J . r J t the ileter- tCr It vuv- - 7--- i t '-?.v.v''.-'-: t-l.,Jiin !rn to .afrnrd his towVof Cairo. And I find it is Xliwshnc(s fuch 'aid as may rcquiGte towards 1 "O-MMking the foritfcaiioxis ; which the French occupy ncar.ro the town if if is ne--V,f reduce Ahem bv lorce . . " General Hutchirfonhi$fur a favorable Utter frbrn Murad Key. ".laying - he -if "rca'dvyip join us when, we come into hts if xe. ghbo&j iicbd. are jn T am haonv to ad.thatour arrnyr the hig heft health and fpirits. The climate 'and weather had hitherto been molt propi . tious-The natives had acquired the great-;-... eft, degree of. confidence from the proclanp-''-Mfoii iiTued by our army j! and ,wtr e conti . uuiog to bring in hbrfes fand provifions n great plenty-! Nearly icbb of our cavalry ' arenowweii mouuied there ; and w have i itiil above 1 1 .ooo infantry in the -field: 1 he '- tirmrvr V.m-rrer- nf linahtmitV DreV2iLS DetWCen V - -V - - 1 : jne iSntiir anc i urKim croup have the honor tc be, &c. . ELGIN. the. Loncon uazefte. iOnkfn's-Houfe. Tune 4. i8i . . ... . r , ' This day, the count dc W or brizow, hay ing received, hew letters of credence rein. tfa'tiGg him with the character of envoy ex traordinary and -tninifleirj; jaiehipbtentiary ' from the emperor of Rutfia, had a private audience pf his majefly to deliver his credejti ViaT . tr AcHicH he . was introduced by the -'V Hr.hr honorable lord Hakefbury. his Ma. -jetty's principal Secretary of State ?Jor fo-(6m- and condudUd bv Sir Stephen '.Coirercllj kiiighi, &c. WKITHALL, June fj. Thif Gazette contains an crder of coun cil taking JofF. the embargo ori Ku(Iian ahd Damih veFels in the Britifli portsi and rft. voking a for flier 'order, refpediing the noh- payment of bills drawn from the above coun tries.! . Irr kv't -V ... : The priefent ftate of affairs in (Egypt holIs our the mcft fatisfaclbry profpecl of the tn . mphantiiluejbf the expedition, for the "e- . mancipatiqn of thaf count ry from the tepub. - JUjniypke. , W? ;muft however, make a inatenal diftinlion between" the difpatcfi'i; . torn generali Hutchinfon and jthofe : fro in lord Elgin, publifhed in the Gazette extra ordinary of Friday morning. ; The intell:i. gence received from the former, is dear and pofitive the communications from the lat- ter do not reft upon authentic or official ad- advices. The reduflion of .Roktu whiih ; gives to our troops the ccknraarid of the - na vigation of the Nile, and fecures ample fup c$ fromithe: fertile province of re Delta, hthe rhoft important confeqeence Vrefutirg Am the viftorv of the 2ift I of rarclv. tA'ic-arc si fb other acWantsges of confjder abjk moment.! The force of the Fripc,, whi, if joined, would be -ftiU . fcrmidaSje, is n? fo completely interfeile as to be un ablelo co-operate in mafs. Trie Coplits & ;. Katies have evinced the moHl fritndly 'dif poiltki to the common eaufevl and Mcr t id Bey hi declared in our tavqr' Trie enemy;, pfelled upon all floes, :A)d rlovv.cpivinced'of he impraclicability or re. ee iviriJccoursfrbm France,) can tlnd his fafety ofty ui- the terms, of. an honourable cppirnlatf 'n, which it nuft be the wifh of a pntith cqjisiander to grant,! from the hu. VfTuflori ofVamsn blood. The roarch of the d Vizier Tf accelerate the treaty j$r -jy pt, .. and we fliall pro- ir.ft learn uTWnjpri the medium of th had Uft IJftor :TtiuU powers to .negoci.: ate peace Wiii. ,-ce and Spam-; and ac counts rcceivelji town ytfleiiay, (the 6th flsie, thiVpcrtugal had Egrecd to, the conditions prop'ofed by ihe Firn Conjfui and the Court cf Ivlaclrid. Ouc.Vonnccion with 'that country inll therefore, ceVlc, ,L LONDON, June 'Si We received tbi morning the Paris Pa pers to the 6th ir.ft. The cfiicjal paper an nounced the arrival of a courie from