Mifcellani irow '-National i Inte ll ig eij c e r PARISON .between the VALUE of LANDS' in GREAT-BR IT At ft ' AMERICA, . as ; object of Speculation.; -By fry. V The 2cre. national debt icf oaf andf odd ! Jr a war fiiould enrreafr ihe debt; the: ahd the fcait-Ungia comrianyfS', value or lands would rile by cntreafe of pur- dreatt'd a nM;nIbK-r?df.iockbjp!de.rs, ! chafers, pr if peace continues ii will rife ''jeiroAurclirers raifir landed property Avith encrealed jjaopulatior - fitivalpV; Should their debts be loft," 1- s ' The 0 dinn AMERICA. want of improvement, -?ndofpopu- r.vr AT-BRlTAlNlS HF.ihioh ftate 'of improvement, tn.c 1 crowded population, arid thei low ; lation and the high price of -labor, fender of labor render the price 30 ana 4a tne priceflrom one ro two dollars per acre. t rn r.f.r rer. tir mnrt. '. , - v, . u h . -j J. - - tr opulation beirj -tuu it rs-qxpo- -ri rertiie foil, wit'; plenty cftimbtr coal, utV'u by trarifportations to I3- lime, iron, coper, &c .'induces , .emigration" bv her -Joluiers lent tos Gi-r Iron? k-Il quarters, and asl the rouritrkmen v:r WeflSnes Caiiada, .NiavafcCtia c-onfifh of ' induflrious- citizen t- whoi irrarry t cf Good Hqoc, Crtyidn, St. Helena, early, the muitjptjcaricn Ssftoniflies he Old I i . " T ! 1' I ' -WorM t-fome calculate ihiat the poiluiation Xxpofed to varby, jher exterfivc p.o bn anld bv her neighbourhood 1 with i and nnouitiins now foi m Dei ween ntr ana Canada. decreafe, and as the Atlantic is betieen her doubltsitt 15 or 20 years. ! ' J ixot expoled to war as ger e nt Ipowersin jp rdof f w h i t hj )t t be .;. rnlcrnius I ndebt Has basbeen laceu- ted inja century. :; - ; , r; -hSupptirted by; Mach meVy which a frn fttivti !! r'e lb a tc s. arjc milijons of pounds Ing where bv lbre is is ; ble to export ma- ttuics. tjifter lupplyitigher own tubjecls) the lakes rivers a natural barrier and as' tlx Iodians- and tiuroptaii po wers i Machinery,! canals; laoiiu tia t her to are r?f'dly W- 31 lining, that flie may iinporr raw mate Is and fupply Hberlletf niahufjclures ; ,bL agnculture, hoqle buiHbng, and fliip urcbald tras, wines, &c. to lupport the- building; have'chitfly 't'Uinirci 1 attention ampnop of armies,, navies, civil and ec- afticai jdebt, dr.onesi s, &c jwhich amount and all their ftr ' o half the people. , The Hand tax, and the poor rare? an ;ly encieafinii, excJufive of ten per; cent, . Tliej Veft-In'dla produce monopolized as -duties. encreafe. the 1 1 ! . r td.are fending tneir but nbw iron and tin I iiiijtifaftures 1 iail croth; a cordage, boKhinfe W'oths, playirg cards; .boilieigfafles, & t. are fuccelilplly rnade,' and America if sppjyirg the improve ment of the 4old and availing htiftfsf of :he accuiiiLilated knowledge of centuries. ' No land tax, ! Icarce a poor rte. r j CIIA!U;eSTON, JuU 25. 1 . . . ..... .m. ... ; k a - 1 , . ilte arrival: of the Hi id Tohh frnm: Tlon- don has furniflncd me'iviih Loridon lianrs to jy , incluftve. Thefe conjfi-m iijc ueieat or rne f rench in Mrum K..r nr- imc 2u or ivia '-''. lllP'.arffiiintr -1 fiti as to th Hgnal v-tVory ft ill? Riiffiafi. an d SwediOi fleets over the priti lh rv 'the'. Bartid . A renbr t of trie defet of the Bid tUh in the J likhic is verwoolrll?' .hut", not ' robable, cohliderii.g either rjie force or in imatjiens ef iflfe northern powers, i h " 'l;! e- Ibips tisf 'rna atldtHeis..:wereltb fail ' ih 6'dr 8 dnys air thq John Jor. tliis toort. American p-odoce hid f iUfcn i i e' 42s. " cotton 2. 