p IfnConfequmtr pf ' Mtnrtjtiigi tecmMatlJ. with regard h opening tht Portitkt Shops; Dobbs, Ruhi and Patience, under Seizure for tvanteif tamped Papers, were delivered uf to the Majlers ana uwnen, u . vuun m rruurj, the it Jntann Bv a veflcl commanded by. Cape. Linn, arriv ed at Point-Look Out, in thisprorince, in nine titys from ffcw-York, we have the following iirrecable account, which we hope will foon be L -confirmed (1 hat is to lay) Captain Linn fays. TJhit before he left NeW'Xork, a : veffelwas there from Falmouth in England, who had Tailed in company with the packet, bounU-rbr" NrW-York,; buthad out-laU'd her j the Captain h -of which vcflel did -alt f T.thatibaLyery. packer h veL Drdcripnpoara j on the continent, to permit trade, &c;to be car ried on m its ulual manner.--N:B.. As Captain Linn came down New-Yoik bay," he met the above-nrntion'd packet going up., : ) -v . 7b: feMing paragraph is from a Newbern paper - -of ibe i tk of-January. - - Several gentlemen have arrived in town this .wrdMf m the northward, but bring no mattrial I aJvio st Nothing t ranfpt red from home wi i hi ; r.-ijard to thejhmp adt : Bufincls'goti on with t'ic.n is ulual and their fear of feiziires by men ot w.ir- is lo lmill. thit they under-write the; r'pqu' at Philadelphia, for two and a half percent' o r any voyaue, except 10 Lapeer ear, that be in.;; the only fpot on the continent where leixurcs ot that fort happen".' . ExtrsA of a Leccr from Philadelphia, dated the jd. Indents " S mc y ago a freln epply of uaucd Paper tame up out River, on bjard of a cUel from England Ai loon at the lame a nude known toour HAaDY bom of LfaiatT, they immediately boariicd th Velkl, fciaed the Baiei, . and ' houteJ t icrn on boarl of the Mn of Wr ; the Captain of vAuh t'atf fcmiwL J to ra, bat bajtrver wouM attpt to laud ai y .01 inc lata oic, ia anjr rmi ui vnn i ivtiw i 7hev no lerve for Ballart. in the5 Man of War'i Hold " fv-? THE H'tlmin'tc EXPRESS fets off Thurld-ty Morning cany j ana win continue to jet t IF every ;tTirrhurrdayf6f Charlcftown - in S..uth Carolina.- Letters, Mfjfages,&e. :. mnil be left at tbt Print tng OJfice bejtre b o Clock IVedntjdax Evemng. ; ' H O S T O Nr Januan 27. Frid jy lail tne Halifax packet in 17 days, & yeftrrtlay tapu Pepper in 10 days, arrived here twin I laitfjx-, neither of which confirm the (pre- 'trn led) .n rrs the captains of the uu.zcrs at N.,; Y ik hav . prrtrnJed to take but on the con trary I :y, that velfrls afe entered there (without Aampi, as u'uil, which may more fully appear by the lullowins; Extrnl cfa Litter from Halifax, dated Jan. 1. ' - " It civrs us creat pleafure to find the orr :t-airt oivn. fo that an intercourfe is not . . . I : : . k' ly to be further mterrupted.--1 ne vmcis are tefrhmatto iipori!t ! Sare VhlitbrtboaeJ gobd X. uamgi---1 pray uoa mat tne heft parliament J may by fome wile and prudent meafures reatidve ; every obftade 6f jealoufy between the5 Old tad . New-Englifh meni and the benefit of Britons: v wider the Brlrllh conftinrfdrtverereaJttf 1 t was ftrongly reported in Entf-wd, we ihall very fooa be felieyed from the late grievous im " , pdnoons, jand that metfures the molt falutart - and beneficial 10 the colonies, )iad; been refolv- i ' P ed upon, . in ipmC important councih at the weft .' end of the town it a London paper rfientions. KhraQ of d LsHefromd-Gentlffcfr Vreatt in London, Frtend m tbttliwiu iatejvovemer9ti J0 almittrd toan entry as ufual, without exaclmg 'tlie ptnalry nfxen pounds,1 as preCrribed in the fct imp Act.