v. ttSt5t5t5i5t5tmtft5t5tSt5t From the EngHfh Chronicle. Mi Editor, i Seeing lately an account of the deatb of Mrs. Anna! Davis, of College-Street, Wftnsini Iter, I fenc yen a Song, made by the Boy of the School, oa that Lady' making an application to Dr. Smith, to ttog Alafler Lloyd and fo me other uoys, wno Kept eantara irowis aiu. ad joining bcr Houfe, and difturbed her much by their attendance on them;' i J T K E R E liv'd a Nymph iit bollege-Sreet, - She had few equali ;n the land Aad wasa rare avis, . j.j ': . ;.:' Her wicked thought s on Men and itoyr. V.?re ccn.tantiy employed, i . At . la.rjfhe caft'a wifnful look ' Oa changing Jacky Lloyd. s, . -I "Y;- - Y; if! Y : : : Over the .Wall the live-long day , At Jacky I've witt peeping, J .i At night, the thoughts ofj jfackyfr Cotk Would hinder her from ileepiag. - - ii- ; What pity that a prnde Jhbuld be Alrni'd ot. fuch a ihantom, Y. FoT.i.yteieAv, though a ftYfainatt borfl His Cor was but1 Bantam, r Yet from this little Bantam Cock , Much mifchief did accrue, . i ; . Soon as the Nymph had clbi'd her eyei. The Cotk cried- Doodle Doo ":r-; . '-Mi 1.' I : ..' -. L "r -it .: :-Vi -' f , I Y ' ; - f . ! She ftruggled hard to.hear him not Yet (truggJihg was in rain; ' I Again (he flept ad then the Cock9 Cried Doodle Doo again ! I ' - -1 -I , YY''-; .; : 1-4 Yf v?--' Enrag'd, (h? flew to Doftar iS'mith The mifchief to unlock, j i Andjbegg?d'the Dollar for to Whip Both Jacky and his Cotk. f . The-gcn'tle Nymph full bard did plead For little Bantam1 1 ruin,.! Y , And begg'd the Dolbr fobii tp cure Hii Cock of Doodle dooing. 1 I Yt' ;t: - - il ! ji ' I The Pv&tor pity'd much heri cafe But bid the Nymph to know, ; That ttle Beys we uid have t&eir Cockt And CoWs would always crow. :l. :Yj Y - ji .1 Since which the DcBor has decreed Without offence to you. (pleafe) ' That Sehaol Hoys. Cocks whene'er they ouaii hock a acoil doo I To the Citizens cf Bova, XMecklczburg, Cabar l rus and Montgcmcry Counties, reuovj-i.iziz.s7i Si . j :, i nrhE requeft of fowe friends and a defir determined me to oiler myfelf as a candidate 1 for the appointment of Elcclot to vote for a Prefident and Vice-tprrfidenl of the United State's. i - ! ' Thofe who Jcnowj jme arc reneraifv wii 4 i : - j acqhainted with any principles and! politick! opinions, and to foih . as. are not! thus In. loraicu, u may w uswicwiirj to mention that I am as much attached to the I conilitutinr of oar Country, as any mar, il the United States ; but I contels I am blindly- approve adrainiitration .-liu. ii iii .ciiu nr vilizeni mould liemm ir proper to intruu meVwith the riohf f frelHog their vote dppl thisolcafion, I fi,a!l certainlv endeavour tn . .rf , r r wwvv .vt cicujuo of Mr; Jefferfon as a mn more defervihg the puunc couiioeucc; man wr; Adams. . '' .