INDIA NEW S., i " A vefTel ha Jarely , arrived at Tranqne- lar, from the IfJe of France " By. this con iToyuivt vc j -i ii, inai lu tuuicq'jrucc Or the various accounts which bad. reached the hoftilities which had taken the French Republican veHela fucceed, ana voudinuld neither hvm forcementsj ,nor intelligence frbm France bv ' ' i "M" 1018 Iari in ipue oi ajl our preciotioi; the plagdt (hbu)d obak ijOand, oflthe place between and -the Wmirncani, . governor rd the following; proclamation on the 14th sf June lait : Liberty an fifteen S j out in Egypt, and carry ofFraore th g hundred of ttieitroops a j coufiderable lofs rin aaamon t? that which the events of the j war will dallj occafioh I think that you Malartie iflti- 3 6oght not ta venture'.;. op- aiothfr ;cam4 tjiat you are lufncientJy , jultiheq 5 nahin. and O : la cone 'Equality, ' French Repute, one and indlvifible; Anne jofepK Hipolite Malartie, General 5 Chi Govfrrjor General of the- :tfles of France anJ Rej-Unidn, and irommander in chief of the Frpnch eti.ioiihments to the eaft ard of the Gape of God Hbpe:: I IConfi Jarjogi j t,he diferect"; reports! that 'live been marfff fince the l ith nf , l.ft L Df... Ttefe, by1 the captains of foreign and nejtral & ip s a r ri vd a r t h i s c ofony j: -C on fi d e f i n g tne certincate aeiiverea to the 1 in;rk the 4th of May, 1791, (O. Si); by an Amer ricin (hip ofwaiVjjand commitfioned .to that tffeftj by the CoiiWrefs of the United States of America : (Seeing that it refults from, all tr.esejaoctt2T?ni3 an cercincates, that boti a peace with the Ondmin rot ic : even though the evacuation of Egypt IhoiiJd be the leading article. It will merely be neceffary for you to poftpone jthe execiU MM t; tion of it (if fuch a "thittg fee poffible)! w jciiuu wi a general; pcce. . , . j hundred: Mimelouen, in fuch manner, rhatl I wiien ..tne rrencn neet arrives, jou may be able to lay your hand .upon them at the ( a m e i h ft a n t 0 f t i m e , . i t b e r a t . r o. or n the other provinces, ahd fend thm off irdmel diately for Mamefoucs, liti$fave exi(Jd fince the 9th of Juljj gl: 1(0, S.) b?tvcen prance and jthe faidftatei and that th? ailTemb.ty iife If recognized theni fcylita rrette of th? 2d laft Florial 1 ,. VVr rtqtnte tfcrji tribunal to pronounce ths confifcation of all the nmcricm veflels,1 wfiich have been lor fltaU be brought 5 into thii port, as wci' as the property with tyhich :hry may be laden. Done at Port North WeH:, Tile of France K? public, '(Signed; ori the 7H year rf the Freach one and lndiviiibie I . MALRTIG. True copy hf the original, 'publirficd the . a4th of jun?,' I7yp. (Sigied) , r Le Chclierde ' ) 1 . f ' J: ; .'PELGKOM. Imperial, Danifh,1thd Tufcan Gonful gen-: cral LONDON, Jannary 47, ; ARMY 'qFtHE EAST. INTBRCXPTSD CORRBS TO KD EN fc E f I 8T Frorri i this laft intercepted cbrrefpdh;1 ence from JEgypf now? pablifliad, under" the uthority of Government, we fliall Jele fome palTages from the Letters of Klebex, Poussielgue, jGeneral Comptroller of the tipeoces, General Duav.A, and Buonapat aifelfV to develope ih charaaer oi the fttchVConlul, adfhew the miferable. and efliruie condition! in which he left the army f Egypt when he ! meanly ftofe away from ,r? ftealinfr aifeiac the fame time every fin-le at belonging to the military keft Buansparts to General tlebtr. u ojEimitiion or tue iris man rcrurn o France on board a flag of truce, which, Jou will demaad far this purpofe, eoafor ably to the lata cartel, fon time inline Qonth of November, immediately after they JjJe conipleted thtsbjea of jtheif pnon,j They, are at prefens engaged in putting fiuifliing hane'to it, tef the examination of upper Egypt, j Ncrerthelefs. I if jou tfcink ny of them will be" of fcrvice ' to : you, -you ay put them in requifuion without fcru fie ! ! !;. '! : :j iy . J r ' r.v ;: i "But, hj'n feries of the mo(ltextraordi Ur cfcnti, none of thfe attempit flioald France, If y otf cannot procuie fuch Arab hoHages iCheiki i el j Belad, as may then be in cuiiodrJ no mat1 ter on wn?t account, , win aniwtr jthe end ai Well. -'Thefe people landed in. France, land detainei there;for a y ear or two,r will con template the grandeur of the Nation ; ijhey will acquire, in fpme degree, our teantiers and bur language,' and hen. they return! to Egypt, will! prove to us fo many partifans. , j 'he army 1 enxruft to your care is entirely compofed of my own children. 