prevented, Jvd there been no backwardnefs Ihewnjn opening the duqrs, aju) an anfwer as readily given as was expected, to the quelVion, .whether ttit.n- V.u any ftampt papers in the ' houfe Upon the doors being af length opei;edi :i jiu Audi papers iuuiiu, uic cai i, vmu j.v a cuiiicnib, piuvccucu vu .int vjiccny i u of-the brick- barrack wcreXthe-eflagic an iu; it lviicnaers. cnurcn. rang mumeu. an aay anu, aunng cne procemon,' ineie wa a moil folemn" knell tor the burial of axco'nn, on which was inicnbl, " AMERICAN LIBERTY.' No outrages whatever were committed during thewhole proceflTionj except the trifling damage done to Mr.Saxbj'snoukv- before: But after the proceftion and funeral, diligent lcarcfi-w:is made after another gentleman, upon . a report prevailing inthe evening that he was ap- v pointed Distributor of the Stamps, and not. Mr. SaXby, in order to be informed, " whether he intended to execute the Adt-," This gentleman not beinir found that niaht, hadilike to have broducedVome commotion ;: but the next day (being: Sunday) afolemn declaration, fiRnedy him, was (tuck up at -the Exchange, importing, ".that, he neither had received a. commifllon, -knew V of.his apbintment,6rtliat tHcTftampc papers "were configned to luTTTi' ITlclT in fome.meallre appeafed the people: J": . V'. r . Monday, Oft. 2 1 ft, his HonourlLieut. Governor BULL iflupd a Proclamation " offering of 50I. fterling, for apprehending any or;eyery of the peifpns concerned in the abovementioned riot. 1 UuERyrbuPDOie the whoie iooo had been ciz a upon and delivered up, where would his honour have found Money tb have paid J Krom rhi time everv thine? remained nerfecl:lY auietexceot that writfrn nrfvrr- 1 --TV" --"r-.-"T . -o""-" " I 1 . 1 - - . tifements were daily (tuck up in public places, declarative of, or exhortative'to,"""" '''1 - - ---'.. '--V f - . . - . . firmncis, ,in4upport 01 naturaLnghts, and oppoiition to . oppreiiive' and uncon-ftitutional-burthens 5 the ftampt papers being then fuppofed to' be lodged in For v Johnfon. ' . : " Wednefday Oft. 23d. His Majifty's Ketch the Speed well,cQmmanded by Captai n FaniHawe, came . dow n from I I obca w, i m medi atclylprbceeded to For t Johnfon .and anchored clofe thereto ,: the garrifon of which had been augmented, &c. 'The fame everting it was reported, that the ftampt papers had beea brought tip to town unobferv'd, and lodged in the hpufe of a gentleman at Anfon borough ; . upon which a number of people went thither to be-fatisfied of the truth of the- itrreport but finding none, theyreturncd quietly, without offerings the lead infult to any Ipcrfon whatever. : r:r . : 4 1 Ihurfday Oct. 24th, by order or his Honour the Lieut. Governor, an adver , tifemcnt was ftuck up at the, Watch-Houfef. figned by; the Glerk of the Council, giving notice, that the ftampsTatcly arrived, were lodged in Fort Johnfon, till ' it lhould bcneceiTary for his Majcfty's fervicc to remove them from thence " which had this good effecV that jt prevented troublefome vifits and enquiries to other gentlemen, who might, have been fufpefted of receiving the (lamps into their charge; - - .. .v ; . . ' Friday evening, Oft. 25th, arrived the. Carolina Packet, Capt. Dobfon, from London ; upon which there Iwas fome little appearance of a tumult, but it fdb fided as foon as it was known that no (lamp officer was on board, and that Mr. Saxby' had taken his paffagei; and was on board the Heart-of.Oak, Capt. Gunn. . ' - 'V, Saturday