M? dfid, with an; aVccunt of n the Jjentrance bf the. left-wing oihe Spaniiharniy into Por tugal, by' the vay of Badajosr' and of the captprel of the Olivenza arid Monte mayors JV1. tie Pimb; as ,foon as he .reached the iSpaniCj -'eid-cjuarter demanded a. truce, and pfeduced his full pevfers tp. negeciate and. llgri a definitive: treaty cf react .; but the Soaniards re.fufed to erant ja truce un. . t i 1 " t h e P or u g u e fe j:o v e r r rn e n t jh s d I a i d a n etnbargb npon Britifliibi'P. and fhut their ports againft England. M;de Pinto .. not' havir'g lautlioriry to accede to fuch a reqtvi iition, returned fo 'Ltfcon for .'further, in ftn.;clion; ancl the SppiHj array continued its riiWcn. 1 ,does not appear . that i the French briny has yet entered Poftugal;J ; . "What the French want in off cial intelli gence from. Egypt direct, -they attempt to make up by doubtt of" the accuracy of the Englifh iaecQUTirs by the depefitions of per-. fcn.s iwho have ,-feturntd from Egypt, land" by cch j e d u r R s ' Ore o ffi c e r h a pn b i i flu cj a dt pofitibn in 'hkh he exprefies his belief of the rumours of the Englifh h aving been decifivcl7 defeated. Unfortuna rely for jthis cificer," he dates the defeat to h i ve happeii ed ten days after the late1 battle of the 21ft. of March, that is cn the ; ioh of April. Now we have had 1 fScial news from gy jpt totthe 22d of April, . v . .; The -French troops, who were about to e- ihasccnihe.circlesbf Swabia, I5ava!v Auftria; : tofuppcfrdihe FrcnchtmlJ have been quartergu pon ttenj i the;iafi ycar, cfti&ated at 3620 of florins excufiv of contributions JfC; fitipns, I and eyery other Jpecies , 0f 'r& cari fpoliation .and.robbery. "S5Ptt.. st nerstions, (it js cblerved) rntft neovK Pfs away, before the : country csn WS a Jofs fp confidcrable.' Such are the Ki rl hour bfj dange, rebelled sgsina theirlaic - in dc tac have enuing incir , couniry aanmii it ., ksicf the common fneiu'.', cchi.i:l e x ci ted bitv n or r e rr et. June o, . x '4. Lord Nclfon is about tcV rWarn ff I . T.rn f ... 1 . ..1 - .. . - -. :--; r- i vine rnnfinpfl tn Ii?5 cjihinYcnttL j. ),;.! - L . - , '""til v " 1 the BrifgiUj have received counter- they have even occupied the r orelt The difficulties which have oc- vacua te 'orders : Towns. cured upop the ftibjcO cf the Indemnities, architected as the icaufe '..of tiiefe move ments. .The French funds arcko f. 63 c. A-packet arrived at Falniouth on Friday from Lijbon, vhich ;il,e left tie a4tfi 0 lafV moi h. ;; The 1 e 1 1 rrs bri ng jt he ' ; i rnp'or. itcxti inteliigencef h battle 1 having tsken place bei ween the rnain bodies ct the; Spa h ifii a tioj Portttgurfe armies in, jwhu h' j the S pa n i arcjs we re dt feat eel wj t h the lo f& of up wards of icbo men. The rintelirgence reached Li ft on the nipht before the lailing cfi the racket,! whrch was ' imme;4!2tely.dii-;: patched wi ih 1 h e news . The Fjre rich army hatf net joined the ;.jSpa bi'fhi buq f their ta.d vauiecl guard Vas within two orf three Jays' march of theanihf- ijead-quartprs; vlt is tU le remarked, tht the intelligence which tne- packet has brought from Liil bn xriuft. bejof alster; date;jha'irhe p&i news; in the French papers, which wsi,eniby; the ;King ' of Si.vfrom-i -Maclidn'4to;ithe.' Count 6f: Leg hcrh t Paris. .phe two ac-; counts, therefore,, may both btf :fruc.t.; The Spaniards might have met with refiftance i-priterjfngfe Portuguefe terrjrories, ahcl xhey'nv.ght'have 'tsken poffeilien of feme towns. Their .dtftst. might have taken ptce after ihe capture ;Viicrit iqned in the f4miikr of OliVcnza and (JVlontle Mayor. . : It is rot probtble,. , however,, that this firft fuccefs of the Fortuguefe,.':yiIl be; very decifively advahtagecus. j The (junction