: 'The Paris papers remark, that the death If Paul I1 bears a remarkable freferhblancc jrith jthat of the emprefsj his mother. Ca- lhafiPff P)cd al the lnitant tncre was on her ;abre for iignarure, a treaty or'alli'ance with England ."again ft'-. France ; and . Paul died iWhcn'he Wa about to conclude a treaty with Fraocje againft England " - f ; i ThW emperor.. Alexander .is reported to Jive-written a very friendly .letter- to, Louis Xyjil. in which he prbmifes him. ihar the pfipp' ot two hundred thou fa no" rpubies for wcrlyiallowed, h:mj Oiould be continued. ; AUbpugJi the Ordel o" Malta Is not abfo lutelyjabojfhed in RuffiaJ no paHOn per mitted to wear. tne decorat ions'; (bf it. ; . .HistmajeuVs health is not deemed by his phyficians to Jbe fufScieiitly ,te.eftabhfhecL for I sn'inrme.diate cxciirllon Iothe fe.a fide, i -The parden granted in England to Napper. 5'apdyi fys;a French fdper);appears to be iretufn f4Y that granted by General Brune. in Holland toan Engbflv officer; who might have.bYen tried as ,a fpy,. before a council cf war, and to whefm " General Bronc laid uponreleaf ng,him,x' (ow- muft anfwer i to me. for the'bead of :Na'pp'er Tandy.'? The jEhV ilh officer aHuded ifoV we preldme J to be ihe brave General Don, . - v I . ; - "UV t 1 -v :-. '., ' . iTh difpatches from Egypr, -which .are, jr.eniioned jn our. , paper jof Saturday to have niec at Gibralt a r, reached ipWon the fame morning They - weie brought ;"by JLieut.r Trulcotf, of the: Jofeph cutter; tfnd pubiilhed in the London Gazette-- As this officer left. JVboukir on the 19th of March!, his .difpafhes -contain .only' the of -ficial'details of our. operation prior to 1 the glorious baUIc of the aift of that month. Ths If tiers of Sir ijRalph Abercrombic and Lord Keith are highly creditable to, the va lour apd"difciplihept.both lrrvices-, ' r On. jthe-23U)f April, the. Joleph was cbac- cd byi four fail', cf Spandh hue of .battle j: theTaurpofc of employing thecrcWs on boj ot tue. grand fleet. . ; : A GeoeralBairdi who commands :he for fronq India 'dellined id cb operate withA Ralph Abercrortibie,: is fakL to have .on 5000 Sepoys With him, innconfequence o. tne oitncuity pt providing veilels for the con Yeyancb of greater nurpbetv : . Ve yefterday receivid the Pris Tdurnals to. the 8th inalulive: i The only article of! atiyintefeit thfsy conrfinV.ts-an ogicial uoi'u heat on by. the Moniteur, that .the French Govern meiu has received no Njirecl inteilii gence from Eypt fince that by , the Oflnsj ! Thei lournal des Defenfeurs like ViiV contra. didsj, by the exjirefs Aeiire of Mr Lucchei fim,j the Prufliari ambllador, v ihe account circulated in London Icf ths defeat, of ih. French in Egypt, in fo far as it ibeed connited. with his name. The mattir rtlls entii-eiy bet Ween Mi. 1 Lock and Mt.i Lufe- cheijni. ! : -; ": j- ; -.The Journal des Defenfeurs ft a re a flOrh ber-jof argupents'to IhVw that. the acmuntj as originally given, coald r.ot be true as ic was taipoflible tht " General AbercrombiVj wjrhout, cavalry, ' while the French have a great body of ; cavalry could advance )ntd x he j cdu n try w i t hou tf pr e v i oifQy h'arci og triad 4 hiinfeif rpatler of Aboukir anil Alexandriai J t is like vife ft a ted, 12x GenV Abercrbm bie tould. not have ' pidvjnceJ to' Itahrrianie without croiTi& the Ulcc Maaduh. for whicH !,..