-.V . M. STOKES. oaitjbury, September FOR A L E. uui ouciiui tnoie who aa of Mr.! Adams's k. a j di I ii inn ni i ,"V?s, Utoateonthe main YJZtlhlH, merly belonging to jiBci AnS tion may be ranked among the f tU and the foil of t excel ltnt$ f,i t ill be; made known to any Pe2;n . ter5 purchafe. . . . .j f perf?a "cU A S C 26 i i ot Uobrrnett, a Lati School will commence in the Tnrii i ... - encourage ward ; ar, .jiNoiewoausii pea(e to cl forward, , (hall r.s. uu uUC dijciiuuflj ana care, while under my milieu. j iThe fcienceg will be taur rnce fourteen Dollars for th I . , and Sixteen Dollars for ScieftcesJ 1 i THOMAS CASEY. Count. Acv pkr'fon thinking proper to je tbe fame, I requeue d to come fori Sr';,er, th?l cfVnceineiit. A nd cSi forward, (hall nd care, while under ht at the fame place. September, 26 ifoo. I KT n . -t .... . J! -) .. ' . town et LexiRjrtnn havd nrhnnriA t-Ai. aatetretudeMtsthat will be plsted under Mr. " nujuuiv, auo IOCC- inn lr.l.. .1 r il . ) - 1 ZT . " o, ...6 I'iwuutu. ai ineraie 01 fort Uo Ian nrr t A .i r : i : - ; . I . , THOMAS CARSON. "-"f 1 : !"' A Thit Tim r t-L-. V And forfaleby the Printer Kerrrf Y i'AOf EkOiKCS FncC2s-U , of the! ' ' - I VIRGINIA ASSEMBLY Anfwersof fundrv Stat r ih-?- b-.i--; : rrajed in Dscemhtr n98; To which are pa fixed ' THOSE ANSWERS. " . ---h :. v-y,--. f-;Y:Y:n-:iYY.-; .; ': , f ;t : To Me overs of Poetry. 1 - " ' ' ' r I'll ' 1 - At ' ' iis DAY if FIT 3 LISBD And for fale at the Office of the Mercury, (Price, 8d.) . A POETICAL ; ' . ! - J ' - :' 'if'- ' i .,! . -i .EULOGIUM :Y,Y! ' O I .c'.Y- .Y.:.vfY GEN. GEORGE 'WASHINGTCK. Delivered in the Presbyterian CfauscHrf STATK.ViLtB, immeiUtely atirHiu, I JUST PUBDISHED iJ WILL BE SO f L D, m i! I..; l 1 i t i . . . . i - . . . -s ijuigneu nqaer, in the town ,of SUfhurv.. S?n.ai1 F3unty at the; late ciwelling'huafe of William CUDDlei drr-irrl . U. KO c. 5 Great Katt Sq iare, Sa!!lbary, and twelve aY l"! otuer necenaryj buildings, meadow, f flJAlfN o'trsft of land cohcainin? 6ri seres VJthin twa miles of Salilbury, Osgood in quality 7r , f, '" r1, ir well watered and arbeau r.tifu, .lituatipa. Likewife, his library, contain. i, . . 4 veryjvaiuable books. A ftudV ho.(ei and a gelding, fom? cattle and hogs Planutjcurenfilsatc. A fulkr? and h.rrefs! Zr.'x r'tn Ionie otl5er Property too tediou to BY FRANCIS GOUPEEL And far j ale at his PrMrOfkce. Sahnmrv. CNdrth.Cay0tinaX)i ' - SQDTH-CAROLINA THE .NORTH AMD MA FoRiTHE YEAR br n. res onsr, o rr.H t ...:iru. .- aii "aoe nown nthe da!orrale rt.! -fS??".1 any demands again ft, fsid ft - - - - - m w a a . k k a -a r i mi i Mir an rvvAvi vf v Fiona indebted thereto wil taaxe immediate payment to 1 i . ; WILLIAM ALLEN, " pp' Y ( , Executors GEORGE BLEDSO.S September 2j, i8co. . ! I j. "rrtVB' per!!n? having aav books belonging forward! Wilf plfafe brin2 YM- - . ii i .1 ' . .. " ' Y'J i. Y i ' ' ; ' ; , . A. & B. WRITING PAPER , , YjTIE REAM OR iQJJIRE, rOA SALE AT Taiiiottrv The following are the' prices tiy the quire. ; - - Second ditto. ; j Common do, t 1Vo, a feu, reams cf Wrapping Paper. ax 6. 