i"- . I T I : I I inz 'I'tra tlt he flt well ple.fed w ith Ih i(it; Fjrom a T R London. Paper. E A S O N. I Af vervrer!o?i efemslaint W8 lodged a few before a luflice of the Peace and one of 'til j Quorum in a Northern county, againft a fim-i . p;e countryman, roLj niTing ,namcu I' 'i A warrant jvas accordingly idled, arid the pooij ::treisblins$ delinquent dragged before jhe Bench jwiien the following very Vff aD Poitei inter-j roatories were put to hiwj.j; 1 ! . i JWice. Harkee ! voa fellow How eame yori wicfertlyj and praf?nr)y told rnin his fuoft fcred, ".Majeire Grorg- the Third of Great Britain, Fran ce and rlan-J, king defender of the Faith, and fo for h ?. I r S" . ; Can trypsin.' Lort1 I 'v?nr vrflvp.: I did "Ot kno-v th it the King r. f Clubs was Defender of the Faiti or by my troth I would nt a damnsd. it. j I i'J, ' If i-i of flu. ! Whv vou rebrUittm ffcal. what do vou fedd inful$ to treafon r Tell lme whar you meVn. I . j " . j j ! Cwutrrman. Meafr your worHim, why you ntonkntw fiat wire noine ,n noinr at whifk andj f vabbers, 7r was trumps, T hadece and fa??','. in -my own h Jnd 4t las ill fuck wnuld haTti neinhb.ir Turn has cfapthis king t mck on mv y and by gtidjiu thev gotten the dd trick! j Hina w-U throlted With rage, your wor-j (hip. III crid rfflnti ffce 'ffr. f' I . Vulite. O we'!, if that's all. thou mav go about thy bufiaefs 'iut fee that thou never doei . Cfirttrvmin God p'efs vour honour T vonna eVni c'nr.Ce a knave, for fear it may offend your worship 1 f . ' ; .' h ' ' Antedate ef Wr, 1 Huntiznn Late Governor of Connecticut. : Tn thit oart of WiddbamJ In ConnettiCtit, cal led ?cotliTiJ, Tp. Ffuntin7dn w?s born nd ednc U;?d. In the fara a relfperrib'e farmr, . P'fr of ,;nind, and proven by education." was a h v, ' C mtiin K. nlsc- lived Captain K. pofefled of flrcnp: natural orVnal wit, decently im- WhnMr. Huntincdon ' tvis Very porpu'tr with his tawnfmu, and often fil'ed the higheft offices in their s)ft. Honed, indutrtous, Ifnlible and wittv,. hi comnanv wjas conrterf " -and he waspvp neraUy refpetcd by hls acquaintance". -It hap pefied bwfr, rh a feries of misfortune o. vertookhim which Prudnce conid neither orfee uorl prevent. To xtricate himfelfi he was ob'iiTed trvdifoofebf his property. After dif ch t?inthe demands which he volfintar'dv o-btiefd-. Wmelf tp pa he removed to a neigh -bourin?: t'wn, and bjeinp; unable to purchafe, rented a tirm. As -pnhl'c pnploympnt ws wh?t .' lie nevrr cvetH, hr hearfully id comtmedy devoted hirnfelf to fafmingj making bimfelf a jpreeable toljis neishbours, nntbout wifliing to extend his acqnintaniie. In this rural; and ob fcure retreat, Capttir K." rpcnt "the remainder of his days; - ' j ' r' Mr. Hiiitinjrdon,!b d to the law, removed frqca Scotland,: and cn rjmenced buiinefs at Nor wich. His diflinguifhefd mrrft foon bronphr him intoj public life ; he! r'apidiv oafTed through the 'various grades 6f,o Hceto thejPf efidency i of Con- Sft3 and after filling th it important iTf nation, ; was chofen Governor of the .State of Connefli . cut, t and was annually e!eed to that office till h1s.'ieath. After Mr. Huntingdon became Go ; vernior, h: hacr leifure to attend to hisjfriends, v.'h"ch for fome years before, and through the vhJe of the American war, he feldom could do. WbHe a youth;, he wa taught to looldup with , re-fpeft to Capraih K. U'hora he faw, .in affluent 5, ciCTim nances, honorei "andj rfpeOe(! by his ' ;to.ypfrp.e.i.' Many yeai s had pafW fincej heliad ffrfr;Virt?io, sud greatly .were . their. filiations and' fi'CQm lancet' altered. He determined, how ' eyej-. to look up to hisold friend ,and pav him n vlit Jn his .retrea. Vitb this viewihe took -biijhorfe, and untt-nc ed, rrrle nearly i twenty i milp,. called upon n i erpeable.cle rgvman, to' , Vhcm Veconmuoicae i hivin'tention, an learn ti jc.hat Carta:n K, Hved aoout fix miles dilbnt. In the morning, accomnianled by the c!effi;yman, the Governor mde to the CaptainN, arid found no-body t home but the good old lady, hU wife. V'"Tn clerjsvman,. in manner which he ud?ed. wouldf leail difcompofe ier, told her that h's com-4p-iHfon was Governor pnntirigdon, andsdefired 5'Jto fend or her. hufband, who was in the W'i , ld' . Havin feated her gueUi in a room, which ttiongh vo d of ornamen', bore every rpark of V neatnefs, flic coined the Captain's left fu"'t & e6lJ,il,T to call him, told, him what guefU - they had, defiring him i o drefs with.nU cxpedi. - . rmri, ind come to tlie loufe. i ' . , ; . ' rId th- Captain, do you. co , m. and give them p mi g of cyder, and 'I will - r'faif.'v Captain K. ws not eafily dif- juried. Inltead of puttingon hs beft ciothi, ; M.!?ut his. bundle under his arm. and rielibe! rateW waiked to the houfe in hi. ; frock anct trowfm. Oe addreCtjd himfelf tohii I gueftiin. 1 ' ;ifWflr'''r'wr. Stale efC6n- cut kaniUytly ttUV by knnuai rec : JuMinlhttr ifac by rhon of infirmity un ii.ueaih cr huve voiihttarilf 9JigneA it. We .JeJfrw Jpcwfri vhivi h fttwavs danzereust " My wife and !, fa id he, are plam folk. and unacquainted with modern rolitetieft.U You will find n'othinj; apout us (addteffing: theGo J -vencr ) out ruuicuy, . umpnciiy , ano jionpi' y j I believe we have been able to preferve the lat ter, through every fcene we have paired, finc you were familiar at our honfe, ! i The Governor cobverfed in the mcR familiar manner, dined, acd fpent thelgreateft "part of the day with the Caorain. The cloaths which the old lady carried Vrito'i he field to her hvfbandj I brought ih nndfr his arm, and after the inr-1 irooucuou to ois go-us, reraar,Keo, oovernor. yoi unexrecTed ifit hasa little rrfHed niy wife, who is not much acquainted with j.reat folks ; here are my.fabbath . day cVo?!th which fhe in treated me to fiutjon before I came to the houfe but I fhould fiie appearea juft objea cf redi ccle, had I come from the field i whert1 I was labouring, in r.ivtj'ft haKit. VThe Goverftof of Connecticut exp?? to find htiifb sndmen in frocks and rrowferr. Arplcafing inlident has relrafed mi from the. labours of the