( ill . . . ,-.J men ixt La DrcmV Cit peafants.ofthe .corou Valcnte. : ThivillamV armed with two ' piftols thfeatefie d To blow" out their brains if they dared' ib apjjrbacli' htm ; nothing,.. however, coujd intmltdate'theni. Tt wi s pubiimctf1- ycftcridaY iS.r.d we 1V0W repeat ir,i that the Governmei't has receiv ed crHciat dilpatches frbm feypt, Nwh:"ch con firur xHe accounts U hich; have 'pre varied for1 fome .thnc that, tile Englilh have been totally 1 defeated, ' V " . .The Minifte'r of the 'Marine has; received from Citizen Venu the Marine f Prelect 'at N TIouloi), a report fdated ift: Flfreal, in which we read the Jfollowji g dctarls V ' Ouc cf the vtfl'elsl linden the command p Citizen; Vaux. vi huh failed ! from ' E'vVjC the" 29th ."-Ventole GahtheaumeL- ' was; - .' . . . - . 1 by;oViders of Gtr.Cial ttken IV i the Br it fH . - wh'en'abcnfiity leagnes from;land and' lent into Mahon. 1 he Captain and crew, which WereTient back in !a carte f' irnved l at j MarfeiSles' tht 29th j Germinal. "The ' GaptatfV writes to lii agent, ' who Js Vow at t . j iTbulon irja i tfh: Engl ifii frigate i wrfct'K fail ed- from ' AJexandna the C7erminal 4 . (MarihdJ'ind at Mah)Vthd I ith,!has broufiht the nefc's' that the Yntr'- . h'c had no means of traafport whatever hicrl-1 hfh were completely defdated vjGet ior .S Menou.i ;Ca6tain : addf" ! that ' this ' iliref , uavc muuiica in pamug itirowgii tn.e eterr Hgeuce uas lpieau connearnatrcn tnrougrt of.Babireh, vvhere he: could have no.prvi Nhhon. , ; -'4'f' r."'1? : fios, ThefeYcaloningSi however, apply ; a'dvJrced A i .f -v. r .-- ihips, in w ffom Breff . and the next d'ay' file fell fh five riiore, from ibe 'fame port. Tne Jofrph tras bbiigedMo Crowd ll fail to efcapej beiig captured, but was uffipitutly hear them to 'ciifcbven their Cue 'ando? what nation, j Two days after ihe del cried two Hrip'ith men of war, and uiaoe c iiiitial to theih i Th$ advices from. Conftantinoplerby way ' cf Vienna, give fpmec details of tbc d barka tion.of our. troops in Epypt. but; nothing fo as theinevvs in "the extraordinary Gazette, Jhc; Report of the. taking of Alexandria is ceitaifviy errtit'ed to j ojeredit. ;" y Yeiler v ay arrived j he Hp nib u r I a i 1 i o clue ,c )iir C? ; : btt, quntrary to expeclation Jt does nut biinc that imcortant in tell'gencej -whiyhj mijght have;been expecttd by it ! A Jetterj ft om Gptffta-ntinple, of-the, ioth- of Anril, nienUCnS'that; the batile of; the.)?iJ(l if MaYjhVaViVfy decjlivetha't the:ene-: -, my's cavalry as . ompletefy routed ;! aid . the wrecks of i Menou'slarmy'vyerefaved by; ..jeturpihg jo the .ortrcfles: ,of. Caircr "arid . . Aveapldfiai . ..General Ahercroqibie w.as be. !"yate ifttefsmetion that.it was' to be ftprm-Ttbe gursm . ed onit.hc foliowinjr, clay. A part,' o this j ' Ht is -.rej; 'Tufk lh L'afrmy had joined hinv - JLbrd KeiiHi'sififVt h!as takeo a larrsc" convoy ta Hieireport of our knnv haviotr ta Hahmanie. . which ws know vvaa noc th? ? A From all- that appears, inclecd, we aru j jv more and inorei convuu-ed that uiilefs Geni S f Abercrombie can . previoully make himlelf mailer 'of AiexandnaV is ithpollible to adj Vance nrto the interior.1 J It was bo doubt a :iene of the 'importance of that place which ;uiduced Meibu to hsifen down ;in 'perfon with a reinforcement to the relief of the garj rilpiu It it be judged necefl'ary 'to ftortn thjs pliiire, for it ii thought that it is not "of a nature'tob regular ly"D.ti ifbught tof be-tr:ed: btfere .anyrfurther. rtinforcc agents, can be thrown n toit. ? v K ' I ,x Lord Stir Helens ' tailedl from Yarrbbulh' JvLTl6, I SO I. A. .ex -ft ; Captain. BytlU'w inrf "th? '. Otfego, oti his. pillage,! ipeke a Britim packVi. wh dif patches from Egypt,' .and wa5!inforujcclVthat, fir Ralph ;Abercro4biei hd died in confesr queccvf'his woundf. J Charleftoa.rpapvi: says- The A a . :Arr !Alhany t paper public oncht (o be on their sriuard how thej take dollars of lire. date 01796 and 5Q7- a s there1 is a Jvery large biirn Der r inem in circulation, very nan'i- - .1... 