Jf if thit of Piedmont, compofedjn like I Mr, John Carter, who iirrf at JravJr'i L? t'. ' jaiitf' of veveo members, and fjrench ;:rcaaM$ under the title otMinifter- tx" Lordinarjr, in who in Ta&,; all the power an" of a Confulta. ' ma extraordinary Lnif. The Cifalpine Government has f jjci aH tbat the Auftrians had eftablifhed, i;epho'.onlv the laws reipectmg tne con tribution antl gain it pricUs and j religion, tbichare put da the fsroe footing a they mtre io f 796. Thole relative to Emigrants' dtifii Country ana taeir property nave Uo wnirWihed. Tne ntv covernment has bfn iiaupurated at Turin under the aufpi" general uupoin, uu acuverea tome ne harrangurs, in wjncn nc auured the ried- jnoatefe that they were about to enjoy, liber to peace, fecurty arid happiuels. The tmc phrafej h-ive oeen oiea at iv:iian.ani Ge; r.vVJv General Pet it nd Deiean, who .there hold the fame Nation as general uupont does iatT, pient Pied rin. The (orf of the three which the Chief Conful has ont, to fbe Milanefe, and to ooyernVi given to the I flate "if Genoa, throWslight on his political view a j but it it not tne.iea.it remarxaDte circum- ftaiue, thtt the men whom he has placed at !b h ad of every one cf them, are jail three Ger?r!! It'isonly men cf that profeffion who ire noVpromoted by the t'reuch go- vtrcw'ent to high othces. ' ; j .ft Fete of the 24th July, denominated thii year the Fele dt la Concorde, has been cflcbrated at Faris with all the pomp which ths pc erty of ihe Capital and the low (late of the arrs would permit. Several thoufacd Jtraii nts were,- it is mentioned, on j the j.rc". ng evening. ftuck out of the lift, A ijlenni Mais was to be fucg on the l4tHt by way of thanklgivipg or the vicloriegw of the Jle p j t Sic, and Tor the ' re-eUablifhment of Peace jn Church and'lltte,, and on the j fol-. Jj'win j day a frrvice was to be. performed in honour of general Defkix and captain Latfouri d Au!ergne, Thus does the Chief Conlul af-; fect 3C the fame moment the clemency of iu I : I I ua Thd ttmi and the devotion of CioniwclJ. IHCrlMOND.ScftJ 16. , '4 account we gave in our lafl, relative to tie CJnfjiraty ct the Necroes in thtt town audi ieii'Jacent. ccaatles, was only an incur rel and fc Uy ' JikcUhthe mmui s of th:s diabolical plot: ?vt havtu t.ien cue lu iitht. . but l3ce the e rideudt, u.'on which t!e ctiminalfi prere con- t,' and thiir ccn'eljuni V nte, liave b een r 1 1 ttta.id to s 'Vf'-e find hit the cround Scr pub. rious. 1. J he. plan ls al ihn wai eitremViy .lerious. c?er3t!( ni to be prfued by th as cl;ni2s out iin tvidt'ece en 1 L coiiipiratcrSf plan- of e trials n (s jet unknown) in was forfiieji'b'twoFr'e VM p ice ideytry rr. nth men, in ihe. gene ra, m JliCiC of th? wuit-.a.c'iat was, meditated, wai c n.ivc been feared- Th- ir cbj cl was to hsveGit?d on tbe rriiiga;ce ot, arms', 5fc. de- po'itec at the pemfe niiai y livur;, o.