1 ATI O. N, N. fork Gazette- April ;. -, - er, minifter from RuIEa s been confirmed by the : by the ErgliflVamfal, arpths arfweri 'on whicbvhe armiLticeis.iountica. . . ; f. DenmarKifnal withdraw herlelf j from K, April 8.:.. at riismajefty the pew Empe. Oial has conhraied ihe.iipoim- vJiis illuftrious father, with re-. the engagements made by that ch With the northern powers, to en- neutralitv: and that he .will propofc eaiures to .icninic uun.n.v B A GiU E, April'iS.; - i rhA r!naliuon nf.thlnorth. and Unite I with refufed. ?.iShe fliaUieffirthc Englijfh vk-?- ruruvrr lecur.fv .. , difpofitipn, tlidaied by-,neie$,v r more reafonablei-as irifmw! i cbtarris a penerjee mrettiai nations care of the voutided .1; ff";.. J armshMce of four letter fromCleves, of the i&hiirflanr, informs, that the! Prufiian army ofdemarka tion,WUained for UaniAfr, have received brder6 to. (ufpendjtheir inarch" till further orders from, Berlin. J. .f . ' i r ... .; .. f BRUSSEL S, . ..April 3. Since vefterdayi feyeral camie.rs have psf: fed '(through this city, from Berlin to .Paris ; ifo a rnurier from Corenhaccn fof Pa- - f 7 . . . ' 4 - J Anfer,1 refuted. - ?. She fiiall it ate Eno'lifii Refufed .'J 4. . There -matl'-e an jhor.ihs,-TAiifvrcr; agreid-j-that . itbeji4 6 hers, officerlidicrs'cd ferrjcb. L I-1" - c.- Eriplantr fhaU trade freely in a'tl" Ihe fnnrtsof DeniaiL during the armlllice Anlvrer, .rernica. w; In con equerrce I d: 6 Denmark (hall ukrbo .part in warTapnnft R ultlV. Arf; rgrcedinif muth ps the armedneutbiity will perrij'it ' 7. 3 Shall fq'n;p'c6ee during the a minfee. .Anfwe-rY agrfeVotxceptni ;the ordinary puardfliipt ardtKe frigates feryjng Jvt ih itfrnS'ipn of 4hV?a!Ufts.t 8 ' It. Hi all be permitte d jtcbe flvp of the fleet of adnnraC ParkVr to: failXto5 the! hcTth or fo th.- Answer,; ap reed t6 ;f ' . 9: Norway ;fhal) be iniluded i,n )C ?r m'ilVi' Anfvver. rtfifJd-f-BVnmaik rde- maud on the- contrary,. jt.e 'right, oi yro-vidinrrNfor- Ncl'way;- fn the courle of tlfciaP- Art. I.-., hem the day cf . ! L eltaoiilhe' hy toe Jaw year 6, and thejexecu direcled !hy arrets cf Te flacnp .duty el,hlirl;ed U t;. - rctw-. 2g Nivc!- r,. 5 b 1 . IS 5- p U.. ' . . :U ;.- Su "J iirei-Vf S'rciis prclerved be .executed Uncording to .ixiform J a;.. . I 2; Th.e hdiifvfon pVten'iF'f ftabllil-cdS. Hw (:f the b2 Kivoic, year 6, ih, t, ti n wh c r c of 1 h as,' he e n c! W ecl c d hV; ,. " of the; cfV Kivof,v year ihaU "e purely ai:u umpiy-.-. ,1 ns contributed percent, opan t ie rent of bcufeV;2 the dotyj ori .patents,' 15 &" rir sirnt f..4 . T per cenr the Cfnf. e jbtfes 'of f po istioq fXtdy tifr-rhtf arret cf thp"ivSt?: The dailv H A M B UK H, 'April 15 TheD3ncs (till continue among us. contribution of '6 ceo marl;?, exacted from us for their! i'upport has been reduced 10,3600. . v-1i - -: ..' r Among other "traits equally honourable rp the prince royal of Denmark, the following is worthy of psr'ticala r notice On , the J day, cf battle, and in a lirnaticn particularly expo ft d to dangep, feveral officers entreat ed jhim to retire rihe prnce replied' wr h the tnoit dignified) tompofnre, " Gentlemen-, I 'tjiank you for the zeal phlch jotrjnaniffU fori my faftty," hist beitig-. placed j Provi- . tience at- tne ncau or luiuidvc iidi;uw, . n is Encumbent on me to fet rhemja good c- am!e . i ' ; - ! -'r .. IjfV'pril 19. Advices j from Sweden an nodncc th'e appointment of Count de Ferfeh, - it. '"if " ; -km.