1 have never ccafed. even in the midlt of their Imoft . tryf i n g d i ffi c u 1 1 i t a nd d a ngc r s, -1 o r e cci v e pro o f 8 of thtir attachment ; endeavour to preffrvc them lit 1. in thofc fentimenis for me. This is "due to the particular efteem and) frienftiip il entertain for y tu. and to the unfsiened afi fedloii I feet for them ! . j ; i KltbtTy cent nxnerin thief to the t iriSor k The commander in cbief,j Bttonapat quitted this country for France on jthe inornJ ng o the 13d ult4Lwiihout faying a wrd of -his intention to any prfon whatever, fie had appointed me ltd meet him at Kofetta. on the ubfequem day 1 (the ; 24th) i found, thrre but hi difoatchea. Unable to rliJinJ whether the General hat had the good fori tune to reach Toulon.' I think it incumbent I on me to I fend y;W a copy ef 'the letter! by which he transferred to me th'e command j-of the. armyias alfo of another which he 1 had addfeifed tot the Grand Vizier, at Cbnftin - tinoolei allhouph he knew perfectly well;! fiafh this officer was aireacljr arrivid atta-j Mf firt care have been directed to ob j tain an accurate ttiiowin'g ui 7iciuv cqtftfitioni btjthe af xny. ' j You know. Citizen Directors, and voir ziave 11 in jwui jj-jnti . iu ji wvui quihte (tatements ; you know, I actual' ftrencth of the armv at its Egypt it i reduced a .full half I and' we'oc- cupy. all the capital pornts of the great tri angle, from the Catars to i Afjifchf frlm El rlrifeh to Alexandria, ; , and from Alex. andria again to the Catsrls ; mean while by fatiouti Thf m.-i,.-. .i ., " ' in report,)1 .b.,-.!,", th(n f"',!."; ', given o,),fs ,cf Jsellj.,for ,grt i,tfr Frr. bfr eontm.d,l,! , ilh the ri,ore 1 ' the poveny of the finar.c which i. s doub,Uft, to the necefnty. of ai?journh g executldn of this ufeful Ce'frJ - j ; (NotwilhlUnding all this.i Buor.p.rt-' atquitling fis, d d no leave behind l ,m ogre (c.s in the military cfcert, nor any thing capable of being turned linco money J" Ife left, on th.j conyary, debt of near teo millionil more than yf8l8 CCIrl ip prefent ftcte Of things, ,.e f cf jfe aro.y alone is in arrear full four n ihjoie. k Suh, Chi2rjl5rectcrs, lis the Mltua ticn in which General Buonaparte has tft me to tu ,ain the trcrir ous barihen of trcrn mending thetittry cl the f-afl ! Jhie fataj cribs Approaching: your orriers have, not ptrn utetj him to furircunt it. ,11-at. fuch a c rills hit letters jhis iUlruftj bus his r egcciatioP lately hi or. Iccr, all contribute o evince ; it i of.puHic otb., riety, ai d our enemies appear jio n e ro ltfs perfctljr informed y-l it thin cv:Ulvtat ; ; F. Si At this iiiHent, Citizen Directors, juft as im making up my, 1 Irarn that fourteen or. fif t een "Torkifli: vetU la 'irl aniJt?r efore Damietta, nheie they are ' "fc IM UlVl . . y ---- ---- now at , joppa,. and the fry, h re e arrival: in it isi?cr lonner a queflion. as it once , was, o cdntending with a few hordes difpimcd Ma me 1 o oc s, but : of r e fi ft i n g and c o m ba I jng the united efforts of three great powers, tne of the Cant tin Parh. having on board-: a T am told, from hltetn to ivi enty thrufard land forcesV befides theje; there are ftili fifieta thou fafc d men at Gaza , and the Grand Vi zier is inarching jfrom'j Damefctis. A few days fince he fent us back a fofdier of the 251b dcmi-brigade, who had been rr?de pri f o n e r in t he neigh boor hood of EI A r i Ic h ' i' f ur.having fhewn hitn all his camp, he dt fired hini to acquaint his comrades virh vihat he had feen, land to tell their Commander to irereble. This feemi to announce eitf er ti e confidence which the Grand Vizier has in hi forces lor a wifh to - enter npbn an ac comodation, I'vVith refptcl to my felf it ill be abioiutejy impoliible for ire to get -tcge-, iner more taking the than five thoDfatid men capable1 of field egainft him; notwithfland. ing this 1 willtryi my fortune, if I do not facceed in gaining fnf tiegotitiaiioLS. uaa yviu:arann . nis j forces front Dgezzar Gaza, ah marched; fhem back to Acre ' Pelgue to the binary. Jht enemy lofet an army ? he rsifes a nother inftantjy. ! .He.wat beaten at Mount. Tabor, two monttis sfier he was beaten at Aboukir ; the fame period is cfapfed, and he. is again ready to be beaten at laiabith ?: But every victory carries off feme of cur bell troops, and their lois cannot be repaired A defeat would annihilate us e 1 1 to the- laft fnari 1 and jhoweer brav the army may be, it caanot. Jong avert tnajjstai : Porte. Ensiand and Ruffia. 1 he trroops are naKea ana; inia pri vation of clothing ia. the more calamitous,! as it is! perfectly afcertained in this country,' to bV One of the moTt active caufes of! the ! y fentiries and dpthalmies. which I con ftantlj; prevail hereL The firlt, in particular, aas operated with an alarming effect ithia feaf on, on bodies already weakened ancl exhauflcd " The War has.depriviici us icf a number f excellent ' officer!, fuch as Getera) Cefa relJi. Gen, Dommartim, Genii lionl Gc n. Rambau't. and Gen Dopuis ;'.Jt hss allV deprived us of almoft the whole corps giNeera ard of a very cenfiderabie part of the chief s of brigade, both cf infantry , and cavalry. Several able generals f ate left u$t and' Buonaparte has taken with him five.' , The army without. clothes and abeva all without arms, and without Acres of arjr