I 7-71 J'l'i-i !:'.. ' 7 . i .. J . , 7 ; . p:7 '. -: .-'fo4 r.f ' 1 I ., .;." :.,.r'. -r " ' '-:v J t-, 7. 1- r- I ; ' - ' ' rt "7- -1 ; .r : . 7 J '77; 7 v. 7 . I- SALISBURY .J --t - '' -I .;' j.!-'--- - .VIM-' " - -.. -f-'. f-''--:i.T-v :;-' D V I SB R S A L I S B V R 7 .Vintxd & 1. i tr--' J i J1 Published bt: F ii A N'C i! S - 7 " ' ' ill ' : " X: '- . -i .. i t . i:. - C O PiB.tEj;''i T H U R S-U A Y, 'bzcisnifa, I ; - f . v V. i . ' . C . . . :.f rw U II 'J - 7 f 7-' '.'7:- ' 7-7. ' 1: .-f-.'iv , " '7"' - 7; ' v--7" ! - is-:- ,'-rf-u.777, r- !'. DUTCH IAND FRENCH Accounts. It A G U ,E, September i. ! n tbt ,fittine'.rf'yefterday (Friday) 'a let- -tt was read from the Executive Dire&oryi of fame Jayv irtcldfing thffce letters , rcteitr-j fd the day "befoTe,r from the Secretary lot Gerteral-in Chief, to the French Minifter 6uyot,jconl3ningi'urv,r cconts of . the Hale ; after reartmcof which, the Pre- fljertt made a fuitajjJe fpeech, extolling ?tKe oriAus advanraei ODtaicea over the' ene ,t ,th honor of the brave men who" liad fwifliffd :hemfe(ves or. that memorable tav, for their haroifm: and good -conduft.! A Iner jvas'then. read, from the Cxecu- ti?-. Directory inclofmg; an exrradi; from the Minfder of War, received i from Major- Gsnprali Von Boecop, at head-quarters, ,: Sfpt.? I c? j Of the itfoilowing tenor : . f i " I bad the. honour; to mention to you tl.i morninq abouttten o'efock. -that die e. i jjiny had (attacked! jour line ; and this even". hT ar fr've'n o'clock, I im able to give ycu a Briber account ot What has taken place, thoui!i n'ov: veryTjcircumftntiil, as I have account, fit creak iof day the enemy attacked and turned the ; left wipg;(t'iei ?rench troops) along the Udw-ris bffore Petten, whereby the French troops ere obliged to retreat over Snoorl to Ber fin, wjere the fortyfecond half brioade charged the enemy with the bayonet--who- mrt a!i Ruffians, and droves them back, and cut o'F their retreat to Peiren, having driven them into the Downs, a, nd flajn a great niim ber of theqi,. and -mide many prifoners : by vnt i nave lecn, tneir nflmber mult amount , arannjy which were feveral officers, wuh the .RufiiJn .General Hermann,! their CoiTvmder ; fcveraltcannon, and two ftands oicoioiirs, nave oeep taKen, and the troops s I Hnderitand, have, gained It heir former ! pofiison, and ere ev-en further advanced, fu i tii? lame time that ' the left wing was . at tached, the divifion. co-njmknded by Lieoteu oapt 'General. DamonceJu was alfo, and 1 He u obliged to abandon theipoft of SchocrrJ cam, - bi.it retook it and is again in hi for- jjuuuqi. in auo(j oraer; ns i nave learn. VJ" 1.1. !:' J - t . - wing 9 pnt. General Deaode Is, ;i ti nl attacks ; bt!abodt the divifioi Lieute held its pofition.un e ifternoon, after having beaten off fe- two o'clock Gin. and In the flank by all the. endeavours )aendels was again attacked in front on Old vrniei,i bv the Knglifh, WJ-Rufllans and with (.. I i 1 i "djiiCant-Generir Durutte, he could nor 'f? the troops on -the banks of theif en- rnchmenfs, which 6ccifionda retreat, and ''gfd Lieutenant; GentraUDaendels to a. "ton his, pofl ar Old larpfcl ; artrfa retreat '11 have been efFe'ttejl in" good order; had a ammunitionwai;on;; in- the ! camp of - Pancras, blown up, j and occafioned CQn- According to the n aori of the pi Ifibners, day before yeftcrdaj : and yefterday e- fn2i the RuOlana; 1 irmrl ririi the ntimber 6,ooo and the EftgTlfh were believed to aat. to the nuntber 'of 20,000," command 'theDuke of York. I cnhot afcer- the lofs of theeiiemy ; it may ri'ever 'fs, without ejtsjgeratlon, eftimated ( 3 or 4000. I canriotl afcertain our I lofs, 1 1 can fay we have ' not received 'many fie the returns, 71 Jiiall have tne no '"tranfmittincyoU'our lors".' , r,ially, there va$ read another letter iT vi : 1 i. 1 . i . ' - 1 . I ine Ex-cutwe Direftorv: inclbQncr r a ij rom the Adiuta'nt' General d'Arden- i i IV ne, from fhead quarters ar Alkmaek Sept. ..79. lt ihe'Minifter of VVarj-to the fame nr port. r; M -::v.;--.