J. V i . i tfad, redoceJ to iUlVthan two thirds of lit original numbers, have now no more than lv thouHind men capable of taking the fi!tl, although about thirteen or jiourteen IboafancV appear under arms; thi " owing to the appearance of a great number of foi diers at the roll call, who prefer, lick and Wounded as the are. doing doty at tljeir quarters to ftay ing in the i bofpitals v or: the depots: ; Whealhey are wanted to march a little further th.n ufual or to fight, the force they have, put upon thcuifelves initially -ap-pers Wounds, ophthalmies, . djfenta.ries, aod other difeafet not lefs common here, hate abfolutely difabled the reft of the army. - :j ft . Een thole who are .in a condition to march are exhaufted by fatigue, enfeebled by and the wounds and! iicvneia they have endured . and their courage ' U prnportionibly dira Rifted... , J , With this handful of men Ve -have cor. cred five hundred leagues of coudiry, over three millions of inhabitants, who may ; be : considered as fo many enemies, and gar rifon t'he holis and fortrefles of Alexandria; Kofetta, Ralimanief, Gezeb, Benifriof, Me- - .... J 1 . ir ii ft dine, (Minlet, Mur, Virgr jvene, j oeuieir, CairoJ Suei'lr Mittt Kampii Salahlch; A rifon, Bilbeu, Cajkb, ! Damietta Msnfora, Se . menoud. Benous. Should the Grand e. the climate. which by an hereditary king, an herid'itary ncbility and a mctk .representation .of I the people yV here.' by the veW jconftjtution of the demo critic part of that very government, anid not by the ajidntal ilpofition of itt members, it is completely at the ; command of the crown j. reating er mis luoject, wr. dams fays, ' no the formation1 of language,7 navigation and .hip- tinner to tnc nunvan this iyfUfii of go I ; !:P ' uot the whole art of . tfoes more " b-ji ' uHdtrltandjog, than ' vernnient.V . I j . Again, Mr. Adams. to addreffes, repeatedly expretfed. in pf the flrongeft and snort in his public anlwera ermt marked anDrobation. his opinion.! or rather his . abhorrence, i oi ! French principles apd French fbilofophy,and .Fre nch innovation. .Thefe prjcciples, : t'jnii puijuiuf ,jiy , snu iuis innovation reiaie cnitruy to two pcints, the changes hiade by ntional government, and the changes in their .national religion. In the rirft the principles of the French, politicians and philofopheri, went to fub(litite a repuMcan go y e r n ilj e n t by r e pr e fe n t a t i o n I f o r a d i fp o tic government undr an hereditary f monarchy. In the U their saade cale reel d Inrt ance, the only perrf.anf i;t innovation is the permiHIoh to every plan to follow the dictates of bis own conlciericc,l.in. fuppori the na (lead of binding him to i The violnc ViTirrtaf!c ni! wf cannot oonofc mors i I eliablifhmeht of DODer i than five or li thoufand men to all the Ot-f gorge of Mr. Adams ii indifcriminate anid toman forces which will at his difpofal , andj j general and applicable as jrell to te. jin (nbtfld he attack us In two places I at . oncef,j noVaiojci borrowed byj the French fronl our he will benetrate into the country without a1 tolTib:lity. on our fide of preventing hira.- i This would certainly ha? e. happened to Gen; , eral Buonaparte, if the Turks, while they irtre laiidina al Aboukir; had made the Geveral Dueu ike Ulretlir Barrett. j I confefsjto ybo, Citizen Director, that I oaldnever have believed Gen, Buanaparte would ha?e abandoned us in the condition in which we jwere j without 'raohty, without powder, without ball, and one part of the foldicri i wjthout arms.