s cf the French witK the Spanifh would make I their combined force infinitely" fuperipr to a. ry which. rortugal couidiieRd againit teem. Gret .activity;- prevails 'm the different pcrts, in order; to fend reinforcements . to r gypt as cjuicKiy as poilibie. i i raniports brnals (announcing jphc arrival of capitulation". Should Gantheaurfiilcrd yefterday from Portfmouth for Ireland 20 bnake a Isndingibn the coaft, hnd all the principal points per- forces, or nissiquaajron mutr the fupsrior gallan'trv, Ikill, Loid KVith'i fleet, which ced by Sir J.,B. yarren,s rtugal is, in all probability, me, 1 he chevalier Dc iefe Secretary of Stat to- tf keion board troops ; and on -Saturday the MonSfnouth tailed from j Plymouth' with ;tfce 24th' regtin board ' j; . Ji We yefierilay:"received Paris papers to the 3d inftant, ifSctufive, which contain no in lelligence that is either tmereftipg bnmpor. tant. Not one word is mentioned in them )c J either; Tefpccling- Egypt or Portugal. In e; an ariiciefron: Hauauthe iums which it I on tb , 'be kiJlect in the. Baltic, bur W chance cf .Iigh:ir' was cvr he , prefer jx5vfr.fi- annaturisl idesth in England, v. I his W Eill earned fa mje the Admiral tyj 6w, ever, - nave comp'icu vijiuNH ..iiae Vice-Ad mil a 1 a him; The will now oe Duke o f Port hani, ham. It day, ceived peace Pole is appointed to ?CCttfl from tEel .1. new arrangements in -the minidrt maae jwainout oeiay nd will fiicceed Lord Qa. and be himfelf fucteecled by Mr. B has ! reported, m the courfe cfi tha private intelligence had been 1 fr env France of the Ccnclufion i between that country and PorttM We can only lay, that tne, lacf-is probable. ... '; -j-; ';-'"-11 -J- . ' Two and thirty fbips, laden may be foon cxpeclecf to arrive E a ft . I ndie s , w h e n t he fupp 1 y off that snick will be foabutdatit as even to fet the am of "monopoly at defiance . . ; Jun6 o. 1 . At a late hour laft nioht arrived the Hsa burgh lylail due on Saturday. '4s vvas exv peeled, the intelligence from j Stockholm lhews that tlje famejprbgreis towards' cificaiipn . is now-rnadekwith that as with tie other powers of the- North. The if Swedenllias by a newdiirevoke(fihe:C& which prohibited -iaU Commerce iwith-.lEtig- land. and enioineci that the Engtilh be sd mktcd without mbleftatioh, into the SwcdifiTl harbours. II The jneit Gazette may therefore be peeled tc annbunce he renibval of the em bafgo from the $wedifh vcflels m our dif fereht harbours -- r-.j-' v The Mail - brings nothiag new that is worthy of rredit 'froi Egypt.- Any thing deferving cf j.Otice frjorn' qiher quarters,. have Igiven as follows j: ;'; - "m--y: 5 T 4T E . PAP & '& ! TOCKHOLM Iy 22. By ofderof his aje, fblcwin decree was publifbed - here, .the day oci yellerday VVe,'; Goftavus Adolpbu? mak kiown by thefej prefenrsj ihat. W W-tiitk Induced to break off a' H v-cjnm ciai'i'n of .t!s'B'i?j)gfifh. government and its hoftijir bgainff the Swedifh flag-, 'we.J.MW. hitherto, ..iakdfa-sViorig; as there. Appeared .cj pr&ft&s :,!for change,v faithBUy 3dnf". to that refblution. ftuh de.d npori ch principles, in order that we might UiirM: cbferve: the ensanements entered into, - . on every occahoii, watch over . tne how iver, mow ea.rnjed, that our allies Kc refurned their former commercial . intcrcc-- with1 England at an earHer period, sr.? -commander of the Eriglifh fleet in the tic, having lik'ewife.folemnly decUred, the S wediOi' merchant veflcls 1 fhall V.vt molefted in the : Baltic ar.d ,in the Ca:fg find ourfelves no' longer bound? c!ftcr ilanc'esbeineLhus changed, to Prfevcr foluttbn which at prefent would .j a re 1. , .. . i , ,n.r.fc .tend to impede the navigation ana.cu between us and his Britannic 22aj ell J therefore,! hereby, not' only rcekc t.-P ' -