fiev! to day, and af ter I have fmoakeJ my'pipe, I will drefsforthe occafion. . I -I '" - . . Va.riorrs were topics of coTiverfatior', which t 'were in '"general fprightlv. and. occafidnally in- $ tenpert CG wnn in? uaptairrs unnxwe wir. .mm i ran remember,4' ifaid C apt am K. tben my company w?s courted and myfeffrefoiecled be yond tpf merit : ry ncipbbours meant jo honour me h choofing rne their Captain ; they.fent me to the beneral Aflpmbly, and I wis aimed hol ly employed hi pobic buflneisj : but I lorr flnce met with a heavy rcverfe of fortune my frierdt pitied, but toiiliftet i eli veh"!e. ; Sanimy Hrtn-. tinfdor, wtr fu . httd. v.-hen -Ja! bov, ijpow Co-i verncr nnd Capteirf K. Whom f?e then l orotir. ed i expected, i nv a bumble fervunti. While othtT", vjhft v6r,i'rrh?o. under obljf ation t have remefsihcr'-d lav long flnce :ceafed to em ploy a tbor;hr ,nV :tre, I feel myfelf overpaid in lh rnrr.p'rfprf, c; fi'Ucited honcnr, 1 haye tors day received i my old friend, .who wrs under no 6hllftiol Hire. I j bid adieu to the wArifJ, r.n I w VJUST PUBLTSED, : ; : BY FRANC IS COlIPrt? and f tor- sjxz at Hts p a t w-t ': SAX.18BVKT, (NORTK-CAPotlNA.) ' ;j H E ;i o R T H.C.A R o' LIN A I - f . -: - ' ,,. lTi-"''f y : For the YEAR of ov LORD Sco ; . jj y rCr, j t.:cet(te : I. i s: Btlt Will tie mtJt'tPft si 1 " i ni Jrfir ; . And the 24th 35th of Amerjcan ' A ' r bence. " I"" r . , "jrl ' ' ' ' ' f - ' ) Calculated for the flate of KorthCa p.cli 1 NA,l being preciftly dsTe'd to iU 1 - - .1 ' --Alls- r BURY, but will frrve without fet.fitfc err1 J ;irsuy oi.iDf It airs a pact ia. 'f- COIsTAlNlkc, ! p ' The Lunation Fifing and Sating f th - w Xctipjcs, Rehtarta6le Dcys; j I !',' ' "'4LSO,v;-ji ". ' "j Avarrirtyof o fefuj acd aipcfing articles, ' I ('f. j AMo( which Are, " j A N APOLOG Y for the Year iPcol V-A Pre-! t teal piece for esch njonih in the year.' An Lpir,vb n a prM.ceRb Wcman Itiriccl rrxt to a .enirHfrn.,,; Catf-A rurTr3, Mory. A Comjcal adventtireof a fleer vlktr, ThP Nurcrarker. The Manj of Honor. A PopiQi Mirarle. Humouifome Anerrfnf. d.,i . .. j i ! : -f f U mv account sgahift tur. - The Governor a tbis v.'ns one of the made ; that CeptHi frr sgrNle cm Wa in pfSn-Mice ; rmib', , rot V. it on the hayf long fince ill inow j balance force of grati- rwsrds remaTkd, pfr pleafabt vifitt that ever be the he ?C appeared to . n dUpf-firicr, :. 'n?tura!Iv rd by :.. misfortuf e : and tbt rbis vfi - f V-redlr him the molt. iuUmftive and ufefnl rcneclion Pr,-7etaphor. The Powerful. December. Defcripticn of the frcj qnarrprs of tbeyear. Idlfnefs and Slot!:, what it wtll drive onejo. Quarrefs cin.fliphroccaficri' ofren produce fatal cenfequences. A IVTiracuIci:i Cure, Natural Defers fomi-i f Others trm-allii nCcflT :r-V Tu- r.