- Alexandria is a Vaft entrenched camp, which the expedition into Sy rtajhas deprived of a eonfidcrable portion of the heavy artillery cecefKry forits defence. Lefba, near Damittta, is lcrcIy walled in ; part of the wall of Arifch is tumbling ef hfelf. Debts to ah enormous amount, more f,han a third of the army dellroyed by the jplague, the dyfentery, the ophthalnia, and the enemy but eight days tnarcfr from us ! Whatever may be told you at Paris, this de fcription is but too true. . You know me to Ve incapable of impofing on you by it fa I ft one. ( : , .H. .. J !' A riuiaerous army isaflemkled in Syria j fleets; of 'which' Iwe know not the ftrentb, threaten our coalts, which wt know to ;be commander mere than have it in feUes, as to any other channea introd tcuntry. A 2a in,- Mr. Adairs ion a I ln: nd the conducl. Mr. Adimf has done this1 don law J V. A'e is the proof of it. man hzt b chofen , ' A a knevn friend to ftandir arLr.. ' b nt navies, and mhok ewfinuei t ' ?er, "'""null, ntnt funds and IcaKsl Our arm,- our nayy, are ijotRrr : lures rccuuimciiuTv wt lup ' iindef his atimifjiftratioij, wehqve'r' aM only a large deficit, bat n;on, , 11 ct at 3 perjeent, in time of p-2ce' it- ftrong accifatioiigii.a Lorid NQrJj .f V borrowed at 7 pr cent. iB tjaw r' V. A mih is fit fur 1 i)fuett arv ' V wilfully or jgvsrant'y tr. creaks upofy c,fef ixtienal iiuthQrity pj tfie uker lTiiK i ' in the csfe0f j3. has liieyrn not ! French- reptib in decided diflikc of the principles, and its rulers, but he has leftsd, if not a devidell, yet fbmethin fit' prctcjri -t ence of the pcerrtmerit f and ot urear-Dntain, whicn is not a and Y. h;ch is hoftile to j is'. ,1 r.e dcpredatlcns been barn not only wit the e reuch .i provoked, ! ranca, of the becauf Britim! h snore patience- the former wer a 1C,! it ir.ani ; , like conoucl i epublie. - e pi in ance have than . i - de- ooic 1 Britilh treaty) actclfible td many places.lThe in chief cannot .bring tegether yooo their nguuug men. inc eneaiy power to make three fe pa rate' attacks at the fame time what can 7000 men, and theft necelfarily divided, hope to do ?V ; r The letter of Buonaparte to the Grand Vizier is a tompolition of hyprocrify, mean--Acfs, andj a clurafy attempt at iropodure up on a fubjea, oa which according' to Kleber, that officer. rauft hire been full as well ir farmed as himftlf. TO TUE ELECTORS OF The united stated AlB SUBMITTED. t Tbafollawing brief anci difpaflichate rea- ; fdns.'why the Prefident Adams fhouid not be re-eleed to that hili office. I , I. Hccat'Jc n candidate jhotdd be appointed to MaVceJ xLhofe attachment to the principles ct r t pub Lis am' m art dubious. It isapprehended that the attachment of the rrefideot Adams to the principles ofre publicatitm, are in Tome degree' dubfous, for be fallowing reafons i J - , He has! written; a book! in th'rea Volonins, of whichjtht ' general fcope is, to recom meid a government af three branches,1 an to praift ta government of Great-Britain fii particular! In which book not only the generaf Icope, but very taany paiTaget, in Jlrong-and dtsliiva language,' extol the go- "inwii vi wiVAlaCritaiD. a mrnm.nt t i -, i ; : . . 9 iiiimt (although and the latter were erec at leafl provkecf bv the Dut arc hardly noticed. 1 here is a mildneis end temperance in bis language, wherij Speak ing of our relation with Great-Britaipi ihat raanifeniy. oppofed to his acrimonious, ex p re lli on s reiatng to the French. ( There may hive been a concurrence . of meafures with the Briiifh and in thir favor during the preleht hoflilities that prudence in with difficulty juftify. Wftneis the negotiation refpeeiing St, Domingo,' Roi to menjion the fufpicibns that ante j from" the intercepted letreri of Mr. Lilian. It fs not pretended tliat theft circumftancesiamouhtt6 jdecifie proof of Mr. AdamTa attachment to I the i. I Great-pritain of France, yet monarchical peve rnnltnf of rather than ro'the rdcublic' I i. . f T ; ' , they are ftch as we fiiould not expeel from a firm republican, who cannot but know and feel that this coalition of hoflility rrance, is; becauie, the is a republic. Again .Mr. Adamjs has ;declared repuDiican government may jmean any a - declaration, that republic! expeci froni a republican. ! republican conftituticn has been fo ftrahgely innovated upon by forced and nnforefeen con nfuctious, and the danperpus adoption of implied powers durine Mr. Adanivsi niltratipn, ) that he. was not a Jlttlc in verifying his orb remark.. It iullubmiited. that for Ithefe r CA6 am's that a thin ; ana would hardly r.nu in tact our atimi- alllAtd is at II. attachment