-The" dijtributorot tne itamps wim us. h s rs.tivrd ir.Ururtions from the commim oners of the ftjmu-duti.i. not to prorecute any pTlon upon the penalties of the adt, but only to r-Drtlent tn t iem w 10 the nerfons are that refufe - tedi-ivf, &c. -This has the appearance of enuvjeb n .im n ! t'ic learned on the other liae th- w ttt r. th it the at is unconftitutional't where lufi iliry ;u-m u dcdu.e a legal and judicial dc .Wi... We have now trie bteiorwo acquaint vyou, dur new miniftry Rave laid i plan for re " trjeving you from the c-ppreflicta taeold miruftiy laid you under, which has render! them odioui W the people here and a few tnoTrths will quitO " cnange tne race, or arrairs, 1 or enry are reioivea not only to take off the Itamp duty and duty on 1 mobiles, but to give you leveral pxrrtive advantages."-- " " : ' ' v . Wilm.nton, February a6Ui, 17CO. , ' For B R I S 7 O L, - ! .The. Brig ;n c y,' :., v WILLI V M FULLER, Master: HA S good Accommodationa for raucogeri ; and will fail in Ten Day. Fdrafarticularknquire of ALU- Atut.k Duncan, ttq; or of faid Mailer, on board tht VC fcl, at DuHcaw Wharf, v ' - . ; . Ftbruart 6th. 1766 TO BE SOLD by the Subkriotr, or Mr. Antnomt ,Vud, at Wuminoton ; The beft Vhiie-CedT SHINGLbSi which Kind hu been found by Eieriencv to be t he mod tailing and durable ; they j are therefore re ' coitmendcd to all Bu.ldert in this Proving Any Perb ' tVcHon may .o nopfysrjxtrurgt t 100.1 tmii for thele Twelve Months to come." ianort vatthi A -Uoid RING was found a lew Utyt ago in the Saopuf X. Rookev'nd Chaldwcll, Peruke maker, in Wilmipgv ton : I he Owner, proving hu Property, and paying the eitJier of them. ' , "Alfo was found h a Negroe; a few Days agotri -v A Silver KNEE-BUCKLE.. The Owne proving hit Property, may bare it aeaia, by applying to the Printer hereof. Wilmington, btt. 26th, 1766. WANT E D, ABOUT Fifty Cords of OAK BARK:- Ahv Perfon or .Perlbns who will turnifh tflu Quantity, or Part thereof, may treat witn Slid I.yw continuei to buy Hides, Skins, 6fo I Oil mMrted in U cow iUT, Cipum tuiMi, front , LllTHi aa4 tae niBiv.jBiaa, wpwiinvNi, Gtaicowj and TO Bt SOLU By WILLI AM W ATKINS, At S I W R a i rr 1 1( w i n u 1 wni XRi goodOittaftrtgi in. per yarn neoBipicax; JTtirtmMtAlcnecKa unpeu uneni. nDancr V. - ... ... r Ll- t A. A . d)H&. Inib Imena. rut ate owcr acoicii umm. ir ia t- - -iatf bed ticktn, tbreadielall fertt. pillollaww. plain aW fAer'd Uwaa.1 f un tpr'i and flriped gauae. gauU afcitM kadkeaheii an4 avmea. laam rw-.ainioa o toota . " .j.u ..J kK i1T(J ' klk datkdt lalamancoe aad tuf . tVi Mitkoau. Uxu hau doaka and boaaeu. Uttia and ia- aieal Mil Oioet and pampl. toari'e thoct. gentlemen! neat WJkf rnddle-elotlM Ac.-' An affortmeat tX try fcaadfem paret kiagiaga. Ooe fct e mapt. ' thoke hjrfoa greet and. QL km. cotli of cadaee. a few put of double mi ttjaU fcrtwu troa pou. ffu paoi ud , flJIUu.