-i the trea'fu tj, , &c and to h?ve an indifcrirniuate' ilaughter; (fne lir?ijch da I excepted. ) 1" rfey vere then to tave jlfued a proclaniHtien to the ; negroes to j ccroe d rally round t'leir ifandard at i!?e mei hropolis. i Hid they lucceeded in their attempt (which was happily fruitated by .the deluge cf r!n tiat fell and rencitrtd the , wate-courfes; iamflable on the: C7enin fixed .on tor the exe tuuonj .of their fcheme it is hardly poflible to Xiy how estea.'ive and how terrible might have beitj confeduences. Ther- aDCeaf-it to have fen great extrtious ainoni the confoirtors im- iheoiatelf in tnisneiohboufhoocl, and froc! pa- jcrsrouno on lome ot them, it wouid Icem tat correipondrncelwas cirritd on with PhiUdci piriai s well as whh the towns of Peti fbjrg, Norfolk, lnthis ttate. T'rora tlfe .whaie cempUxlon however of this daring "prtp?0, it is t' Ocnt tbat the Equality hf been infnfed into t?ie miads of the neevtes, and that the iiciatVous o intempViate ! ufe ' of tfctfe wort's b fftme ,hites.mong us, h ve i. fpired thehi vth hopes f fuccrfs. Vhat rffrts this a'wf ul buiineft wi 1 lave ch the publfc , n;ind,- muit depend un the t4lm rft dion of our countrvmen. i "4" ' I , llf COQlDir.-ir nnrl rnnilnn(f1 th daV D4?lOre tJe Ranged, were executed at the gallows, this cit, purfuant to their fentence Yef Wday Hve more j were executed at the lame P'ce, purfuant to their fenteuce. Several others will be are-Hill vera. mab-iiT,nn jt. V uo let out lrt;m Mr. Curter'Saboct fun.fetl to go to her Jr r ? Mrs. WhitlUk, which vM.s,;t nJthMi wl n herattwoadn,t in!hl ni "it? ed that Ihe Jas murder .Ko&J $ ac' q.an who was met by a ntltnuTe, the place, w ih a handle athis back -W 1, than halt an .ur alter LfciJ Mlors?n3S to Juliice, as every exertim is m4vrnJ to adifcoiery ; ai.d we tiifl that tiZl fcent that was on SundayJihe 14th inttJ ed at Bottcni Biid(?e- viii ho 5 1 1 dies net to.vcnture a&roafl alone. j i 2 rjpoo, Saturday haTanicrg otberJVcf tnJ banditti who were .tit-d, vas heYwrl Georgia the pnpertVof the Willi &tA J"r. 1 be prcot was rtmarlably clear : anUi.j: other points U teit rotiy, cnje ut jtri S "c r.CU41 b6bt; utkto. hit p.etibn fcu brc ugh in orue dreaditi prtftnt4' iff . 1 ! i . V . rmnzB naa ct ctarea id before he wUld dtht the cttepIetiUftSt furpeft There.wanot one tit the iudi nc who did cot coifidJhis guilt cl the! LU ,J die, He yMilacquitfd- 7. i . hv T f - The judges wero'five ir? rtmber, cf viho-n fcur voied ft bis. fbiitiemnatioL', Thefe lr Mr. W.ltiam M-J, Mr. Daniel HylIo t.ru"I 1 ? ? f ,r' Jo'epW soften a'i.v KiDtiS orrichei Itii tn i. t. 1 . u ,..,.,..1 ir,mrniu rr. 1.1 n. t r- I I oat of their; be atleto les. : 1 My frien you hiv civ are witttcv tc to tie lew fyt toycu. Ycu lore aiUelt hands "viith ! quiintai ce cl cverv iinicai' r 1 .r n;eeiy to they have m may fay: that bitiout knave give us l.crrtt tne poor ! cftr. 51.frieni country that are . of that clafs a$ cc thers ycucculccho iarnter, is one vbat -I 1.1. j-i j waim to a ty re2i irg atd rtft rr Ve ihe ccn.n.09 1( lin,feit.to Jcrve ou grrc-us to yc ur inltre ed-to the ttrorar.t . g t 1 hi. I . ...... ty ti tii iittc ; tr ii due oi-1 Li fiii tf ir : n ,r r . . . tfr even a cog is-ptie o KO'cg this humane m?trtefrotiri bench .-gain, pr.foc. I Richmcn ,- r Sept, r- 1 njf, which wi9 Prevent afcendirg tjje : i .. "'TT-e 4,1 inn eoucattcn ttit bii 1 t.i.tt.c e.;wliIe- krcil.eihcod cf Vn .ikiid. l it 11 now exiffiue wht kino of fcc:r. U v itU it res i. i your choice ere tcfitllcd fin e of th n , it lis fueli known, hve ex ei.dcd to jrc Dcllaiis, befcreard xt an tlctiicnj tc ctxtl afe4 t'.V vmi jf t if i a 4 1000. T. T S RTT R,V -r - a. a, x THURSDAY, Cciojii tve received -fpntenrp nf dpath. and ecuted Jin a few davt. The