1 ' !- j " . 1 f -4 i .. . V .V- tribute to the houfe of Aufirht and the foC pician at vrbicn noc uhiuccu- . - L - . " '"'It' lr ' ..- I ' - pror raoI"f6 receede from iDe.cpanr-icu...,- gainii France, bat toraicj ana tue oau, iu runetiLd the various Darts' of the new coo- 7 T - - I"--. ' - !r federacy the fad decline I ho wever, or me '- " " A it il J U J auuecu part of, my uifitefor the ' , -''11 -A rt I ' !l derlul turn wmcn auaira nave iwuj . a kenUn) eWr dUetfionj it J j not . unlikely, v?tll eompil then to confideythat a pom pi exereife of their vigilance is now oecomc mi. tne thefe repeated fac rificei on th lliKt.. . Kilt h-stiJi fon rr prefer vation of our dcarefl iatereflsJ and -ir ii a great coufolation !d , obferve, J that, not withUanding the continuance of unufual bur- rever, or me- iucdj, fmuci .vjjmiwki sj ijEP rciourc.es by. the '6o" J ot the country hat eoijriflied beyond all for- uici ruiiv uh v uui iu 114 1 C VI pro grejhve augmentation My Lerds andCtnvtmtft The .tourfe of the 'MY DowMmarf nectlfary 12 anotnrr qoaner, ana . 'oniirkent has,.bj a ; fudderr reverie, difap thatjiJieiglgantic projects of France .fcre no j loiBteff fangUne hopes which the fituatU lefs aUriing, than i were tholeiewf, of iq- J -Vn of affain at it commencement appeared trdintte aggrandisement. fo( lately. enurtain, Ly to juUilyV and anhapp y again ex d by , her tanailhed opponent- iVt all e j loted 4 conGdrable afc of Europe to thole vent the leaguei if Us proceedings wre i- f ialamities and clans $ from Whichli ir hA vnn nv. nninrncp ma-y in iiiur. uc ipiiuci r cd ferviceable.to . Europe i With refpea lot their aejdai dllpbfition towards this country,! we profefs at preiVnt.lta Wnow very little ; What .we. hive above. dated upbn t bis fubjeci, is hpWeer ftrongly fuipecied to be . not ma . teriaiiy wide.nt the fuel.?. If it fhould prove thu their jealoafy towards us inclines them tp ' r e rn a i a a 6 ongcr indifferent fpedtators of one marjiinit great tie fs afedj'.. vail Colonial tqui:ij:ion&, their efforts, thoeph compara tivejy ieeble, may procfucej ap inconvenience riitural.lv toUowii rupture with the, great relpeaire armies to fien i the 1 .-mwc id an armmtcebetwett, ,1 CHJ Efetd bpon what iMlA . J' ,btIft. gfetd bpon what Ibllowg; : - 1 rr i . irt. 1. i Here Jhall K fufpenlion 6t hoHilities betUenar? a" hia imperial ecd Royal Majeft. 'rfcj W zeiland, the Tyrol and 0), r V .uc army pi tne rrejoch RetuKtSi . - H ihf arm nf tl.. 1 '!' ' i.i Y'llfi rieii and the refunptioa "fi1. iaiJ n,e precede by b notice 0f V j ' be reckoned Ircm tbe.K,.,-! ., 12 2. Hi bVen rercued by ihe bVilliant fulfce Hies. . . A Mich at ithe events Ire to be regretted, lr ill; alwaysibe matter tfjuft fatisjaction to b to refiecl, that in tht courie of this im- portant conteft, my effofts, and thofe of mr loved lor the maintenance o oiir own rights nd intrrelia. and for thV tnlmatina upnohine the exertion oflothei- oowere in defending the" liberties ol " .Europe', ' Notwithflanding the vhiflitude 'of war. lour conflancy and rm!neft have been prcduc- mV,,Te Powr.if lb. Nnb,; b ; It no agc, a gcntril fusion 0j .od Ul, probable tliu the T.-fult would Wnd to h,;der)iljli m,n ilfterf ln l-L;,: r. 2 e c 1 a r a t ion a ri d It oh d u cp m u-N-pb r d rn e t h e e(l nieahs of prStrsot ing, junt1on Tvriib B"y Allie th'e.getiefal.lntemts,,', ajad 'f prp 'iding under eyef j circ umltance for the ho' ?our of my c rb-ria, tor the nappirtefa; of my fubjeclf , and tor the fecuriiy aud wellare ef every part of the pt.itiih Impire. A encrcaf'e,4 rather than dimiaifh the glory of pur ; Naval Arms and that proud fuperiority. vvhicnin every quarter Wei now pontlsi . 