... ..,-',s.,.,y. a '3: -t a J STbur Fami JvJo.-jjojurvKw appiaug inc nappy t.yiuiiiMjiuii. uir uus rovincewh bprblecu The abrminfr Tcndcntv of live Stamp-Ail, which for fome Months paft, has : requires: rihatcvery Vicw bf mole uinertics. wnicn, as nntnn ouu ccis,cMiavc nut tiuuv iu wwiiiuiyu 'Villi vii cat uiuaiii. . v - - -,--.v- . v:.:...... To our Sovereign we oWe, and (hall be always ready' to tcftify by our Contluft, every A(ft ot Loyalty and. Obedience confiltent with the Rights of a free I Vo pie ; and we 'molt fincerely prayV' that the JkitiOi: Throne may . never want Heirs of the prefeht illuftrious Houfe of 'Hanover, to fecure that happy (nllitution: IfiiFtTic vbeinpepnve that-the SubmiflTiblV to any Part ot lb opprelllve and (as we think) tb unconfti tutional Atternpts, is opening adircdl inlet for Slavcryi which all'Mankind will endeavour to avoid; A . X V71 tUJLiClCUlUIIb Ml. 15 Willi LI till 1 ailT W.'iUWVL'i'u vvuinviiwv j . Rxcclienrv hTIWnt r1f'nH trr mririnn; nf-vour navinn" the Stamp-Duties on. vthe JnlVrumehri "Vnnmenited in tht Pronofal nor can we aflent to the I aymcnt of the imalier SramrT AnSdmimonvofrParr.would but i -out of-our-l'ower, - to reia(e, with7imy Propriety, a Subm never content to vbe depriea ot' the invaluaolc Privilege a Ti iai by Jury, which is "ohePafrohtha lecurer Condudt to prevent, to the utmolt of our Power,- the Operation of It. : At the famc Time we allure your lxcellency, that we will, upon every Occafion, avoid and prevent,' as far as our Influence extends, any - Infult or Injury to any ofthe 'Officers otthifCrowny',bur.niuft-cb ' Office; of Diftributor of. the Stamps, is fo dmefted by the People in general, that we don't think either ' the Perlbn-or-Propertyof-fuch an Officer, could by any Means be feaired from the Relentment of the Country. .4 " - : ..' The Connexions between Great-Britain, and the Colonies, )ve by no Means defire to interrupt or weaken, but moft ardently wifli theTrofperity of bothl may.'bepromotedrby the Encouragenuht of Co of our mutual Intereft. . . ' , .., .. : ' ; " ;" And we can with equal Sincerity, afiure your Excellency,' that we will at all Times, in our refpeftive Stations, chearfully contribute all in our Power,.to, render your Excellency's Adminiftration happy, eafy and honourable. ; To .which his, Ex c e l l'e n c y was pleafed to return the following A N .S W E R , Viz. . y . - - - - ' :' ' ' To the Gentlemen of N e w Hanovor, BrunsVick and " ' ' ' Bladen Counties : . . .-' OUR "Anfwer to my Propofals for the Circulation of the 5tamp-Duties, , fliould .the . Stamps arrive in this Province, , is very-agreeable to me, fo far ' ' ' . . . ' . as C. "- f - , v -