T jlEi -INOR Hf .COLIlA.1 ' MERC VK1 1 ft: : : f;e;an1c i see u p e eJ '-i " v' foreign X M T O R T A N T KtVJif rt:?''ed rky late orntals at lUw i . v lirM'and S.tjton, RAT I S B O N, J:y ij. ye'erJiy an afiion took place near Lahd- hut in trhich the Archduke Ferdinand was obligell trirtreat. : In the night he refcciir- ed a rerji?orccnieni;;of cawairy njd iqfaniry JTrom. General Klf bau, and marched towards StrauV:ng -J !'. - ' . ' I : .' ' ! . ; - The French continue to drive the Auflri. ant ; the former arr now within league of this c Ety An arYiifticelalo'ne caa preferre iiifofmtheenimypl Vl'-lil". .;''' ' We are afflired jtfiat the Courtj of Vienna his rfjfurned an anfwer to the Firft ConjuPa far peace, impornng the" Einperor wifhei for piace not lels than rrarTce .but tor one , that all he general and durable; and du- - fable it cannot jbe if the CiUlpine Repub lic ftiJlJ be again eftablifhed, the eiiflence of whictj is alike aftgf rbua to the exigence of 1 Italy and of the Auilrian Hereditary States. Should, bewe-ery the re-eftablilhment of thTs - ;Kep.uUic be.mide p condicio fine quanoh, it Iremjains to be confidered what France will 'propofe for tne fcuriey and indemni Scition of Aiflria." This anfwer is efleemed to ac- comnlodating, tliat negociations are ejtpeUd to be lniinediatejj coraincnce,. ' J3e ore the armiftice between tbc 'Armies a? r;infiils Krav and Morau could he made Jc::e,wnf the -foliowian; . teiecraphic difpatch V71S fro id MANHEIM July 12. forwarded Stafb ji to Thf right n tskeh Fe'dkirciv, from 'Call, on the. 1 6th raris i n g oft he Pre n ch A r my h i n Cjbire, Lucenlleis., and the vha!- vf the Grifon.' ! Before the cdnclulion of the! armi nice, di- viflons of the French , likewife adrance!d on jthe 141b to WtlnTDfrg, fielbron and other plcfscffi ihe JckJir.; The; Courier, who lately parted through I&rafburg to Paris,' has, it h fid. 'iven out. that the Court of Vief- 'waiJwYlltng to enter into negoctationiYor. peace witn rrancc4 . ; j r AUGSBURG, July; T7. The head- Quarters of General Mofeaa tow be removed to Augfourg, where it ; probable-the Congrcfs for peace.will be : : : ..: rljr'r ; v:,,'l,v ---).,' i: . 11 jis faid the Firft CghHiU 1 Boonarte viil cone to the Congrel fori a peace to be hel J m this chy. . '.. j 'y Jj . ".' ' Slice the .tfi, tle French hav been maf' ters Lf Feldkirch, Goire, and t ie whole of the cErifoni. Gen. Lecourbe had reulfed ihe Aiillrjans psar Reati and ftimcpfladt, tnd 1 took theoic! refolutioh to marcp a body o troo m thro' the. v. ood of Br-gent, which o nneral had before-attenvpted, to cut off the letreat of.the Aalfriana to the Tyrol, by the mountains of MonaJus, and' uu-tttack tfccrtj from Switzerland. This compelled the 6000 Auftrians who were in. I he Grilons to iretirU iMrtilv tr fh TwroLr The' aTtnillicfc ha,, however, now put an end to tbc effufiofl wj uiooa ia tnat OjUarter; j f M U NIC ,H, July 1. 1 tft.-Vrmtfcice Was concluded as the dawj )f i'of the Reuoblir tbelbeice fo earneftlv hened fr Inr.n the; armiftice (hall hi raiiTed by the Emperor. 