lealt dubious. No per f on ought ens Mr. o republican principles, to be chofen ' Prefident ivto Aem inciihed tehxiend hs own poiier irfiuence, end to abridge the If the the ftrong dams in his anfwer priviltei of the declarations of Mr. to atidredes were proofs of his inclination, tiie alii Hon A-cot en and ledi- lawsi the numerous em bailies the careful an fcltclion of perlons of certnin political pnn ciples to pubfic offices, anlrf hit adniiniftrV. tion being fdpported by fuh men ashTraey, Roft, Sedgwick, Harper, lOana, &cji would be fufficicnt for tfie purpofe. By men I Who openly and publicly profess that the! govVrn ment it not energetic enough, that the j in fluence- ef the executive ought to bej increaf d; and the infiueace of the people Oimiaiui- ed. 1 JtU NiTHtnoLfh I' ssv j! so be ittoen Prefident yhe vernmeht. ; ..'-i- -. 1 f ' : . Mr; Adams hzs doce tfci riathsn Rcbbins. !, , ror it is wfirinown that rh our corUita:icn rtuires thit the c5 and judicial : braiKheil fhcild tV f paratc, and cot eacroaclr tile one on . It is foully well known 'ihai h U,L .culiarprovincpfthejddlc ilWru .law of the landi . It is 0U0 wll known thlt our Fobliclr ties, are part of the fu'pmne lw vltUi,.? and. therefore the conljruclion of ifoJ witlun the peculiar provirce of the uda Yet dd ihe.preihdent Adams nor cnly k upon himftlf, tae. tonttrufcipn ofi the- treat with Great Britain, ?hy deeding the qceftfoa of jurifdiaiori in the fml !?ni:auce; bet i lurther direct judge of aourt ,0 clelivrr Mp a man who was prevjolfly .e'eamuted bv competent jadicial suthcriiy. ( '4 Norjcould Prefidentdflms; with propriety pleadjgnorance inVthis. cale : far ipdepen dent af his opportunities of4 confulitida tSe commonwealth again!! jodg ! Lawrence iB the three volumes ."of Da Isi'a reports, is i cift in f cint. Capt, ilarte. of the fftli (hip Ptrdrix; dclertirg tl e tefrcm, acd takv ing up his relidence iu K'ew-York, was re quired to be deliverca:up- is a defcrter uV der t.e 9th a(2 of the fonventiou viiU Frajjce. The Prefident Wafiiingtoii icVrred the hvfu, nefs to the dcciHon of judlcury, by enipoj; ing the attorney gentral Bradford ta briB a mandamus, who declared (in fubftame j from" authority, that although ihe executiyt was defirous of me wjng a Jlicre.'inteBtica j ponftualiy to fulfil the treaty; iih France, yet the executive couid rot interfere to d-! cide a judicial queiUon. , f! It is lubsii t ted 1 0 the pnklic w heth'er any one of ihefe re&fons be iufStient to induce the . puunc to preier lorr.e caoaiaaie more oecinvr ly republican In his principles and condsd: than ! HAdams. ' The following five reafons, why tflr Jef ferfbn, fhould not! be eledUdj Prefideat of lit Unitecl States, rare offered in a late Eoftoa paper called the Chronicle. :; Wr.v. (CCPr.) J -1 ; Ai the Jacobin! have produced five resfoct; why Mr. A d ams ihoclci not be, rereletcedt(j the hign and re'ponfible office pf Prefideot of the 'United States ;aH office which he hst filled with dignity arc! honbriU-and as tbofr reafonS can. hae.no more weight with j.oo1 men thap'a draw put in ballaoce- with tthe Andes Yet as it may have forne influeDCv ca ,wjeakr minds, j it may nof betimpi opcr to 0aif forae objections, why Thomas jEFrE&ioil is thought unfit lor .that important dation. j lit. tie la a Ueilt, a man that diiregaros the volumefef divine infpii ation, nd ridi coles the chriftiah religion. ; ad. Hf has umrmly eppofed the wife and energetie meafurrs of this go ver onset t-. . calculated to fupport in dignity apd enlur its' profperity. ; c ''. i- y. :-if: 3d. He ia canfefTedlv at the bead of a paity jn thii cnuntry,: whole object is oppefiuon to the lawaV Aibverfian of orfier, and deftruc- tion of religious princilei, - 1 . 1 4th. As a wife and political legifiator, m abilities ara Mpeled, though his heart uatainted. -. j: l y tu:: 5th. Hfa houfhold Is 1 TreBch - bis Iapguigf bis drels his manners. His afibciates are; rrench-and his library an4 Pbiloftpby re French.- Such a number of French difhe; might be inpalatable to the Avatiicin t2 v. I i 4j