'IB noaus on ouuuay anei uooii ior.i eieriui.rgu. SQRiely n!atea7rsuppo5eq to iiaveDeea On hs lordih,pcoim.n- into, I afn.outn, .tt e Sported f this spfin' from thc, minis beih w.Te rung and the inhabita, aliemT r Hirmli'am .,nrl S'l.rffipM. Up mil- bied in crowu;,' wiihing his lordlhip- fuCcs in the object ot his unlJiou. PAR1S,1 May 4 Of; p.rqvifQh-vefeU: f-confrfting of near lone hunV cf the' Hanfeatic towns, for the purpofe- of .c. 're rk ri ig w under fo ms modifica tions, t hei r .ancient alliance' and totaUer propect. me a". ...lutes for tec three 'fi liaue, , t Private letters from Spain inform u?,?that the; Government of 'that; kiogd6m has' lent the ultimatum to the.. Qjeelt of Fortngal declaring r that l if flic w.thta ' twentyrtoor hours, would, not expel vth? ngli fir from allU her ports, and iiot j: acmit, ijpandh, ' 'arid Frenh ga?rifcns, Portugal would be decUr-' ed an jncgral irrevrpce,' ot pain, onder sme-e- ot. f raf.ee. ' - ? .. -; ? reported that : a feriolis ...mifuridejr. ftandinir eiafls between. Lord Iellon and: AclmiTai. S:n ; Hyde 'Par 'ker ; tie cafe , jof :Wtrich:is: 'l:aid 'to ,be htST-Lcrd' Neiluy having applied ta the r'tidh . Qoverhm.nt; let a--pst5poit, to returh-'Kome.'cby.fWy Vbf Hamnurg. .Adtrijra 1 1 parser's" teiiigBfor1?-. ec- of it, ufed his .influence to prevent iiii Jtitellieote frttui- iHambufg, Hates, that th e I Britilh Govrrnment has rphtd toihe" linJ; onJh pillar;' side is rather - faint; arid luey may easily! be discovered ny sawing. OT3ine eage yv iin a Kniic, atirl turning it flrong up, ihe plato WU1 SUM'. Fnm LcxhgttnJ May ibl-L.H-l A jjentfe man ivho aWived here on Saturday 40, in forms "us, that, in March laftl the r Shiwance an'd 'Delaware Indians who have ..been at variance v; gagement,' th the j Hufaw-natiori had an en-and.- the two! ; former deltroyed. le'vera'l towrxs'belopging o ihe enerhyV tha r ' they rf fumed to' tne mouth of the - Milfouri' with 63 Icaips ard a number: ot ft ones ; arp: mat uietixaii pox iiauoeco niu ouuecu inio ar.d upwards or -1 Coo or ' t h'e H u f a vv n a 6 h 1 i - them had died," filing the pcc?upincy cf its territory by. i.j Dane.s 5 in which reply, ibsy eaprttVi V? i To jhe'Citizens cf Rowan Cbunty. , QFFE11 myfejf as a Candidate for Comf I i. moner.i to reprefent you in" the rieifc reply, ibcyeaprttVl ; -u '. b r' b'elief cf its'ianocWcereUtiTr tq.atjy reporiec a.naiasie.umneaenite., onouia Ficination ineafures . of 'a hoftile natilre ."WVr ,o m;c111? nil Grreat-Britain ,-coniequentlv, Hatn-J Kflagj Avijl ncH;t only be . treated with beclfbut alfo be, protpftcd hy.the Eng- the brigand Canal' lCt . v ho till.now.had bed the Jnce?.of his ptxrfqt;Vssl at br'h difcovertd.iri thjs ietrcatbya detachl lit of the 'national cu.ard ,of the commune f ,- J 1 i . - . (- 'niille made the moll vigorous, refiftaricev the ictertft and welfaic cl our country i Tarn with re Ipecl, Gentlemen li . Your moft obedient' t , -Humble Servant' " ,; GEORf3E FISHER. AVRITJNG and WHAPPING-PAPER 15yl tne Kcam or squire for lale.at-tnn ; 1 3, x d was. not ufceatiu ac " . jxa rcccivca V

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