1 id. fn is. : 1 . t " - 1 w ' u London, Apiil 30 lfc!d to the lord 2d. j ' f ni.cfjehgeT arrived yeftefdny wisl imQil iniioitank" coycnimcnc tjifpytehes fi oni Berlin nd Ccbcnhen the Ilibitahce' of Which 'Was UimMiitelv tifid tbtbrDubnc bV the foild wiorr letter diArtm mayor 1 - I in i or mm . . 11' cjay from lord Garysrort and hi Tames 'Cravv- th'e coints ; of Hi in and "CobefihaoTn 1 1 i. ' r: J .' .;(. I . . t i ... f . - TaveHietf rttiirfed to reot Nurip ui vcrniany, anq ;ver wii war the Yv cargoes mnft be m ;rodUce, the tune A c fl Indies will re and as ih? return faft After th proprietors of the , Su'reinjoretibrr, lie. . . 1 i - . . t -. . produce direct ,to varg ' approaches wlTea Ameura by hei typogra ;phical fifuafjoni will Have the principal commerce of the.Wefl.Indits. . J The 'overrment U obliged to Inreafs The execiaive ovcrn;rrent hssfceeri-twics ;oer by encroaching on the rights pf Changeld without the 14'lt:f $.r ac jC'Tne fit or pto-.)ie As its taxes eneteale, to us aou. "apprcKenllon. 'and t c:tii:ter.s become nore dikount is excited.' arid notwitbflaiidip: attached to the pf efrii: Lccnftitutidn-as vhey rill be a! lowed ti lyly Lord-! iiavd nre'dt iaiuf !tioniri "i1 pen the river ot tns that aiil vefleU what. navigate thefc rivers withiv.it'mo cltarinri. - I beg your lordhid will have the good sets loiiibi 1 n I ;j - w ine prayers increase in an invene riiu fc. Thej King fqrms family compacls njid AnV fellow-citbenslmay by. abilities and jpccs with toreign powers, ana tnijs io;ws virtucsjo.auige ine ncpe. oi ouiauiiug 1 ll- hanil and heart of anv A of the executive's g)ven;meit is fl-"bggbng to fcnti v'prolpr under it and njore-averie. to cnange ? thV eld fourccs. cf blood (heel and- , e-; as theW have njpjretb !pfc;. the deht lively .k Lv iliVllin' cn the balance of power- to dinnihiflj, anclhhe nuu.ber arid capab'lityi to c in the M i this iruehigehce asfpublicas ity. bono to be, cVc fesds lof fnture: bloodlhed ' and difputs, au!e he pbflefles, Hanover; and his' chil- I!p muftiniaify abroad ' V: . - i.l" j i tie enmpon f ni par i s . o i ni e n r it i in tu;;-' fiiiioo qrc , diicrraat, artd daily jbectotiie pre di vided. : demccatic or republican It of the contt'ion'b'encoursc'ecij m en- nd ccjrpdreal c?:erTiois by good lwsoc (Finai oyjjury,! wiiuit tieiponun Kep-mc 'of:Eirope in , drknefs ; but Vhe rpfn--i:r?I and anfuuratical ; nVr'ts oTthe ctn- i . ,j- Jtion have dillipate iv idle and ferocious" rc, all jibe .wealth tb'e other ere a fed, - h2 taxes! t tvthes. corruption of boro'-ns. all render the people advene to the go- rnftient. -Hither to thev have arouielced every iiujp'Miiion,.; as rrierr are not f eajiy: childtjen and alt the . evils which flowed from1 the royai niarrgs are precluded v : Scrce a n:otiU can be eye n lujeflcd for' revql : ; the world lixtHe, 'hich" bad; made the pother country it oliniioo did for a nnfie;! render' fbme back kfilers'. turbulent ; but now the people are more c idightened, a nd n i o r e attach d to t tp. cr-cen ftitu ?Jo n ; fro m t j me v d e s p e r i e n c e , 1 f a n y ! i 1 1 1 e a 1 1 e i s t i o n is dc(lt"rf.d"hv the! msibritv it can ben'done 'ithdu't a convnlfiom -iThe' citizens cannot comobia of 't hi- :!fa!arisi beintr yexorbr?nt. . r . " i, 1 i . . They have .have vo rn'onf folk's to'do aw'av ; they not- the ty r hes, ' cz clufrens arid in u I t apt ' - !'". i" - Hi - " ' - : . - fuccd tb tiique tho lofs of -proper; pat w ifccy Ibrgiu to cive up bodes of berKbt .t)f d erate ot nis pm their reorefenr stlvrtl r:nlfo tiiibncl! future to" avoid treaties nics arb fcrrnir.Vr. vi. ith nrfr! ahd tb 'cbeyjd - ar1d'iiiaiicfer"r. pVeddimita t infr-. r ejiglo nl l .