-.- ' V;iV;r -y"- v. 7:-" :f 1 " Vv,j ! . -l 7; i "v -7j7 . Septiert:ber J277-.'7: : l' :' '! In the fitting of yefterday, in ,- te ! Firft. Chamber, a letter of the fame dfite Waf read from thejaing adminirafion,liaccom.: panying a copy hf a letter received the e venhig beforejby the Agent of Wir, Jroni Mjor-General Van Bofcof, dated the j 20tH Sept. caritainjpg the following : I .haften myclf to iiifortn yoAj, thiar Gene rl jDaendels j acquaints me in peffon, of his bnring; during, ih prefeht ntP,hr,ieiaJtra his former ppfition of Old Karptal, &c es likewifeall hia loft cannon, with many adi ditional prifoners " 7 - At the fame time, was read a rneflage from' the j aclifjrr adminiftrati Oil C Cm fXI llHic5flnrr the.ofiicial accounts fent in by General fJrune- 1 . ; r . . 1 oaiea tiead-quarttrs at 'Alkmacr' loth iri - M Burjj.ljcrs Direaors, . : . i Sinte thel battle on the Sljperdyke, the Englifh hae retained their entrenchments in the Zyp, witKout daring to venture a-new- bm being reinforced by 14,000 Rf- ,fi3.ns, they Uzje trade a fevere attack, along our wHote line. Their, principal ttrerth was direeif agairift the left wing, confifiin. of rench trdops under Gentril Van Dam me, 'j which they attacked by refVclable cor-ps "of P. uHlan trdbps;L Tupjiorted bv an Englifh ctfvifioh which compofed ; the rear, ThejlJatavian divilion under. General Du -monceaU, which formed our centre, .ras aT-i Co fevercly attacked by an Anglo-KulTiaii corps;; while, a (bam attack was niade by the enemy on the. right vying, commanded by General Diehdels. 1 j- '! Jn the beginrtiri of the battle the Riif fiaws! forced fbir way into the village Bejr gen 7 arid Sehoo'rldaml our front' then fell hack;' to clofe id together, trid to fland , beti ter prepared for a move, which I cbntem placed to make with, the centre and; phriJ The! rear of the divifion of -General Dumnn- ceau 1 then marcned . to oergn ; and part of the divifion und r General DaendeU, jalfbu made a move to the left ; and the battle; of which the refult, dtifinixa few moments, appeared uneepaib; terminated 'completely . in our . favor. 1 The enemy was driven back to their entrehthmenta : we f made upwards of 2od prifeners,' and their lofs ia killed, and wounded exceeds largely 300b. TwetJ , ty-five pieces of cannon, and five colours; , among the latter thofe of the regiment of Suwarrow madf. part of our conqueft. A mong' tne priioners we onccer rvi. rier; ruann. General inCKlef of the Rufian4troops.v The Riifilan General ; Effea is feverely, wounded and fays, the - Kriglifli Genifial Knox is flairii; The battle lafted from - five in the morning till four in the evening"; i . J7 ' Oat 1 o fs ; j i n ccmpafifon to tat of i enemy, will hardly- bear mentioning.. ,Se vcral corps of i3sravlart troops, among others, the jrtillcry, have done prodigies of valadr. The names of the officers and foldiers " who have diilinguiOied themfelves mdft for the love' of their country during this memorable $iy9 you fliall be fujrnifhed with. . . ' " Genera! Daendels by his firrnnefs and 'talents has confiderably added to the; day and . was .iVery worthily, fupfjof ted ' by' Geherat B A rb Q u , a n d 1 !l e : A d j u t a h t ' - G e n e f a I D u r a e t -te. j General Dumohceau received a wound in the breaft b a jbuck-fabt. The EngiifH and Ruffian armies have committed the mbfl unheard of otitragesLin'the villagei which; they had ; furrdunded d-jring. the engagement. The unhappy Bataviah ltufbamfmn ahd -villagers have iq inurabers been rhuidcrcd J and brm m jtheir dwhqufes-.hl-ny If the vil.