trials loing ou Aas- .'V. rfr - Miss Elvet G arthrto u of ' Henrico "'Uai. I a yomi lady f rtipable family and wtuirie, not more than eighteen yearslof age, on Fridav evening, the 12th 1 nit 4 murdered, d thrown under! Button)' Bridge. Her body ai fodnd on Snnrfn. rh- iih. m neled in a l? HiJckinsj m .nner. The u rticdlirs, as far Miss an lenre.l. ar ?j lollowi : iUt had been at her fiber's, j the L To ihe Cifizsn? cf Kiw; Calarrus, "i.bttrgy anar ledett. . , . " t eilow Cniens - "VOLJ have iattly been celled tipcn to c5?efcife i one of vcnr unalicr -blc an, umt Luted .'tit rights, . tu g ve your ft ff aesforrnenjto reprei lent you in the Le;fl-:;ure t f Net tb- Carolina,, b make laws by Mhicnyour l:ts aLdpiopertj may be materially ilftilcd. A light Ur the proper txerc.fe ot uhubyuu Itaud acccui. labile to Coil 'SLCtopcilfcrity-' ..f . . : ;" -- I j; : Now Trvhf 11 the fr rmentztion c-f elefliohf etirc is' over, si.d the liijrcs 61 iLe Cancidajte'r grog a litf le vi t ot y ur Ilta s, it wculd te uel) to cor fitf"i"ricil; how ytu 'l.-ve tei cifVd fo in v Jucuitf a priviltt-a pxiv;:cfce that colt y.ur cunntry Ip niuch bjlcit 'd.aud. treftfure'.;- . Lock at the men r!ir Lhoice lr ff nt to "the ht-ule ol Ccni'tccns y ar d as tcr the St oators it mutf be confef'fd that ; cu ti, ve ILc'wed a Uti le more 1 common fenfe in thtjir apj-o-nimtnt, at lelt iii fe rae of the co ititics. - Lct S ar thtm ai d : tiifiij Is th re one of them ih r h& ihe qaHltficaiioni requ fUe for a Legifliitoi ? xcept icdecld he m be a free he Idler. ; ! Is there one b the rnj that hii endeavourejd tjomke himfelf atquainrJed with the hiflcrythe laws,1 andcucms tl feign na tiorrs, or t V'eu jwith thefe of Lit oun Country Is there one of them that yen would cnlp cy tq draw an inllrument cf. wilting, by which yoti iflid.to fecure a valuable piece of property f. i.th'rnnp sitionp thefii wi.o v. hen f .e Eoes to the Afi'embly that can draw up a till with preci finn' tven unoh.the moft trifiirjfc bufinefs ? Arej vhty fuch fr.en as you lent to rcpitfentycu in '76 and '77'wfien you wereroufeel to :'feefe.ibf the ulna f 1 fii'ir ria hti and Drivileffft Vtn know mr friends th. i all thefe sjnei. h nt n)i (t be ar iwcred in the o!ative. v hy ti-er 111 ttie nanjej r.n-'rn.W trrk hve vou e'ScQed i thtrri ? Is ij , til v v aa.a " " 7 I btcaufe yoa thir.kthat eli Wiic m ai d fagacity rtouiied to preserve than to piocuke yruri rinhtj Or rather is it jnot that yt-ji cares no thug -abcut them ? : ' : : - It iu':5. men had o!xe-cd tb. niicJves to, yrur rhorce. as ihev do now w ill ru other rcccin mendation'than a bowl o; Grig, orevrri i bar rel nf whiitey. Iwhat wcti.d you hve! c'one.r I aiTi convinced, hsve bifleri' them out of cunipau and treatt d them .atJd tleir whilkcv with merited conu n.pt. VVc will fr a - . c LrCJ, ih .t ell tNeciacr couttics m th llat- h'wve e rOd fuch men as you hae. and ,har remits ii there that thy have not, for I ... . yn.rt)rh3t th?r ai not four o u iii veil i ui c tf f - - t : i liicb there are more men of in if they aie iLtctfiful tfey go-'io ti e f.tf bi, U take a folemn o?h that tkiy gtie ft;Mr fit, gift Itathftyi cr rev at crttr t'tcy tr ftx atrUtiy to ft ecu e tythin.ltii.net cry cit.cr per jbti their cli(ttutiy ahd ihth tt le tk i;r uatrwith z cared (vnjcuT.ce. 1 lis is' 1 1 c is