k V liT:,' ' UL. " 'JJjLaV "J Xnoufe of AfTembty 6 thisyaur'Ma:? - W icagtr, in wnicn an account, ucuior ice, cTCir iwcmcnuuntu ui --- - c r.tL rm?;i nnw mrt dcrclor; th evcprti- count, ofW NJStT poll wheel-tax, is charged debtor, for the fio'n grofs amount of thefe bfanches of the venue within his county!.-: as afcertained the feverallifts of taxablesof the refpeftive" counts, : with the documents and vouchers jqn,or treaion, anu ru7 ""n .... s-- s tr. -n-n. .-iw: Af x.u-...'..k4u.-ivrtrf f facrirke ouw ives and fortunes in aerence ...the duties on ,fpirituous liquors, .&cui ; committee, Jvill, bjr public order oKthe pryuur.Majelty flUcjed pcrion- enajp charged debtor' tor the- ' V -H? Aat branch of the revenue within .hi. dif-; certain number ofdays, t under the care of . fc h ft moft iria, V.fruinea iy' the 'cuftofn-hdrfe the clerJv if the hoOfcof iifafM,, .tb'af . " .Zfino M f.3irt'S terly. or half-yearly, tranlmitted, atteft- cefs if they pleafc, , toS ce and -examine ,UJ . ... , A ', . - j .i... fW riviHiWtVhiWrnr nr rrrLvrr.-.fo thi thif- arrmmti vnnrhM-t anrl rrnnrr V - V ? . - ; - i-. f i V.Vl ' 'ft." .l -IfVU- Lt.i.!. I j i'.L-Nk L 'ki. 1 r: ircaiyier or ms uuincc ; niiu hi charged witK the-profs amount tv on law.fnirc. alrrrainrdhv their fwom norr. tn h ."referred :'tb a t.nmm"itrre or u,'.c - .7. ... . Jilts: And all thefe officers to have credit both houles tor a examination, it they:'"""1', V ' r in their laid accounts, for- ne nioiyents trunk Jit, bxluch public accounts as hayeJL" j. Tv" yc k " v . -"allowed by the'lever'al cOuntycourw. 'and", at tJrrfo9t:, the" cwLficweVlVftand-V"k tvnnri iVkar hv thrftabli: . fbr all the rhofnes paid by" them into the ing committee and alfct.-'taexanii who t - any trcaionaoie - ed from the diary or day-book. committee, and. the fitting pf the commit- ,.a:. m .'.-a., J gatru ' ;.i 1 tv knld UnilC . anrl-. urUar. U TP.. ' ' - - AAntW lpdo ' W penera bobt o- L V T T'- k ' ' r ' V rhe .tranquillity or government j we can- j Another lecher, or general oook pt hare made their report thereof to the nar wiJhr,uc' horror think"-of' the new publicAacccunts, wherein. an account ot houfe of affembly before the finally Dal- r x j ' l'i u "r 5 5Kfrtf nA rrvrr ii nrtrnVd hetwFfn rhi ?a f .l J ili- nnaiiy pai- urnjfua and permit us, with all humility,. . debtor and creditor is opened between the flng ot thcfc public accounts by the three t0 xaA unrftnftinirinnsil and- jlle-al moVl tfeafurer on one Ade,and every particular bQlcs ot th Irnfliture.the treafurcn ' "onititutional and Ue6al morJea fi'nrJ nnVrWV hr f h'r J-(rifliture on a. n 1j j a o . "caiurers recommended to your-Mfty-of lew - xuna appropriated by tne legiuature, on fhtlHe directed to attend the, governor,- n nm,; i-T V ;nl,KJ i the other fide i and the treafurer mall asfirft ma-iftrate' and make oath betofe " 5 c "fgbjyhc Jahab.i therein rharo Kimfrlf drhmc to each nar. J- t u 7- j . V- - ' -7 tar of America, fufpc&ed'of any cnme,; . tnerqn charge tumlelf debtoe to .cacn par-. him, that the ; fud.- public , accounts and, ancf of'tVvfny In he Vf foW-W L orKrr tkulir fund, , feparately, for the grofs a-: all the-lticl contained therein are iuJ ? ' 7 " 'J?r- 5? ? .tafiy5cr , mount nf that fund as afrertained bt the ' J i ? conumeu tnerein, are jmt, manner than by the ancient and loag cftat1 , - mount ot that iund, as arcertameu dj tne an4 true, and obtain from him, to pro-' KhiUnArfJxr,-,. fo? unl - i lifts of taxable!1 of the feveral counties, dUce to the houftf f affemblv;' a cenifi. . cd CO,U.rfl,of Peding i for, howt . j the cufto-hobfe or receivrrs books, and : the fworn lifts of the feveral tlerks -atores - " , ? : t Mi&lni .