-. j ,:.r7il--i- .kf ucnancencr ; 11 ioe locui, khc,ui - .ui ftafe; and M.' de Dbrehcim,: arhbtlfaddr to PARIS, April 26.- ' ' a , 1, Ffancoisi From Cape REGULATION. i.i. i. i ".. 1 - A V 1 : 1 in Chief cf the crrtics f St. Dov:irgo Always occtoicd in Hieiditatiricr upon the cauffs which rr.ay ferve toifncreale iqe prol- From the Frvritiers of Rufia, Jpril lo Sntelligence (tom Rofija announces the qwing.changeiV i - . All the ftate prifoner have ben fer at Jibferty. ) The ordjiiancel refpecling contra bald are abolifiied. Tlie tariff of duties cf 17 3 2 -.are eftablifiied.l There have been changes relative tb; the ifland df Malta ; E vei y body may dfefj as they pleafe1, provrd cdhKey drefsdecently. I he importation of merchandize is permtttecv I he 010 regi- retake their names -the old guaids fonsj: canfe ncrh v of ihis'lcolany, I Iikve maturely re fte'cle-d on the advartage land difadvantages cf 'tbff duties' alrc-dy cflabliflifd I.have heard w i t h z 1 1 e n t i c n t h e qbf e r V it to n s p f p e r weil ir ftrucled lane! friends ; to public l and rnv extreme Idefire to qo the bdl.iihas detclf n.ined me to modifica'jtions. & a.!terat"'ons, equally favourable to commerce and to arrricuiture. i s f i- A j co ve r ri me r. t ca nn ot k x i ft wi t h on t cbn tribtition's. I Thcf- of the - colonies . have at ail times beclu cbieflv founded, Ctflom Hn''fe duricsj ns being filch the repartition he reef the ea 13 tj v. duties, of reduce d H uiruii rciahc ineir .names iuc.uiu -u.nua are replaced. 1t is perniifted to travel jn & otif of Ruflja freely v 0 'keioVdiV';of W!o utncr,; ! wnicni.nornore Knguts -wci c pti- nioil- equal and the ca leclioh call expenfrve ; tipon she idea mv r-rti Jarinn of tne 2 1 fri r nrnair e latt V73S " . i . " " - J'S founded. Before that time the exooj-tstion and iniDcrtat ion were tp nothing through the facility vvhili fnip nersof Sad prbcioles had, to cheat t1e,-ad-miniflifafion by ehibrting frjudnlcnt invoi-. ces. ;:!. Was-neccGary-.to 'ut ajflep ti abu lcf ft became urgf nt to oppole . efEcscious meafures to t Lis fraud; a!nd tHe!e wcre the motives which renderecl tKetappr&iftnsent of ,mf rchaiidize and produce by the t'ribbnal of commerce necruary. I It ' would certainly have been , rr-uch mtited, h re-cflaWifhed. ofibooks is rermitted.. The importation The embai 00. on j. ner fEiclifli veffelsWill'lail until ari aniwer from : Eolahd lhall arrive. . The news of the death! of Paul 1. has oct ncd They prel an extiaprdinay fenfation--etend tb know With ceriaint Vi here, that the Emperor Alexander, irnmcdiately. on his elavatidn to the thronr, ordered the ba-' ron de Stedingki before jhiiir, and . declared tohim folemnly, that the friendfliips rela. ttons with SwerJen (pafticularly what re-1 Tpecled the armed neutrality of th nortH) fljcKuUl fublifl in full faith, r - 'iBefides the Rufiisn fleet of t'a fail of the litje, which has: already; left Revel there are two, others, j the one at Cronifadt. "and tle other at Swer Hund; ready for' Tea. The laft is compofed.joT frigatej and galleys. t) E N M A R KV EvtraEt of a Istttr fmm Copenhagen, cf the 2.tb of April Jung rime" generrf Tsrif,' a favor the fpecu- giviiig iliem the fired .calculations. Tarif has been J)- a vorf commerce by is")ikewifefo to trie collecTion of its more convenient to fix the price of mcchan dize ar'd -n rod nee iri - an unfavour;ibev man- but it wou'uT Have Itak'-n a to brine: to per feci ion 1 a dapted to the commerce .of St-Dorain-go . txperrence nav.ng mevvn me uic; 7 jjticmy afid ;t beingj rr