't irji&s foctbe lafl tvro day.; been currently reported, that a general armillice baa, ben , agreed upon between - ' Aiiflria and. France, preparatory to a negotiation for peace ibe' ing entered into by thofe powers. . This. fu n;our we be ieve,j irells on the mere autbo rjty of fome palTene,ers who arrived in the lid vedsl fibm Calais :. beyond this it liai no other fcuiidation but its' extreme proha. tUty If was however, noticed ;Wah fume degree of confidence, both by Mr Tiern and, Rohlon, in the courfe of . . lad uift1ita aerate :a t&e Houfe of Uoraraorti; A ., July -a Potvert are The Miriia.r of the Nort'herW about to aliensbfe at Peterfbura.- for th. r... jofed purpdft of concluding on the armed neutrality - ., ; . A Drefden Jodrdal favs, that Paul f.' has dem4nded af the Emperor o Germany I .go, ceo rchjes as an incferaoicaon for n'lft ex pencesin the la(l caijiiigo, and has declared, 'Hy, are reiulcd; he will take p0f- It ii reported tbst the; tEoglifjj he t purt of bweden, L T . i l i t i J ' " . i . ; jW,,.JOi oring HjaiiJgea ith an ihterview .wan the is.jrg 1 he toa lit;oB of ihe a9. has 1 left if bur hinifier at jSiolkholin, On Fridaf etenifiP. his Maieft? Nemefis, Terpiicorc, Le iPro !rrov ahd Nile loader, fell Iri great northern powers, lctmito require dailj jrnbre con ill- ' . . II ' ! teiicy. s (hips the ante, the : with the under conr avjrig and all RulTians fedio'ii of. GaUicia. . The Ruffian ambaffador are called from Conaantinbple ;ar;d I the correspondence between that city lad VjCa tia has beerr intercepted. .1 f " . KING'S 'SPEECH, fori Um Dvt.. . t ' !ii f ' '!'-. -';: 1 ' J VJ. ' aruvntntt thit Day: ,tMy LurJs and Gentlemen, : ' ; ! 1 j VJn pujting an end Vo this laborious ScTicn cF,H4i lument, I nufl izprth tb jufl fenfe I enjertainof the dilincc ; and pen'evcrance trith vphiih rou have;a?P(ed ybufelves to tbe Various Ob-els of pbiic concern which caaie undrr your deliberation. ) It is vith rtt. cur iuisfaction , eongratal.tf yo. j fuccefs o the ft.p, which you have t.k.o fA. cfFeatn an entire D nior between m doncljGreat.iJrita n'aird Irelacd, 1 . ' H.K, von tviucJi niy vrifhea hive been len e..fneflt bent,".! fhaif ever conhuerjas the happled evetrt of feign, brie praded I'th.t nothing could ;fo elfraually Brit, Con(htut,o. and jtoeftabljlh. on the aoa lohd fcundauun, thejftrengthi Vrofper Jy, and.powe, of the whole Empire." V . 1'have witnefftl titf .:. '4-Cctrcit, of thV legion , b.t f X r(L . b, under tht Meffipg of Proiidee. .hite voy two fhips, two bris, and !t wogjilrota. Ihe Nemefii h.iled h?;r, and ftid (be Wop id fend: h;r boat ok bbrd the cfmvby. TlU Daniih coinniandtr replied, j that !ii 1 (lie at tempted it he would he mq the" f pat. 1 he Nemefisf s boat vias tben lowered down, with four, men' ah'd 'a jt.idfliirlmafl.in lier . readv V bo on hoarr! rh. rnm..! . t, lti J:iJ' r. i mmediately fired fereijaf Yhdt. WnhVtoifflpg ic uoai, urucK toe INeniefiS and killed one )an. i be Nemetis immediate v cuu a uroaonce. V. hen a mdm ticntook dacr -ihirH ! ft okJ.; - , I i ."! utfs, at the. end Gf whiththr IV - 0 . , - IIIKflU V ll'iT'fu iri ner r ging and hull, (truck er colours. - l wo men were k 1 ed and . Cm- vera, wounoed.cn ioard the Arrowy end 8 killed and a gre.t number w untied on board IIie;Dai)e J he Danifii? igztiA andH cenvoy put no (hore. boajs are gave irired 2 the ac an- Downs al;owcd ou. Saturday, v. to -pa klon? J,. nar are th? Uifnas a'iipwecf anvi comm',r bication wti th j theji.ci tL ..The .liieU f a ph. wa"; Aall have arrived at lht lead " oppofite airtry, ; j ru,! . Art. 1. The Frentii the cciiniry comprifed in a lineofn lion. whih leitingt- from ,he rU ofr territory of the GrifoU to ,be f.. - HI, extending tcall he Valley or iJ --rn ai if,p jource jot the - Leth :fi' ; the fumrnit hf Al - -ilk . j " m oj following the left barl of the Lich AS thr rinkt ft,' .V,J LjL. r i . U M t3 loot.