- I , " - t ---r "vr-. t m v'-r'erann i,iowii i up onraeous soldier. AfE Krcounr of aTTCTi- THIS UAY1 IS PURf TSHPH ; r. i. ' - I- ' BY FR ANCIS CGUFZy AND ' FOR SALE i KlNTlStMOFFJCE SALISBURY t SPritt One .Qjtartsr of a Dillar 4 derftil Pronbet. The Wonderful Pond. Are'--, dot, ,Th(? ei.pJce of ;a Wife bj Cheefr. Klifi Kitf Haid to PieaCp. Hani rr- ;r t t An Epigram. A maftic which wiU Vffift fire and w-ater, far mending cracked or broken carea w?re, Delph, Ctina, '.'An eafy and ePedi- ' money for aiiy number of daj, ft the r'ere r f Ok per cnt. R3tet .f Pof3go i rOMjrdbr Government of the United State? the merrbrsc -ofborh Hcsfes of Cong re G. Fee'errd rrf. btate Courts cf North-.CatoIif.'a. 'The Priour io ins; uuitomers. MILITIA L NOW S t IN F O TATE C A R C E I N iN-,0 R T-H 1 I N lAV T i - H E . . ' i nxrraS ed fremthe ffvr 1 al s of the GenerM Afl-mbly of thj State llNcrth-Carolina. the refolution of th9 cgiceritampcfirz tfe Clj Martial effht'ji ft un cf tut rejoluticn e Couri-Mattiitl cf PKffig Forty da!lart ifer 'thou ford, five .dolt at j per fae hun d'fpf.- fivtti d;l grcce four dt!ars per hfijf jrfe, ihter citric of a dellar per dozen, and ohi fiMitgfigie.' . No orders front theKotrttry cttrplitd with unleft accompanied wi;h te money. - . B A $inqs; rn iAli at !thi OF ArL N battalion of Cavalry. - contppfiTg the olhctrs fir ft Militia. the buitalion oAttfantry, I of Rowan The followirg BoUj are hr Jale a't this Office. The AGs of tbV GenehfAiTem.bly1 of the State of .North. (Wolinl gfled .during the SefTions he d in tUCarS iU, V, -9i & '94. n. uohtcucn ta t? privi e AHtot th State the!. year 171c. to , nw in force and. ufe. attles oftheParlitment inthe State of North. i; . ! i C A S H ',! ' - WILL begTven for rjean Linen rd Ccttea . "RAG?, by the Printer: hereof. 1 ' S L A N X D E D S - I For j a' eat this Office. 1 in 1 Vol, A a, nT .1 1. cirin-uaroirrAtrt, tlie year 1790 Jnclwl si voiieciionex tne of Erglaud,- in fore Carolina.- . . v The rforegcinj: b The 2 firft in 1 Vo And the lirft in i d . : .. a l Jreat.iPe?n.,th.iufiaion of Tuftices of f th. Sr V r x!' rtiing to tbLws ot the State of North. Carina. i " ' - ' V 1 ' Likewisi. "l". ! . T E R l MS or THE d o 1 I :. 4. c r r a nv. ASOtpTX f R K D E J T 1 y A T I Oil -taiecraua At ertfH - f. M 5 ,R C U r;y. ' The price of this paper ii TWO DOLLARS ! per annur.) payable one kalf pn fuljctibtng an( . the remainder at the entl of jiitlrnonths. -rGentter-men at a diflanse ly jcrdMg -One Dollpr ard three Quarters k advance and paying the Jtofl- 'y age, xvitl have thur - papers fot'warded with the 2 ; utmofi punctuality one year, Subftriptionsi Conim w.uvications, isc. isc posT'PA id,Q thankfully , received and carefully attended to. . j ADVERTISEMENTS4 0a w:cre 'Ma twenty lines injertedtke fiJl time for: Half of a dollar, a?d for tech conn- tnce after One" Quarter oJ a.DoUar, let:gtr , nes ; in proportion. None will tc received uniejs ccmpanied with the Cafh ; . " . Jv , . ' i fir., 0 --vi queried : . ? 1 v ' ;Tttli7Ktnti7iy toilourh on the Divine tt Country produce will be taken in payment, . Zt ; tanfia n geat meajure. - at .Market Price, cither forSubjt,rij,Uotst,r Ai- j t . JT9mUunofer,7nZmtHiJ. wtijtmenu. V'; -1 . ; 1

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