01 ye men no oouoi is is entertaiceo, a con- ? log Imperial Mtjf -j-' g at N E, July i3. corre Odr Journal ;ontair.i the following letter from fcruflela, sated July 14. According to accounts received from J Calais there'if now very frequent pondence between the French .and gCTernmentsJ the jfubjecT. of which is to be tironofitiotis cf Deace made by! Entf.1 Diice will be i Eng!i(h;S well underfl 'i t --y f w m m &i u a S be too ciDrh tn i4nr. ft ..n;i L l !" f lfh toierthe fca rwhh itlirlr iranfperti They ha ve ainerca an jurr.y ,u ueDarit ,1 tny point, pair!! rd provided , ar luiht,ton, on beard iht ir (h'.fs, an invadirg arm, whith muO 1 aje rf.Ril.cnt much ; another on ib f;de of fcriejand vhch threatens R.tavia, ut whith doea'i ot ' 'IpVe ent the French from drawing 5.oComea from thence, ". nd rumrrrcg ren fmu n tnti frem the 'Well for the armj cf P r'trte ;fo little to be dreaded are theTe inat'en. f 'il tie attempts of F.nolard to rekindle tie? cj V wariirf. Frncef. haVe bee.n on )heT irH.nt cpiKinuDiraita to tKe trerch ov rrmrni br p"!vu, ,wno were orfore nartizxns land. It is r xnffled that a jmciecliatelf pointeei,; wneie. coDireivcp fmH it. bat iio 00w xalfy rcufiH their 00 IU1 ciiyitycayc maj v ujiv,Utu r j" i VCrfl m en 1, EnToys from iAuftris, tFngland nd Thts place, it is expecled, will be eitbir Lille or BruHels a .The-En'gli E N N A, July 13. fh have eierted themrdives 6 prevent our entering on negociauona. but vain ; but the niiiiao iainiftry thokigh clined to treat will not treat bit tn tion with En; fconjund L O N ,D O N, July 24. Ji: YeHerday we gave a review jofltue operi' tions and pofitions of the armies. I On thi? fubect the Moaheur, received j lalt ntgrtt. fays : . .The following are the pofitiocs tsken by the army (of .'Italy' : The Vanteline is oc- General I " The refult of the iirnrenfe exneneei that ipgland is at, in; keeping a! Minor!ct;a cover lfVg army, has been to pur it in thr fewpr of the French gf)vernrrent to detach agairti the !mpern)r 3000 mec jfrcd' Batavta, 'and 'ore halt cf the ?rroy of the Weft. Irj fruihj the Empeio hssjin ;Epgland a verj uVeful allyj , -Tjere Isj not. a .tnilltaky" roan '1 in Frn6 but n'llijes that Some one wir? of the tele- oraten ? army whether in th The Duke of army , ought raraing wir.g of wen; 1 eir. or d dtburkf the No rib. KrIand the V 1 . 1 . : " I 7 . i : , who command this tat ee to be at the head of f he firt in. I and one might 1 Chen hop, vrithciit prelum ptipn; that before! the "uinOi on of thi'remainihg two with it, lie might be' Hiiiiiiiiru njctumi Uilic IU If CCIVCtlUI lOlKKQ of t he Xj i t illv ?ir 1 1 a ai c n t , ' j Ij 1 1 j! Paul I. hat jpnifled $t Louis XVIHi that I tfjef prefence cf himfelf, and thofe who f fur- routi-Jed him, is no longer defirable in Ccur cupied by the left of the dh ifion of i?onCCy wo aa ,m i..e.u Su V;:fV ' I I l,r'il : in confVquencc J which, it is fa?d, he c,a-:.:1 ? riiht of the army ter.Hs bylnjeaps ! ,1,.-. ?n;,:nrl. mi a inam 01 polls id uucta, jvus it !.. v i w, La Romana and the fiiores of the driaiic? ; .Genoa' and all the territory; of the Bepublicj ; andUHirs fortrefJcs to 5 the MiESc:o; ' a ltd Fotle Klaella, are occupied by Xhi French Imfn:llt!' nCrr'tif arrival j"of Count TJiet'richftein, fromiViehn. at thi hsd. quar ters iof Gefi-rai Krav. the Generals Moreau and Kry hsd conference together on ? the Ih at PaffJorfr; five lejgoes from this cit)r. Mt-V a in negiotiatinn, and after, each par ty hd receded .fornewbat from its firft de ninds0caerdaj evsaiag, about f.ve oMock, arnjy f"The Gener'al of srtjHerv, Laetfir.be, v'f M i 1 1 i a e ? . c r a f?e s F i e d m on t w i t h z C