2r. i i 'OlHAtB AT Ta orncB. Being tlx firJUfier Bitfextilh, olr Leap Year, . An d TJiK 25th 26th O PEMDENCE. N I I iff our. LORD 183 1 AMERICAN INDG- A ccrratelv calculated fcr Lart. 34 N. Long. 3 WoatHiP, o February 22nd. i8co. t the revs. James hall a. m. Y-; f " 1 1 ' Y - - ; .YY-r :" I . :. ;'Y;Y Y Y I The following Booh are for fale at this 0A State; of North. CaroSinn ir.j a. :1T I A Colleclion of the nriark am. v j,i c.:I o North-Carolina, from the yearijuJto 1. X,6!" .9 !nclnfive, notvin force and Dfc . .-in v.outciionci tne statutes of the Pitnwt r cngiana, in torce in the State of Nurd Caroliua - ' The foregoing books in 1 Vof, . Thea firlf in 1 Vol. : And tfie firft in icfo. i '- x A' jA Tretife on thejfHriWiaion of Jn&cei of thp Pia-c t a!b!I i i : . . i T . f 1 ' i . . , J .. ... . . . Oliine Oiate Ot fMnrrSi. Carolina. - i .1 -.T- T.' -,--. " !: Y "f YY'JtHSr YY j fY Y;Y D o C T R I N E Y OF Aij30LTITjE PREDESTINATION ' " Srtfrl srnH AdiprrpH : Vith a PreUminanf -Difccurfe. on, theDmt 4-.trtuutes, : 1 rav.uatea tn ureal mfvvrt r fromihe Latin of Jeram Zanchias. r."of -Phi arifrinhofi n. 6 neted and proved byvapair of Globe, and ether matters rdapted to the Srius' of North i.uyuum-uirouua, 1 CONTAINING, r5e Lunations, Rijingahd Sitting f the Sun I - jp vuiMf una JL.tiriar Eclipfei,. Judgment of Weather Remark- fle Dnyi, Fejlivals, Table to regu taie i,tecs and Watches, tea ; T Y. ,A L Sj. O, . Tii French Calendar . A N D ! A variety of nfefH! and iinufing articles'. WHICH! ARE. a tinPTTvlfl i. 1 -,i .-. !i ' r . I Fiecc tor e?ch Mnnthin tt,. Year. A Par.lt nf ' X torn:V. i;' JiC' Tn 2M and the D fbnrn " Vfl?ef on; or A 1 "Colcgica DAY IS PUBLISHED, By FrAncis Cofprb'. tfiVZ? Hit PBINriNG-Qt . V F7, SAUS8VKy Price, One Jhdrter of a Dollar." ti UL.plGiUMj j- C ... I o a rTn rA, TTndcr Mnd. Legal :Ljnzhable AdvantvrF Cbmpifort of riiiipn. aa.t-' aT-& v m wuuuus vJnga-i'cift- in pliERA I-M DJfsC OUR S In D liv ted at SalisB3;y. onthe.sydi Ft-fruarji IS COMMEMORATION Of THE pEATfl :0f CiKNERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. f U R T Advice. Drunk. a A f.LCl,,d Bot htp it-Nanot I. The Wijf W Sufsnthe Breechesitfaker. The Length of Mllea- in diffrrin.. . CJnrt.in "7- :.':V'r?'.l-r"- . State unlefs accom ':1 .lERMS or thr"' M R C I pet annum, tmvablc one Hnlfstn hibfcrihifH&u vcTnamaeraitheeitis oT ux montnt aa. -i I v . a" ir- r-c a atjtar.ee. py fenasAg une yoiwr garters tn advance, ana paying w pm utmoji pttn duality tn-e vwr, Subfcriptitns,Ct tnunicationL:&c. &t. rpniT- aid.T ihankfulll reteived and carefully attended to. I ADVERTISEMENTS - r Gf no mare thirt tritnm lin, infprtfithe fat time for Half of a dollar. 7i ar eic4 contizv ante after One Qnarteref a Dollar, larger- met in proportion. Nxtne iDill hf received unlet & tcmpanied with the Calh j I rX Country tm Jttr ttt inlen in tcVT- at Market Price either fsr SuMcriptionsof h ! -.1 i: r ! ..(.if -

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