11 .t. mmm mm m mmm w off.. II It i 4rft (rt SfJ creaiy oeneve wc mgac. wiuwui . i-ia. wnwa i wv.. iv braver to the Cretan luoiter fwho had no Ears) with as mnch Pro- nt icty as to that merciful BstNO.whom Chriftians aflecl to a Wore.J -But as no Man wifhes to,be the Thing he hates, I beg ed I 'might not interrbpt the Amufcnrtnt of the'Coropany, and sturned my Eyes towards a News-Paper which lay upon the Tabte Wehare iuft read it. faid one. Nof repled another ; it is a tri- Vfiing Paper of very bad Intelligence. It gives us,: faid a.Third, Vhe laft Speech and dyinj: Words of Jack Carelefsf-Jack Carelefs, .rlaid I amazed, who is ne r --1 ravciicrs ircqucnuy muitic stndeven Charaflers) which they have no legal Claim to ; it ii a .Privilege (how it was originally obtainM yur 'Motive Mongers perhaps can tell) entailed on them by Cuftam ; I condemn the Prac--ticciu ecneraJ, yet, upon this Occafion, I availed rnvfelf of,it;.. not vrncn or us can ray oc never iu abmneJAisclf. for doing ? It js, meining. Jack; Car K"onfJ Mr. Vane, who fat crofs-legged playii fnuu-Box alttrn. W, mmmmrj wmm m mr-m - J-y- -. - .... .-.j .... - It certainly raifes an Ideamilch more terrific and immenfe ; and ! like Ideas immenfe fa far as they ferve; to expand the Heait : but I think otherwifeof Ideas terrirlc.-Terror is the naoft abjeift, rafcallf Motive in the World. It chills the Blood and damps the Spints; and never was nor ever will be, the Parent of onb generoa's Tho t or Deed -As a Man, I hate the ScnTation ; and as a Chriftian (let its wretched Votaries fay What they pleafe in favor of it) jt re pudiatej deteil and abhor it-'-'Tis an Enehiy to Love, and of Courfe; to Mankind ; which, j to the Humane, is eual to a Thoufand Obi jediont.--.-You go Home unmolerledi becaufe Fear prevented niy robbing you in the Street; but all the Jefuitt, SophtHs and Cafuifta in ChriilendoraifieconMed by the righi reyeand Fraternities of pbr firwants ic Abfolvcnts.cah never convince me that I am one Jorthe hoi nefter Man. Had Chance brought us (og'tther in any dreary retreat; wher numan veuiges art rareiy leen, ana no nyc . io uniuia us folitarv Cave, as She whUomdurjClo-and'the Trojan fetnerr I fwhv Udx 1 rouniTs is nfed nere inltead ot riot tineas, 1 nave Wm J 4 1 V.nM11" 1 W UVW W w mm mmm, mm mm wmrfw m, m V : . not Leifdre to' ten yon (commentatars k Critics will be proud ofyoar , Application) but I Relieve the Immortal Author of that divine Poena' iRfrwaids COP i Carelefs, dd T -l writ k Vl 1 . me, wnu jk rui-ixk;u f j iJfe . - t, p. ----- .- . . . rYitC nuffDOX alternately, never tooic nis eyes mn a wok- oi ocnuuuny riuu inusra.u.mi uc i w Hne-brruireclly fating him, nnlefs. now and then, to fliowjhis. animated with caajTA in lit as and melt jntp Teiidernefs and Love, rm.Jr f.. i i, A--A KTAn.fr -faid he letting in fuch aSituatior. with fo beautiful a Oueea beside it. I fpeakJ FnAi-r,!! ith fome Force unon the Floor, fit is faperlativc .as the candid ever dot jfrom my own Feelings ; and were my Heart LrNonfenie, indeed, to pliy the Narciffus as you doHis Eyes were of that Mould, I would tear it out ariaV have the. Names of aacl K -.,. . .t r ri.:- p..r ; m WAirvm!' . fir anv nther State 7ckeVa vho had iold or enflaved his LX ill STinil aiiut ntuuinu.Muii w. ..- Z.7- . - . , . . . - , ., . ... - . . . . . . r m m, , Where is the prcceeding rart, daw was a C r...Mcrcu i - r mm. m 1 mm ' iSar "an Anfwer to my Cmpie Qneftion. who is Jack Carelefs ? I certafnly would have rifled your Packets, and. perhaps have cue -J .After m. few Pro's and Con s, 1 was ask d to read nim;aioua- your xnroat aiterwaras, ir, r i t - ... j i JDtr, vice inauig Q, anotner vicCiegcci--virincup;ii' Manner, at leaft Shakefpear fays jfo, and, farely, no Ptrfon oft Fafliion or Tafte will dare to contradid him ; but&ould you doukt confute experience, 1 'M i:r . ..J . Read that again ! " I find . great Pleafur'e in giving tr &r. A-r ' litintiriftpd- humaie. were inilantlv , reoeaterf iMr. r Vane could not ctmprehend it- -It is Stuff, dd Stuff, faid he flam ping i .1. mj . . L- . AMwAA Mn i iir mtm lannruian fnn 1 1 1 f c- iiiaripi aim laiu 1 talcing Sip mc apcr wrjii, vvuuui -.viijjiwm Mfiw.M iij"wm .w ry r a larcc cunujc oi vnem wh iuiianuy uiu iuiuiiajif.t i anajj ; uw ... , . . . - i ,1 Uf r L- "rt . 'O..L1. A. rt J .t U.J ... Z.m mm, mm- tl.mfmm A tMttlirn a Ul'nkl mm f a 4ii TBI, Ktinnun -n m lniEinn iiuzinn I - w I l 4 L i iucl aa .11 T 1. 7 K uit.ii. t iw.f ..MMk4t. h What a ridiculous playing upon Words !" Jt is very little oet- trr indeed, Sir. Jh&t ieems to be a faint llroke at Pope's a- mrTCr uiTEvuii is right." I tn not of Vour Opinion, a E7MVI - -- -- - . - m, . m . rn - k m m . Whr fe can he mean i ' fXOU.ins? rcrvertcrs or man- diibeiieved the infallibility of Mortals as UUX. ' mm . Lnrk wnn er i rfn. ana inai in inii jduidi.6 uu umi wu feitSncd arid fublimated than thofe Peoples are who confine or extend . -r? r t AttifUa'tf mir rTlitk (mm ttKlch f Wir, ngs! t.. . r A.;i.UArmw Talift (mm uliirfi r vir1fnt1v tvitK koth his Favti.Prav. Sir. aid vou ever JSiaJce tbe at to we actions t mica, tnu mwwvj v - - . ..y - ----- ; 7 t. , hwill not eafily recede- - -Reafon and BcUef go here hand in hand Experiment f This put hina out .otjatii Patience tit oouncca.ous . . 7 . j .u:-u mnrm arnhaJ the werw ward f Faftor. for ici ncvr inakei ADV RctSUTSt,