-p.affes ironi bee btrlk I Jafihtl.'a. f the Auffrjan arm, jD Ipollefho oftS1 booches. Vthirh embraces Renti, palTec the Senarh!, a .:V ang. proceeds alonj; the poutKern b. ihe.Lake which fUljet wer to- r! ot the Ammer, dffceild, upbn frorti the country of Werde rfels w;cb h it ia continued t fthe Xhocfe?, Ub ft V verles to arrive at WfJkenfiev t,here J? Its the Lake oi that- name, .prcciedt the Southern bap k of the Jackrv tor, ' " fluence with ihe Iferj which it crofei Z eUnfelfpntheVVe;facb,oRi ten, Gfafhng, Ex.Dg Eberfpcrg, MaifLh; Hohenlenden KraraJcher, eong; Hardberg i from thce . to Ken,- PeC2i SremlcmbaichfcIlbiingtfcelfVntor from thence to ehderff, here it direct, lelf towards the fburJe.pt tlie WUs, wfckb it Mlecends pn the ;left ! ,bank to VilfbiW. ? where it pa lies t ha trivr, directs itfj tt Binabibouob, follow ihe coDife cl tht lrV lu u'naecn panes at SI.enieJ;au(tft, srrii at ihe jource of the Kl?atbi hich defcerli on the, left bank of ii coi'flurnce v.j;h ttt Vtfs aodiihe left of te Wils to its failifg in tb the i)arjule, re-efrendi ibe right fek cf thatsriver to KefbeirH,: v here it pa&a iiti proceeel aipng the .'riln bank of iht .tl.tr,.!i to Fippenheim, where it takes the rcut ci; Veifleaibpurg, to artjiwea; Kcidnitij ifcc'dt bank of Vhith it fr.1 Ifnvt'Q tri ill irflnpnra rr1 1 the Meinj hich it efceD alfo a-itJ left hihk to 11's mdutb, ; 1 w ; The line of dsmarkailrin iri the rlubtpf the Meia between that r;vei and DuUelcorff ' fhall pof bef ore Meni be , pearer that place than the Nidda, and in r the fu ppottico rhat t'h Frnfh t r J-. iin J i'l ' lni, " 'Pb aLWwV I4 v uim ; W7W a4 .-, cner.tsi in? tia part, jtbry-flvaij be Iwriid t: occupy thia day, 26.45!cflidor' (July tj,), f boo, . . -..v. imeiuateiy let to wo k, and in! hi even- "g Spt Hakrr, or the Ntmefii. let. off Jn a po,t chaife aad four, to wait upon the ad- rnirai! v. 1 1 rri. ' . 8 xeacicd Deal. rrit.r S. The Tmpiriiil arnvv fbslf ccccfj the Upper and Lowr lingadiL'Si, that it have firice inornjr.g. .Orders crullers tb capture all hiriVand fender Dauifli colours. j N ' for our vei3eis failing O F F 4 g I A t.! Gentian if the HorJe Cmont iTS PV'icoUr thank, for the leal and l.b-rty with h - , -.ded for the tarious Uilf.l Jr !!l Pr?' lie fervice. 1 regret dcew Vi,. pUD" A cartel from DunfciH- i,:Kt:--j Dover, on Sunday, broupht t r I cunfirmatibn of the Armifticc in jGermaDv. GENERAL ARMISTICE. J f ?jntln be t v ei n t ije G i n r a T tr ehi e f rjf 7' rrcocn ana j mperial. armies in JGerma- ;ny. doncetning an arrniflice between the 'two armies.' ;--)". " , . Viaqf F, LahdrJe.. Generator KrU.U- ' r te armyf the Rjno and tie j Count de .wicmcnuein.- Major General in th. imperi al rmT 10 Germany, chared jwirh fpecial fliiv fr ?iaJ. rr 's Q w n !pc 1 tb etion of fay, thaf.paft of fhe fa 1 1 in to th e I n, a r;d ria whofe waters fkil The line of dernara aticn Grifous whofe waierl the valley of St, ipto the rdise. my fhall pafs BaUers'to the the rout 6f Cbire, Lttzis, SplpgeD, ard avepna. that The LucieLAeig That part of terr of therrencbar 'lake of Corro b OK 13 ccmpriieu - . prifed between erritpry;s of ithe Grifbnf iff fV ihat fine arid the Dgapu ceutfr fhall.be evaluated, arrd (hall reinain between .the two arhiie;. . " , ;. t L"y-s':f ; This conntry iT.al be fides,' preferve 'f.'ttl forrn cf its gdverrmeht. ktV -1 v :''-:V,r?''i Ar t. 4. T"he placelcornprlid in the lie of demarcation whic.tiare' ftill occupud bf the Imperial troop, if1,a 11 remain order si refpea fn the' fami' Itate which fhall bs . certained by. delegates named for. rbxr pc' pofe by tfce Grneral jA Chief of the t wo air mies. Ther .!! Km nn.t,:..1 AAA tn xht'lT xreans cf defence, ani tbeyj fhall not chert' the free' navigation of j the river- ard of tfctj: fbajlipaf undtr xvtn 1

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