J ciithj, tl y bfgin tfce ir fcivlctslo th fete viihj a Sc.'cnn Fffjury;' .Thcfe n-e(i sfitQ to ' te rrt fiitrria to tie people, lut they B l11 is f 1 pstiiots iijdced, il tf ey ill confr ut r i!n itb mfeives lJr you p olitital filvaticr. TS:ij i;4, 1 flatter injfelf ycii do r.ct hr.ow, t r luttly iu vVcu)d ret place coi flit ret in rrcn v ho thi ur rtt i,)y fport ' with the folen nity r sn c.iiL th wttt niany n 01 e t f j ur t rie ri i? l 1 1S1 1 U c,f' ncq eft ycur 'crti ce oi tl e 1 rir iij ls jti cur c vcrnbtEt,, ftr lie rt crle i re j I .". s r'u lit VififD well ir i in eel : f!r;e fiiil cient irf orn ton rc j no r'r nr n ii r 1 1 1 1 c;cirt to nt lu'gc !cr jt tyfehes.: In Pin', i.inr ther counties in each other, in w formation, and that aieevrry way ft to do public ludn than n brupofe, I the Hate wf re kind of honfe of would ccmpcre. nature of ruhlic . 1 r i 1 ' nrpriiratives .in: ,.(...... .... ... - - r j like thofe ycu have clipied, what j ct'mmons co jou iriux i Thy could not underhand the) btfincf", they are not capable of j ,Kmilvit ir adviline lOe ooyernur, . ,,1 ih fWnt rAerl.mrJ'ccs. There; are fenietimes Men of abilities frcm the Bo roughs but thfji, are generally afcrnes, and there is api rg tr.e ignorai.i ..v.. . wile ot judice agaiuii laat ciafs of citizens, that puts it Tin, ii r t gh the .? rn y , c r l e Kvj icveinrrr t r i X r t nf ve as itts or fe 1 1 j j lec- with' j, anarry'r a pav ; M 1; ties of lie nrftrs,. the s rn Do they tl.ii k tlat V fcveinrrrt ir.i that of the United State cut Cot ftdeit tie taxes thit noEvvitMUnding tf e ctnvulf rs that' 17 al;e Ftirope to its cenirei we csn te ftfe iKithiuV.?. dtp'irg tneifures of defence."- ' i - Get Vvifdt:n? ther, ai'd in all tl y gettirj', get tjhderftanch g fcr under Gcd it. ;.!ci.e xu preserve your liberties, 1 . ' r Terhap fen e of the fottuna.te crr idatrs in the late trlion may tcke it into their ' life beads iv ItfVink that I have cak-mniatt H tfenf. j 1 - Iffo, let tftin cciie fcrvtird to thenar of the 'public,' and er ve the fret. If I have rated their sbiHties too !oy, 1 ,wlll cardidly at w ledge myj error, ano alk tie jjertlcmtrj.'s p2iior. But: if they appear in pi int, they muft pret'uee fi'fl'-. cier.t votchcri to -pi eve tha'it iMfrir fTn ?ctc ded. . ;iJ.. A FARMER. . . . IV;eclenorg, Sept. aN jko. . ; ' ! NO T JI G E. F"E Subfctiber lctercirg to remcive ntrr theliate as. forn as his circt n iV?j)cct will. orr rr.it. requt fl cf ail per fori, who tie iur'thtid to iiim, by iite or bock acfotnt, to eerie for ward and makepsjn en,t. Thcfe tfat :i've been) ibotbted to' him twelve ffiemhs rrec djrg ike dalle hereof, bo fail to call and ftttlejrteir ac counts within cne rcoi th frt rp ll is .date, may enpecl to be proceeded afainff as the ItU discfifr. All pcifon who may fave any leyafc!eiDar.efa againlt me, fhall have the farce fathhed on ap phcaticnto, . .v '' ---Jf'.'. .:A -f Salifhury, Ofo iff. iPc. FOR SAL E. nr?HE Plantation wheon tfe fntfenre r now X j live?, fitnateon the main Yadkin-rpver. for rnerty helorginf to Jawes rdrj . fitoa tion may berarked arrcrg the firft en ihe riser, snrf the foil of excellent equality. lie terns uil be made known to aty pttfon iDcl'iLitg to jpurcbaft. . I . Ccloher ad. 1&00. F , - . 1 . 1 it

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