y wifli "to lations cf merchants in , . I! f. 1 It' ntmoft facility to make the cr.mpilation of? fu'ch ai reaed'.; . . - . I It is my Intention; fb .all lawfiil means, hut ic infure tb the Republic revenue?. -V Notwifhftating the precautions taken in my arrctte r csf ihe 2 lit Frimaire, it has been again at tempted to commit frauds, and ail thofe that have been difcovered hav ing been committed hy l foreign merchants, it is necelfary to add new 5 precautions to thofe which cupidity' I and bad faiih have rendered ..infefncic'ht The mod falutary & the rrofl juft'is that which gives to jthe go ycrnnVent' a fiire and conftant refponfibility. The French merchants domiciTiated in this colony rffer to government a double! qnanti-. ty and become a fecurity- to the fame arainft j frauds. In making them the! confignees of 1 ht following are the propfitiDns made cargoei'arrivibg- in our ports, government duties of imporatibo tcduccd tpJ . by my Arret, of the; ioth Kivjl Inall rPtTiaim, iItp-s fanff frr l i 1 y.ri....v..wr a.. piwIUUtCfW ed or nftrc hand;;ze imrorred . in rhp'Sl sunder the 4t frying -jfflcd:f.c?tism :- -rTromlai 0 after' this'' pobbcatirn of prefent.-Vegnlatiioh, articles of the y t ceGty introduced 'nto t his,!coUinv, iteJ brlciur,. lalti meat, but'dsng tinihi'r, cere hops; iiigar, knives, and a 1 other t; I for agrifuhure,! fhali be fufrjeft tc of (ix nei cent orvly. I . From and rafter ihe I cth PrsVialJ the duties 6f the Cuflbm - Hcufe, -fiiliw ceivd zccrrdinr fn a fixpd Tarif,. and not I according; to ' appraiftv tor- decades, as t.was directed by the 5tn articles or my arret ot the 2i ffit Tiie geperal Tarif approved hf be printed,' and fliall" ferve as a fouci .for the receivers cf the Cirilora Hcsft tie?. - ;-! r .J'., 6. In, cafe there fliould f hsrpen tad in .the colony owe cr.rnorei cargoes',' ,ccn ing articles of merchanuize not apprifl tne oenerai J anr ; tne acminiflrftist petir.g the; prices in thelir.vcire to been ffjeed ibelow their teal vzitt is -ai rized to purchafe for its own accocrr, " faid .'merchandizes, at the rrkc rnfst in the invoices,! adding thereto 15 pir on the fa;dj invoife- j 4 . 7. l iielexpoi ration cflnRorey h-itv. prohibited. .'The moriry Sfcund - in . tt vention, .hereof, " is to be ctrffcatdJ rfourth" for the;bentflt ofthepc inrr trTe itzud. sr.. tne other 1 1 ree retrain for therbrrtcflr eft the npw, ..perfons icoDtrai'er.i . months, imprifonmnt. t . 1 8V Eveiy mafler arrivirg in hff vvili beobliged to confgn his og ' , meiihaht ho is.a rtfldctit. c)th: jNb one fliall 'beadmitteda- lie is' nr'r. a Frercli citizen earfnunti ; qd if hit fortune' H.cot excf ptipus msde'in for frrrigfl : 'charts to vvhich Hhe everr n-rr.t W 't he nPe j ve s to i ve .t he n t h e fne pf" ' after hisir exsmir.cd the Ifrvicti rencerccf to tne roicny, t der.ee, sheir credit ar d ibeir ircral:'-? fhall bef formed, in tcr.fcqner.re m t.- mercial tovns oi.ihe coIeryJids on- rlinntt havintr t rf rtllrf d C;a'F"C ' i' I " 1 t ' . ' ,T?Lr..nl main l' ny tae senerai in cnr r vk u -in the comrhoa th amber.. i 4 tVmV. All rn, flr.ees hall be ioM rinrihir'fnr fli, fra)tls commitffd ck; n.' ..iJL- : ' r k'.r Jnrr tfce S?f . TFl n 1 P I t 1 V V I -3 III all lll.t IILII'L. y in the fraud he will & the lift of comignees.. - IltK. The port changes e -low's; Tiz To the Captain of tWJ pilotage,, anchorage, &c J o tne interpreter, . a '' icg unloading: and loadirgi cfifrnpat out of 1

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