-'-Eath perion may ph r f i.e hi s ,t erred r i a h w fel f a r e 'ra nd b '.s be Vnfvt nap.ptnefunbbruaedarcctQin to America means in The-la'wJsfe Weil vernv.dntt r Asf the foriler ti thVuiome'd j&in and ribbUi ty 'ra 1 ! f Toiind'' veen arc pe and robber: are tv irirreif- ' 8-lmoft unkhownL ;Ahbou&h America ;hai much interelled in is become ;infrg-,; abroad and ahhougliflU hareceivEd Inful not exnecled and'iniurie's from both nations, ye? me does tniniftcrs, dif- nor feek redrefs by Avarj' Peace ij aniiou-. d! thnfe lv willed -forV that emigrants maVconie oV- T ,B ' V have :he ! ' HAWKESBURY.' My jc lieftcrday rnorninkad vires were received at the foreign;' Vi filce) in Downing itteet from loid Caryforr, his niajetly's difter at - Berlin ; ThtyM were brought to Hi rvtfich by an extra packet inlzLS hobr from ;Cbxhaven, for the fakeefdifpauh, the cant- JCilgiahd hei jcould reachV By' the fatoe itket the Eafl-lndia iComprny received a ci (patch from mr. Ttok, their agent 4t vonitantlriople, dated the 4t.l1 of April, cf yhicb the folloyingi ari rxtf aQ ;' effi'cia!! coiiiinuuicated for tKc infWmaticnfbf the ; pubil CO NSTA NT I Kb P L E, ' V ri4. ",On the 2 1 ft March; sen; Menou cn bisk march, from Kathmanie', iwitbl Sooo- in tsntry ana ,3000 cavalry, was de lea ted by g e n r Abercrombie , wii h t h e Iol d f 2 000 kd jejdnd cboj priionersj Otir loft ' Was co iljed and i'ic)o wounded ; among the lat .ierj eperab Abercrofjibie, Mbore Parker, andfir SicineV .SmithJ Trie enemy was purfuedin every pireetion. . . F 5 4 hbur had birrciiderrd, sod, Alex- ncia; was Ibjcpofed by lord' Keith,': if nof PWn,yto oe on tne point bri ion endermrr. hht f rehch cavaHy, in the lakes, attached the firfelifh ie- prefent contelV f.Tirronei t re I minnntti icant, '.bcclufc ; benefits hcretgfare by chantre. bf utCTS. IF f finr f rc ffrthiir uced ro 'diltrefs now form, a larpe and verwithout fear; oieneiRiesv Arftenca' lias 1 r . 1 -. ft . ..- 1 . ! ' i - verfullbodv- which mifery daily tncreafes. - not.aby colonies," and if (for a tic fhe ex ihe.rjf rjoti 'ffl: arn'roachei when the cb ports lefs, flie muft ' import defs alfo, and . : .. , i I . . . ,1 : . . . . ion wtii take-place." The lofs of a colo' tn? I ft3bnfiimentff)f rival manufactures,' deficit "in ihe receipts for if the citi- may at once oc- . ' . zens ire not fupported py the government in armies ana navies, ttxey urjit dc Dcncnci. were defeated bie p;r infantry Mate..' itry with' to tbekArab.' in vjery at- avilfy, j but tacki,,if Such are " the corijentsi jf i-the bulletfn ve?-jare"fcrrtuna tely able to ' ajld forne other ' particulars vv hich m: y be diehenrjed upon. , ; S r !R al ph A berc fo nib ej h a vi g" 1 e a rn t from his )p:e that gen. Me pou -wsjs on marcli from IUthmanie to reiiev Ailexandria Jwtcb was;malked by iur army, aijemblecl pig the - forces.' be . tould (pare 6 at tagc'' him. , Otr,army yas 'inferior' tor that of ' thFrench, par ticularW in catalry cif which wQj hao; obly 8cd. , Geii,; Abefcrbmbie had ' a 1 ffi Ieil ohiifted tn a. ftrnnlr! rarrifV.r linmboukir, vvhicb, together with the block- ad'jof Alexandria, reduced bis numbers to 1 "V ion u.: aliy occupied at home; be? ween b' and 9CC0 men Hi - . : .1

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