GO ! h o r f eg , wiith sill the military and perianal, bagage kf lheermy.',, ;" ' t ;' ' ' ; '- :': jlAll the detachments which corr pofed the army of referve, and hov frnro the bofopa of France, travelled by forced marches into Italy ; 1 nave; rejoincu ixit ! ' taly, at thii niomeut: the mofl iLiiA-, r'!n tVi niher hand General " iiiu jiviit - "-t ... ---- i , reau con'ecnterrill h:s;fcrces .m Hlf aria,' add 3C,oco French and Bataviars endei- the o. d r s rf G e n c r a I A , n g e r e :a u . v i t h a j) a r k c o t fiftin&of ?o piec of artiifejy, ar;e defiling through Maiente and Ddfleldorf. the adyanea guara im ne ip'v K picio s The remainder of theT?u(Mn iliip?, with the remainder of the KuifiaH troorts, tailed od i Saturday from Portjfrr'outh for th Ealtrc. 1 The eleclion of twentveight Feers, to re ! prefent Ireland in the Imperial parliament will raVe plate-on the day after the clofe of the fefllon. ' I X Lord Vhit.worth, laft amhafi?dfr frotii hli -Britannic Majefty to the Court of Peerf burg," is returned to England, 'as i alfo Mr. iHailds, formerly Minifter from tpis , Courtg at the Court of Stockholm, Pfctli thele gen tlemen it is .(aid... have' been di (mi lied- rather' I Mo ! they reff prefent. defiles al- of referve, which united at Dijon ready Itr-toiih Switzerland. Numerous coji. voys ofirtillery and cavalr; go daily frcjm Paris, to1 Dijon. Many battalions ; of" volun teers,) atnoijg wh rn are fefef al fT'g P.f J1 of the departmemts of the Vea, mi rch to re inforcc this army. . l The French have four farmie?, il! n foreipn terrjtory, all uniting to ccmpel the .sc - th FnulifK the (labinejt . of. Virnra to yield to the wiflicyof theiofi'cers and foldiersboth r.f tbe French and A uftriafe ho ecoally dr5re a ternMnation .to the war, i The Frenth government does nct ; wifh to make the refpecljve firuation of the t? o countries Ihe bafis cf peace ; for tjrat woiim be todepVefs onr povr i-whereM, accord ing to toe Jituation" or rtirope, ibe intcrcft iivnicii ii i itiU) not uss.ii r-w- i piuri abruptly by the Sovereign at whole" Courts' ectively; rhdd,; and wr . lave at no dolcma'tic agent, eii.er 'jio;Ruf ha or Sweden. ; MrJ Caffarrsjor, the erfon sppoiniea oy me uriiun uovci n rni to act as charge; d;afTaira ' in the ..ahfrnxe of Lnrd Whitney, at the Imperial Court jf ourj Tate ally. as received by the Enipercr in a man njer the mofl indifferenf ind fmmediately af. ter the audience, was diiecled to take his de parture from Rufua io the courfi of tpelve hoots. Nor was the treatment eTtp'tienied try' Mr H a i Ids "a.) the S t o c Is 5: o I m , I e f s r. A i r e -fpeclful for if we may credit tbt accobn? la the foreign journals, he was ) no permitted i to take leave of the King, previous toi hii. quitting that city on his return tp England. Thefe circumflancee, if correcilyjisted, fervc in "fone menfore to deveVne the J view s t aod pVbjecls of the-new coalition of ifee northern potentates. .The, avowed oj' t?f this con lederacy ie, od it we inay judgej from the condocl of the two principet members of the feagie, their jealoufy bs not Bern lefa ex cited '.'by the inimenfe naval ard colorial acr quifitions of Greats Britain, during the' pre- j fent wari then .by thofe plans ofi continental I SggraDd'ueaient which i they were Ic'i to at i p 4 -7

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