- , Wsareet hurning. The Britifh iojpar., ticul.r he diffiHguiffied tb'emiej'vc. above! , the Rnlfiars, ih'ihefe 9.$ of barbarity :re5rV . !lie, , burghers, hae i taken a pan in the enggement; lr ' f LONDON,' Oclober 1. ' . ' ": :iQn motion.of MrJ PiW Uie-Tollbwir rV- :tolut?ons,iwere.moved and Agreed tp in ftj ' Houfe of Cotnmpns : r . ; ,.' . i .n That l26?ran, inclu'din siq I mvrln-etv be.-granred to his" IVfsieftT- 'fZ fervice of two lunar monihs, commencin'o 'ill of January, ,1800.- .fom ;ot UcBcK fov iwages for the fme, at the rateof 'il. ?jSA ; per man for the .beve perfod; (a iLmiif1 456,000!.; for, maintenance at the' rite 'of "2 1. , iSs. per j man.' !fum oP --HivAi "l'"ri wear and rtear of fb.ips. at the ate of 3 a I man pef month. -A fumNof. 6,6061: ; br ordnance,; atj. the rafe of 5' per month; ; Th-t a fura. of. 300,00! . -be granted to "h:i 3 Majefty to' pay otf tfe Exchrque'r Loatffof laaiaffiori and payable oh the4 firff div rT nf ' inc icjitoa. F. K P All s .September, 1 3. From Stefl. under dite of the crh ' llti they mehtibo, thir On thv.'ih arrived a con voy confi iriif df So fail, with " provfiins. from POfiehti. under "ebnvry of four fiiip of w,r S and the 5th; a cbnvbv of 12 fail. A ftiJI greater fuppl it dily' expecVed' fro RGchFort,! under protediion of the fqadron. The divifion of Bartheame, ftf j 1 7 fiibs nf war, under the Admiral ('orahd. wa.i itnr .' to meet toe ' Sparilfh ! Squadron the frigs te ' i if' i 7V oruers ; ir cm Breft for a fecret expedition. , ! ; 1 no iotn ini a mfu.M wasfent to the I giilafive Body, . informing. them of the capture of jhe fu(cb fleet by the Eriglifji, in ihe 1 exe!. . . ,i the Texel, have the! IKngliflV conquered c they onee did at .Toulon but the Cured! mea'fures 4re. taken to repeal their ranritv 0y.re.nd.In tHeijtroops whfch can Ibe d if poled of on the, emergency, to the Batavi. 4n RepqbHc i-s and , report fays. . that. unity and concord reign iij the Baiavian Lecina- ture.. 1 September ta. . ' . - Thougfij our army left the field of battle tt ' Novi, that acliop niu.fl: caufe, . the dreadful fenfatipnSjto our.enemies. . Moreau brought back cur jroojps, with complete. Afccefi to their former pofts; aiid't hey were fo liule difpirited,; hy what they fuffered, that eight daysj after, the enemy,' thinking to., furprize ane of our divifions, was furprized ' himfelfy ajpd we tookj -ooo prifoners., , Thii intelligence is authentic. Our. foMiera have' ' 1 els futfered. from thel fwords of the Ruffiana' than from, thie Want of fubftrtence. They are in wait provifloijs nnd cloaths and if rriot fumifhed .with them, every thing is loft. .Defertions; has already commenced amongj ' thep, anrj upwards of 300O of ib'em have de-7 ; ferted to die enemyi almoft famifiu'd and nled. .. ,j . , : . , , : Thepieclory have decreed thattheVe flialt be formed? between Maeftricht and ErulJels a. new ?rmy, to be called "The army of the North ., ; j I There was iri the flight of the 24th Fruc tidor a meeting bf . a timber 'o'f the mernbers' ibf the tw4 cooncHs" ar rhe apartments ofy ; Barras ccoiipofed of ths leaders, and rhg 1 11