-having incurrw ,? nentiohel a"nd creditor, Tbrthe deficien- As the, foregoing methodsof keeprntf-S VVTOWfS any one m powcr K f II DO ' w w , atf I 44 . I riM nr arn Timn nv inmivenciei. dv tne rn nun ip rrnnnrit riram mttn .t money iii thehinds'of thecblleftors, fte- cure than thepaft. it might, :-perhaps; be dcarcltmeftie conneaioni, thrown iH rifts; &c by the leycral pay mentsliflued1 expedient toiake Vutpf;the prelVnt trea t0.a P2 nt?ca ' -i.'i u.. u--,:f l tijn.: A- -court. iQfy.br 'ludffes." from: knowledge uut ui inc wcaiury, ami v;y iuc ' vwuiuhi- lurcn iiauuii iih; iuun.iiuni.ur a l monies f. " T f on proper pcrfortorrpcrfons, cinly authorized, r TO? twn:!, no relation, twll oi by the legifiUiure, , to fettle and a-liuft . ll!cviUe h!s ff,-.or. m.nrfter to his f'nS thole arrearages, :an4 m receive "and ac- "fcMs. . M ..-; no witnefs ' carfl : thT AfKr .Vf,; Kii 'peedy jultice, but- to exchange , his, im- i- This laft, though neceffary bookis no. ng them to accounclpr tlums already ,Jrirnm"nt hi a 1 fvn 1 rduntry t'orfetterU more than a general abftraft of the - olcr-by -pinT-jctYon ' ara :ca12ntnie f m-'rt5 PranScr' conveyed to a, diftant? uy wiiitii cicit ticAiuici inrvf niitiiv-tt one fide debtor, for the grot's amount the reVenue ; within his Uliftricl, arifi from each particular tlx, in as many arti-, count for ihe4anl6 to the .rcncral aircm-: '?U"J. ky i ; ' tin as "there are patticaiar taxes,. ai if fbly. ThU would make jt ealy lor the -'f Pulab ,c i.011 an(i confignedj J there were no iafofrencics or deficiencies J to the lociety and co'nverle of the wretch and 'makes hiraidf rreditnr opthe other reguiar anj, jp-inmethcKlf-and prevent abandoned; he carumly. prayer , i ban" ' 1 cnu 11,5 niiipry wita nis uic.v there were no iiifrrehcics' or deficiencies i treafurexs to digclt tlie ir 'accounts into a ana makes mm;cir crcounr .on cue wncr- reguar anj, rj.in meihfKl,-and p fide for the n: amcninfof tnlolrencies . th(. CAnfufion that mblr artrha K"V cies orfiih'barticulir tax. alfo filnrrfrl . wlfli" fVirtlo i ,l l . . . t ... for the moma in the handi of the (her.ffsi g!reat pirtf'which. muft necelTarily be - th,L a f tal tendency of; and other collectors, for the payments hei J 0f,wthe public. - '-! ' . , Pn,craus councils; and with hearts 1 has made, and tor his commiflioni, and ..W, bv fuch dangerous the ballances iathe tretfurers hands,-of f V . " ""n1 of our d"r privileges; wo. , each tax, refpeairely hich, when add- . , Mr tkt Utt lhJt cf JJJembly had Pfurae to proftrate ourfelrei at the footf , "ed up, and brought to a fum total, will be. th rtjcha inftrttl in Number 6 of yur Royal throae, befceching your. , found to be the money in the trcalury. i ls Vfer tktj rthlvti tkat the foUouinz 1 Majeity, is ouf king and father," to avert , To this laft account may be lubjoihed, girts (houti 'bt lr'fmlltt tt tbtir Jitnt iro your faithful and loyal fubjrdU in1 ' lift ofthefuits brought irv law ortquij'E&fJt'tOil'MM thefe miferics, which' mull ne- , for recovery of public debts, as directed;- . . KT - , ' ' V' ' ' ' ' "flarily be the confequence of fuch:meaV , byidofafembly..,. . ' AVK,,N.Vp? ' ' ' ' 1 : .ctruln ume.nd pUcj. driB thepro- f M.tjnrM., . .; , ;ighty. iAf rcf;tionof0i:mb!;.. Ththet:rureri .TTrE 7r. Mitft7 moftlo;j), du- long ind ptolperoui OTtr Greit Duin ' . fujj bccbllgcdtaUtcforetheconiniit.. VV, liH. nd . ffeftionw . rubieb,.;iaa 4.rour .cfoinmloni : ind tb'at aftec.1 '

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